Archive for August 26th, 2009

The electricity is back on

The power in parts of Ainslie, Reid and Civic went out at 5:57pm. It is now back on, having been restored at 6:40pm, 20 minutes ahead of schedule.


August 26th, 2009 at 06:45pm

Mondays with Maritz (on a Wednesday): of writing from the next door

Dear to hello to everyone of the readings today,

I am doing write today of from computer of Mrs. Lesley of next door who is lovely neighbour as my computer is doing the not working properly at moment time which is much of difficult but is will be done fixed shortly after I have been do visit to the computer shop for the fixings. I am not of sure what is wrong with computer this time as it is not same as last time when nice cat Slavcatchski did the naughty jumpings on computer for chasings of photo of mouse Squeelivich who lives with Mother of Russia.

Mrs. Porrit of the English Teachings Has Been give to me of tasks for the learnings which does do involve the usings of word cow cat mouse chook in story and I am did do think of writing story here and in next week time after Mrs. Porrit has done do of read and the any correctionings which does do happen of much and often I can be to do of write the correctings here to be.

I have the pet cat of name Slavcatchski who is much lovely cat of the many snuggles and is very of good in times most, and I am also have pet mouse in Russia who is name Squeelivich which is similar of noise he does do make. Sometimes I do buy a chook of from the supermarkings shop of the cooked and Slavcatchski does do like to be eating of it. I am think that cows of milk do also come from farm to supermarkings shop as much like the chook.

Please to be do have week time of lovely and I will be do hope to write of next week.

From Maritz
Ms. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly

2 comments August 26th, 2009 at 08:34am

2GB and my cold

As much as I would like to be in Sydney today for 2GB’s outside broadcast, it is simply not feasible as I have a cold at the moment. The sore throat is gone, which is a good thing, but I’m in day three of the headache, and back ache, and leg ache etc.

The cold is the reason it has been so quiet around here for the last few days. Today is the first time I have logged in since Monday morning.

It looks like Maritz has submitted her column, so I’ll read it before publishing it, and then go back to bed.


August 26th, 2009 at 08:21am


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