Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Have a cuppa!

Good evening Stuart,

I think I'm just as perplexed as you at this barage of crazy racist callers you're getting…including the South African bloke who thinks  all immigrants should be deported except for him.

I have a simple solution for you…put on a record and get a cuppa. If problems persist, extend your chat with Enda Brady until the end of the show!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 28th, 2007 at 11:53pm

Many Things

Good morning John,

It's an unexpected surprise hearing you today…I was rather hoping to surprise Abe today by ringing him and Clive as they haven't heard from me in nearly two weeks, but it's great to have you on anyway.

Moving on, I am sick and tired of this vapid waste of publicity Paris Hilton…I would have to say that the chances of her behaving for her good behaviour period are about the same as me visiting the moon this week…and the less we hear about this dumb criminal the better.

Also, SBS television are running their final ever episode of the show "Hotline" tonight, which is a five minute viewer feedback programme. Whilst it doesn't often actually address all the concerns of the calls and letters it receives, it has proven to be a valuable show, and has outlived all the similar shows on other networks. It is the end of an era tonight…and you can guarantee that those five minutes each week will be turned into advertising during the popular show "Inspector Rex" which shares the same timeslot.

Have a great morning John,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment June 28th, 2007 at 12:23am


Good morning Mr. Laws

I am very sad to hear that you have decided to retire, and I know that your departure from radio will leave a gaping hole in the lives if many people, myself included.

I am however, glad that you have decided to retire on your own terms, and I wish you all the best for the rest of this year, and then for a long and prosperous retirement.

I really don't know quite what to say, I'm trying not to cry as I write this…you're an inspiration John, I will miss you, and I'm pretty sure that the rest of the nation will too. I think I'll have to take up John Stanley's offer of spending the day with him and his staff at 2UE just so that I can wish you all the best in person.

Warmest regards.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

11 comments June 25th, 2007 at 10:24am

Fads and phases in education

Good morning Mike,

You had an interesting interview just after 7:30 about education, and I found the discussion of fads and phases in teaching methods quite interesting. In my experience almost everything in education is affected by fads and phases.

I remember when I was in high school  the policy on mobile phones changed regularly, I had three different principals during my four years of high school and they all had a different policy, and they even changed their policies from one week to the next. One of them banned students from even bringing phones to school, even if they were turned off and stored in a school bag. This policy was enforced heavily for about two days, with phones being confiscated whenever a teacher saw them, then they all lost interest and the policy was changed. That same policy was reinstated about a month later, and lasted for a week.

It was a big change when I got to college and found that because students are treated like adults (and expected to act like adults in return), the only policy on phones was that teachers could request that they be turned off in class. Generally the students complied because staff were being reasonable…and the policy didn't change. If the high school policy on phones hadn't changed from one week to the next an awful lot of time and angst would have been saved.

Have a good weekend.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

10 comments June 22nd, 2007 at 08:24am

Good Morning George Moore

Good morning Mr. Moore,

It's a pleasure to hear you again, although it's a pity you don't have Paul B. Kidd with you. You were the first talkback host I ever sent an email to (back in late 2003), at the time, much like today, you were filling in for Lawsie.

It's great to hear you in Canberra again, and I hope you're well.

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment June 15th, 2007 at 09:26am


Good Morning Lawsie,

Just thought you might like to know that it's raining down here in Canberra and has been since about 4:30, and the weather radar shows the rain stretching from about half way between Yass and Cootamundra, all the way to Bega through Cooma, and up the coast to Wollongong. Hopefully this nice level of rain continues and spreads out even further across the state.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment June 14th, 2007 at 09:26am

Discussion about cars

I sent the following email to Simon Marnie, who is filling in for Adam Spencer on ABC 702 Sydney's breakfast show. (In case you're wondering, I don't have my radio with me and I'm exploring various webstreams…it's given me an idea for the next round of radio reviews, after I finish the current set!)

Good morning Simon,

Just flicking around the various Sydney radio station webstreams to see what each station is talking about, and I happened to stumble on your conversation about cars. So far, the only sensible thing I've heard is the car sharing scheme.

The limited registration idea is absolutely stupid, if you have two cars, the chances are that you need both of them. What happens if one car breaks down on a day when the other car isn't allowed to be used because of the limited registration? If you're willing to pay a reduced registration fee in exchange for non-use days then obviously it's your own fault if you happen to need the car on a non-use day…but it's a silly idea all-the-same because the fact of the matter is, if you have two cars, you have them because you have a use for them…if not, you sell them, and that is much more sensible than some limited-use system.

How about, instead of limited-use, you share the car with others on days when you don't need it. Preferably this would be people you know and trust…this would have the same effect on pollution as the limited-use scheme by reducing the overall number of cars required, but would be much more practical.

Apart from that, your scare-mongering about Climate Change is, in my view, unfounded, but you're more than welcome to your own opinion, and I'm sure the Climate Change debate is one we can save for another day.

Enjoy your day in Sydney!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: Due to a peculiarity in the timing of my changes of webstream, almost every time I switched to 2GB, Alan Jones was reading the weather report and sounding quite alarmed by the fact that the Bureau of Meteorology are forecasting “possible small hail” for Sydney today. It was also amusing when at one stage I switched from 2GB to 2UE during a sport report segment of the breakfast show (not the news), 2GB mentioned a sports person and their sport, and a second later, so did 2UE! It was rather amusing to hear actually. End Update

June 14th, 2007 at 07:26am

The Old Pacific Highway

Good evening Stuart,

I was very disappointed on the weekend when the blame game started over who was responsible for maintaining the Old Pacific Highway.

As far as I'm concerned, nothing could have prevented the tragedy that occurred there. All the photos and television footage clearly show that a lot of the ground underneath the road was washed away, and as we know whenever a flood washes away the ground underneath something, it washes away whatever was sitting on that ground as well.

It's absolutely terrible and tragic that a family got washed away in a car on that bit of road, but I don't think we can really blame any official for the road getting washed away, and I think we should instead focus on helping the family and friends who have been left behind with their grief.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

8 comments June 11th, 2007 at 10:57pm


Good morning merry men of the airwaves,

Earlier today Mr. Robertson asked the Abester how many fingers were being held up by the aforementioned Mr. Robertson (I'll dispense with the convolution now).

I have always found that 17 is the best answer to that question. 17 is a prime number so I can't be accused of seeing double or triple, and it's not my fault if the person holding up their fingers can't see their extra digits.

The other answer which I find useful is "why are you asking me, you're the one who put them there".

Regardless of the line I use, I generally get labelled as difficult and get left alone.

It works!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 7th, 2007 at 12:58am

Warmer Autumn brings predictable climate change alarm from ABC News

Good morning Mike,

I don't know if you saw ABC Television News last night or not, but I saw one of their updates and was, unfortunately, not surprised by one of the stories.

They ran a story about autumn being warmer than usual. As far as I can tell it came from the following press release from the Bureau Of Meteorology

The press release doesn't mention how much warmer it was, just that various places didn't have their usual cold temperatures, and a few were actually cooler than usual.

ABC News took a different angle…according to them the temperature was two degrees warmer than usual, and the cause? Climate change of course! Never mind that a two degree increase in temperatures as a result of climate change in the space of a few months would not only be unprecedented, but completely contradict the entire "carbon levels equal temperature" nonsense.

I'm just waiting for the end of winter when we all get told that it was a bit colder than usual, and it's all due to climate change. They will probably tell us some nonsense about how all that ice that melted because of global warming during summer and autumn made the water and therefore the entire southern hemisphere a bit colder during winter.

By the way, when you get a chance have a listen to the 3am news from 2UE…that silly story about some nutter from CommSec saying we should sell Australia Post to prevent climate change, then another person saying that the government needs to spell out their policy on selling Australia Post before the next election. Oddly enough, Senator Helen Coonan did that yesterday.

And today, apparently, is World Environment Day, which inevitably means yet another excuse for a bunch of nutty press releases from people who claim the Black Mountain will soon be under water (yes, somebody did suggest that to me the other day…I think they were joking, but knowing the way these things spread it will probably be the headline some time in the next year).

Have a great day!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments June 5th, 2007 at 04:58am

Regional Breakfast Shows

Good morning again Abe and Mr. Robertson,

Here is the list that you wanted of regional breakfast hosts:

2BH – Graeme Maxwell-Jones (although their website still lists Stan Zemanek as a presenter, it could be out of date)
Great Lakes FM – If anybody can make sense of their website they are doing well
2LT – Paul Wise (According to Jock's Journal)
2NM – Rick Manchin (apparently with a lucky five dollar note and a cactus)
2ST – Barry Mac
4BU – Trevor Leutton (another website featuring Stan)
4KZ – Paul James
4RO – Michael J Bailey (according to their newsletter on the Rockhampton Chamber of Commerce website)
3YB – Jon Vertigan, using the name Verto

Hope this helps!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 5th, 2007 at 03:58am

The buttons in the washing machine

Good morning Abe and Mr. Robertson,

Late last night while I was preparing for work (I could be more graphic, but for your sake I won't be), I noticed that yet another button had gone missing from one of my shirts. I am starting to wonder if my washing machine is hungry, and if so, are the buttons really all that tasty? Have you ever needed to feed your washing machine in order to stop it eating your buttons? If so it would be really great if you could let me know what your washing machine likes to eat.

The tiny writing being used by Fox for their Tennis coverage is unfortunately not unique to Fox. I've never quite understood why Tennis always attracts such minuscule writing, but it doesn't bother me as I can't stand Tennis for any longer than about 20 minutes at a time anyway.

Incidentally, I would be happy to have Peter Costello as prime minister, but only if he continues to the treasurer. Unfortunately I don't think anybody else in either the government or the opposition has the credentials or ability to handle the economy as well as he has.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 5th, 2007 at 01:28am


Sorry John, but that has to be the worst rendition of "Go Your Own Way" I've ever heard…give me the original by Fleetwood Mac any day.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 4th, 2007 at 02:58am

End Of The Line

Good morning again John,

I thought you weren't giving me a present…so thank you for the lovely surprise of playing End Of The Line by The Travelling Wilburys earlier, it's one of my favourite songs and I'm going to treat you playing it as a present.

That song was used at the end of the final episode of One Foot In The Grave, it really lifted the mood as it was quite a sad ending, but the song and the accompanying film clips changed the mood considerably…and as the lyrics say "Well its all right".

Thanks again and have a great day.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

6 comments June 2nd, 2007 at 04:29am

Ernie Dingo

Good evening Stuart,

Great interview with Ernie Dingo. I dare say that his singing would probably be an awful lot better than mine!

I don't see as much of The Great Outdoors as I used to, but I think it's a pity the way all the presenters are effectively joint hosts of the show these days, as I thought Ernie always did a great job as host. His personality was brilliant as the host and I think it's a pity he doesn't get as much airtime on that show any more.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 1st, 2007 at 10:59pm

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