Archive for May, 2005

Rant Published :)

For those of you who remember my ACTION rant from a couple weeks back, you’ll be pleased to know that The Chronicle, the-local-freely-delivered-to-almost-everyone-in-canberra newspaper published an edited, slightly more sane version of in this weeks edition. Will this prompt another call from the ACTION-Iraq Department Of Information? Who knows…"Mr. Know knows, Mr. Know knows everything, his name is Mr. Know which is spelled Mr K-N-O-W, the know that is sort of in knowledge, you need to know to have knowledge of it, and Mr. Know has knowledge of everythiiiiing, everything, diddly ding." – A song I made up 6 years ago


Add comment May 11th, 2005 at 05:11pm

Alright, I did promise some career news.

Indeed I did, so here it is…and to be quite frank, I’m glad I left it until now as lots of activity has happened on that front lately, and it has only just settled down…mostly…

Alrighty then, It looks like my SNAP position as an IT Admin at Dickson College will continue for the rest of the year (less paper work, and provides me with some job security). I was planning on finishing up at Dickson at the end of the semester as I have completed enough courses to do so, however paperwork is an issue there…and I’m not quite sure I’ve done enough hours on my SNAP to finish up at that stage. I can remain enrolled without being enrolled in classes, which is useful as I have a number of other things in the pipeline at the moment:

I am on a list of interested people (I don’t know how long it is, but I don’t think it is very long) at Canberra’s Talk Radio 2CC as a Panel Op…we’ll see what happens.

Australian Independent Radio News are looking at potentially making me a Canberra reporter, and perhaps even a weekend news reader.

The IT people at the Australian National University are apparently looking for somebody to work there for six months…it might be me, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

On another note, I had a phone call from ACTION last week (or to be more precise, ACTION’s version of the Iraqi Department Of Information) informing me that everything ACTION does is wonderful…nice try guys, but I’m not buying it, especially when flexibus is happily falling to pieces anyway, and the morning 38 is completely ignoring all timetables and running whenever it feels like it.

In case you don’t recall the Iraqi DOI, they were the people who informed everyone that American troops were not in Iraq, even when they were being blown up by them.


Add comment May 9th, 2005 at 06:36pm

Why has my blog gone quiet?

Probably because I haven’t posted anything…so let me make some noise….

ACTION still haven’t replied to my email, however I have noticed some silent action taking place. The 8:35 bus does appear to be purposefully be running 5 minutes late now, twice in a row, maybe it will be three times in a row tommorow…

I have some interesting career news, but that will have to wait for confirmation, hopefully tommorow.


2 comments May 2nd, 2005 at 07:36pm

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