Archive for June, 2009

Advertiser’s logic

A curious ad for a carpet shop which has recently changed its name, is currently airing on WIN Television in regional Victoria. The thing which makes it curious is what the shop’s owner says at the end of the ad.

Now that we’ve changed our name, you should change your carpet

I will keep that handy piece of correlation in mind if I ever need to change my name. I’m thinking fluoro yellow carpet which would be just as sensible as the reason for buying the carpet.


June 18th, 2009 at 08:09pm

Dame Edna’s lack of makeup

When I glimpsed the front page of the Herald Sun this morning, the first thing I thought was “gee, Dame Edna isn’t wearing as much make-up as ‘she’ used to”.

Judy Moran stars as Dame Edna

Now I can just sit back and wait for the Moran family to work out where I am, and set fire to my stuff.


3 comments June 18th, 2009 at 05:39pm

Excitements in production!

I was most excited yesterday when I got to produce a Harvey Norman ad. This will probably sound completely loopy, but I’ve always wanted to produce a Harvey Norman ad.

As I was excited by it, here it is.
Download MP3


June 18th, 2009 at 02:24pm

My submission to Casey and Heather’s “Jerk of the week” segment on KXNT

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission

People who give me weird looks and go “eww yuck” when I drink cold coffee

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?

Coffee tastes better cold, period! And if I want to drink my cup of coffee over the course of four hours without running to the microwave to heat it up constantly, then deal with it…it’s not like I’m making you drink it.

Your Name (Optional)

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

I should probably also nominate myself for forgetting to post Tim Tams to KXNT‘s program director Jack Landreth after promising to post them. They’re coming Jack, but I’ll nominate myself next week anyway.


June 17th, 2009 at 11:24pm

Correction and apology

Whilst I have updated the post in question, it is now so far down the page that I feel obligated to post a seperate correction.

The story which I wrote on the weekend about 2CC and 2CA dropping their local news service on weekends, is wrong. Whilst they did drop local news last weekend, it has been brought to my attention that this was a once-off occurrence, caused a temporary shortage of staff.

I apologise to the people at Capital Radio for this story.

Due to this story, and recent incorrect stories on this blog about Capital Radio, I have taken the decision to stop commenting on issues relating specifically to Capital Radio for the time being.


June 17th, 2009 at 10:52am

Birthday calls

A couple birthday shout-outs to 2UE people.

A happy birthday to Stuart Bocking, and also a happy birthday to George Moore.

In my humble (and probably quite silly in this case) opinion, Stuart and George should work together on their shared birthday for a special “birthday edition” of the evening show (or weekend breakfast as it will be in 2012).

Happy birthday!


June 17th, 2009 at 06:05am

Federal government gets the definition of “solar” wrong: gives money to people buying electric water heaters

And there’s no prize for guessing that it’s the gas industry which is infuriated by the debacle:

The gas industry has slammed the government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET) legislation saying it is flawed and was misleading consumers.

Under the RET legislation to be introduced in parliament this week, households which install an electric water heater can apply for a rebate.

The Gas Industry Alliance says under the proposed RET, electric heat pump water heaters qualify as solar products and will be eligible for rebates.

Group spokesman Peter Harcus said the legislation makes no sense and should be amended if the RET is to be effective.

“Would you call your fridge a solar product? These electrical hot water products run the same way, driven by grid electricity and generate more greenhouse gas than genuine solar products,” Mr Harcus said.

“Under this policy, if you put your fridge outside, it would therefore be considered solar. It is a complete farce.”

Mr Harcus said consumers were being misled by “bogus” solar products which run on electricity and produce more carbon emissions than a solar energy system.

The gas industry group is calling for electric heat pump systems to be removed from the scheme.

It says due to the inclusion of electric hot water systems for rebates, the RET will fail to deliver the 20 per cent electricity generation from renewable sources by 2020.

Hmmm, a solar fridge…that’s one thing I haven’t seen Malcolm Douglas pull out of the back of his four-wheel drive yet. Maybe he will do so the next time Channel Seven decide to show one of his dubious outback cooking shows.


June 16th, 2009 at 05:15pm

Sarah Palin lookalike in Josh’s Bakehouse Deniliquin

I can only assume that one of the women who works in Josh’s Bakehouse in Deniliquin has changed her hair or her glasses since the last time I went in there, as she now looks just like Sarah Palin. It wasn’t until I heard her voice that I was sure that she isn’t Sarah Palin.


2 comments June 16th, 2009 at 03:15pm

Upcoming changes to The Bill

Warning: The following post contains information about events which are yet to occur on The Bill. If you do not wish to know in advance, then do no read this post!

As noted back in January, The Bill is about to have its production halved from two episodes per week to one per week, and move from the 8pm timeslot to the 9pm timeslot in the UK. The changes are set to occur later this year, and Australia should see the changes from early next year.

The show itself will be changing a bit, and a number of those changes are now coming to light.

Firstly, and disappointingly, a number of cast members are leaving the show. PC Tony Stamp (actor Graham Cole) is being given the chop after being on the show for 22 years. Cole was told by the producers that Stamp “doesn’t fit” the show’s “new dynamic” which, according to reports, is set to make the show sexier and more violent.

Also leaving the show is DI Samantha Nixon (in my opinion, Sun Hill’s most interesting detective) played by Lisa Maxwell.

Lisa decided to quit after seven years on the show: ‘I’ve loved every minute of my seven years on The Bill but feel I have taken the character of Sam as far as I can. It is time to move on to new challenges.’

Her character will leave the drama in an ‘explosive episode’ later this month.

I recall the producers promising not to have another “Sun Hill bombing” or “station fire”, so what “explosive” means in this context is anyone’s guess.

Superintendent John Heaton (Daniel Flynn) is leaving and taking Inspector Rachel Weston (Clare Goose) with him. I’m not a huge fan of Rachel (probably because I preferred her predecessor, Inspector Gina Gold) however I think dropping Heaton is a big mistake.

On the bright side, there are some sensible decisions. DCI Jack Meadows (Simon Rouse) is being promoted to Superintendent, sensible as he is the only person suitable to take over from Heaton if the show is to maintain any credibility, and Sergeant Dale “Smithy” Smith will be promoted to Inspector, as he should have been when Gina left. One can only hope that Smithy’s promotion reignites the frosty relationship between him and Sergeant Callum Stone, and also gives Stone the chance to work more closely with the relief, which is clearly what his character’s purpose has always been.

In addition, DC Stevie Moss (Lucy Speed) will be promoted to Detective Sergeant while trainee DC Will Fletcher (Gary Lucy) will become a fully fledged DC.

In non-storyline news, The Bill will start screening in High Definition from July 1 in the UK. Hopefully the show’s crew learnt a thing or two from their High Definition double episode for their 25th birthday. The lighting needs some serious work in their sets if the show is going to work in HD.


June 16th, 2009 at 11:23am

Sean Hannity and “Liberty & Tyranny” author Mark Levin

Another Sean Hannity interview for your enjoyment, this time with the author of Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, US talk radio host Mark Levin.Liberty and Tyranny: A conservative manifesto

I finally got my hands on the book a couple weeks ago when I last returned from Deniliquin and am most of the way through it (it’s not particularly dense…it’s just that I haven’t had a lot of time to read of late) and intend on finishing it this week.

The book spent seven consecutive weeks at the top of the New York Times bestseller list, and, at the time of the interview last week, had spent nine of the last ten weeks at the top of said list.

Sean and Mark discuss the book, the mainstream media’s apparent lack of interest in the book, and how it relates to the Obama administration (despite it being written almost entirely before Obama was elected).


June 16th, 2009 at 09:54am

iPods and driving

I probably should have done this research before I drove to Deniliquin yesterday, but I ended up doing it afterwards and was slightly surprised by what I found.

I do not, at this time, have a working car stereo, so have been relying on my iPod for audible entertainment during long and longish trips, and have been slightly concerned that such action may provoke a negative reaction from the police and incur a fine, however as I do not believe that it hinders my ability to drive, and instead makes it possible to concentrate for longer periods of time (I would have been very bored without it), it was worth running the risk.

Last night, as the topic was starting to annoy me, I decided to do some research and found that it is perfectly legal in Australia to use an iPod (or other device) with earphones while driving, despite the fact that it can potentially block out external noises.

When I thought about this, it made perfect sense as deaf people are able to drive (although I don’t understand how anyone can teach a deaf person to drive) and they can’t hear a thing, either inside or outside their vehicle, and to the same extent, it is legal to block out external noises with a car stereo (within prescribed environmental noise limits).

Apparently the same can’t be said about using an iPod in this manner in the US, where most states have outlawed it for reasons which don’t make much sense to me.

A word of warning though, much like the use of any device, if an iPod is distracting you from your driving, and you cause an accident, you can be charged with negligent driving.

This is general information only and does not consider your needs and circumstances, nor is it a substitute for professional legal advice. You should seek professional legal advice before acting on any advice given herein.


2 comments June 16th, 2009 at 07:54am

Vibrating with the dolphins

Seeing things like this just makes me think that Douglas Adams was right in The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy…the dolphins really are smarter than us.

Each Spring and Fall Equinox humanity is given the opportunity to merge with dolphin and whale consciousness on a global scale. The Golden Water Activation and Global Marine Meditation opens a portal (or doorway) into their world. It allows anyone who has the desire to go beyond normal boundaries and be lifted up into their frequency.

The meditations may be done by individuals or groups at any time. However, “where two or more are gathered” is such a powerful technology that we ask you to join us during the time specified if at all possible. The dolphins and whales will definitely be there as well.

The worrying thing is, these people are trying to justify their dolphin meditation sessions with “scientific research“, although it’s pretty easy to dismiss when it would appear that the entire reason, according to them, that dolphin meditation works, is that:

70% to 80% of the earth is covered with water. 70% to 80% of the human body is made up of water. There is an irrevocable link.

Apparently this 10% margin of error in water calculations allows “love vibrations” to be shared by humans and dolphins…or something like that. You try and work it out, I’ve given up due to laughter.

The Golden Water Dolphin Meditation for Planetary Healing raises the vibration of all the water molecules on planet earth – including the ones inside your body.

Scientific research proves that water molecules change when various vibrations are introduced. I’m sure you’ve heard of The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Emoto by now.

The most complex, beautiful, and pristine molecules are created through the vibration of Love – which is the predominant vibration one experiences when connecting with dolphins. The word dolphin also creates truly extraordinary and beautiful molecules.

Very sophisticated instruments have finally been developed that can measure vibrations. High vibrations create health and a sense of well being and low vibrations cause pain and dis-ease. It is in everyone’s highest and best interest to raise their own vibration and that of planet earth.

With this meditation you send healing love and light to the dolphins, whales, and their habitats. You stand and become one with them in UNITY and LOVE. You link hearts and minds and intentions and know that you are making a positive difference – not only to the oceans of the world, but also to yourself, and to all of humanity.

The dolphins emanate the vibrations of LOVE and JOY. Anytime you connect with those vibrations you are uplifted.

The whales hold immense knowledge and power. You are strengthened by connecting with them.

70% to 80% of the earth is covered with water. 70% to 80% of the human body is made up of water. There is an irrevocable link.

Humans are the custodians of the land. The cetaceans are the custodians of the sea. As we come together and join as ONE we are making the difference we are all desiring to make – to raise the vibration of everything and everyone on planet earth.

This work – if we can call it that – is so important that the words to the meditation were given to at least two people on opposite sides of the planet. David J. Adams from Australia was given this meditation in 1992 and there are many people around the world that have been joining with him each Spring and Fall Equinox for many years. I, Debbie from North America, was given the words to this meditation in 1998. And many have joined me as well each Spring and Fall Equinox. The meditations are held at the same time, they are the same, they are ONE. There are some very trivial differences. So whether you choose the meditation from this site, or the one from David’s – it matters not.

What matters is your intention to be LOVE, and to radiate LOVE, and to send LOVE to the sea.


So, uh, can anyone explain to me how the word “dolphin” can make “truly extraordinary and beautiful molecules”?

“42” you say…hmmm, I thought so…it makes about as much sense as the dolphin nonsense.


June 15th, 2009 at 09:15pm

In Deniliquin again

And here until Saturday afternoon.

As usual, some stats from the trip. Unfortunately without a working odometer I can’t be exact with the distance of my journey (nor can I find stats from a previous time taking this route) however according to Google Maps, the route I used is 495km long.

I left home at 13:50 and arrived at the hotel in Deniliquin at 19:17, and took a 40 minute break at the McDonalds near Gundagai (where I had a flat white and a blueberry muffin). This makes my total driving time 4 hours and 47 minutes, which makes my average speed 103.484320557491289198606271777 KM/H.


2 comments June 15th, 2009 at 07:58pm

Samuel’s Blog Weekly Poll: Tasers

Should frontline police have access to tasers?
View Results

Results from previous polls can be viewed at


June 15th, 2009 at 11:26am

Rush Limbaugh: Obama is destroying the economy

Direct from the Rush Limbaugh Show webcam (or the “dittocam” as Rush calls it), Rush Limbaugh’s monologue from Monday last week (includes the parody ads which play during radio network ad/news breaks). Ten part video. Enjoy!


June 15th, 2009 at 08:03am

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