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Radio movements and updates in Young, Deniliquin and Indiana

June 8th, 2012 at 06:34am

Towards the end of April I brought you some news about some radio movements in the New South Wales towns of Young and Deniliquin, namely that Rob Harrington had moved from 2LF in Young to 2QN in Deniliquin, replacing Graham Munson as 2QN’s journalist. 2LF had not sought a replacement for Rob at that time and their breakfast host, Neil Langford, was covering news duties.

At the time, I promised to bring you updates when they came to hand. Well, I’m pleased to say that they have.

Graham Munson has taken a bit of a sideways step away from radio in to the land of politics and PR. Graham has joined federal MP for Murray Sharman Stone‘s media team and can often be found in Canberra these days. Sharman Stone’s electorate of Murray covers an area of northern Victoria centered around Shepparton and Echuca.
(This post has been updated. Originally it noted that Graham was working for Sussan Ley, the MP whose area covers Deniliquin. This was incorrect and was based on some slightly confused information received from a person who confused the two politicians).

Over in Young, 2LF have finally posted a job advertisement. They want a journalist, and I’m sure they’ll get plenty of applications. I, personally, can’t justify the pay cut which the job would entail at this point in time and will not be applying.

Meanwhile, over in Indiana, it’s not so much of a movement as it is a congratulations. Casey Hendrickson, host of Michiana’s Morning News on News/Talk 95.3 MNC in South Bend, has finally found his way on to the national stage. Casey will be filling in for Jason Lewis today on his nationally syndicated radio program on 52 radio stations between 6pm and 9pm US Eastern Time (8am to 11am Canberra time), one of which is Casey’s own station.

I clearly remember predicting back in either 2009 or 2010 (I think it was the latter) that it wouldn’t be long until Casey found himself filling-in for a national host. At the time I expected it to be Mark Levin who airs at the same time as Jason Lewis, however that turned out to not be correct as Casey didn’t stay on a station which airs the Mark Levin show. Still, at least I got the timeslot right.

Congratulations and good luck Casey! I’m sure the nation will enjoy your work.


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