Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Global Warming Debate

Good afternoon John,

You know that I like you so please don't take this the wrong way, but the idea you came up with a few minutes ago of having Tim Flannery in the studio taking calls about climate change under the guise of a reasoned and balanced debate is the stupidest thing I've heard all week, and I've some some remarkably dumb things this week.

You yourself said only a few minutes before that, Tim Flannery represents one side of the debate. I'm certainly not saying don't bring him in, but if you are going to have him taking calls, you also need somebody from the other side of the argument to do the same thing, preferably at the same time…you have other segments like that on a weekly basis and they work very well.

Have a good weekend!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

4 comments June 1st, 2007 at 01:59pm

Money or Lifestyle

Good evening Stuart,

Just in reply to that email you read out a few minutes ago from the person whose son turned down a $90,000 job in the mining sector in Western Australia as (I'm pretty sure you said dump truck driver, but I'm not sure).

To be perfectly honest, I would have turned down the job as well. I earn significantly less than $90,000 per year, but I mush prefer my job and conditions over a job where I work for a week on a twelve hour day shift, followed by a week on a 12 hour night shift, followed by a week off. I work all sorts of hours on a rotating roster, and even though the WA job would have a much higher pay rate, there is no way I would accept that job…even if it was doing something I would enjoy.

That being said, if they have a job involving a crane, I'd be happy to pay them for an hour in charge of a crane…one of my life ambitions is to spend some time driving a crane.

By the way Stuart, if people were to vote based on haircuts, don't write off John Howard just yet. John Stanley has even less hair and plenty of people seem to like him!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 30th, 2007 at 11:29pm

What goes around comes around

Good evening Stuart,

Well they say what comes around goes around…earlier today I had whinge about how I have an irrational fear of overhead power lines and how I think power lines shouldn't run through backyards like they do here in Canberra due to my safety concerns…so guess what happens…a freak rain storm and a power failure! Followed by the security alarm trying to deafen me…twice.

It's certainly dark at night when all the lights go out.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments May 29th, 2007 at 08:30pm


Good afternoon Stuart,

After more fruitless (pardon the pun) searching for fresh blueberries, I have given up and purchased a box of frozen blueberries…a bit over $7 for 500g is a pretty good price, but the real test will be in the quality of them. I'll give you a brief report later on.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 29th, 2007 at 03:26pm

The webcam

Hi Stuart,

I see those scientists have worked out how to make people invisible…

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2UEWebCamWith Stuart20070528.jpg

May 28th, 2007 at 10:56pm

Ad Breaks Confirmed

Hi again John,

I don't know how they managed it, but 2CC have somehow scheduled a 2 minute ad break, a 4 minute break, a 1:30 break and a 30 second break.

They got the total right but the only break which is the right length is the first one in the hour…the second one means we miss two minutes of your show, and the rest deliver us the emergency tape.

The joys of automation.


I wonder what happened to the other email I sent? It had photos from Manuka Oval on Sunday, I suppose I’ll just have to post them later.

May 28th, 2007 at 03:26am

Sent to 2GB/2CC’s Continuous Call team

Good evening Andrew and Blocker,

Just listening to the call on the radio at work, I’ve given up tipping origin matches, but my random number generator says New South Wales will win.

Last year you called me cranky when I rang after Origin 2…hopefully the ref is better this year, then I won’t need to be cranky!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Note: have a webstream of the State Of Origin for the benefit of anyone who can’t get coverage on the radio. Personally, if I was at home, the television would be muted, and the Continuous Call Team would be blaring out of the radio…it’s an awful lot better than Channel Nine’s commentary.

May 23rd, 2007 at 07:23pm

Mike Bailey

Good evening Stuart,

Mike Bailey is an odd choice as a celebrity candidate for Labor, although I can see one potential benefit.

Currently whenever a politician speaks in parliament there is a super (graphic) on the screen showing their name and which electorate they represent. Most of us wouldn't have the faintest clue where most of these electorates are, but Mike, with his amazing experience pointing at maps, could appear on camera momentarily pointing at the electorate in question…then if time permits, he could fulfil his portfolio of "minister for weather" by telling us about the weather in that electorate.

I certainly wouldn't want to be the minister for weather…imagine having to take the blame for all the floods and droughts and cyclones…and getting the blame for wrong weather forecasts. I suppose it would be of some use to have a minister for weather if we could control the weather, but otherwise, what qualities is Mike Bailey going to bring to parliament?

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 22nd, 2007 at 08:57pm

Blueberries and Rain

Good evening Stuart,

One thing that is really annoying me at the moment is the shortage of blueberries. I absolutely love blueberries, they have always been a bit expensive, but it seems that the drought has taken its toll and they are now so expensive that fruit stores just aren't buying them. One fruit shop owner I spoke to last week said that he won't buy them because he doesn't think it's worth paying $9 per punnet and then not having anyone purchase them from him.

In the last week I have only found one fruit shop selling them, they were charging $10 per punnet and had sold out. It's becoming much harder to find blueberries, which is quite disappointing.

Also we had some nice rain here in Canberra few hours ago, a twenty minute downpour, unfortunately it's gone now and doesn't look like coming back.

Also, seeing as you were interested, I got three from six in the NRL this week and five from eight in the AFL…it looks like all the home teams won in the AFL this week.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 21st, 2007 at 10:57pm

Ducks in the Canberra White Pages

Good morning John,

Following on from our chat a few minutes ago, I've had a look in the Canberra White Pages and there are 12 listings for "Duck".

I didn't look closely enough to check if any of them are psychiatrists, but if one of them is, well I'm sure they get called a "quack" on a daily basis.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 21st, 2007 at 01:57am

Television movements

Good evening Stuart,

Well my theory about the Titans not being able to handle the wet at the Dragons home ground was accurate!

Anyway I was just wondering what you think of Seven's new morning show, "The Morning Show" with Kylie Gillies and Larry Emdur. I just don't think that is a good combination and I doubt it will see the end of August, however I would be happy if Larry hosts half an hour of it from the Wheel Of Fortune studio, perhaps Kylie could spin the letters? I think the morning is a great timeslot for Wheel Of Fortune!

Have a great weekend Stuart.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment May 18th, 2007 at 09:58pm

Petrol Discounts

Good afternoon Glenn,

Today I purchased some items from a department store which offers those petrol discounts if you spend a certain amount, and I, for a change, actually spent enough to get one of those discounts. I then had a look on the back of the receipt at some of the offers, the least valuable of which was a free coffee…this got me thinking, 60 litres of petrol discounts is $2.40, whereas a cup of coffee is about three dollars.

In that case, why would I want to surrender the docket for the petrol discount when I can surrender it for a choice of half a dozen more valuable things?

And I wonder how much the department store marked up the prices to cover the petrol discount?

Have a great weekend Glenn!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 12th, 2007 at 12:59pm

Open Government

Good morning Mike,

Well I have to agree that all of these media organisations joining forces to protect freedom of information is a good thing, but I think you and Jason Morrison are right that having the company executives standing side by side presenting speeches reminiscent of politicians was the wrong way to present the story. Perhaps if we are lucky we will get all of the big names from the media outlets, people who are actually recognised by the general public, standing side by side at the next press conference…and I think you would find that the public would trust the collective stance of Kerry O'Brien, John Laws, Alan Jones, Ray Martin, Piers Ackerman and others more than a bunch of company executives. If you could get them all to stand up together, I think the public would take notice.

Of course I think Yes Minister did a very good job of showing the quick shift away from open government in politicians' minds following an election win, in the episode "Open Government". If I remember correctly they came to the conclusion that they supported open government…as long as it was in the public interest. They defined the "public interest" in a later episode where Jim Hacker MP wanted to stop an embarrassing interview from being aired by the BBC…from memory it went something like this:

Jim Hacker MP: "Well it's not in my interest, and I represent the public, therefore it's not in the public interest!".

Have a great weekend Mike!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

May 11th, 2007 at 08:54am

What drives me nuts

Hi John,

What drives me nuts is the way cinemas advertise a movie to start at a certain time, yet the pre-movie ads start five minutes later, and the movie starts at least twenty minutes after the advertised start time.

I wouldn't mind if the ads started on time, but it's just plain annoying having the ads start late and then the movie start really late.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment May 10th, 2007 at 02:24pm

Television Programming Habits

Good morning Mike,

I found the interview you had about television programming practices after the 7:30 news to be quite interesting, and it certainly explains why I don't watch much television any more…the stations that are targeting me are putting on shows I either don't like or just don't want to see (for example CSI, good show but it's far too predictable and I'm bored with it), and the other networks are trying to catch a different demographic with shows I'm even less interested in.

Apart from that I think television programming in general, especially during prime time, is getting worse. I remember a time not that many years ago when I would be excited about the shows that were going to be on at night…now I'm regularly missing shows I do like because good shows are far too intermittent and I'm usually doing other things. I used to be able to remember what shows were on by routine, but now it's a matter of "show a" followed by two hours of doing something else and hopefully remembering that "show b" is on at 10:30 (and the show will probably be ten to fifteen minutes late anyway).

What I'm noticing now is that a lot of the good shows are being pushed back to really late at night, and then get shuffled around so much that I'm better off just buying the DVD.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

5 comments May 10th, 2007 at 08:54am

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