Twitter Updates for 2012-06-08
June 8th, 2012 at 09:00pm
- I can't believe the flap over Nick D'Arcy posing with some guns in a US gun shop. He did nothing wrong! Guns are legal over there. #
- If and when I get over to the States, I hope to have a similar photo. #
- I should note that I don't think Nick D'Arcy should be in the Olympic team, but that's due to his previous record. The photo is irrelevant. #
- I hope they're doing a show together. RT @toddstarnes: About to go hang out with the greatest of Americans — @seanhannity #
- The enthusiasm gap at work MT @NewYorkPost: Romney, Republicans raise more money than Obama, Dems with $76.8M May haul #
- My wish just came true 🙂 RT @toddstarnes: I'll be on a special edition of Hannity tomorrow night! Should be a fun show! #
- My good friend @caseythehost will be filling in for Jason Lewis on his national show in about an hour. Listen live at #
- Until this week I had never seen a horse wearing lycra. How did they manage to get Black Caviar to stay still for long enough to be dressed? #
Entry Filed under: Twitter posts