Archive for October 7th, 2009
Dear and hello to all do lovely day in now time of the daylight savers which have done do come to us al always are do in time of year which is much lovely and more to be time for the daylights in afternooning which is nice for talking walsks of with nice cat Slavcatchski.
I am did do of have the trouble of on Sunday for change with to Daylight Savers as I have the cupboard of many clocks in time of daylight savers and had to be put away the time clocks for time of normal which do go in cupboard for now until the time of end for daylight savers which comes in seven months away in morning time, as the battery was not of work in some of clocks and I did not have the batteries in house at time so I did have to finish changing of clocks as for which ones I could do change at time of two and then did walk of to see the service petrol shop for sale of batteries and they were much lovely and gave me discount when I did do explain of the clocks for timing.
I am now on doing adjustment for grade singnings which are not of all do understand of timings as the flowers can not be do read of the clocks and so my singings must be adjusted slowly by ten minutes per week until it is in the new timings as otherwise the flowers are not of sure what timing is it now as it is much strange for me to be do sudden changes in timimg with not changes in sun.
Also of the weekend I did do have the dream of big clock of daylight savers doing take over of world with much loud ticking in year 2012 which was not much good of dream and was the scary and so I now must be sure to not feed the clocks of so they do not do growings.
For the week of lovely to you.
From Maritz
Ms. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly
October 7th, 2009 at 04:25pm
Apple’s shareholders might want to go and buy shares in law firms, because the lawyers are the only likely winners in a bizarre case like this.
WOOLWORTHS insists its new logo is a stylised W, or a piece of fresh produce; Apple thinks it is an apple, and the California-based technology company wants to stop Australia’s largest retailer from using it.
Apple has mounted a legal challenge to prevent Woolworths from using the logo that now adorns its trucks, stores and products, arguing it is too close to its own.
Apple will have to convince IP Australia, the federal government agency that governs trademarks, to knock back Woolworths’s application – first filed in August last year – to trademark its logo.
Now, even if Woolworths do decide to go in to selling their own computers, do you really think anybody will confuse the Woolworths logo (left) for the Apple logo (right)?

Didn’t think so.
Personally I can’t stand the new Woolworths logo as I was a fan of the old logo:

However the new logo is similar to their really old logo which I’m having trouble tracking down at the moment, and that alone should give Woolworths enough of an historical precedent to knock Apple’s challenge on the head.
October 7th, 2009 at 11:15am
For far too long, nasal sprays have been the domain of dubious and controversial adult products, and rather uncomfortable hayfever remedies. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are fixing that, by sending out pig flu vaccinations in nasal spray form.
FORT WORTH — Tarrant County Public Health (TCPH) received limited doses of the H1N1 nasal spray vaccine on Oct. 5. Plans to distribute this initial shipment of the vaccine are being finalized.
The nasal vaccine is intended for healthy, non-pregnant people between the ages of 2 and 49 who do not live or work with an immunocompromised person.
The injectible form of the vaccine has not been received and it is not known when it will be received.
I hate nasal sprays, but this is an interesting use of one.
October 7th, 2009 at 08:25am
Anybody with a basic understanding of the events surrounding the tragic Victorian bushfires of earlier this year knows that commercial and community broadcasters performed an absolutely crucial role in keeping people informed about the unfolding emergency. The ABC, in the official role as emergency broadcaster did their job too, but in many ways were hamstrung by a lack of information flowing from authorities, and fire destroying large chunks of their infrastructure, taking them off their air in a number of fire affected regions, leaving the critical emergency broadcasts to the commercial and community radio sectors.
Despite this, the Victorian government is claiming that commercial radio has no interest in providing around-the-clock emergency coverage during times of emergencies. Where these people get off is beyond me. Commercial and community broadcasters are required by law to provide emergency information, and in times of emergencies step up to the plate time and time again, going well and truly beyond the call of duty to keep people informed and safe. The broadcasters were a long way ahead of the authorities during the Victorian bushfire crisis, and I am simply gobsmacked by the utterly ridiculous and thoroughly debunked claims being made by the Victorian government, who seem to be more interested in deflecting blame than in taking steps to ensure their lack of communication doesn’t occur in the future.
Lately I have been discussing media matters on a fortnightly basis with Oly Peterson on the drive show on Sydney’s North Shore’s FM 99.3, and we discussed this yesterday around 5:20pm. Normally I wouldn’t post audio this soon after an appearance, but in this case I think it’s well worth it as the audio illustrates the point I am trying to make.
Download MP3
One can only hope that the Victorian government settle down and see sense, because they aren’t doing themselves or their constituents any favours with their current ridiculous behaviour.
October 7th, 2009 at 05:57am
It’s bizarre but true…I stop writing, and I get more visitors. Work that one out.
Anyway, the intermission has now finished. I decided to postpone the Musician(s) Of The Week award on Sunday as I took a nap on Sunday afternoon and then had to go to 1WAY FM, which takes longer at the moment while I am car-less (I found my stolen car on my way to 1WAY FM in an undrivable state which was interesting…and Firefox spell check wants me to say that it was in an undrinkable state, which is also correct). I then caught up on sleep on Monday and was busy with work, errands and further sleep yesterday.
The Musician(s) Of The Week is coming up tonight, and I’ll publish Maritz’s column at some stage today. I have a few other things for you as well.
Incidentally, it looks like I’m back from my two-day break on the same day that Andrew Bolt is back from his month-and-a-bit break. It’s funny how these things work out.
October 7th, 2009 at 05:39am