Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Messy Cabinet

Good evening Stuart,

Just wondering, why did former Rural Fire Service commissioner Phil Koperberg get appointed to Environment, Water and Climate Change, and Nathan Rees got Emergency Services and Water utilities?

Surely Mr. Koperberg is more experienced in Emergency Services than a former staff member of Morris Iemma, and wouldn't it have made sense to consolidate Water and Water Utilities? Also, what exactly does a state minister for Climate Change do that isn't already covered by a federal ministry?

Perhaps I'm missing something, but I can't see the logic in those cabinet appointments.

P.S. Somehow I managed to tip every game tonight correctly…could this be an omen for the rest of the weekend?

Have a great weekend,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

March 30th, 2007 at 11:30pm

Swimming Pools

Good evening Stuart,

All this talk about swimming pools is making me cold…or at least bringing back cold memories. I never did like swimming in anything other than the nicely heated baby pool (pity I'm over eight years old), and I always took a long time to get in to the cold water of the normal swimming pool.

That being said, I was never very good at swimming lessons once I was in the pool either…I remember one year when we were being assigned to various swimming classes and the teacher started talking to her supervisor while I was in the pool in an effort to work out what they were going to do with me…that had never seen a student swim backwards with a kick board before!

I can doggy paddle, and that will do me.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

4 comments March 27th, 2007 at 10:59pm

I was wrong…very wrong

Good afternoon Glenn,

Well I sure was wrong about the Debnam minority government…about the only bit I got right is that they would get a minority!

Enjoy the afternoon,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment March 25th, 2007 at 01:29pm

Who Will Win?

Good afternoon Glenn,

In many ways it is a pity that we don't have Centrebet here in Canberra as I'd love to put a few dollars on Peter Debnam to win tonight…I just think he'll scrape over the line with a minority government.

I am a bit surprised that, given how personal the election campaign has been so far, Mr. Iemma hasn't visited Mr. Debnam's electorate, and Mr. Debnam hasn't been to Mr. Iemma's electorate, to convince everyone to vote for their party instead. Could be hard work in such generally safe seats, but it would certainly be funny to watch on the news!

Now we just have to wait and see…will New South Wales get fixed or head in the right direction, or will the Greens get their wish and secure the protest vote?

Enjoy the next four years!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

11 comments March 24th, 2007 at 02:59pm

Election Night

Hi John,

Good luck with Steve Price tomorrow night, feel free to play "election survivor" and vote him off if you think it helps!

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment March 23rd, 2007 at 02:30pm

What drives me nuts

Hi John,

What drives me nuts is the way so many places turn their air conditioning as far down as possible. For example, on Monday when the temperature was below twenty degrees here in Canberra, I went in to a shopping centre which was at least four degrees colder!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

7 comments March 22nd, 2007 at 01:29pm

Optional Voting

And Good Morning yet again John,

You had a caller earlier who claimed that people over the age of 80 should not be forced to vote because either they might not live until the next election, or it is too hard to get to a polling booth.

Well the first argument is nuts in my mind…none of us are guaranteed to live until the next election…does that mean we should all get optional voting? Optional voting isn't something you can give to one group and not another, and I personally think it should remain compulsory.

As for the second point, well we have this thing called a postal vote…and I believe that the electoral commission can visit people in hospitals, so if it is too hard to get to the polling booth, you do have other options.

I would hate to miss out on my chance to shape the future of the nation, and it upsets me that others don't see their right to vote in the same light, and treat it with as much respect.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments March 17th, 2007 at 05:30am


Good morning again John,

Your caller is correct, April 6 is Good Friday, April 8 is Easter Sunday and April 9 is Easter Monday.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

March 17th, 2007 at 01:00am

Thanks for the summer!

Good afternoon Glenn,

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for another wonderful summer of weekend (and night time) entertainment. Those of us down here in Canberra will once again have to leave you from next weekend for the football, but I will be sure to fire up the 2UE webstream when I can, and I will continue to keep in touch.

It's a pity you didn't get a chance to organise a Canberra lunch, but I suppose there is always next summer.

Keep up the good work, I know the airwaves and the people listening to them down here will miss you.

And as much as I hate doing this kind of thing this early…Happy Easter, I'll send you some easter eggs closer to the date (at least I didn't wish you a Happy Easter on Boxing Day).

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments March 11th, 2007 at 01:30pm

Aeroplane Travel

Good morning John,

You were talking about the amount of time people have had to wait for planes, well I've never had to wait for one, but that's only because I've never been on one.

I do remember one of my teachers telling me a story though about one time she was going to catch a plane from Melbourne to Canberra on Christmas Eve, while she was waiting for the boarding call in the waiting lounge she was having a chat with a pilot and mentioned that she was going to Canberra, the pilot told her that he was too, and she was going to be the only passenger on the flight, she could have any seat she liked, but she would have to sit right down the back with the flight attendants during take off and landing to balance the plane!

Apparently they would have cancelled the flight, but as it was Christmas Eve and they needed the plane in Canberra for another flight, they decided to go ahead with only one passenger. My teacher said it was the best in-flight service she has ever had.

Have a great morning,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments March 11th, 2007 at 01:30am

Petrol Price Regulators

Good afternoon John,

I remember being taught in primary school that if you have a right and don't exercise it, then you don't really have the right…so on that logic, if the petrol price regulators won't do any regulating, what good are they?

Have a great weekend!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

March 9th, 2007 at 01:00pm

Plane Crash

Important Notice: In the light of the news that people have died in this accident, including at least one journalist, the following email may seem insensitive, and possibly be seen to be in bad taste. Please bear in mind that this email was sent prior to such information being known, and I can now only wish those involved, and all of their family and friends, all the best. End Notice

Hello John, Kate and friends

Terrible news about the plane crash in Yogyakarta, one can only hope that the reports of people being trapped in the burning plane are incorrect. At least we know why the news got out so quickly though…you wouldn't expect anything less from a plane full of journalists and diplomats.

I do find the pronunciation of Yogyakarta interesting though. Last time it was in the news the majority of the media were pronouncing it by the alternative spelling Jogjakarta…and now everyone seems to have reverted to the Yogyakarta spelling. Perhaps somebody should call the Indonesian embassy and find out the official pronunciation and spelling as it is silly to refer to it by both names depending on which gets used first in a story.

Best wishes,

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment March 7th, 2007 at 01:30pm

Silly Cyclist

And good afternoon yet again Glenn,

Please tell me this cyclist being hit in the Airport Tunnel is just a really really bad early April Fools Day joke…why the hell would anybody ride a bicycle on that road…I dare say that most people try to avoid driving on that road if they can, and they've got a mass of plastic and metal to crumple and protect them.

I've avoided making any quips about the cyclist not being in his or her right mind because, quite clearly, they lack one.

On the plus side, that IQ will be no loss.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

8 comments March 3rd, 2007 at 02:30pm

Welcome back Glenn

Good afternoon Glenn,

Welcome back to the weekend, I hope your holiday was good. Ms. McSween did a grand job filling in for you, but nobody, and I emphasise nobody, could ever fill your shoes!

As for the Archibald Prize, seeing as art can not really be judged as good or bad, but merely as what you do and don't like, just be thankful that the winner wasn't a painting of a politician! We see enough of them as it is.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

March 3rd, 2007 at 12:30pm

A couple storm photos

Hi Stuart,

As promised, some photos of my area post storm.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart



2 comments February 27th, 2007 at 11:32pm

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