Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Dreams'

Nattie Daycare

I worry about my subconcious sometimes, it really does produce the most absurd dreams.

A few nights ago I had a dream that I had to pick up a former work colleague’s child from a daycare centre in West Civic. So I made my way over towards the location of the Rydges Hotel, which for some reason had moved a few blocks to be near the Botanical Gardens, just next door was a building which looked a little bit like my pre-school, just smaller, but with a large balcony. Next to, and behind this building was a fenced off shadecloth covered area where children were running around playing various games and entertaining themselves.

I walked to the front door of the daycare centre which was open, and proceeded to walk over to the desk in the middle of the room where a small figure with a large round hat was sitting. On closer inspection, the small figure was Nattie, however I didn’t recognise her and treated her as I would any human in charge of a daycare centre. Nattie, walking on hind legs, wearing a dress and speaking a muffled canine sort of english took me over to the child which I then took back to the other side of Civic to the workplace of my former-work colleague (never mind that their workplace is in Belconnen).

I then went home and took Nattie (who was back in dog mode) for a walk, apparently not noticing that there were two different Natties in town.


4 comments December 12th, 2006 at 06:51am

The Kiss Of Death

I had a strange dream last night…I went into the local TAB to pick up a copy of the Herald Sun newspaper so that I could get the form guide for the Cox Plate. When I went to the counter to pay for the newspaper, and for one reason or another pick up a balloon with a picture of a horse on it, I recognised the person behind the counter…it was John Stanley’s reverse tipster, the anonymous Kiss Of Death. I asked him why he was working at the TAB and he told me that he had a really large debt with them from last weeks tips and he was working it off.

If that dream proves anything…it’s probably that I get to listen to the radio at work just a wee bit too much!


October 27th, 2006 at 02:36pm

John B1_B5 Disappointed That I Wasn’t In Erindale On Saturday…In My Dreams

This is the second dream that I had on Saturday night…it did not actually happen, and I want to make that perfectly clear before anybody thinks it did.

This dream was very short, it consisted of me receiving an email from John B1_B5 where he informs me that he is very disappointed that I wasn’t in attendance at the Erindale Shopping Centre on Saturday when 2CC’s Mike Frame, Vicky Berry and others ran an outside broadcast as part of the grand opening celebrations of a new newsagency (I don’t remember the name). I then replied, and we were both talking to each other again.

I think the dream was a combination of events from Saturday…firstly a phone call from an informant who was at the outside broadcast and was surprised that I wasn’t…and secondly a brief discussion I had with Clayton Northcutt after recording an interview with him for Samuel’s Persiflage on Saturday night.


4 comments October 23rd, 2006 at 02:20pm

Back Seat Driver

I sometimes wonder why dreams put us in such strange situations and yet we accept them as being perfectly normal within the dream, in some ways it is as if we are actors, but are closer to being the character than the actor, as we have no idea that we are acting, and are completely immersed in the scene.

Saturday night brought me two interesting dreams, this is the first one, I will post the other one later today (at least I think this is the first one, I can never quite be sure what order they occur in).

In this dream I was in a car travelling south on the Tuggeranong Parkway, I was one of three people in the car, and oddly enough I was driving from the rear left seat, with my passengers in the front seats. I made a left turn onto an off-ramp, which would take me to Macarthur Avenue (it doesn’t matter that, in reality, those roads are not even remotely near each other), there was a bit of a queue on the offramp, and just when I stopped behind the rest of the queue, a police car pulled up behind me with lights flashing and siren wailing…for one reason or another I panicked, overtook every car on the offramp down the left side of the road, and fled down Macarthur Avenue, which strangely became Limestone Avenue. The police car did not follow.

I can only assume that the police car in the dream was not filled with police trying to apprehend me…although I am a tad perplexed as to why I fled, and why I was driving from the rear left seat.


October 23rd, 2006 at 06:06am

No talking, and no throwing

Dreams can be very odd, and when they are, I generally post them here.

Take the two I had last night for example…the first one was a parliament setting, all the politicians were in their seats, and a see-saw started rocking back and forwards…nobody could speak unless the see-saw was pointing at them…and the speaker kept moving it.

The next dream took place as I was walking around Lake Burley Griffin, I was approached by two robbers and I was carrying my radio with me…so I threw it into the hill so they couldn’t steal it, they didn’t like that and started yelling at me…I fled to a supermarket where the person at the checkout told me I was “very naughty” for throwing things and told me to leave the supermarket.


October 12th, 2006 at 11:28am

Windows Service Packs Stop Ships Sinking

I can probably put this dream down to days filled with Windows Update and last night’s episode of Stargate SG1 where Prometheus was destroyed by an Ori satellite.

The dream starts in the music corridor of Campbell High School as it looked in 2003 (a corridor I haven’t been in for at least three years), I am standing down the end with the door which leads out to the Central Quad (a place I named by declaration “Samuel Central Quad” when it was re-opened after being closed for part of a year) and looking towards the “keyboard lab” (a room at the end of the corridor), there are other people around walking about. All of a sudden there is a quiet bang, and the corridor starts to tilt, something which I announce in the dream. It is quite apparent to me in the dream that we have hit an iceberg and are sinking, so I rush down the corridor and turn left.

The dream hits an abrupt scene change at this point, and I am walking towards a command centre of some sort…there is a general sense of emergency and I go over to see a technician who is sitting at one of the computers…he informs me that the copy of Windows XP that we have to use is three years old, and we will have to apply updates ourselves…he then goes to the Windows Update website and I (seemingly being in charge) inform everyone of how annoyed I am that we don’t have these updates stored locally…by this time it has become apparent that we are saving the Internet, and not a boat…why? I don’t know, but we were.

The dream ends there…I wonder if we saved the Internet or the boat…with the track record of XP, I doubt it.


3 comments October 6th, 2006 at 02:00pm

The Hole And The Whole

I had a very odd dream the other night. A man was standing in my lounge room when they suddenly realised they had to be upstairs with their hole (apparently they owned the word “hole”), so they ran upstairs (which just happened to be a park) and announced that they had a hole. The other people in the park were annoyed that this person was late with their hole, and after a few moments of noisy commotion, another man called out “Well I have a whole with an E” (I think he meant that he had a whole with a W), and then there was an argument about the spelling of hole/whole.

Thankfully the madness ended there…I woke up in a rather confused state.


August 18th, 2006 at 12:30pm

Amplitude Modulation…the radio dreams are made of

The human mind can be very suggestable when it is somewhere between being fully awake and fully asleep…it can range from just about anything making sense, to weird dreams being derived from the sounds in the area. Yesterday morning, I had a dream in the latter category.

The dream started with a meeting of 2CA staff at what looked like a lemonade stand, there was a general concensus that 2CA have a good logo, and should pay people to walk around Canberra with 2CA signs and radios tuned to 2CA.

The dream then sporadically moved to my lounge room where I was sitting down watching a movie on the television…suddenly I could hear very heavy rain on the roof, and I ran up to my room to close my window, but by the time I got there (about twenty seconds later), the rain was over.

The dream had another sporadic change, this time it featured John Kerr’s movie experts Simon Foster and Dale Synden (I’m not sure of the actual spelling…anybody know?) singing a new intro for the hour-long “Flicks and Things” segment.

I then woke up and could hear a radio tuned to 2CA in another part of the house…the song they were playing matched the tune of the song I had been dreaming about, the only difference being that, in my dream, Dale and Simon had been making up movie related lyrics for the song.


August 8th, 2006 at 02:22pm

CIT Requirements Analysis Test Dream

Things you receive in the mail reall can mess with your head…I had a very strange dream the other night, and I blame it on some mail I received a few days ago. The letter was a status update from CIT, which regular readers would know I stopped attending a few months ago, what I didn’t make public at the time is that I never officially unenrolled, a decision I made on principle.

I stopped attending CIT due to a number of factors including health, a high intensity course being condensed into an even higher intensity course and, of course, full-time employment (when the opportunity presents itself…). I discovered that, despite the fact that I had not finished courses, or even had a great attendance record (factors above), officially unenrolling would not allow me to recover any of my course fees, but would result in a decent lump of tedious paperwork…effectively I was not going to gain anything by officially unenrolling, and it would take time and effort away from other things which were starting to fall in to place.

The upshot of all of this is that my course fees are still hard at work maintaining my CIT attendance record and generating the occasional interim report (the document I received in the mail a few days ago).

Anyway, not long after receiving the letter, I had a dream where I was walking down a corridor which looked similar to a corridor at work, I opened a door and walked through, only to find myself in my Requirements Analysis lecture room (I’m still officially enrolled, so it’s my room) where everybody was preparing for the final exam. Realising that I had missed weeks of classes I went into a panic…and then the dream ended.

The thing I really miss about CIT is Cafe Yala…but I’m very happy working, and I can quite easily and happily do without the annoying sound of FM 104.7 breakfast which I was subjected to on many ocasions. No wonder I always sat outside with my radio at that Cafe…much better with the fresh air and 2CC…it was always good in the middle of the morning to talk outside with a coffee, sit down, and listen to Lawsie.

Hmmm, I think I digress, or perhaps I’m reminiscing, either way, this has almost no relevance to the dream, so I’ll stop.


1 comment July 18th, 2006 at 03:35pm

But I know they’re here!

A couple nightsa go I had a dream that I was out the front of the ACTTAB headquarters in Dickson…I saw 2CC presenter Mike Frame’s car parked out the front and decided that, seeing as Mike was there and ex-2CC presenter Kevin Woolfe works for ACTTAB these days, I would go in to the office and pay them a visit.

I went in the front doors and up some stairs, after which I was standing at a reception desk, behind the desk was a large open plan office where a lot of people appeared to be having a celebration of some sort. A lady came over to the desk and informed me that Kevin and Mike were in a meeting, so I left, only to find that the street I walked out on to was Bunda Street in Civic, a few kilometres away from the street that I walked in from…and I went out the same door…


July 14th, 2006 at 04:59pm

Disturbing Dream

I had a sleep when I got home from work yesterday, during which I had a very disturbing dream.

In the dream I was on late shift and finished work at 7pm, I left work and walked towards the bus stop (a five minute walk), about half way to the bus stop (near a car park) I noticed two people following me and catching up to me, as they got closer it became apparent that they had knives and their intentions were clear…the dream was not clear from there on but I know that I was attacked. The location of the attack was the footpath near the Dickson Woolworths carpark. You would expect a nightmare to end there wouldn’t you? But no, it kept going.

In the dream I went into a state of shock for the next few days, the next thing I remember is being at work three days later and just realising that I didn’t remember a thing about the last 72 hours, other people in the office were asking me if I was OK as I had been looking a bit vague.

The dream continued, this time I was in Belconnen at the bus interchange and I spotted the two attackers again walking towards me…I don’t know what happened from there as the dream changed again, this time I was walking somewhere in a shopping centre when I realised that I had left my radio on a bench, so I walked back and picked up my radio and walked off, a man at one of those charity stands grabbed me, detained me, and accused me of stealing the radio, he then called security who recognised me as the son of a shopping centre employee. My family then appeared and identified me and my radio. I have no recollection of being released, although I do recall that the bloke at the charity stand was one of my attackers, even though I didn’t recognise him as one of them at the time.

Finally, the dream ended.

Interestingly, I have two late shifts next week. Also, I have a clear recollection of the attackers, both were in their late teens/early 20s, both of medium build. One had dark hair and was about 180cm tall, he was wearing a dark t-shirt and dark pants. The other had light hair, about 170-175cm tall, wearing a dark jacket and dark pants or jeans.

It would be nice if I don’t have that dream again.


July 7th, 2006 at 02:18pm

Nattie’s Twin

The other night I had a dream that Nattie had a twin, both of them seemed to enjoy jumping around on my bed, and whilst they were doing that I was checking that Humphrey was happy sitting on his chair. Just then, a light started flashing and the two Natties started barking…I walked over to my pillow and found that the mail had arrived under it. I then looked at the clock and discovered that I was fifteen minutes late for my appointment to go into the room next to mine, so I ran out the door rather flustered.


July 2nd, 2006 at 06:37am

How Much Is That Banana In The Window?

The other night I had a very peculiar dream about bananas…it went something like this.

I was standing out the front of the fruit shop in the City Markets watching a fruit shop employee change the sign above the bananas from “$100 per kg” to “$200 per banana”. Mike Jeffreys was nearby talking to people about how the price of bananas is skyrocketing, I walked home listening to Mike talk to people on the radio about bananas when I had a preminition that the price would fall sharply the next day, I rang Mike to tell him about this.

Anyway, the next day came and I was standing outside the fruit shop again and a fruit shop employee changed the sign above the bananas from “$200 per banana” to “$0.05 per kg…buy one banana and get five free” (exactly how that offer would work in practice is mildly confusing, but this was a dream). Mike Jeffreys was there again, but this time he had a newspaper in his hand with the headline “banana price plummetts”. Mike was also interviewing the banana delivery truck driver who was saying something about a new banana field being found overnight with millions of bananas.

The dream then ended.

If any interpretation could possibly be placed upon this odd dream, it could be that I am having a preminition about Mike Jeffreys returning to work from his sick leave (although hopefully not talking about bananas all the time).

June 22nd, 2006 at 09:23am

Clive Robertson Driving A Bus

It’s amazing the strange situations that the unconcious mind can come up with. The other night I had a dream that I caught a bus which was bring driven by Clive Robertson, who managed to spend the entire journey talking softly in the way that he does. He was also a but grumpy, he was not happy with the traffic, the doors on the bus, or the car with square wheels in front of us.

One thing which is interesting is that at the time of the dream I had never actually seen Clive Robertson, and upon comparing what I saw in the dream to what he looks like on an ad for his ABC Television show “Agony Aunts”, the only difference is that he was slightly skinnier and had dark hair in my dream.

Incidentally, Clive has been filling in for Stan Zemanek on 2UE, 2CC and a number of other stations for the last few weeks, and considering that Stan is one of 2CC’s big draw cards, it will be interesting to see how 2CC go in the current radio ratings season, which is now into its final week. Clive apparently finished up on 2UE on Friday night, although Stan isn’t due back at work for a few more weeks, and 2UE’s website doesn’t shed any light on who will take over until Stan gets back. Perhaps it is all a joke and Clive will be on-air tonight, but if not, I wouldn’t be surprised if Glenn Wheeler takes over the show again.


1 comment May 29th, 2006 at 10:28am

The Mountain of Voiceovers

A few nights ago I had a very strange dream. The owners of 2CC and 2CA decided to sell the stations, and they appeared on the TV news to announce the new owner, who turned out to be the new voiceover woman on 2CA (it’s nearly half a year now…nearly time to drop the “new”). She promptly moved the 2CA and 2CC studios to a strange “H” shaped building on a flat section half way up Mount Ainslie. The “H” shape is vertical, not horizontal.

The transmitters were then moved to the top of Mount Ainslie, and produced lightning, which apparently helped to improve the signal (which seems strange considering that lightning usually causes interference on AM signals) so much that 2CC and 2CA could be heard worldwide.

The dream continued to get stranger when the announcers of both stations started painting the building, and encouraging listeners to help out as part of a contest where the best painter would get to live in the “H” building for a week. Mike Frame ran his show from the roof of the “H” building where he spent most of his show singing whilst painting.

The odd thing is that everybody was trying to paint the building with white paint but the lightning was causing rain (according to the weather reports on 2CC in the dream), and the rain kept washing the paint away. On second thoughts, that wasn’t the only odd thing about this dream.


May 18th, 2006 at 10:04am

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