Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Dreams'

Dream Of Cats

Ah yes, I had another strange dream, this one contained cats.

For one reason or another I was inspecting an apartment at the Bega Flats (for those of you unfamiliar with Inner North Canberra’s public housing facilities, the Bega Flats aren’t exactly what you would describe as prestigious), however this wasn’t a standard apartment for the area, instead of being small and old, it was new, huge and shiny. It had a phone in every room, and they all connected to a big black box on the wall of the kitchen (with sticky tape and wires like a power cord…).

I started looking through the rest of the apartment and walked through a large lounge room which was followed by a large open room with a pool table and a lot of open space, around the corner was a large table and three small cats (they looked more like ferrets than cats, but not to worry.)

I approached the cats and they came over to me, I gave them some attention, but the third one stayed back, I went over and picked it up but it didn’t like that so I put it down again…suddenly they cats started creeping towards me in a vicious manner, I backed off into the room with the pool table, the cats continued to follow me, the third cat caught up to me and bit my hand between my thumb and my forefinger. I could feel the pain and woke up to a stinging sensation where the bite had occured in the dream.


13 comments February 5th, 2006 at 08:34pm

Psychic Dream Of Downloads

I had a peculiar dream last night where my bus driver friend downloaded Samuel’s Persiflage Episode 2 and said something along the lines of “Good, it’s a new episode” before double clicking on it and listening to it.

If the dream isn’t odd enough for you, combine it with the email I received from my bus driver friend this morning:

I heard your persiflage and it seems to be getting better all the time. Keep up the good work.

Obviously there is more to the email, but I’m not going to post anything that will reveal his identity.

A very odd chain of events.


11 comments January 31st, 2006 at 10:56pm

The Mike Jeffreys Department Store

Before you all get the idea that Mike is opening a store, allow me to explain…as it was all a dream.

In this dream I walking through a department store which looked like a combination of Myer and David Jones in Civic, as I walked around a corner and out into square room with a large square counter in the middle, I spotted Mike Jeffreys and said hello to him, he said hello to me and then told me that he would be back on Monday and that he had to find all of his regular guests who were hiding in cupboards, and promptly walked off with a magnifying glass and some kind of tracking device.

It shouldn’t be too hard to find Donna Stanley, she will be in the section with the the soaps on DVD…not sure where you would find Trudy or the weather bureau though.


4 comments January 12th, 2006 at 09:30am

Cooking with Samuel

Finally, a dream which doesn’t involve theft, driving, weather, or police…this one is just weird.

I’m in a television studio wearing a chef’s uniform, a countdown begins…”5, 4, 3, 2…”, music starts, a voiceover announcing “Cooking with Samuel”, the audience starts an applause and then I welcome everyone to the show and announce the recipe of the day…”Curried Pineapples”.

There is a large vague section of the dream where I seem to do an awful lot with various cooking implements, and then the finished product floats out of the oven and over to the “lucky” audience member who won the daily lucky seat prize and gets to be on the show, eating the daily recipe.

The excited audience member gets a large chunk of curried pineapple on her fork and starts to eat it, suddenly the expression on her face changes from one of glee to one of horror, which is quickly followed by her making noises of disgust at the horrid food before passing out, at which point the dream ends.

On reflection, perhaps this is another police dream, I just didn’t get to see the bit where I get arrested for murdering the audience member with bad food.


January 4th, 2006 at 07:20am

They all have the donut in common.

I had a rather unusual dream a couple of nights ago. In this dream I was helping to organise a stage by placing a microphone, however a table was in the position where the microphone needed to be, so I helped to move the table. One of the other table movers informed me that the donuts on the desk in the corner were fantastic, so I took a seat at the desk and started to eat a chocolate donut, which tasted very nice. When I looked around the scenery had changed, I was in my former workplace, sitting at a desk in the corner watching proceedings whilst eating the donut. I saw many familiar faces, and even saw a short young indian man who had taken my job and seemed to be enjoying it. I started to notice security personnel running about escorting people out of the room, and when I looked to my left, the scenery had changed again and I was looking at the door of a very large safe (which, incidentally, I have never seen before), and there was my former boss explaining something to the security personnel, after which they all came over and started eating donuts. I was still enjoying the chocolate donut.

Probably the most interesting thing about this dream is the way the scenery can change, and it is not noticed. A dream can change location many times without being thought about.


9 comments December 28th, 2005 at 11:03pm

ACTION and the Emergency Cabbage

When I have a strange dream, I have a very strange dream.

Last night I dreamed that I found an ACTION bus (of the Renault PR100.2 type, not the horrid green contraptions) and decided to run an intertown service before parking it near my house, when I got home I needed to ring 000 (Australia’s emergency phone number) for some reason, so I picked up the phone and dialled 000, only to be greeted by an operator who wanted to talk about cabbages.


4 comments December 19th, 2005 at 12:35am

How to use a curtain

I had a rather odd dream last night where I was teaching people how to use a shower curtain, but not just any curtain, the shower curtain in the hotel room I was in during the tree saga last week.
The Shower Curtain

I remember that I was teaching two people how to use the curtain, firstly how to pull and push the curtain, and secondly how to make sure it stayed within the bath so as to avoid wetting the floor.


8 comments December 11th, 2005 at 01:00am

Whinging Whiteboard Owners

I had another strange dream last night, and whilst I only remember bits of it, I think I can remember enough of it to do it justice.

This takes place in a multi-storey carpark, where a bunch of people have decided to park their portable whiteboards (similar to the one shown here). The whiteboard owners are somewhat of an annoyance however as they unsuccessfully try to convince the carpark staff that the whiteboards take up less space and should therefore get a discount on parking fees.

Later on, the whiteboard owners start to make their way out of the carpark with their whiteboards, in doing this they have to go down a ramp, which the complain is too steep (despite it being just as steep as the one they came in on). Eventually the whiteboard owners were out of the carpark and walking down the street with their whiteboards.


3 comments November 25th, 2005 at 11:00am

Bicycle Race

There’s nothing like a dream about a strange bicycle race in an unknown suburb.

The three things I remember of the dream

1. I was a professional cyclist (could anything be further from the truth?)
2. The race started in a funny version of Manuka on top of Red Hill
3. We had to cycle through cafes…and kitchens…and parks….and on rooftops…

Don’t ask….


4 comments November 11th, 2005 at 04:04pm

The Missing Schoolbag

Last night I had another odd dream, this time I was in class. This class was in a room which looked a lot like my Year 1 classroom, and had a cupboard room attached to it which I recognise but can’t work out where I’ve seen it before.

Anyway, the class ended and I went to collect my schoolbag from the pile of schoolbags…it wasn’t there, so I went into the cupboard room and asked the teacher (who just happened to be my year 11 English teacher) if he had seen it, which he hadn’t.

I walked out into the corridor (for some reason the doorway was one door up from where my year 1 classroom really was) and looked into the classroom when I realised I hadn’t brought my schoolbag with me to school, which didn’t make sense as I had my pen in my hand…


November 10th, 2005 at 01:20pm

Dinosaurs and Lunch Discussions

These dreams are somewhat odd, and they both happened last night.

I was in my bedroom as were a few other people and there was a tranquilised dinosaur on my bed, from memory it was one of those rather hungy velociraptors which appeared in the kitchen scene in Jurassic Park. The dinosaur started to wake up and I went downstairs to get the dinosaur expert who was chatting with someone. After this the dinosaur ran around the house a few times before running out the front door.

Lunch Discussions:
It was lunchtime and I was in my high school canteen’s lunch order queue. For one reason or another the Campbell High School canteen has appeared in a few of my dreams, but the Dickson College one hasn’t, this is quite possibly because the high school canteen is a much more “open” space and I spent a lot more time there than I have at the Dickson College canteen.

Anyway, I got to the front of the queue and the canteen staff got out my lunch order paper bag and started telling me how wonderful they thought my lunch would be, they then shuffled about 10 different items on and off the counter until they worked out which one I had ordered.

The next thing that happened was that I was talking with the two teachers on playgorund duty who were having a discussion about John Mangos, I told them that he had been the celebrity gardener on the weekend and they seemed very disappointed that they had missed it.

Well, it could just be my imagination, but I think Glen Wheeler is trying to get inside my head with these dreams…sorry Glen, you can visit the dreams if you want, but I can’t pay you for it…see my agent!


November 8th, 2005 at 02:56pm

Fires and Bicycles

The last few nights have brought about some very odd dreams.

On Saturday night I had a dream that the roof outside my bedroom window (which doesn’t actually exist in real life) suddenly burst into flames, this prompted an evacuation. The roof outside my bedroom window was surprisingly unharmed by this sudden and unusual fire.

Last night I had a few dreams, firstly I had a dream where a fire broke out in a house which didn’t look like my house, but was my house. The fire, which did not produce smoke, was limited to one room. Anyway, I was at the top of the street and guided the fire brigade to the window to the room with the fire, they used their ladder and a hose to put out the fire. The only damage caused was the melting of a cordless phone antenna, the phone still worked perfectly though.

Next up was a dream where I spotted John B1_B5’s bicycle and chased the person riding it, despite the fact that it had very very small wheels in the dream, the cyclist involved managed to outrun me as I was on foot.

After this there was a dream where it was pouring rain, and I was sharing a bicycle with a friend, this friend is someone who I have never met before. Anyway, half way to wherever we were going we stopped off at some place which was either Holt or the ANU, and the person I was sharing the bike with went inside for some food. The food room was the middle room of a small building, and there was another room around the outer portions of the building which was a shop. The shop was closed, but they left the doors open and had signs up on the freezer saying “Don’t take the icecream”. I walked the bike through the shop before entering the food room to inform the friend that it was time to leave. When we went outside we started talking to someone, and then the dream ended.

I blame Glen Wheeler for the Bike related dreams…I have never heard anybody go on and on and on and on and on about how evil cyclists are the way he managed to yesterday afternoon during the time I was listening to him. As for the fire dreams….I wouldn’t have a clue!


2 comments November 7th, 2005 at 02:08pm

Christmas Cupboards

I think it’s time for another one of my dreams, this one usually pops up once or twice a year in the couple months surrounding christmas.

In the dream it is christmas day and my family and some extended family are in the kitchen worrying about whether we will have lunch ready in time. Our entire time seems to be taken up by getting an endless number of plates out of the cupboard. Anyway, the time comes around to get the ham out of the fridge, and it is dropped on the floor and shatters, I go outside and see that all the plates are scattered all over the lawn, and then I go back inside and get more plates out of the cupboard. Apparently if people are going to have to eat the plates we will need more of them on the lawn…..

Needless to say, this dream is mildly disturbing.


1 comment November 3rd, 2005 at 04:42pm

Newsreader Dreams

I had a weird night last night. I can safely assume that this dream came about as a result of an email about a newsreading workshop…

The dream lasted about 15 seconds, from memory. Basically I was at some conference where there were probably 20 people in view, and an awful lot of unfinished walls…all I really remember about the events of the dream is that I was looking for 2CC newsreader James Creegan (guessing spellings again) and spotted him through one of the unfinished walls talking to somebody, both people were standing, James was standing in between a plastic chair and a table with a microphone on it. I remember thinking “that doesn’t look like James”.

I suppose the 2CC link came into the dream as I went out there yesterday to pick up the Home Improvement DVD I won.


October 27th, 2005 at 11:31pm

Samuel Dreams Of Stanhope

Well, I don’t know what to make of this, but I had a scary (and somewhat odd) dream last night where I met ACT Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope near the bus stop across the road from the ACT Legislative Assembly. In this dream I was walking in the direction of the ActewAGL building and Stanhope was walking in the opposite direction with two people holding clipboards (presumably advisers).

As he came close to me he recognised me and started saying something along the lines of “Ahhh, so you’re the idiot who…”, as far as I recall we had a bit of an argument and a yelling match, and that is all I recall. His advisors had disappeared by this stage.

I don’t know what to make of this dream, but the fact that I had a dream involving the Chief Turnip indicates I may have issues.

On a slightly related note, I must apoligise to Piers Akerman for mistakenly thinking he was female…I have since seen a photo and have fixed the comments accordingly. It is funny how names can be deceiving and photos elusive until after you make mistakes…


October 27th, 2005 at 11:20pm

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