Archive for March 21st, 2006

Circus Of The Air

The Canberra Balloon Fiesta has been moved from the week leading up to Canberra Day, to the April school holidays this year, but a shorter “Circus Of The Air” has been on in the lead up to Canberra Day. It is basically the same as the balloon fiesta, just with a circus at ground level added to it.

Anyway, on Sunday morning I got up early at about 4:30, having not slept, and rang John Kerr. I eventually had a chat with John at 5:15am about various things including whether or not the audio you hear when you’re on hold with a radio station is on delay or not, my first pay packet (which was one of the subjects of the show), and the fact that I was going to take Nattie to see the balloons.

At 5:35 Nattie and I left home and started walking to the lawns of Old Parliament House where the balloons take off from. We were just going around London Circuit and about to go up the bridge to Commonwealth Avenue when John Kerr signed off with “Good Morning Good Morning”, one of the songs from “Singing In The Rain”. I was singing along quite loudly during this 30 seconds or so which were played before the news. Nattie and I continued along Commonwealth Avenue and across the Commonwealth Avenue bridge, then we turned left and walked along the side of Lake Burley Griffin until we reached the lawn which goes right up to old Parliament House (with a couple roads crossing it). We then walked up there to the balloons.

Once we got there it was time for a bit of breakfast. Nattie and I got the “small” breakfast, of bacon, egg and toast, I also got a coffee. Nattie ate most of the bacon and half of the egg, I ate the rest. We then went back to the food tent and Nattie had half a sausage.

We then went and watched some hot air balloons being inflated and then later taking off. We turned the radio back on (David Young’s Garden was on) and walked over to Commonwealth Avenue where we got a good view of the balloons, which were drifting over Yarralumla and Lake Burley Griffin.

Afterwards we walked home. It was about 8am when we got home, and I had a cup of coffee before having Hot Cross Buns for breakfast.

Nattie and I might make the journey again for the actual Balloon Fiesta in April, and if we do, we’ll take the Camera with us.


2 comments March 21st, 2006 at 09:49am

A dream of a bad day

I had a very odd dream the other night, it started off with me in some meeting room where two people were telling me that I wasn’t allowed to sing ever again, I tried to contest the issue, but they handed me a copy of a new law preventing me from singing.

After this I went to wash my hands, I went into a strange dingy little public bathroom and washed my hands, but while I was drying them some angry thug came along and picked me up and tied me to a pylon, the building’s security staff came and took the thug away but left me tied to the pylon. The rope disappeared quite suddenly and I fell to the floor.

After that ordeal (and finishing washing my hands), I went outside and caught a bus, it was a school bus, and for some reason it was filled with people who were (apparently) from my year three class, including my year three teacher, Mrs. Sue Amundsen. I was sitting in the seat right behind the back door, and the bus was travelling down a street when it hit and knocked over a truck at an intersection. The driver of the bus pulled over a bit further down the road and Mrs. Amundsen and the driver got out to see if the truck driver was alright. I also got out and had a bit of a tantrum about the bad day I was having, so Mrs. Amundsen came over and told me I was being naughty and would have “R and R” (the name for detention at Ainslie Primary School…I can’t remember what it stood for) for the rest of the week.

At that point the dream ended.

This could be an interesting one for you to try and interpret, I know a lot of you enjoy doing that.


March 21st, 2006 at 07:44am

Editorial Echoes #6

A vegetarian group wants the red meat advertisement starring Sam Neill to be banned. Samuel has a chuckle at their expense.

The episode can be downloaded from here.


1 comment March 21st, 2006 at 06:00am


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