Archive for July 10th, 2009

I thought so…

…but it took me a few days to get around to checking.

L’Aquila, home of this year’s G8 summit, is the same L’Aquila which had a very deadly earthquake in April.

The leaders will meet in L’Aquila, Italy where a major earthquake occurred in April, killing nearly 300 people. There is an evacuation plan in place because the area is still experiencing tremors.

It intrigues me that Australia is not considered economically powerful enough to be a member of the G8, and yet Kevin Rudd gets to attend and sign plans which are potentially quite damaging to economies. Perhaps his secret plan to get Australia in to the G8 is to bankrupt the existing members.


July 10th, 2009 at 08:24pm

How do you spell disappointed?

Yesterday morning, after writing my editorial about the banning of bottled water in Bundanoon, I received a great email from a Bundanoon local explaining why they want to ban bottled water. I understand why they want to do this, I just disagree with them.

I’m disappointed to report that the person who sent this email has declined permission to publish their email, which is a great shame as I think their email would make great reading. I have to say that their decision does strike me as a bit odd considering that there are a lot of people who don’t understand the reasons behind the ban, and the email does a great job of outlining the reasons.

Oh well, to each their own.


2 comments July 10th, 2009 at 08:06pm


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