Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Dreams'

It’s the first nightmare I’ve had in ages!

Long-term readers of this blog would know that I like to write accounts of my dreams, those same readers would probably struggle to remember one of my nightmares. Well generally I don’t have them, but as I had one yesterday I should write it down for your amusement.

The dream starts with WIN Television’s local news and the tail end of a report about something. In the dream I wasn’t actually watching the news, the news telecast seemed to be the dream. Anyway at the end of the report Peter Leonard appeared with the next story, and it was him saying that he was driving on the federal highway and got his car stuck in the rather deep gravel trap at the off ramp to the Hume Highway’s southbound lanes, Phil Small then said to Peter with a chuckle that he has been accident free for 15 years, they chatted about their age and what colour the lines on the road should be for a few moments before deciding that they should go to the report on Peter’s accident.

The dream then moved to the site of Peter’s (now cleared) accident. I was standing there looking over at the Hume Highway (looking strangely like Parkes Way) and noticed one car on fire, a lot of debris, and a lot of damaged vehicles scattered all over the place, but there was no traffic anywhere. I spotted a shed on the other side of the road, the sign on the shed said that it was the depot for the New South Wales Parks and Wildlife Service’s Hume Highway Forest division. I decided that they would be the best people to help in this situation and went over to the shed.

When I got there I met the deputy park ranger who said I could speak to the chief park ranger who was out the back, I went over to the back door whilst the deputy park ranger headed towards the kitchen. Something didn’t seem right, and I couldn’t quite work out why I recognised the deputy park ranger, but I went off to find the chief park ranger anyway. As I was heading towards the back door a handful of injured people walked in the front door, and just as I reached the back door the chief park ranger walked through it with more injured people. The chief park ranger was none other than actor Anthony LaPaglia, and he asked me to go and get the deputy park ranger as he was “ready for his assistance with these people”.

I said nothing but noticed Anthony LaPaglia was walking towards the wall with various gardening tools and saws on it, I started to walk around the corner to the kitchen and noticed the deputy park ranger (who I now recognised as actor Craig Charles) was holding a bunch of very large knives, by this stage Anthony LaPaglia was holding a large saw and a hedge trimmer. Both of them were preparing to attack. My instinct was to run, but I instead told them that some movie they had both been in (no such movie exists in real life) had been terrible, and reminded them how much money the film company lost due to it. For some reason they stopped walking towards the crowd, and melted whilst screaming.

The crowd and I then rushed across the Hume Highway and took refuge in the back yard of a house where we all started putting pegs on the Hills Hoist rotary clothes line.

The dream, or more correctly, nightmare, then ended.


April 18th, 2007 at 11:19am

Expensive Drama!

The dream starts with me walking up to a reception desk, the receptionist starts yelling that the quote will be ready when it is ready and escorts me out of the office…so I find a different way into the building, via a side entrance. After I enter the receptionist appears with a piece of paper, which just happens to be the quote to get my car serviced…$3,219.72…I try to explain that I no longer want the service and will take the car elsewhere for a second opinion, but can only utter words such as “wait”, “but” and “hang on” before I am pushed out of the building once again by the receptionist.

Knowing that I need to stop the servicing before it starts I find another side entrance and visit the manageress who calls “Tim” the service man and arranges for me to retrieve my car, I then turn around and spot 2UE’s John Stanley standing in the middle of the corridor, about to re-enter a small room where he is running his show from. We briefly say hello before I watch him go back into the room and finish his show for the day.

The dream then ends.


February 20th, 2007 at 03:16pm

Monday Morning’s Storm

In the wee hours of Monday morning there was a rather noisy storm with a fair bit of rain in Canberra. Nattie was not impressed and decided to take up residence under my bed.

The storm vaguely woke me up and I had half a dream about Paul Makin (who was on the radio at the time) getting out the buckets to save the water and being overrun by rabbits and dogs (he was talking about Chinese astrology on the radio) before an incredibly loud, nearby thunderclap woke me up, and got Nattie barking.

I invited Nattie up on to the bed and gave her a little cuddle and decided to let her sleep with me during the storm. She seemed quite pleased with that deal and slept with me for the rest of the night.

The rain, whilst very heavy, didn’t seem to last for long, which is a pity because we could really use some drenching rain. Storms and rain are predicted all week, hopefully at least one of them brings a good sustained downpour.


February 20th, 2007 at 10:39am

Drama at the Legislative Assembly

On reflection, I think I know where at least some of this dream came from…more on that later, but first, the dream.

This dream starts with me and a group of friends walking through the City Walk exit of the Canberra Centre and heading towards the Legislative Assembly. We were discussing the portfolios of various MLAs and at one stage tried to work out what John Hargreaves’s portfolios were prior to his current ones…we couldn’t work it out so we walked up to the Legislative Assembly so that we could ask the staff there.

In this dream, the Legislative Assembly, rather than being its actual location, was located where the theatres are, just behind its real location, and there was a low-lying garden in front of it, with a maze of narrow paths.

As we approached the entrance we could see John Hargreaves going in the staff entrance door on the left hand side of the front entrance section. I quickly went up the few stairs and asked John Hargreaves what his previous portfolios were, he told me that he had previously been the minister for automatic doors and acquaintances (strange dream) before handing me an autographed photo of himself. I went back to my friends and gave them the answer.

We then decided that we might as well go inside and wait for Question Time to begin, so we went up to the public entrance (which was locked) and we were told by the attendant that we should “go to Olims Hotel and have a coffee and then come back”. I then said to her that Olims hotel is a twenty minute walk, and as it was 1:20pm, Question Time was only ten minutes away and we should be let in so that we could take our seats. She then informed me that it was only 12:40pm, and I told her that the clock above the entrance said it was 1:20pm…she then said “we like the clocks to be wrong” and changed it to say 8:57pm.

By this stage a very large school group were taking up most of the space in the garden and slowly going through the staff entrance. We left and decided to come back later.

The dream then jumped forward to Question Time where, rather than having any questions, a student in the school group was invited to read the radio news…a few stories passed before he got to a story about “drama at the Legislative Assembly”, in which he said that the clock above the entrance was to be named “the Sam Gordon-Stewart” clock after the person who had complained about it showing the wrong time earlier in the day.

I then made a scene about how I thought that if they were going to name the clock after me they should get my name right. I was thrown out of the Assembly.

The dream then ended.

I said at the beginning of this article that I think I know how I came up with this dream. On Sunday afternoon during lunch I was thinking about politicians getting requests for autographs…whether it happens, and if it is possible to walk up to John Howard during one of his walks and ask him for an autograph. That would explain part of the dream at least.


8 comments February 8th, 2007 at 06:05am

Coal Mine in Waramanga

I don’t know why my dreams of Waramanga always make it look like a dark and gloomy suburb, especially seeing as it has always been quite nice in my experience.

This dream starts off underground in a dingy and dusty room, whilst I am apparently in a coal mine, I am sitting at a desk. It’s time for my 15 minute break, so I decide that I would like to stretch my legs and go a for a walk around Waramanga.

About ten minutes later I have almost finished my walk and decide to go back inside, only to encounter a large grizzly bear on the path back to the mine. I turn around and run, the bear chases me until I pass a fence labelled “Bear territory, keep out”.

I then decide to enter the mine via the back entrance, but to do so I have to traipse through a large dark forest…I do so, following a dusty path, then I meet another grizzly bear…I start running and keep running until I trip down the entrance path to the mine. I land at the feet of (someone who is apparently) my boss. It seems that I’ve been gone for about 50 minutes and a security team have been assembled to search for me, whilst warning lights and sirens are in operation due to the coal mine having a “missing person”. My boss calls off the search and I return to my desk.


1 comment February 7th, 2007 at 06:30am

The only way to stop global warming is to build with celery

On Saturday morning I must have been sleeping lightly because I had the radio on in the background, and it had an effect on my dreams. Apparently on the 2CC gardening show there was a debate about global warming.

My dream took place at a seminar with two scientists, they had a grand plan to rid the world of global warming…their solution was to build all future buildings out of celery, the only problem was that they couldn’t decide which type of celery to use, and had quite a rowdy argument about it (even if the only argument they were able to come up with was “you can’t do that”).

Whilst I doubt that there is any merit in their plan, the dream did prompt me to find out whether or not there are different types of celery, and apparently there are.

I told John Kerr about this dream on Sunday morning and he seemed amused. He still thinks that I have very peculiar dreams.


February 6th, 2007 at 06:54am

The Boatiflage Puzzle

In this dream I am walking around on a boat with a clipboard and a puzzle, near one of the windows at one end of the boat I saw someone sitting down, so I asked them for a letter and then told them where their chosen letter was in the puzzle.

The person then picked up a walkie-talkie style deivce which had what looked like a miniature satelite dish on one end, they pointed it at a boat about 50 metres away and told them how far away they were, and that they would soon be out of communication range. I then borrowed the walkie-talkie device and got a few letters from the people on the (not very) distant boat.

I then walked around the corner to my quarters and went to sleep as I was rather tired.


6 comments January 14th, 2007 at 04:44am

Stop Sign

Looks like we’re back on to the strange driving/police dreams, and this is another short one, very short in fact.

I go through a stop sign without stopping, the police are behind me, the lights start flashing and the siren starts wailing, I pull over and the dream ends.

I’m definitely going mad.


18 comments January 5th, 2007 at 07:24am

Stan Zemanek’s Replacement

Now that Stan Zemanek has retired, the big question which a lot of radio industry people want answered is who will replace him…well the answer came to me in a dream.

In this dream John Kerr is in my kitchen making himself a cup of coffee, and I ask him who is going to take over from Stan, John then leans over and whispers in my ear that it will be Stuart Bocking…John then tells me that he is going to be doing the midnight to dawn shift seven days a week.

As for whether or not the dream is accurate, I doubt the second point is, but the first one is possible.


8 comments January 4th, 2007 at 07:20am

Dream about dreams

As if it’s not bad enough that I’m having all these weird dreams, I’m now dreaming about writing about them. This dream was very short, I was writing about one of my dreams, and then when I finished I found a stack of books and realised I had seven more dreams to write about.

I think I’m going mad!


January 3rd, 2007 at 07:21am

Police Window Washing Service

Another weird dream, this one starts with me entering Adelaide Avenue in a northbound direction from the Dudley Street/Novar Street intersection ramp at about 130km/h, suddenly (and probably a good thing from a law enforcement standpoint) about five police cars decended on me from all directions (even the wrong way down Adelaide Avenue), so I exited Adelaide Avenue and pulled over on Hopetoun Circuit. One police car pulled up behind me, the police officer got out of the car and walked up to my car, he then made the strangest remark I can think of

“You were exceeding the speed limit by 50km/h, obviously you can’t see the road properly or you would have noticed, sit there while I wash your windows.”

Not being one to argue on points where I appear to be getting away with something, I let the police officer wash my windows, and he then let me go on my way.

The dirty windows = speeding theory is an interesting one…I just hope it is never enforced in reality as I think it is the most absurd thing I have ever heard of.


3 comments January 2nd, 2007 at 07:08am

Civic Library’s Video Theft

In this dream the Civic Library has been moved to the creamy coloured buildings connected to the underground cabling building, pictured in this photo:
Underground cabling building and imaginary library building

The dream takes place in the library where there is a room filled with videos and DVDs for hire, however the room is closed. I join a group of people trying to sneak into the room to steal DVDs, but the librarian spots us, and decides to open the room with a security guard supervising it.

Once the room is open, we enter the room and find the DVDs and videos we are looking for, I consider sneaking a DVD out under my shirt, but then spot the $2 hire price tag and decide to hire the DVD…also whilst in the room I spot a DVD titled “Stargate SG1: Season 13”, which is just a tad early considering that they have only produced ten series so far.

Could this dream be a preminition? Will the Civic Library move into this building by the time Stargate SG1 has a 13th series? Will I be arrested for petty theft in a few years? Why am I having these weird dreams about theft?


January 1st, 2007 at 07:07am

Belconnen American Tornado

I’ve had quite a few dreams recently, so I am presenting one each standard weekday until I run out of dreams, and as I think about them, driving, theft and police seem to be recurring themes, which is mildly distrubing.

In this particular dream I am driving a car on a road which looks an awful lot like Kingsford Smith Drive in the Belconnen area and I see something up ahead, a few seconds later it becomes obvious what the “thing” is…a tornado, small enough to fit on one side of the road, but powerful enough to hold the car back. After a few moments the tornado dissipates and I continue along my way, until I hit another tornado, which has much the same effect, except that when it ends I get out of the car and look at a large road sign to see where I am.

The sign says that I am about halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco (my apparent destination), and apparently I am 90 “m” from San Francisco…I break into a panic trying to work out what this “m” could be, thinking that it might take me all week to get there and I only have two hours, after a while it becomes obvious that it means “minutes”, and quite relieved I continue on my way…it would appear that for the purposes of this dream, Americans drive on the left hand side of the road.


December 29th, 2006 at 07:44am

Another ACTION Bus Driving Dream

Just over a year ago I had a dream where I found an ACTION bus and ran an intertown bus service, this is becoming a strange annual event it would seem as the other night I had a very similar dream.

The dream starts at the Civic bus interchange, just near platform nine in front of the newsagent. I am walking towards the platform, I board the bus which is sitting there, and before I know it I am sitting on a chair on top of a very tall pole, driving the bus to Belconnen as part of an Intertown bus route (the fact that the Intertown doesn’t use that platform is irrelevant).

Once I get to Belconnen I seem to realise that something is wrong, so I rush home (in the bus), park the bus near my house and hide inside, which proves quite futile as the police turn up very quickly. I then hide behind a mattress, but the police break down my front door in full riot gear…and then the dream ends.

This, as I mentioned, seems to be turning into an annual “dream theme”, and is a very disturbing dream, especially seeing as driving (let alone stealing) an ACTION bus isn’t even on a list of things I would like to do.


December 28th, 2006 at 07:43am

John Stanley on 3AW Football

Amongst my recent batch of weird dreams is one I had a few nights ago where John Stanley returned from holidays to find that his afternoon show had been cancelled as 2UE decided to stay with their summer format all year. As such John moved to Melbourne where he joined 3AW’s AFL commentary team, who it would seem lost most of their commentators to Channel Seven.

John, unfortunately, was clueless, and was quite possibly the worst AFL commentator in recorded history…he was so bad that co-commentator Garry Lyon (who didn’t defect to Seven) couldn’t stop laughing, which really didn’t help as John really couldn’t explain a thing which was happening, and ended up chatting with Sue Dodd from the Sydney Markets about fruit and vegetables.

Rex Hunt then excused himself from commentating for Channel Seven and kicked John all the way back to Sydney and took over the AFL, to the delight of all of Melbourne. Either it took John a long time to get to Sydney, or there was a strange timezone fault happening, because he landed in the studio at 2UE just as his weekday afternoon show was starting.


December 27th, 2006 at 11:04am

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