Posts filed under 'Twitter posts'

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-23

  • Of course, as usual on a Sunday night, I'm catching up on The Bolt Report. Looking forward to see @TheIPA's John Roskam on there shortly. #
  • Wow! Interesting happenings. RT @nat_forrest: A man's been murdered in Red Hill. Detectives have a man in custody being questioned #canberra #
  • @coffeyn Yep I missed it. Busy week at this end. Saw a clip on Bolt Report and will track down the full speech. in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn I thought the ABC24 bit was odd, but one never can be sure with that mob. Thanks for the info about the speech. in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn The video is on @Heritage's website at in reply to coffeyn #
  • Based on the numbers, I think a Liberal Party candidate could have won the Melbourne by-election if one had run. This needs a blog post… #
  • @timwilsoncomau thankfully your team is not playing my Doggies, because the Dees would beat us and then I would have to hate you for a day in reply to timwilsoncomau #
  • @timwilsoncomau and I don't want to have to hate you ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @jeffreys_mike Hi Mike. Thanks for sending out a message about your new Twitter handle. Does this mean you've officially left 2UE? Keep well #
  • Haven't the people of Aurora, Colorado suffered enough without having to endure a visit from Obama? POTUS visits are logistical nightmares. #
  • Congrats to @nat_forrest on being the first person to cover the news of the Red Hill murder. Nice job Nat! #
  • @joemasterson7 @nat_forrest No disrespect intended to the deceased, but this is big news for Canberra & Nat deserves credit for breaking it. in reply to joemasterson7 #

July 23rd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-22

  • How did I miss @TonyAbbottMHR's visit to The @Heritage Foundation last week? Good to see Tony meeting such a great group of people. #

July 22nd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-20

July 20th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-19

  • Some of the neighbours are having a communal barbecue with a social worker who is lecturing them on their salt intake…sounds like fun, not #

July 19th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-18

  • Re the @actgovernment's "don't be a road stat" signs. Every road user is a road stat. Are they suggesting road safety means no road users? #

July 18th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-17

  • Not me… RT @7NewsSydney Australians are spending as much on alcohol as electricity and gas, new study finds #
  • In fact, today marks 23 months since I last consumed alcohol. #
  • Agreed! RT@JedediahBila Dear GOP: If you want to win, take a pass on D.C. consultants who play it safe. Get advice f/ real people with guts. #
  • Agreed! RT@DavidLimbaugh 2x times more people ID as conservative than lib. Time conservatives started acting like it instead of being timid. #
  • Not my favourite band, but I did like them. Sad to see Mr. Lord go RT@theheraldsun: Deep Purple's Jon Lord dies aged 71 #
  • @markparton I believe it's a combination of eating less, and your body working harder to fight the illness. in reply to markparton #
  • Obama's true colours: 'If youโ€™ve got a business — you didnโ€™t build that. Somebody else made that happen' #

July 17th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-16

July 16th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-15

  • It'd be worth the flight, but alas I have to work in Oz. RT @marklevinshow: Join me in NJ for Bark in the Park 11a-3p #
  • Weekend Sunrise, I do hope you're not going to try and blame "extreme weather" on the thoroughly debunked man-made global warming. #sun7 #
  • See this #sun7 RT@wattsupwiththat Newly found weather records show 1930s far worse than the present for extreme weather #
  • Weekend Sunrise, if you're interested in evidence, why did you not mention any if the evidence against man-made climate change? #sun7 #
  • @daniel_prime7 Indeed, go Dogs! I'll be at home listening to Rex Hunt and Peter Donegan calling the match. Have fun at Etihad ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to daniel_prime7 #
  • I have the day off, but probably can't afford the fuel to see him. RT @trentg85 Hon @JoeHockey visiting Albury/Wodonga on Wednesday #
  • @JeremyHansonMLA Y'know what Jeremy? I think you're right…their headline did miss it. in reply to JeremyHansonMLA #
  • @marklevinshow Remember that rant you went on a few weeks ago about bringing back your word "insourcing"? The Annointed One stole it today. #
  • Brit Hume is hosting Fox News Sunday and Bill Kristol is on the panel this week. Good ๐Ÿ™‚ I'll make sure I listen on my way to work. #

July 15th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-14

July 14th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-12

  • Mindless government interference RT @actgovernment: Wood heaters prohibited in Molonglo to keep Canberra's air clear #
  • Um, unemployment went up today Julia. RT @australian: AUSTRALIA'S economic story remained the envy of the world, Julia Gillard said today #
  • Correct! (although "good socialism" is an oxymoron) RT @vexnews: Tony Abbott says carbon tax just bad socialism #auspol #

July 12th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-11

  • It's one of those nights where I check through my messages and realise that I've been really slack about replying. #
  • @coffeyn That would make much more sense. An incentive rather than an edict is generally preferable in this type of case. in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn By the way, I'm planning on burning the next pamphlet I receive from Katy Gallagher, and sending her the video… in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn … With any luck she'll try to ban pamphlet burning, and failing that, she'll try to ban me from filming pamphlet burning. in reply to coffeyn #
  • It's rare, but always a bit of a thrill to be the first to vote in a poll. Today I cast the first vote in @2CC's poll. #
  • @toddstarnes I had wondered the same thing this morning Todd. At first I thought it was an error in the Drudge iPhone app. in reply to toddstarnes #

July 11th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-10

  • The four suspects at large in the "Fast & Furious" shooting death of Border Agent Brian Terry: Obama, Holder, Pelosi, Reid. #
  • @GordonDeal I loved your reaction to Mike's lamp study story on @WSJThisMorning. It gave me a good laugh…I had much the same reaction. #
  • For my dog-living New Jersey friends. July 14 outing RT @marklevinshow: PLEASE JOIN ME FOR WABCโ€™S โ€œBARK-IN-THE-PARKโ€ #
  • @myfortdodge $0.14?? That's about how much I earn per month from Google ads on my blog! What was the legal action for? in reply to myfortdodge #
  • @ashkeenan How many deers have to be on the loose for a traffic alert in your part of the world? More than Brisbane obviously. in reply to ashkeenan #
  • Memo physicists: it's fiction! RT @australian BATMAN would need a parachute to land safely in real life, say physicists #
  • Surprise! Tim Flannery was wrong! RT @weatherzone_met: Murray-Darling's biggest drink in four months: #weatherzone #
  • @larryemdur @kyliegillies You could always endorse the Armenian News on SBS. Better yet, endorse @glennwheeler's endorsements! #
  • @leolaporte CNN is among the worst at many things, not just tech news, hence their rapidly declining ratings. TWIT is far superior ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to leolaporte #
  • @myfortdodge you can't even buy five cent lollies for $0.14…they were 25c each at my high school ten years ago. in reply to myfortdodge #
  • @kyliegillies @larryemdur glad I gave you two a laugh with my Armenian News suggestion ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great day guys. in reply to kyliegillies #
  • Kogan "taxes" IE7 users. Microsoft drops Kogan from Bing results. The more you tax something, the less of it you get. #
  • Oh no. So tasty. So sad. RT @7NewsMelbourne: Chocolate company Darrell Lea has gone into administration after 85 years. More to come. #
  • Two great people to watch RT @gretawire: Here is our entire, unedited "On The Record" interview with Sen. Orrin Hatch #
  • It is ironic that I had to edit @gretawire's tweet about an unedited interview in order to fit my comment in. #
  • Banning wood-fire heating is an overreach of government authority in my opinion. The way the ACT govt bans it in specific suburbs is nuts. #
  • I should clarify, I don't endorse everything which Sen. Orrin Hatch has done, but on balance I think he is great. #
  • Well that's a new one. Spam instructing me to not wear shoes which are too small, and trying to sell me a machine to stretch my shoes. #

July 10th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-09

  • Listening to radio via the TuneIn app on my iPhone so I can delay it by enough to get it in sync with the TV coverage. #
  • The crowd laughed at the Wimbledon announcement "unfortunately we are experiencing showers which pop up suddenly and are extremely local". #
  • Roger Federer is the 2012 Men's Wimbledon champion, defeating Andy Murray 4-6, 7-5, 6-3, 6-4. #
  • There's an interesting notice buried in The Australian today about Telstra shutting down the old 2100MHz 3G network on August 31. #
  • The Telstra notice… #
  • If we ever do progress to a post-newspaper world, what will we do about public notices? What will the new central location of them be? #
  • @DavidSharaz @markparton With all due respect to Mark, I will do almost anything to avoid hearing Anthony Albanese, especially at this hour. in reply to DavidSharaz #
  • @markparton it would surprise me greatly if Anthony knows who I am…but I promise to not avoid your appearances if you ever become an MP ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to markparton #
  • @DavidSharaz I appreciate the warning, and can now tune in to @markparton again. in reply to DavidSharaz #
  • @mrpford Are you about to unleash a scientologist conspiracy on the @radiolivenz listeners Peter? If they know, do they become targets? in reply to mrpford #
  • I saw a cyclist actually dismount and walk their bike across a crossing. I wanted to stand and applaud. #
  • @mrpford @radiolivenz good to hear Peter. in reply to mrpford #

July 9th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-08

  • @caseythehost my pleasure. Hope you had fun ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to caseythehost #
  • Richmond V Fremantle is a rather enjoyable match. I can't see it, but I'm enjoying Rex & Sandy calling it on AFL Live (@talkthetolldown). #
  • Time to move nearly two years worth of audio files off to a portable hard drive. 447GB. No wonder this computer is almost out of disk space. #
  • @DarrenLGiles An @actgovernment unmanned drone is tracking your twitter account as we speak. The plastic bags will be destroyed! in reply to DarrenLGiles #
  • 448GB of audio. At 128kbps that's about 323 days of nonstop radio recordings! #
  • @DarrenLGiles be very thankful that Chief Turnip Stanhope never built Dalek "artworks". Those plastic bags would be facing extermination. in reply to DarrenLGiles #
  • @coffeyn the only reason it "doesn't show them in a positive light" is that some people are too sensitive about guns. in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn apart from that, it was a private photo. If they had sought to distribute it, I might agree, but private photos of legal things… in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn and also not immoral. The photo just doesn't tick any of the "cause for outrage" boxes for me. Maybe I'm missing something? in reply to coffeyn #
  • @DarrenLGiles good idea Darren. Protect the most valuable of the assets. Is this a "divide and conquer" strategy against the ACT Govt? in reply to DarrenLGiles #
  • Freo Heave-ho! Full Time: Fremantle 12.6 (78) defeated Richmond 9.12 (66) so that the 2nd worst song in the comp could be sung! #
  • The worst song is the West Coast Eagles' song. A long and painful loop of "flying high" and "telling us why", without ever doing the latter. #
  • Normally I don't do hashtags, but I can't help myself with this one. #DefineObamaInOneWord Disaster! #
  • @coffeyn I maintain that the photo is fine regardless of their previous actions. I mostly accept your point about Facebook though. in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn although people should respect their relationships on Facebook, public figures should be more wary. On that point, I concede. in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn and FYI, I'd agree that the previous indiscretions are relevant if the previous indiscretions had involved weapons. in reply to coffeyn #
  • I think I've demonstrated clearly today that 140 characters just isn't enough to contain me. #
  • Massive comeback by Essendon in the final quarter. Sydney led by 47 at three quarter time, and hung on (just) to win by 4 points, 86 to 82. #
  • @markparton my new HP certainly runs better than my 5-year-old Dell, although all laptops have odd quirks, especially when used for media. in reply to markparton #
  • RIP Chris Stanley. My condolences to Chris' family and his colleagues at @foxnewsradio. Another golden voice gone to the radio in the sky. #
  • Nine to launch competitor to Seven's Fango. They should call it NineGo! Details at @aus_media's (subscription required) #
  • David Axelrod is clearly an idiot. His defence of the poor US private sector job numbers is "it's doing better than the public sector". WTF? #
  • Rolf Harris is on the Queen's Birthday honours list. Might be an appropriate time to make him my Musician Of The Week. #
  • @coffeyn Agree about 6 White Boomers. I also quite like Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport and Jake The Peg, but I'm using a different song shortly in reply to coffeyn #
  • @coffeyn I haven't heard him reciting poetry, but I can imagine that it would be memorable. I grew up listening to Leonard Teale in reply to coffeyn #
  • Well, they are almost the same paper anyway. RT @nicchristensen Fairfax mulls "one newsroom" for The SMH and The Age #
  • I'm pretty sure that I saw a Canberran of reasonably high profile cut across traffic and mount a median strip to perform an illegal u-turn. #
  • The incident happened in Mitchell, but I'm sorry, no names as I don't have proof. #
  • @Jez_1985 I'd love to tell you who it was, but I can't prove it, and I don't really feel like receiving a lawsuit from them today. Sorry. in reply to Jez_1985 #
  • @Jez_1985 If I see them do it again though, then I'll gladly "name and shame". in reply to Jez_1985 #
  • @markparton CCs is always an appropriate food for people in your workplace. Sales should contact the manufacturer and sell them sponsorship. in reply to markparton #
  • @DavidLimbaugh WNYM-AM New York (not full show though). KTIE-AM carry the full show. Not sure about Wunderadio, but TuneIn carry them. in reply to DavidLimbaugh #
  • @DavidLimbaugh Glad to have helped David ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep up the good work. in reply to DavidLimbaugh #
  • Carbon Tax? MT @PRIME7CanNews: Power prices for Country Energy customers will soar by ~$427 pa from July. Gas bills also by about $142. #
  • Carbon Tax? MT @7NewsSydney: Retail gas prices will also increase by 9% to 15% across NSW…โ€ #
  • He also correctly says "it's normal" MT @theheraldsun: Mining boom not to blame for multi-speed economy: Glenn Stevens #
  • And yet, we're getting a mining tax because the government thinks the miners unfairly gain from mining. A tax to fix a non-existent problem. #
  • I just had an interesting chat with Brendan Smyth. It's been years since we last spoke, but he remembered me in detail. Always a good sign. #
  • Honey on toast. Sometimes the simplest foods are the tastiest ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • @morrison954 No surprise at all Jason…I can foresee a document dump to the preferred media outlets weeks before the next election. in reply to morrison954 #
  • I urge the same thing. Please keep urging it @barryofarrell RT @theheraldsun: Scrap the carbon tax, O'Farrell urges #
  • Good news for fans of The Game Plan ( @NRLgameplan), @BulldogRitchie reports it moves to Channel Ten next week. I smell an NRL rights bid. in reply to BulldogRitchie #
  • Interesting, but is Fairfax salvageable? โ€œ@aus_media: Breaking: Gina Rinehart tipped to be building Fairfax stake –โ€ #
  • No surprise. I barely watch Insiders now that Bolt has his own show. RT @mirandadevine: Bolt Report beats Insiders #
  • RT @SCrawf9: What other entertainment should the AFL have apart from singers at grand final? #keepsuggestionscoming #lovingfeedback #
  • @SCrawf9 I'd like to see an annual goal kicking competition where former premiership players compete for a trophy, and maybe for charity? in reply to SCrawf9 #
  • Half time Bulldogs 22 to Dragons 6, which makes me happy, while up in Queensland it's nil all between the Broncos and Cowboys. #
  • Cowboys win at home, 12 – 0 over the Broncos, after a scoreless first half. #
  • Congratulations @NRL_Bulldogs on your 28-20 victory over the Dragons. Commiserations to my Dragons-supporter friends. #
  • Traffic lights flashing amber at the intersection of Monaro Highway, Pialligo Avenue, and Morshead Drive. @ACTPol_Traffic #canberra #
  • Congratulations to the @westernbulldogs on the 13.17 (95) to 8.9 (57) victory over Port Adelaide. A good tribute to Charlie Sutton. #
  • @SENfooty @talkthetolldown really enjoyed the call of Dogs V Port. Saw Harf in the rooms on TV after the match…he must be about my height. #
  • The episode of Are You Being Served (Diamonds Are A Man's Best Friend) on 7two at the moment is the first episode I saw as a child. #
  • This Dogs fan is delighted! RT @NRLgameplan & @AdamHawse: Roosters shock. I'm hearing Sam Perrett is joining Canterbury immediately #
  • We already have "marriage equality" in Australia. All men have the right to marry women. All women have the right to marry men. Equality! #
  • Few things in life make my blood boil more than the arrival of pamphlets touting Katy Gallagher's "achievements" in my post office box. #
  • What am I to make of a dream where I was placed in a psych ward and an induced coma for refusing to pay triple the parking fee in a carpark? #
  • I will give the NSW RMS (formerly RTA) credit for something. Their system might be overly bureaucratic, but the staff are friendly. #
  • Very excited to see @NRLgameplan on its new home of Channel Ten tonight at 8:30. Hopefully this is the start of very big ratings for them. #
  • @2GBAndrewMoore Good luck Andrew. I'll be watching…how fortunate that your move to Ten is on a night that I'm not working ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to 2GBAndrewMoore #
  • The ABC is celebrating its 80th birthday. An apt birthday present would be privatisation so that it could be truly independent. #
  • Only in Dickson could I be eating lunch while a child at the next table stares and chants at me. Hypnotising me to steal my food? #
  • Way to go Barry! ๐Ÿ™‚ RT โ€œ@nswirrigators: "Tell the Feds they can get stuffed". A powerful message to #basinplan rally from @barryofarrell #
  • If only @barryofarrell would tell the striking teachers to get stuffed as well. The school changes are for the benefit of the kids, not them #
  • Gina Rinehart has attacked Fairfax's support of the Earth Hour nonsense as reducing impartiality. She is right. Now she should fix it. #
  • More people have drowned on another illegal boat. Time for Gillard and co. To adopt Howard's Pacific Solution policies before more die. #
  • Adopt Pacific Solution @JuliaGillard you need all the support you can get so why not adopt proven method & claim credit for stopping boats? #
  • They were too busy delivering to kids out of school. MT @FranksterAV They did get stuffed but pizza hut couldn't deliver today… #
  • Late in the day in Dickson #
  • La Roux – Bulletproof. A great piece of music which the great @seanhannity used as bumper music on his radio show today #
  • @Jez_1985 Federal Labor are desperate to avoid appearing to agree with the opposition on anything, no matter the consequences. in reply to Jez_1985 #
  • Hear hear! RT @Jez_1985 A real solution would have been voting for the Coalition's amendments and ACTUALLY ACHIEVING something from today. #
  • It seems I'm eternally finding links to The Bill. The singer in La Roux, Elly Jackson, is the daughter of Trudie Goodwin (Sgt. Ackland) #
  • Ross Greenwood (@MoneyNewsShow) reports that another boat has been stopped NW of Xmas Island. This is beyond a joke. PACIFIC SOLUTION NOW! #
  • @GL3NN0 @MoneyNewsShow A "get in while they still can" approach? The people smugglers are resourceful, I'll give 'em that. in reply to GL3NN0 #
  • Sure, it's the private sector! RT @IngrahamAngle @MicheleBachmann: I trust Romney will have a good alternative to ObamaCare if it's repealed #
  • Starting to wonder why I'm still awake at 12:43am when I should be up at 5:30am. #
  • Looks like I'm going to have to catch up on Laura Ingraham's interview of Michele Bachmann in the morning. The tweeted extracts sound good. #
  • @GL3NN0 @MoneyNewsShow I agree that Immigration & DFAT need to do most of the work. First, we need to stem the tide so they have time for it in reply to GL3NN0 #
  • @Samuel_SGS @GL3NN0 @MoneyNewsShow at the moment, too many resources are being wasted on the work of smugglers. Real refugees are suffering. in reply to Samuel_SGS #
  • @GL3NN0 @MoneyNewsShow Good night Glenn ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to GL3NN0 #
  • And it's good night from me. As a shift worker, I feel silly wishing good sleep to people as it's overly presumptuous. I'm overthinking this #
  • An ad on @Radio2UE at 6:55 claimed that more trees = less crime. Utter claptrap! Lots of trees, crime in Sydney. Thoughts @morrison954? #
  • V/ sad to learn of the bushfire which has swept through Colorado Springs. The place is special to me as a Stargate fan. #
  • Strike down the individual mandate RT @marklevinshow: Vote now: How will the Supreme Court rule in the Obamacare case? #
  • @marklevinshow striking down the individual mandate will effectively kill ObamaCare, although it'd be better if the whole law is killed off. in reply to marklevinshow #
  • A good morning read. RT @barryofarrell: Maralyn Parker blows the whistle on teachers union lies & misinformation #
  • In case you missed this excellent interview (as I did), Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) interviewing @MicheleBachmann #
  • @seanhannity I love your radio show dearly, but your callers raise my blood pressure greatly. #lnyhbt #
  • Absolutely Dan. There's nothing quite as wonderful is there? RT @DanGinnane God love live radio #
  • Sorry, I've been up since early this morning and can't stay up for @NRLgameplan live on Ten. I'll catch up on the Ten website tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚ #
  • My thoughts on the Supreme Court Of The United States' (SCOTUS) decision on ObamaCare. At its most basic, the ruling was wrong. Continued… #
  • 1. SCOTUS was right that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, but was wrong to declare it to be a tax and therefore constitutional. #
  • 1. Continued. This is wrong because SCOTUS does not make laws or decide how to rephrase them so as to be legal. That's the job of Congress. #
  • 1. Still continued. Govt officials said individual mandate was not a tax. Therefore it was unconstitutional and that should have been it. #
  • 3. Given that SCOTUS is now redefining bits of legislation, @marklevinshow is right. America is now post-constitutional. God help them. #
  • 2. Continued. However, this means ObamaCare is a tax increase, which violates one of Obama's promises (and not for the first time). #
  • 2. Given that SCOTUS has reclassified mandate as a tax, the ruling on legitimacy of taxes is technically accurate. #
  • Terrifying figures RT @Barnaby_Joyce: End the financial year at $233.9 bn gross debt. $42.7 bn of borrowing over past year. $820 mn per week #
  • Sorry that those tweets were posted out of order. I was in a 3G data black spot and the phone did its best. Good thing they were numbered! #
  • "Coalition (Nauru only)", which currently has 60% of the vote. MT @TodayTonight: Whose refugee policies do you support? #
  • @champy Twitter must have known I was planning on writing to you c/o ABC Sydney to see how you are, as it suggested I follow you yesterday. #
  • He's been "on the outer" since they moved him off the couch. RT @RobbiejWood BREAKING: Andrew Rochford dumped from Ch 10's Breakfast Program #
  • @markparton they're playing well, not treating it as an easy win. I'm listening to @timgossage and Darren Gaspar call it on AFL Live. in reply to markparton #
  • Saturday night footy doesn't get any better than this! Peter Donegan, Peter Daicos and Terry Wallace on AFL Live @talkthetolldown. Go Dogs! #
  • Utterly disappointing loss @westernbulldogs RT @talkthetolldown: Full time and the Bombers have won by 84 points. 21.14.140 to 8.8.56. #
  • I hate to say it, but I fear @thelistmanager is right, this is the worst @westernbulldogs squad in years. One more win though, pretty please #
  • RT @AlwaysACowboy: Terry McCrann: carbon tax โ€œdirect impact, as a tax, is the broad equivalent of increasing the GST by 20 per cent or soโ€. #
  • Full Terry McRann column online at (subscription required). #
  • A diplomatic car nearly ran me off the road, then followed me menacingly turn-for-turn for about 15-20km until I flagged down a police car. #
  • Tellingly, as soon as I flagged down the cops, the diplomatic car fled in the direction from whence we came. #
  • @coffeyn indeed, but at least they didn't stick around to test it. in reply to coffeyn #
  • Ahhh winter in Canberra. An hour ago it was 10 degrees; now it's six. 2:40pm and it's time to turn the heater on. We need global warming! #
  • In temperatures like Canberra is seeing today, the fridge's job is to prevent food from freezing, and to hide food from the dogs. #
  • @trentg85 yep, and I did once go as far as finding someone's address on the electoral roll when other forms of communication failed. in reply to trentg85 #
  • I wonder if they're eligible for carbon tax compensation? RT @theheraldsun: Asylum boat carrying 53 people intercepted #
  • According @9NewsOnline Sydney's live captions, "in the wrong hands, rail detonators can be dead leaves". Why not pre-caption packages Nine? #
  • @larryemdur what if you were married to @kyliegillies? How long would it take for you to pay off the mortgage then? in reply to larryemdur #
  • AFL ladder statistic: all of the teams with airborne mascots are atop the ladder. Magpies, Swans, Eagles, Bombers, Crows and Hawks. #
  • AFL ladder tidbit: If you consider Brisbane to be the Lions and the Bears, then 11th and 12th is Tigers and Lions and Bears! #
  • Couldn't have said it better myself RT @michael_J9zero: RT @LaborFAIL: @TonyAbbottMHR GO TONY – you are doing an excellent job. #asktony #
  • @TripleM_NRL what happened to the stream on the NRL website? I nearly died inside when it went away…then I found your stream ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to TripleM_NRL #
  • I won too, but not the one or the million. MT @PRIME7CanNews: A Canberra man is set for life after he won $1.25 million from TattsLotto. #
  • @coffeyn True. 1.25 mil would allow me to get rid of existing debts and ease future burdens, but I couldn't live off it for life. in reply to coffeyn #
  • I'm tipping interest rates will go down today, to partially compensate for Carbon Tax Fear, and to shift media focus from the tax to banks. #
  • Interest rates unchanged. I'm not sure that the economic data supports that decision. They'll be down next month as a matter of urgency. #
  • I saw two great men on Air Crash Investigations tonight. The late President Ronald Reagan, and the most honourable Colonel Oliver North. #
  • We're a day ahead over here, but I can't wait any longer. To all of my American friends, Happy Independence Day! #
  • @VentraIP I knew you'd get complaints about the paywall despite it being out of your control. No complaints from me; I subscribed yonks ago. in reply to VentraIP #
  • Why do people complain about paywalls on online news sites, but not about paying for newspapers? Quality journalism costs money to produce. #
  • RT @hughriminton Parliament security threatened to seize tapes after @PaulBongiorno asked public their view of pollie payrises. What a joke! #
  • @hughriminton @sspencer_63 @hamishnews @paulbongiorno It was ridiculous of Parly Security to even contemplate seizure. Glad they backed down in reply to hughriminton #
  • @TheIPA Did you hear that Parliamentary security tried to seize Ten's tapes of voxpop on MP payrise today? Check @hughriminton's tweets… #
  • @TheIPA @hughriminton it's a clear attempt to censor freedom of speech, hence why I think you'd be interested. #
  • @TheIPA @hughriminton My pleasure ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm just glad Ten eventually got to keep the tapes. in reply to TheIPA #
  • @daniel_prime7 if you take a map of Melbourne with you and draw smiling suns all over it, that should guarantee good weather. in reply to daniel_prime7 #
  • @chrissmithradio Ken Sutcliffe has more than a passing resemblance to you Smithy when he wears his glasses. #
  • @Telstra About the changes to Mobile Foxtel, I can't see Fox News Channel listed on the channel list any more. Is it still included? #
  • @Telstra Thanks Scott, that's good news. It might be worth clarifying the changes on the website as it's not very clear. in reply to Telstra #
  • @Telstra Also the call centre were completely unaware of any changes to Mobile Foxtel…I had to give them the link. But thanks for the info in reply to Telstra #
  • What does @prime7 Possum think? RT @7NewsMelbourne: Could birth control redress the city's possum population problem? #
  • I think the world is ending as regular @Radio2UE & @2GB873 overnight caller Cedric said something which made sense AND I agreed with. #
  • The coverage on AFL Live @talkthetolldown does sound like naughty little school boys, but that's why it's great! #
  • I received some spam today informing me that I am receiving an award "from ICC". So, International Cricket Council or Criminal Court? #
  • Masters Home Improvement advertising signs are up at Etihad Stadium. Does this mean one of their stores is open? Or is it just more hype? #
  • Serena Williams is the 2012 Women's Wimbledon Champion, defeating Agnieszka Radwanska 6-1, 5-7, 6-2. #
  • I can't touch type, (my fingers don't work independently enough) but with a typing speed of ~78 wpm, I don't see how it matters. #

July 8th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-06-08

  • I can't believe the flap over Nick D'Arcy posing with some guns in a US gun shop. He did nothing wrong! Guns are legal over there. #
  • If and when I get over to the States, I hope to have a similar photo. #
  • I should note that I don't think Nick D'Arcy should be in the Olympic team, but that's due to his previous record. The photo is irrelevant. #
  • I hope they're doing a show together. RT @toddstarnes: About to go hang out with the greatest of Americans — @seanhannity #
  • The enthusiasm gap at work MT @NewYorkPost: Romney, Republicans raise more money than Obama, Dems with $76.8M May haul #
  • My wish just came true ๐Ÿ™‚ RT @toddstarnes: I'll be on a special edition of Hannity tomorrow night! Should be a fun show! #
  • My good friend @caseythehost will be filling in for Jason Lewis on his national show in about an hour. Listen live at #
  • Until this week I had never seen a horse wearing lycra. How did they manage to get Black Caviar to stay still for long enough to be dressed? #

June 8th, 2012 at 09:00pm

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