Posts filed under 'Twitter posts'

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-09

August 9th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-09

August 9th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-08

August 8th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-06

  • Departing for Sydney! #
  • A sure fire sign you're in Sydney. Some guy waving a "$29 cheap parking" sign nearly hits you in the head with it and doesn't notice. #
  • I've finally figured out where I need to be in Sydney. Now to fill time by figuring out if @glennwheeler is in Martin Place today. #
  • An extract of the speech which Tony Abbott will deliver in about an hour #
  • The only Kerr that springs to mind is 2UE's John. I hope it's not. RT @theheraldsun: Kerr nude shots leak onto the web #
  • I might be wrong, but I think former radio host Michael Smith is two rows in front of me. #
  • There's a good turnout to see @TonyAbbottMHR, and plenty of media too, which is impressive considering so much of our press is in London. #
  • Hooray for sanity! RT @PRIME7CanNews: The ACT Opposition says they'll scrap the plastic bag ban.. if elected in October. #prime7news #
  • Could this mean Palin is VP candidate? RT @toddstarnes: RNC speakers: Haley, Huckabee, Kasich, Martinez, Scott, Rice, McCain. No Palin. #
  • To whomever it was that called me from a blocked number a few minutes ago. Please try again as I received no audio. #
  • @STU_GBP or someone who looks just like him is sitting a few metres from me. Alas, as I'm in Sydney, I suspect the latter. #
  • Why is Colin Lane's cooking game show called "Ready Steady Cook"? I'd go with "Colinary Cuisine" or "Cooking In The Fast Lane". #
  • @therealsteavis Good luck! I'd offer you a lift but I'm in the CBD and my knowledge of Sydney is tenuous at best…just like some cabbies… in reply to therealsteavis #
  • @therealsteavis haha, now that's what I call looking at the bright side of things 🙂 in reply to therealsteavis #
  • 7 vehicle accident Hume Hwy southbound at Narellan Rd. Very heavy delays. The traffic really hates me this week. #
  • Back home, at last. I haven't slept for 30 hours so it's probably a good time for a nap. #

4 comments August 6th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-05

  • Ricky Stuart has stood down as NSW Origin coach. It was bound to happen. No sane club would let their coach have split focus for two months. #
  • In about twelve hours from now, I'll be leaving for Sydney and @TonyAbbottMHR's address to @TheIPA on freedom of speech. #
  • @talkthetolldown I hope @Rex_Hunt gets better soon, but in his absence it is a pleasure to have an extra afternoon of @SandyARoberts7. #
  • I think I've found some cheap parking in the Sydney CBD, but I'll have to leave Canberra long before the sun comes up if I'm to get a space. #
  • The word of the day comes from @SandyARoberts7 on AFL Live @talkthetolldown. Disconsolate: Without consolation or comfort. #

August 5th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-04

  • It's always interesting taking the iPhone out of "airplane mode" and finding one's self immediately besieged by queued push notifications. #

August 4th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-03

  • I just spotted Mike Frame on the TV in an ACTTAB ad. The last time I saw him on TV was for Shoprite Good to see him! #
  • "No mishaps required" — Gordon Bray calling the rowing on 2GB. He's given me a chuckle every day so far. #
  • @bipolarvoice So, are you saying that because he is saying something which is not applicable to 100% of people with a mental health in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice condition, he shouldn't say it at all, even if it applies to some people? I'm not going to advocate that people stop taking in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice medications without appropriate advice, and I don't think Seth Farber is saying that either. Rather I think his message is in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice that for some people, the conventional medical wisdom may not be the only approach, and some people will have success with in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice other approaches. I accept that much of the psychiatric community would frown on his approach, but I don't see it as being in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice any different to the common approach of trying counselling instead of, or in conjunction with, a pharmaceutical solution. in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice My experience (note that I had not heard of Seth Farber at the time…so my experience was not influenced by him) was that in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice medication made my condition MUCH worse. Admittedly the medical professionals I was working with seemed to show little in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice interest in this fact, and different doctors may have found a better combination of drugs. What I found though, and perhaps in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice I was lucky enough to be lucid enough to make these observations in conjunction with my (non-doctor) support network, was in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice that talking with people, and accepting a spiritual element to my condition, helped me to understand it and gain enough in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice control over it to return to being a functional member of society without the need for drugs. I repeat that I'm not advocating in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice that everyone follow my approach, as it won't work for a lot of people, but for some, finding a non-pharmaceutical way to in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice understand and control their condition can be a helpful approach, even if it's just for a little bit of added confidence that in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice they can cope. I don't reject the medical community. I just respect the approach of "find what works for you". in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice FYI, if someone doesn't have a support network, then I wouldn't even suggest a non-medical approach, but if they have people in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice around them, then I think trying approaches with the help of the support network is helpful. in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • RT @glennwheeler: good to see Wayne Swan displays the same arrogance in person as he does as treasurer as he departed Adelaide this morning. #
  • @glennwheeler At least Wayne Swan is consistently arrogant. A bit like economics…consistently wrong and befuddled. in reply to glennwheeler #
  • Traffic at a standstill Federal Hwy in to Canberra. Backed up beyond Majura Rd. @ACTPol_Traffic @2CC @PRIME7CanNews #canberra #
  • RT @2CC: Police executing a drug warrant on a vehicle on the Federal Highway. Southbound traffic at a standstill” #
  • Odd. Fire Brigade leaving Federal Highway scene. Not so sure about it being a drug bust…traffic still stopped heading in to Canberra #
  • Definite confirmation of drug bust now. #
  • RT @PRIME7CanNews: Witnesses say police yelled & pulled out rifles as they searched a car for drugs on the Federal Highway this afternoon. #
  • Still sitting still here, but they reckon… RT @ACTPol_Traffic: Federal HWY lane 2 Southbound now open. #
  • More police arriving at Federal Hwy drug bust. Traffic still at a standstill. #
  • And don't bother trying to do a u-turn and head back down to Majura Rd the wrong way…police will send you back to the Federal Hwy queue. #
  • Starting to move now. Still very heavy on Fed Hwy southbound. Avoid if possible. Use Majura Rd. #
  • @nat_forrest Hey Nat, just sent some footage your way from Fed Hwy in case you want it. Should be there now if my phone did it's job 🙂 #
  • And now that I'm home, the phone is being turned off! #

August 3rd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-02

  • @bipolarvoice Well that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. As someone who's been through it, I think he has a point in some cases. in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice For the record, I don't agree with all of Seth Farber's theories. What I know for sure is that spirituality and religious … in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice … beliefs did more to keep me alive than the medical profession. That could say something about Canberra's health system. in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • @bipolarvoice I certainly don't deny that psychiatrists and psychologists have an important role. I just believe in other options too. in reply to bipolarvoice #
  • RT @timwilsoncomau: The NBN is good for collecting government subsidies, stealing IP of artists and using YouTube: #
  • @timwilsoncomau I'm waiting for some group to realise that pornographic downloads might be faster, and reignite the filter debate. in reply to timwilsoncomau #
  • @timwilsoncomau After all, it's somewhat easier to run a filter when a government wholesaler provides the nation's Internet access. in reply to timwilsoncomau #
  • -6.6 about half an hour ago. I'm giving in and going to bed with the electric blanket. I'll get up later when the temperature is above zero. #
  • I loved the way a @foxnewsradio anchor introduced this: "I never thought I'd use these two words in the same sentence: Badminton…Scandal". #

August 2nd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-01

August 1st, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-31

  • Kookaburras defeat South Africa 6-0 in Olympic hockey. Great call by Gordon Bray on @2GB873's Olympic coverage. #
  • And Matthew Hill from Sky Racing doing a stellar job calling the tennis. Fantastic Olympic coverage on @2GB873. Well done! #
  • There's definitely a career in Boxing commentary for Ray Hadley if he wants it. Fox Main Event, are you listening? #

July 31st, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-30

  • It looks like Ten Breakfast might quietly disappear while everyone is focussed on the Olympics. "Urgent staff meeting" scheduled for 10am. #
  • @coffeyn I hope Ten Breakfast stays as well. I'll be disappointed if it's axed. in reply to coffeyn #
  • The good news is @tenbreakfast was not axed. It has been shortened though. The Circle was axed…no great loss there. #
  • Unfortunately my dream of having a PG rated Paul Henry commentary hour after 9am has not been realised. @tenbreakfast #
  • @tenbreakfast A thought to boost ratings. When Bolt is away, have Paul guest host Bolt Report. That's a new viewer base for you. #

July 30th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-27

  • Alas this afternoon is not turning out to be as favourable for the return of emails as one had hoped. Tomorrow should be better. #

July 27th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-26

  • 6am is a good time for a nap, especially when I can hear the rain on the tin roof. #

July 26th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-25

  • Does anybody know if Australia Post will accept a request that no Labor or Greens pamphlets, letters, etc are placed in my PO Box? #
  • @auspost Thanks for the reply. It's a shame because apart from anything else it's a waste of paper, but I understand your hands are tied. in reply to auspost #
  • @scottythorpe Sorry Scott, no I haven't heard from Mike. in reply to scottythorpe #

July 25th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-24

  • @TheIPA I received a "Dear Correspondent" reply to my submission to the Press Freedom campaign today. The government seem to not care. #
  • I've booked to see @TonyAbbottMHR address @TheIPA on Freedom Of Speech in Sydney on August 6. You can too at #
  • @AFL The broadcast guide for this week lists Southern Cross as the FTA TV broadcaster in Regional VIC on Sunday. Pretty sure that's wrong. #
  • @AFL No worries 🙂 in reply to AFL #

July 24th, 2012 at 09:00pm

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