Archive for May 20th, 2005

When the cat’s away, the pigeon’s will play.

The man who puts the cat amongst the pigeons, John Laws, was absent again today, meaning that for the second time, Tim Webster was filling in. After hearing Tim on these two occasions, I am convinced that he would be a perfect candidate to take over the golden microphone when Lawsie eventually retires. Tim has a great voice, is highly likeable, and can get worked up when he wants to…the perfect mix for weekday mornings.

George Moore, the person who was filling in for Lawsie until recently was good, but I don’t think he was quite suited to Lawsie’s timeslot, his weekend show is excellent, but weekends are entirely different to weekdays. So hooray for Tim!


Add comment May 20th, 2005 at 10:31pm

One Week: the story of insurance insanity.

An update on the previous See you at Mike’s dinner post.

Unfortunately, the insurance company who are insuring the event are insisting that nobody under the age of 18 attends. This is the same insurance company that insisted on having me get a parental note to fly in the 2CC Traffic Plane despite the fact I’ll be over 18 by that time because they are convinced everyone wants to hijack and crash planes….

Incidentally, the dinner will be exactly one week before my 18th birthday.

I do have to wonder why I was able to enter the competition in the first place….


Add comment May 20th, 2005 at 10:22pm

Goose Repellant???

Yep, that is what the ad said that caught my eye, my curiosity led me to follow the link (and no, curiosity did not kill the cat).
It led me to a site called Wildlife Control Supplies who not only sell Goose Repellant, but also Deer Repellant, Snake-a-way Snake Repellant, Bat-a-way, Rat-a-way, 4 the Birds Transparent Repellant Gel and more.

Some of the prices and quantities are even better, want a gallon on Goose repellant…sure, that is only a mere US$219.95

Some of the other products are even better, they have these giant plyer things that allow you to grab a cat that has run up a tree…you might need the arm protector sleeves and the gloves with 400 stainless steel safety bars if you attempt a cat rescue like this.

Pure Coyote and Fox toilet products are also available (the liquid type).

Don’t forget the gift certificates for those times when you just don’t know what to get the person who has every sane product on the planet.

Visit for more info


Add comment May 20th, 2005 at 10:06pm

Samuel’s Coffee-cup-o-meter

Thursday: 5 Cups
2 x standard mug (1 point each) = 2 points
2 x 75% travel mug (1.5 points each) = 3 points
Total = 5 Points


Add comment May 20th, 2005 at 10:23am


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