Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'


Good morning Clive and Abe,

Further to this issue of being cremated and the fact that generally six people will be cremated at once and the ashes can't be sorted out, the only benefit I can see with cremation is that you get to annoy five other families for the rest of eternity…can you imagine being stuck with me for eternity? I think you'd go peculiar.

And if the ashes were spread on the backyard, the property would get sold every few months by deranged people. I don't think anybody could put up with me all the time…even I need a break sometimes.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 9th, 2007 at 04:24am

Levels Of Government

Hi Stuart,

Just about this idea of merging state and local government…theoretically a good idea, but it doesn't seem to work very well here in the ACT, and I'm not quite sure that you would really want people who can barely manage a train schedule put in charge of your garbage collection.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 1st, 2007 at 10:56pm

Aeroplane Noise

Good morning Mike,

It was interesting listening the Stephen Byron from Canberra International Airport talking about aircraft noise and the probability of changing flight paths when Tralee is built.

I'm pretty sure that the flight path has already changed as I have noticed a large increase in the amount of aeroplanes flying over or near the Inner North suburbs lately. For about the last week the increase in noise has been quite noticeable. Whether it has something to do with the weather or not I don't know, but those planes aren't flying the same way they used to, as I rarely ever heard them before last week, and now I hear a bunch of them every day.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment April 30th, 2007 at 07:56am


Good morning John,

Just thought you'd like to know that it's been raining all night here in Canberra, and it's wonderful. There are very few sounds which are nicer than rain on a tin roof.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments April 28th, 2007 at 05:26am

Fairfax Sub Editors and Slimmer Newspapers

Good evening Stuart,

Fairfax have really shot themselves in the foot by sacking 35 sub editors, they're always the ones who get the blame for mistakes, errors and general poor judgement. What are they going to say now? "Oh sorry, the printing press decided to change a few paragraphs"?

On the plus side, at least you won't need two seats on the bus or train to fit the newspaper, and I wouldn't be too concerned about the lost advertising revenue, I'm sure that there's a whole bunch of weight loss companies who would love to sponsor "The Slimmer Morning Herald".

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

April 26th, 2007 at 08:27pm

Steve Price

Good afternoon John,

So Steve Price doesn't look happy because his bus hasn't come yet (and won't for many hours to come)…is this really uncommon? He didn't look all that happy when I saw him yesterday.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: Pricey made it in to 2UE. In fairness he also looked very busy yesterday, and it’s difficult to look very busy and happy at the same time. End Update

April 25th, 2007 at 02:57pm

My foot and the AFL Coverage

Good evening Stuart,

Well I don't know what I did to my left foot but I can't put any weight on it at all at the moment as my heel is in agony. It feels like it's been hit with a hammer.

Also I was watching some of the AFL on Channel Seven not long ago and after a goal they didn't take their usual ad break…they stayed with a bit of an argument on the field and one of the players used the F word. Seven quickly muted the umpire's microphone and took their ad break with a commentator mid-sentence, and when they came back the commentator mumbled something about the conversation being heated. How come you have to use a delay and they don't? Surely they are more likely to need to cut off naughty words.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

April 20th, 2007 at 09:28pm

Funny thing I saw a few minutes ago

Good morning Paul,

Samuel from Canberra emailing from work. Just thought you might be interested to know that I work opposite a petrol station and just saw one of the funniest sites I've seen in a while.

A white commodore pulled up at the petrol station and the driver got out, they were obscured by the signs but I could tell something was a bit odd. Firstly they didn't seem to know how to use the petrol pump, and had to get the attendant out for a lesson. I was distracted by work for a few minutes after this, but I saw them again as they were returning to their car after paying for their petrol, and that's when I spotted it…they were wearing a near full length purple dressing gown which was about three sizes too big!

I wonder if they were sleep walking? It would explain the dressing gown but not much else.

Have a great weekend Paul and Abe.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: This petrol station is fantastic entertainment. The attendant has walked out in to the petrol pump area for his break and lit up a cigarette. I just hope flaming chunks of the place don’t come flying through the window. End Update

April 19th, 2007 at 04:29am

ACTION Timetables

Hello Mike and Mike,

Looks like we ruffled a few feathers inside ACTION Management. I still don't know how that email got to air but frankly I no longer care, it was a good thing that it did, and on behalf of everyone in Canberra who uses buses, thank you.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Informational Update 11:00PM: This talkback email needs an explanation. This morning I copied on to this blog an email I sent to 2CC for informational purposes about a rumoured change to ACTION’s weekday bus timetables. I sent that email on Monday at a time when it was still a rumour which was likely to change at any moment given the whimsical nature of ACTION management.

On Tuesday morning Mike Jeffreys read out the email during the 2CC Breakfast program, this was not what I expected, in fact I didn’t even know that Mike Jeffreys had a copy of the email, however it made the information public, and clearly gave ACTION, their governing body TAMS (Territory and Municipal Services) and transport minister John Hargreaves a jolt. It was no longer possible to easily deny the plan had ever existed, and they wouldn’t be able to easily change their mind about it.

Today Mr. Hargreaves and ACTION have announced “extra services and the re-introduction of certain weekday routes” to begin on the 30th of April. The announcement is pleasing, although I will reserve judgement until I actually have had a chance to review the updated timetables. At first glance it looks like they have expanded the service to roughly the limit of possible modifications without scrapping the current timetable completely. It is probably close to the limit of the remaining bus fleet too.

End Informational Update

April 18th, 2007 at 10:29pm

It’s the ever evolving David Hicks melodrama

Good morning John,

It's very interesting that David Hicks' sworn statement to the British government says he was tortured by the US considering that he recently withdrew that statement. Which one was the truth? And how much bending of the truth is Hicks doing to get his way?

Many questions will need to be answered when he is allowed to talk to the media next year, and it's a pity that he can't talk to the media straight away as I think we could start a soap opera out of the David Hicks saga.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

7 comments April 7th, 2007 at 01:59am

Best Inventions

Good afternoon Glenn,

It's wonderful to hear you on the wireless in Canberra again, a very pleasant way to spend a Good Friday afternoon.

When you asked about the best inventions of all time, I instantly thought of the toilet. There have been a lot of good inventions, but the toilet, in its many forms, is an essential part of life, and without it and indoor plumbing and the sewer network, we could hardly have built the cities that we live in…and high-rise buildings wouldn't be at all practical.

Happy Easter!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

4 comments April 6th, 2007 at 04:30pm

Annual Leave

Good evening Stuart,

That is an interesting statistic about young people being less likely to use their annual leave than older people. I fit in to that age group and I would have to admit that I don't, at this stage, intend on using my entire annual leave entitlement this year, and I also quite happily worked on the Canberra Day public holiday and will be working tomorrow on Good Friday. I personally like working on public holidays and keeping the days up my sleeve for when I might actually have some use for the day off.

To answer the question the surveyors had about how happy young people are at work, well I enjoy working quite a lot, mainly because I'm not the kind of person who really enjoys being idle. Even when I'm not working I often try to find work to do…or invent work to do, no matter how frivolous the work may be! (Imaginary game shows are hardly serious work).

Also, you might be interested to know that at the service station across the road from my work, unleaded petrol has jumped nine cents per litre in the last 24 hours. If this is part of some normal discounting cycle as they claim, they must have lost an awful lot of money for the three days this week where the service station was full and petrol was ever so much cheaper.

One more thing, I think the Iranian president has started a good thing with his Easter gift of giving back things he doesn't own…if only other people would follow his lead, imagine how many borrowed items would suddenly be returned.

Happy Easter!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment April 5th, 2007 at 11:30pm

Global Warming

Good evening Stuart,

Well I agree 99% with Prof. Lance Endersby's views on global warming, the only thing I disagree with is that I think we have had some, small impact, whereas he seems to think we've had none.

But on the whole, I agree with him about the current warming being a natural phenomena and part of a lengthy global and solar cycle, and carbon dioxide being an essential part of the eco-system.

I do know of one way that we can prevent future warming though…and that's to get rid of the sun. Probably not a very productive move though.

I'll send you an email with my Footy Tips a bit later on.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments April 4th, 2007 at 10:29pm

Petrol Prices

Good evening again Stuart,

And just on the topic of petrol prices…well the petrol station across the road from my workplace here in Canberra has been full-to-overflowing since at least 4pm. Unleaded petrol there is 120.9 cents per litre. I suppose everyone is trying to refuel before the price rises later in the week in the lead-up to Easter.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

10 comments April 3rd, 2007 at 10:29pm

Drug testing in Junior Sport

Good evening Stuart,

I think the idea of doing random drug tests in junior sport is a good idea…you probably wouldn't get many cheats until the older teens, but it might help instil in to the younger ones a fear of getting caught.

Also, just on the issue of the Golden Point in the NRL, it's an interesting concept, but I think it could be improved. I think it would be better if when the game goes to golden point, both teams get one competition point, and then the winner gets an extra point. If they can't sort it out after ten minutes it's a draw and nobody gets the extra point.

Oh, and I finally had a decent round of NRL tipping…5 from 8, pity about my 3 from 8 in the AFL!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

6 comments April 3rd, 2007 at 09:59pm

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