Driver Training In Schools
Good evening Stuart,
I see that we're having the "driver training should be compulsory in schools" debate again. I have no problem with the idea of driver training in schools, but I think the idea of making it compulsory is a mistake. If it is to be practical training, then I also fail to see how insurance and other costs could feasibly fit within the already stretched education budget.
Personally I quite like the ACT system where a "road ready" course must be undertaken prior to one obtaining a learner licence. This course, whilst available directly from the government, has been made a part of the year ten curriculum. I personally opted out of doing this course as, at the age of 15, the idea of driving and being responsible for a motor vehicle came fairly close to scaring me. I would imagine that I was not alone in this, and it is for this reason that I think making such courses compulsory is a mistake, even more so if the idea is for practical training.
Enjoy your night.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
November 17th, 2008 at 09:30pm