Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Dreams'

The Tennis Ball Can Stop The Earthquake

Regular readers would be well aware of some of my odd dreams, but this one probably takes the cake.

I was standing in the dining room and there was an earthquake, when I looked down the hallway there was a set of stairs going down to a train station where trains were screeching with their brakes trying to stop them during the earthquake. A person standing next to me said something along the lines of “trains don’t like earthquakes”.

I walked into the lounge room where a group of people were holding a large pole and waving it about, one of the people yelled out that if they can get a tennis ball on the end of the pole, then the earthquakes would stop. For some reason I then went out to the backyard where somebody threw a tennis ball over the fence and I attached it to the end of the pole…and the earthquakes stopped.

I then walked into the backyard again, and found Nattie attending to a bunch of smiling tennis balls. I walked back inside and heated up a cup of coffee in the microwave, a woman was sitting next to the microwave and she asked me what I was going to do with the coffee and I informed her that I would be having it with my lunch, she looked up at the clock which said that it was 5:28pm, and she said to me that I should be more civil and have lunch at midday.

I took my coffee out of the microwave, and looked at the woman sitting next to the microwave, and she was CSI character Catherine Willows, I then looked into the lounge room and saw another CSI character, Gil Grissom staring at my lounge.

The dream then ended.


4 comments May 11th, 2006 at 02:36pm

Good Mornin’, Good Mornin’, John Sings The Whole Night Through

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the song “Good Mornin” from the movie “Singing In The Rain” (You can see and hear it here), but John Kerr usually finishes his show with the first bit of the song, as it is very appropriate for his show.

Good mornin’
Good mornin’
We’ve talked the whole night through
Good mornin’
Good mornin’ to you

Good mornin’
Good mornin’
It’s great to stay up late
Good mornin’
Good mornin’ to you

Anyway, John plays this at the end of his show at 5:59am. Often I set my alarm so that if I do doze off or deliberately go to sleep, I can wake up at 5:59 in time to hear John sign off and play “Good Mornin”. Yesterday however my alarm was set to 6am, and I dozed off at about 4:30am. The interesting thing is that, as I still had the radio on, I partially heard the song.

I think my body is now fairly used to the idea of waking at 5:59 on weekends and seems to go into a lighter sleep around that time, I remember hearing a bit of the song, but it seemed to start a dream. The dream was short, but it contained John playing “Good Mornin Karaoke” with the listeners for an entire show, with John singing the song as well. The dream ended abruptly when my alarm went off at 6am, and unfortunately I have no recollection of how good John’s singing was.

I wonder how the ratings would fare if John had an entire morning of “Good Mornin Karaoke”?


1 comment May 8th, 2006 at 03:14pm

Barking at the kittens of the 20 million year old dinosaur

Last night I had a dream where I was in a room which looked similar to my year two classroom, but had windows on walls on both sides, and was about half the size. In fact it was closer to being the width of the library office in my primary school.

Anyway, I was in this room with two other people and Nattie, Nattie started barking and I looked up at the window where I saw a kitten, the kitten then jumped from that window through the window on the other side of the room. I looked at the first window again and there was another kitten, it also jumped through the window on the other side of the room.

One of the people in the room said “I wonder if it was the same kitten?”

I walked over to the second window and looked out, the scene was one of a T intersection, where the building I was in was on the road free side of the intersection, and the road had a grass median strip, on this media strip was a stegosaurus and the two kittens, the stegosaurus appeared to be the mother of the kittens.

The other person in the room was a dinosaur expert who looked a lot like Richard Attenborough, he declared that it was impossible as the stegosaurus had been extinct for 20 million years, he then looked out the window and declared that the stegosaurus was 20 million years old and had just given birth to baby stegosauruses which looked like kittens.

The stegosaurus then walked down the road with the kittens.


7 comments April 30th, 2006 at 11:35am

“I want to live on your roof…and I will!”

Yesterday afternoon I had a nap, and during that nap I had a very peculiar dream. It started with me walking down a non-existent (in reality anyway) street in Woden, when this angry blonde woman came over to me and told me quite bluntly “I want to live on your roof…and I will!”, I tried to ignore her but she picked up a shopping trolley and threw it at me, and missed, she then started ranting, raving and screaming about how she was going to live on my roof, during which she picked up boxes of cereal and threw them at me. Needless to say I fled the scene.

The dream then continued with me at home looking out the wire door and seeing a car pull up. The angry blonde stepped out and walked towards the house, she started being abusive and demanded access to the roof. I closed the door and ignored her. She walked away from the house and rang somebody on her mobile phone, this was followed by an Indian man appearing at the door with a pizza, I tried to explain to him what was going on and that I didn’t order the pizza, but he insisted that I had to pay, constantly repeating “you must pay for the pizza”.

The Indian pizza delivery man then started talking about pizzas and the lack of them in India, and was interrupted by police cars appearing out the front of my house. The police turned up with every Blonde woman in Canberra and handed me a notepad containing sketches of them in the hope that I could identify the crazy woman who was standing on the footpath outside my house when they turned up.

This is where the dream ended…pity, I would have liked to see her get taken away.

The interesting thing about this dream is that earlier in the afternoon, Naturopath of the 2CC Drive Show, Rebecca Bowman, was talking about vitamin deficiencies, vivid dreams, and the feeling that we have had dreams, a topic which I rang in to talk to her about.

I remember meeting Rebecca once, although I don’t remember what she looks like. If she is blonde, I hope she doesn’t want to live on people’s roofs, as that would just make the dream scarier.


8 comments April 27th, 2006 at 09:03am

Dancing Power Lines in Ainslie

Another strange dream, this one takes place near a park in the suburb of Ainslie, where I walk along a busy path. There are a lot of powerlines above this path, and the other people started talking and pointing to the powerlines, when I looked up I could see that the powerlines and power poles were dancing.

Thankfully no sign of Daryl Somers, his current TV show or an SMS poll were in sight.


1 comment April 13th, 2006 at 12:45pm

Bus Enthusiast Dream

I had a very odd dream the other night, for some reason I met one of the bus enthusiasts from the Bus Australia website, and he drove me to Tuggeranong to see the busses.

I don’t remember much of the detail of the dream, although I do remember us getting lost near Tuggeranong and then following a bus to the Interchange.


April 13th, 2006 at 12:27pm

But, I’m Not A Stalker!

I have some strange dreams sometimes…this is most certainly one of them!

Last night I had a dream that I went into some building and went to reception, I greeted the two girls working there and asked to see someone (I mentioned their name, but I don’t remember who it was. I also got the impression in the dream that this is something I do daily, and the person I asked for was a friend of mine), the girls smiled and looked at each other and then one said “Well, actually, we’re not supposed to talk to you any more…(they mentioned the name of the person I was going to see) found out that you’re a stalker and doesn’t want to see you either…we’re really sorry, but you will have to leave.”

I then protested that I’m not a stalker, but they said “You will have to leave, or we will have to call the police.” So I left and started walking home wondering why they thought I was a stalker when I’m not…how could they think that?

It was a very strange dream…a very very strange dream.


4 comments April 4th, 2006 at 10:58am

A dream of a bad day

I had a very odd dream the other night, it started off with me in some meeting room where two people were telling me that I wasn’t allowed to sing ever again, I tried to contest the issue, but they handed me a copy of a new law preventing me from singing.

After this I went to wash my hands, I went into a strange dingy little public bathroom and washed my hands, but while I was drying them some angry thug came along and picked me up and tied me to a pylon, the building’s security staff came and took the thug away but left me tied to the pylon. The rope disappeared quite suddenly and I fell to the floor.

After that ordeal (and finishing washing my hands), I went outside and caught a bus, it was a school bus, and for some reason it was filled with people who were (apparently) from my year three class, including my year three teacher, Mrs. Sue Amundsen. I was sitting in the seat right behind the back door, and the bus was travelling down a street when it hit and knocked over a truck at an intersection. The driver of the bus pulled over a bit further down the road and Mrs. Amundsen and the driver got out to see if the truck driver was alright. I also got out and had a bit of a tantrum about the bad day I was having, so Mrs. Amundsen came over and told me I was being naughty and would have “R and R” (the name for detention at Ainslie Primary School…I can’t remember what it stood for) for the rest of the week.

At that point the dream ended.

This could be an interesting one for you to try and interpret, I know a lot of you enjoy doing that.


March 21st, 2006 at 07:44am

The Telemarketing, House Visiting, Cheap Furniture Con Artists

The fact that the title for this post is a good summary of a dream I had, is quite a worry, and a testament to the abilities of the unconcious mind to imagine.

Yesterday afternoon I had a nap, and during this nap I had a rather disturbing dream, which I have described below.

It was the early evening and I was in the lounge room sitting down having a cup of coffee, as was mum. Dad and Nattie were not in this dream, it is quite possible that they had gone for a walk. Anyway, the phone rang and I walked over to it and answered it, I said “Hello” and a man on the other end of the phone started asking me if I wanted to buy chairs and tables for $10. Suddenly it became very clear to me in my head that this person was a dangerous criminal telemarketer as the news had been filled with stories about him, so I yelled down the phone for him to “go away and don’t ring again”.

I was just about to ring the police when a group of men appeared at the front gate waving chairs and tables and yelling in a moaning type of voice about them being for sale for $10. They opened the gate and started to walk towards the front door. It is worthwhile pointing out that these men had slightly disfigured heads which looked like a mildy exagerrated version of your stereotypical vilain in a “western” movie, they were also wearing suits and chequered flannelette shirts, and some were wearing worn out hats.

I rushed to the front door (wooden door open, wire door closed, as per usual during the day) to ask them to leave, mum followed me to the front door, and I realised that the wire door was unlocked, I reached for it to lock it, but before I could lock it, the leader of the group started to open the door, mum and I grabbed the door handle and tried to pull the door closed, but the group of men started to pull it open and slowly succeeded.

There was a lot of yelling and screaming going on as the men started to try and pull mum and I out the front door. As I was trying to get out of the grip of one of the men who was trying to pull me out of the house, the next door neighbour, George, stepped out of his house to see what all the commotion was about, I spotted him and called out “Call the police George”. George went back inside and the struggle continued, suddenly two police cars appeared and the police dragged the group away. One policeman stayed with mum and I while the men were being dragged away and made a comment about it being good that they had finally caught the dangerous men, and I made a comment about the lock on the wire door.

It is interesting to note that I have been receiving an unusually high number of calls from people who can barely speak english trying to get me to attend a seminar about blinds, awnings and shutters. The first time I spent a few minutes on the phone trying to work out what they were talking about, told them that I wan’t interested and eventually hung up when they just kept trying to persuade me to find out more about blinds, awnings and shutters. The second time I told them I wasn’t interested and not to call again and hung up, and the last two times I have yelled at them that I told them not to call again and hung up.

It is also interesting to note that when I finished my nap this afternoon and went to take Nattie for a walk, the front wire door was unlocked, with people of the household sitting near it.

So far there is no sign of real life telemarketing, house visiting, cheap furtniture con artists, and I think I’ll keep it that way.


3 comments March 13th, 2006 at 02:26pm

Dream Of Explosion

A few nights ago, after an episode of Without A Trace which featured a couple bomb scares, I had a rather odd dream.

I was sitting in my bed, looking out the door of my bedroom, where a TV image was situated much like a hologram. This TV image was showing the SBS program “Toyota World Sports”, which was interrupted by a WIN News Update (which makes no sense considering that WIN is a regional relay for most Channel Nine programming, not SBS) where they announced that the Woolworths store in Manuka had been blown up. This was interrupted by some bagpipe music with people line dancing, and then “Toyota World Sport” resumed. Interestingly, in reality there is no Woolworths in Manuka, there is a Coles though.

This might be a good dream to attach a “Don’t try to emulate my dreams” statement to.


2 comments February 26th, 2006 at 10:52am

It’s a bicycle, but what to wear?

The strange dreams just keep on rolling, this time we have one which takes place on the grassed traffic island at the intersection of Doonkuna St & Corranderk St, Reid.

On this traffic island is a cyclist standing next to his bike, complaining about the fact that he only has motorbike clothing to wear for his bike ride. In the end he decides that this is a good thing and rides away.

This does, for one reason or another, remind me of a cycling dream I had in November last year.


2 comments February 17th, 2006 at 09:05pm

Sleepy Newsagent

Here we have another dream, this one takes place in a newsagent where I am looking at the extensive range of sleeping tablets when one of the shop assistants walks over and asks me if I need anything, I reply with “I can’t sleep”.

All of a sudden a female doctor dressed in white comes out of the back room and glides over, throws some dust in the air and looks at me through a magnifying glass, she then gets a sleeping mask from behind the counter and starts informing me that “What you need is one of the sleep inducing systems”, which I purchase for $49 for some reason.


14 comments February 16th, 2006 at 05:00pm

Dream of Electrocution

I had a very odd dream the other night which took place in the foyer of my high school, which is extremely odd considering that the last time I was in that foyer was when I was paying them a visit in late 2004.

Anyway, in the dream I was standing in the foyer when a fire alarm started in the distance, I walked over to the fire alarm control panel where a light was slowly beginning to glow, the light got brighter and was accompanied by an electric hum which got louder and louder until there was a large bang and a bright white flash, which was accompanied by a feeling of electrocution.

The lights were out and the fire alarm was now beeping away loudly, meanwhile I was was unable to move my left leg which felt numb and looked burnt. I dragged myself into the principal’s office via the dorr next to the fire alarm control panel, and saw the postman delivering the mail to the front office.

These dreams seem to be getting stranger and more abstract.


20 comments February 14th, 2006 at 04:45pm

The Lion’s Letter

I had a most unusual dream last night, it took place in an African settlement which looked like a suburban park in a TV show, as the areas of the park seemed to be in sections, there was no apparent continuity in the landscape.

Anyway, in this settlement there was a lion which seemed to be dispised by many, I met the lion who was quite friendly, and took him over to the local letter writer (who was also a professor) where the lion dictated a letter explining to everyone that he is actually quite nice and doesn’t want to hurt anyone. I carried the letter and the lion let me ride on his back. We rode around for a while (including crossing a road which looked much like Ballumbir Street in Civic), and went to see the Prime Minister (yes, John Howard was in my dream). John Howard was having a meeting with some advisors when we turned up and handed him the letter, he read the letter and said he would have a chat with the letter writing professor. He seemed quite pleased with the lion, and then the dream ended.


12 comments February 8th, 2006 at 11:26pm

Dream of Kane Bond Job Interview

Well, here is yet another dream that I don’t quite know what to make of.

This dream was brief, I was in a hallway with wood panelled walls being directed into a room for a job interview with the CEO of a company, upon entering the room I saw a table, and at the table was the CEO of the company, who just happened to be ex-2CC presenter Kane Bond.

On that note, I wonder what Kane is doing these days.


February 6th, 2006 at 09:13am

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