Tony Abbott vows to repeal section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act Twitter Updates for 2012-08-08

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-06

August 6th, 2012 at 09:00pm

  • Departing for Sydney! #
  • A sure fire sign you're in Sydney. Some guy waving a "$29 cheap parking" sign nearly hits you in the head with it and doesn't notice. #
  • I've finally figured out where I need to be in Sydney. Now to fill time by figuring out if @glennwheeler is in Martin Place today. #
  • An extract of the speech which Tony Abbott will deliver in about an hour #
  • The only Kerr that springs to mind is 2UE's John. I hope it's not. RT @theheraldsun: Kerr nude shots leak onto the web #
  • I might be wrong, but I think former radio host Michael Smith is two rows in front of me. #
  • There's a good turnout to see @TonyAbbottMHR, and plenty of media too, which is impressive considering so much of our press is in London. #
  • Hooray for sanity! RT @PRIME7CanNews: The ACT Opposition says they'll scrap the plastic bag ban.. if elected in October. #prime7news #
  • Could this mean Palin is VP candidate? RT @toddstarnes: RNC speakers: Haley, Huckabee, Kasich, Martinez, Scott, Rice, McCain. No Palin. #
  • To whomever it was that called me from a blocked number a few minutes ago. Please try again as I received no audio. #
  • @STU_GBP or someone who looks just like him is sitting a few metres from me. Alas, as I'm in Sydney, I suspect the latter. #
  • Why is Colin Lane's cooking game show called "Ready Steady Cook"? I'd go with "Colinary Cuisine" or "Cooking In The Fast Lane". #
  • @therealsteavis Good luck! I'd offer you a lift but I'm in the CBD and my knowledge of Sydney is tenuous at best…just like some cabbies… in reply to therealsteavis #
  • @therealsteavis haha, now that's what I call looking at the bright side of things 🙂 in reply to therealsteavis #
  • 7 vehicle accident Hume Hwy southbound at Narellan Rd. Very heavy delays. The traffic really hates me this week. #
  • Back home, at last. I haven't slept for 30 hours so it's probably a good time for a nap. #

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  • 1. nbrettoner  |  August 6th, 2012 at 9:58 pm

    Welcome home Samuel.
    My turn to be in Sydney tomorrow week.
    But will try to keep to the Hills region; north-west & Dural. 🙂
    Down for around 5 days at a conference so no time to go visiting (plus getting a lift down, so no ‘wheels’ of my own.)
    Did you see Paul Dix was finally recognised for his incredible long-time service to the Deni community & region?.
    Are you likely to be going back for any fill-in work Samuel?.

    All the best,
    Noel B.

  • 2. Samuel  |  August 7th, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    Hi Noel,

    Well at least you won’t have to worry about parking. I had to wait until 3:30pm to leave or face an extra $50 in parking fees yesterday. I waited, and got caught in traffic for my trouble, not that it mattered too much as the 50 minute wait was as refreshing as a nap.

    I did see something briefly about Dixie, but not the full story. What happened Noel?

    I think it is most unlikely that I’ll be going back to Deni for work any time soon. Some things have changed over there unfortunately.

  • 3. nbrettoner  |  August 7th, 2012 at 10:40 pm

    Hi Samuel,
    Sorry but the article on Dixie I deleted. It wasn’t long, & just basically was a write-up on his long-term radio work, & mention of his impact/involvement (my words) on the community.
    Sorry to read of changes in Deni that preclude (? not sure if this is right word) your return. I’m sure several people would like it if you could go back in the future.
    It’s interesting how when doors are shut, sometime down the track they often open again.
    All the very best. I hope to head your way sometime next year on another Deni sojourn. 🙂

  • 4. Samuel  |  August 8th, 2012 at 12:10 am

    I think I saw some of that article actually. A friend posted a photo of most of it to Facebook.

    It will be good to see you again if you come through Canberra.


August 2012

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