Posts filed under 'Bizarreness'

Cop threatens to sue John Laws

Of all the cases of stupidity this planet shows, this has to be near the top of the list. The police woman who gave 83-year-old Pat Gallen a $30 for crossing the road slowly is threatening to sue John Laws for defamation. Laws, and the rest of the media, criticised this police woman, and the fine was revoked after a public outcry. according to previous newspaper articles on the matter “A police spokeswoman said it was not clear if any disciplinary action would be taken against the officers involved”, so let me get this straight, QLD police revoked the fine, a clear sign it was a wrongful fine, and were considering disciplining the officer(s) involved, the entire media criticised the officer(s) involved (including Today Tonight if memory serves me correctly) and yet this stupid police woman is singling out John Laws for defamation???

As if the fine wasn’t stupid enough, she somehow got the hair-brained idea that she should sue only one of the people who criticised her? She is quite clearly one of the stupidest people on the planet.

So far only The Sunday Mail have covered the story, and their research is a little odd as well. They contacted Pat Gallen (the elderly lady who was fined), she refused to comment, and that is fair enough, but they also rang 2UE

A spokeswoman for Sydney station 2UE was unaware of the proposed legal action and said she could not comment.

The Sunday Mail is the Sunday edition of a daily newspaper, just like The Sun Herald and The Sunday Telegraph, which indicates that the story surfaced yesterday, which would mean that The Sunday Mail rang 2UE yesterday…on the weekend…They would have ended up speaking with the producer of one of 2UE’s Saturday programs…somebody who would have no connection with John Laws or his show…so of course they know nothing about it, nobody did until The Sunday Mail published the story today.

To add to the confusion of this stupidity, I’ve just checked back over my archive of “Best Of Laws” segments, which are the 24 minutes highlight segments for each week…none of them contained anything about Pat Gallen, which indicates that, if John Laws did say anything, it wasn’t much. I think I recall him saying something about it, but from memory it was pretty much in line with the rest of the media, and I’m pretty sure other said worse.

I have a message for that police woman, grow a brain, some thicker skin, and stop trying to make money out of sections of the media which have done nothing to harm you.

The full Sunday Mail article can be read here, and is mirrored below.


Cop to sue John Laws
John Laws
FLAK: Radio talkback host John Laws

A POLICEWOMAN is planning to sue radio talkback star John Laws after he criticised her for booking a grandmother for crossing a road too slowly.

The Queensland Police Union is backing the Atherton-based officer’s legal bid, saying Laws’ comments, made on his nationally syndicated 2UE talkback show, defamed her.

Laws criticised the officer for issuing a ticket to pensioner Pat Gallen, 83, for not crossing the road in a straight line in Malanda, near Cairns, this month.

She was coming home from shopping.

The ticket – and the media attention that followed – created a storm and the $30 fine was waived after a public outcry.

But QPU vice-president Senior-Sergeant Denis Fitzpatrick said the ticket was issued lawfully and Laws had impugned the officer’s character.

“We’re gathering evidence because our lawyer is of the opinion that we have a case,” he said.

A spokeswoman for Sydney station 2UE was unaware of the proposed legal action and said she could not comment.

Sen-Sgt Fitzpatrick said an apology would not suffice “and I don’t think that’s likely”.

He said the officer was upset by Laws’ comments and the union was angry about incorrect media reports.

Mrs Gallen declined to comment.

1 comment October 23rd, 2005 at 07:23pm

ACTION Mathematics

It would appear that ACTION have launched a new dialect of mathematics which challenges conventional thinking on the subject. The advance copies of their new maths appears to contain the notion that swapping plus and minus signs provides more interesting results. ACTION have even launched at least one set of signs which use the new version of maths.

An example of ACTION Mathematics

It would appear to me that this new dialect of mathematics is in line with ACTION management’s general policy of making things harder and more confusing, unlike most staff there who seem to try their hardest to make things work.


1 comment October 21st, 2005 at 08:00pm

John Kerr’s Animal Taxi

I have some Google Alerts setup with various names and keywords so that when a news story appears with these names or keywords I know about it. I have one for “John Laws” which often gives me newspaper reports on various interviews he has conducted, but I also have one for “John Kerr”. Whilst I know John Kerr as an overnight radio presenter and a former Governor General, but it seems that Google know him as a bunch of sports coaches in the US, and now as a taxi driver in Port Macquarie. The reason I bring this up is that this recent taxi driver story is quite entertaining. This story comes from the Port Macquarie News, and is as follows.

Heard the one about the owl and the snake?
Wednesday, 19 October 2005

IF YOU caught a cab in Port Macquarie on Thursday morning, chances are you shared it with a brown snake.

The 40 centimetre reptile spent about five hours in the car before it was discovered by a horrified passenger.

According to taxi driver John Kerr the snake managed to get into the car when he hit an owl on his shift.

“I was driving out near Major Innes Drive about one in the morning on Thursday when I saw this owl take off from the road with a snake in its claws,” John explained.

“The owl flew straight into the car and got wedged in the roof racks.”

John stopped the car and got out to see if the owl was still alive.

While he was helping the dazed bird he failed to notice the brown snake slither into the darkness of his cab.

“The owl was a bit dazed, but all right,” John said. “I searched for the snake, but couldn’t find it so I assumed it had slithered off into the bushes.”

John had a few more passengers before he dropped his cab off at the end of his shift.

After giving it a quick clean out he left it for the next driver who began his shift at 5.30am.

When Charlie Beddie started work that morning he was totally unaware of his venomous passenger.

“My first job was at Rydges where I had to pick up a few flight staff,” Charlie said.

“Two of the crew had already climbed in the back of the car and the pilot was sitting in the front when the last flight attendant climbed in.

“As he was getting into the car he noticed the snake and calmly announced it to the rest of us.”

Charlie said when the other passengers heard the news they were out of the car quicker than lightning.

Charlie borrowed a dustpan and broom from the hotel and tried to catch the snake.

“The snake was certainly a feisty fella and did not want to be caught,” Charlie said.

“Finally I managed to get him into the dustpan and then put him into a plastic bin, much to the relief of the flight crew.”

The snake was later released into the bush and Charlie still got his fare out to the airport.
If anyone did catch the cab on Thursday morning Charlie hopes they did not have bare feet.


4 comments October 19th, 2005 at 05:14pm

The Man Who Really Lives In A Fridge

Regular readers of my blog would know that I once had a dream about people living in kitchen appliances, in this dream I lived in a fridge and the neighbours lived in a freezer, I then turned this story into an incredible work of fiction.

Well, now, for the second time in history, UK News Source Ananova receives a link from this website, as they have a story which just goes to show that truth really is stranger than fiction.

I’ll let them tell the story

Iceman can’t stand the heat

A Russian man who suffers from a rare disorder that means his body easily overheats has been divorced after moving to Siberia and turning his house into a fridge.

Vitaly Matyukhin, from Arkhangelsk, converted his new home into a fridge after being told by doctors that he was suffering from a “heat exchange disorder”.

The condition means he risks overheating if exposed to anything over five degrees Celsius, the Moskovsky Komsomolets daily reported.

But after Matyukhin converted his home his wife Olga and their son walked out, saying they could no longer stand the cold.

The condition started after Matyukhin was taken to hospital suffering from heat stroke, which according to doctors upset his body’s internal method of regulating his body temperature.

He said he now only ever leaves his house late at night in winter when the temperature drops below freezing.

His only real problem here is that, if the power goes out, he isn’t going to be able to reenact the events of The Fridge and delve into the power system to fix the problem, as there is a very good chance the teperature might rise above 5 degrees.


October 4th, 2005 at 08:28am

Radio In Your House

During a coversation I was having earlier today, a rather unusual idea came up. The conversation turned to having people from a talk radio station in your house 24/7 following you around.

It would be rather interesting, and odd, having the host of the show walking around with a speakerphone talking and having a band play little bits of music in between calls and having the station voiceover bloke constantly announcing the name of the show.

It would become more interesting when the ads started, as all of the people in the ads could appear in the room.

The news would also be interesting, as you could have a newsreader standing under a “News” sign talking and playing audio clips of various people talking.

I’m not sure if the housebound people would appreciate having people talking constantly while they sleep…especially if a noisy ad started.

There would probably be numerous problems if the house owners went shopping…having a bunch of people following them through the supermarket talking and singing and advertising would probably drive an awful lot of people nuts.

I’m sure the people who owned the house would also be rather annoyed at all the studio guests who walk in and out of the house.

It would probably be a bizarre menagerie of noises and people, and I think a lot of the ads would be quite entertaining. For example, one of the current ads would go something like this:

The host of the show finishes the call they are taking, the band starts playing and the station voiceover bloke makes an announcement. Suddenly some woman walks in the door holding a computer and a canoe and says “How am I supposed to get my computer and canoe safely to Darwin?” and then some salesman could walk in with a sign for the company (which I honestly can’t remember) and start talking about the company.

After the ad the band could start playing again, the voiceover bloke could make another announcement and the newsreader could start talking…during the news a studio guest could walk in and stand opposite the host.

Maybe I should go and do something useful…


2 comments September 28th, 2005 at 02:31pm

My School Term Ticket

My school term bus ticket arrived in the mail yesterday, but this one appears to have come from a stockpile of tickets, which is much different to the last two term tickets I have received, which were somewhat sequential.

The term two bus ticket had serial number 05 -270704- 02522
The term three bus ticket had serial number 05 -270704- 04819
The term four bus ticket has a very different serial number 05-100505-00946

Unlike the other tickets, this one appears to have had the words “Term Ticket” stamped on it.

I could make astronomical assumptions and calculations about the number of ticket sales, but the serial numbers are so different that I think this latest one is from an entirely different series of tickets.


September 28th, 2005 at 01:35pm

49 Years Of Australian Television

I suspect that Channel 9 can’t perform basic mathematical operations. Last night they ran a special presentation about the top 50 shows from the last 50 years of Australian television. The only problem is that we have only had 49 years of Australian television. It started in September 1956, as considering that Channel 9 were the first broadcaster, you would think they would know that…apparently not…


September 26th, 2005 at 06:59pm

Samuel’s Blog: The Insanity Centre Of The Planet

Congratulations, for some reason you have just landed on a website which, over the last week or so has turned into an absolute insane-o-thon…not that I mind…I have publicly declared myself insane on numerous occasions (with tongue in cheek of course) and as the tagline for the site does say “It’s just not normal”.

If you are after a rundown of the week or so in insanity, you just need to look at the following posts (or the somewhat offtopic comments to be more precise…trust me, it’s fun):
2UE’s New Studios
Motorised Lawnmowers
Pictures Of 2UE
Google Earth

I need more coffee…


September 23rd, 2005 at 10:14pm

Strangely Apt Definition

In the last couple of days, I have found Uncyclopedia, and encyclopedia filled with utter nonsense, mostly humourous. It is strangely entertaining and has some interesting insights. Just like Wikipedia, it is editable by anyone.

Anyway, regular readers would probably have worked out by now that my tastes in music are mostly planted in the not very recent (with one major crocodile exception). Uncyclopedia has a rather interesting definition of a Pop Star, which for modern music, I would find myself in agreement:

A person who makes a lot of noise that they call singing in the hope of making money which can then be wasted on useless things, so they are back where they started (only older). Sometimes pop stars join together in a group, so they can have fun making up gossip about each other and selling it to the tabloid press.

In “the good old days” pop singers actually made songs that had tunes and were memorable: now they just make a cacaphony.

Well, it entertained me…


2 comments September 21st, 2005 at 09:43am

Stupid Chain Emails

One of the things that really annoys me are those chain emails that people insist on sending, most of them involve some weirdo’s philosophy on “How to be happy” and because they base their theories on mystical phenomena, you are often told that “The more people you send this to, the happier you will be” or “The more people you send this to, the sooner you will be happy”.

I don’t mind the occasional jokes and videos that do the rounds, but the ones telling you to pass them on to “all the people in your address book” really really annoy me.

So why am I babbling about this? Because I got one today which is possibly the most ridiculous and stupid waste of time I have ever seen in an email. I’ll quote the main bit of it:

Out of all of the billions of people who live in the world, there has got to be somebody born on each date of the year. We are going to try to accomplish the task of seeing if we can fill the calendar up with a birthday on every day of the year. Add your name, NO LAST names, and your city/prov (or state) next to your birth date to the list below.

What is that going to prove? Absolutely nothing. If you want proof that people are born every day, check the newspaper, every single day most newspapers have a list of notable births, deaths & events. Wikipedia has a list here.

Now, if I knew all the people on the list and I knew at least one person who was born on each day of the year, that would be something, but this list just proves that a bunch of random people who have email access were born on different days of the year…or more to the point, proves that people are very impressionable, and forget that spam is “Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.” ( This list might not be of a commercial nature, but it is still spam.

Oh, did I mention the title of this nonsense? No? Well, it’s called “365 Birthdays”…yes, that’s right “365 birthdays”. The person who started this nonsense obviously belongs to the group of idiots who don’t know there is an extra day in a leap year.

Now that I’ve vented my spleen, time for some coffee!


September 18th, 2005 at 12:24am

Fun bits of spam

On occasion when I check my spam, I find something amusing, and this story in my spam is one of the funniest spam stories I’ve received

the danger threatening from the unknown consultant, had intended to catch blue shift. Waving it like a banner, she flew out the window. And the waltz

One day I might have to elaborate on that, but for now it’s gold.


September 14th, 2005 at 03:24pm

Motorised Lawnmowers

Today was the day when the ACT Government sent the motorised tractor based lawnmower to the median strip on the major road near me. It’s a semi-regular occurence, and it has to happen, but at 8:30am? In the middle of peak hour?

That road is busy enough, and for a pedestrian trying to cross it, there are some safety issues. I personally use the median strip to assist in crossing that road as it is much easier, quicker and safer than using the footpaths. I cross one side of the road onto the median strip and then cross the road the goes across the major road onto more median strip and then cross the other side of the major road to my bus stop. This makes dealing with the traffic much easier as I only have to deal with one oncoming direction at a time and don’t have to worry about who might turn the corner without indicating. Here is a map to make it a bit easier to understand my journey.
Map of my journey from one side of the road to the other via the median strip

The lawnmowers add an extra dimension of difficulty to this journey as they tend to act as if they own the grass, and anything on it is part of the grass and needs a good mowing. The exception to this is small children and the elderly, everyone else gets to run for their life.

I can understand street sweepers attending major roads at 5am and suburban roads during business hours, I can understand CityScape Services cleaning civic at 5am, I can understand commercial lawn and garden businesses doing their work during business hours, but I fail to understand why the government insist on sending large uncourteous lawn mowing tractors onto busy median strips in the middle of busy roads during peak hour. They are a menace, and they scare the oncoming motorists when they approach the road.

We have traditional business hours of 9am-5pm, so why can’t the government employ people for those hours unless the live in an office?

Beats me…


11 comments September 14th, 2005 at 11:43am

Airy Window Cleaners

How would you clean a window? With some window cleaner and a cloth? How about a leaf blower?

Well, the latter option is what somebody who lives near me decided to do. I first noticed this when I was taking out the recycling and heard a leaf blower, looked up and saw the person pointing the leaf blower at the windows. It was around this time that I realised that it was the same noise I had been hearing for the last half hour, albeit now louder, and then it occured to me, they had been using the leaf blower inside their house as well.

I wonder if they manged to blow all the dust out of their house? And just how many small household items they broke or blew to the other side of the room?

By the way, the windows don’t look any cleaner (although the cobwebs appear to be gone).


September 12th, 2005 at 06:02pm

More radio fun

It appears that 2LT Lithgow had much more fun than 2CC did last night. 2CC’s problems were of course ads from Sydney, Lithgow probably let the monkeys loose in the studio, I’ll let “it’s just not radio” from google groups explain.

This might explain some of the network dramas experienced overnight by
the once listenable 2LT Lithgow. Had the misfortune to discover the 2UE
Garden show this morning on 2LT, minus any sign of pulses. No
commercials, no weather, no news theme, just plain old silence each and
every network break.
To compound this embarrassing error, the imbecile repsonsible for the
on air mechanics hadn’t factored in any left over commercials;- so at
9:00am today, listeners were treated to ALL the Garden show commercials
back to back! 30 minutes worth, non stop!
And this on top of last night’s N.R.L cock up between 8:00pm and
11:00pm, which came complete with 3 hours of automated local program,
SIMULTANEOUSLY…what a joke! Just reinforces that old adage about
peanuts and monkeys hey!
Don’t know who runs / owns this mob but is it any wonder regional radio
has such a poor name. Guys, do yourselves a favour and hand back the
license, you are a disgrace. You take the Gold Logie for destroying
regional radio credibility.
Being from the Bathurst region , I thought 2BS / B-Rock had that mantle
well and truly covered. WRONG, they now have another contender.

Now, where’s that bigger antenna??????

I guess this is why these changes are made in the middle of the night on a Saturday…nobody in the regional studios to take any notice.


September 11th, 2005 at 06:26pm

Google Translator Fun

I decided to throw one of the recent posts through the google translator from English to German to English, the results were quite entertaining.

It would appear that “Dickson College” has become “university Dickson” and Google have invented a “capucino satay” as well as roasting rice rather than frying it. It would also appear that I was doing a lot of “doing” and my bus driver friend made an “entire” during the afternoon. My bus driver friend’s involvement in the used furntiure business became “a Miteinbeziehung in the memory” and I appear to have strted eating my “dte” (Tea…I think) Anyway, I’ll let you read and enjoy this new and bizarre dialect of English.

Well apart from a small event at the school, which I commentate not on, until the expenditure is repaired, had I a pretty good day.

This mostly was because of a lunch meeting with my bus driver friend, who made an entire in the afternoon meeting.

Right after 1PM met I it outside of my university (university Dickson) and, instead of went a doing which we for the last two weeks and going to association the Dickson Tradies for the lunch doing, we completely to Tuggeranong for the lunch, which was very good. This roasted rice and chicken, which is with one cappucino satay, were very nice.

After this expired we to Queanbeyan and a furniture business used, whose I cannot remind me of names…, it of No. 117 on a road in Queanbeyan if this assistance am. My bus driver friend has a Miteinbeziehung in the memory, therefore it was good to see him for the first time and meets some interesting people at the same time.

During out there, I in that was to waive rather nice Weinlesewalkman. Z.Z. take I to two radios around with me, am one a torch/flare radio, whom I use as my loudspeaker radio, who am, which I prefer it to use, when going or sitting, in certain ranges as headphone me to a certain extent provoke, I find particularly there, prevent her my ability to hear that mine surrounds. The other radio, which I carry around with me, is newer Walkman, who has only one headphone exit, a this is useful on penalties etc., how people can be provoked by loudspeaker radios in limited areas, and a right on your ear to hold is unpleasantly and partly disorienting suitably it external noises partial blocking and my ability effectively preventing to mark the position from noises to.

These “new” radio (it is new to me), one inbuilt loudspeaker has AND headphones… is spent and suprisingly esIST in the situation to have the headphones and the loudspeakers to simultaneous, marks it also a switch, in order to turn the loudspeaker on and away. Is supposed in the situation to settle the work of the other two radios and to make a sound quality available of the better loudspeaker than that torch/flare radio.

That I do not have each possible problem with the other two radios, it formed, is very good you and their work friendly settled, but these “new” radio things more simply.

IchWAR in the term to make some photos of this radio but rejects the camera to accept perfectly good batteries and is argumentative, therefore you must only wait.

Back to the history of my daily. After the attendance to Queanbeyan, which we decided, a coffee to drink and during so back to Dickson and in particular went, Hudsons, which is possessed by the people, which tended, to be my following door neighbours. After this my bus driver friend let me fall away at home, who was probably short before 5PM.

After this went I examining the Johngesetzwebsite to see in order, if this were already the Wochen”gut of laws “segment on its place of assembly. Before I continue, I will address the continual interests of a number of people, which read this blog. I do not hear on John, whom laws show up, mean this that I am with everything on it, but I the appearance enjoy and I a very large quantity respect for John laws have and I him find to maintain. If you are with me others, I am fine with this, do not confirm I that, straight is I there not a fan of most FM music stations, a quantity of people not discussion radio and some/all the Vorfuehrer to stand can. That is not fine and I has a grasp with that, finds I it actual to renew that people unbelievably different opinions have, if it comes to the means it form my life many more interesting and the maintenance.

Back to history (again), when said I, examined I the John law place of assembly for this the Wochen”gut laws “segment, since it marked a section in it that I heard this morning and wanted to again hear, it this woman gave, who was probably drunk going on and on and on and on and on and on approximately absolutely nothing, and it was hillarious, like the notes formed Lawsie.

The principal reason, which I mention this, is the fact that I considered last week, which the people, which are responsible for maintaining the John law place of assembly, had destroyed delibearately the audio quality on the music in the document, which really my ears hurt you and hard to hear too was. I sent to John an email, who asks for an explanation, and during I never received (or at least, heard me not for appearance, when he explained it, if he did at all), which the audio quality for this week had been regulated, which pleased me immeasurably, and I had email Lawsie, it for only attachment thank it, which I had now done.

I assume that I should have a fast counting pulse of my beverages up to now today (hmmm yesterday I have this for one while written). I ate a cup of dte to my breakfast /morningtee (, I had another warning master clock accident), I drank a coffee at the lunch, a coffee to in the afternoon dte, a coffee at the dinner, a coffee this evening and another coffee this evening. The lunch and in the afternoon dte were strongly, actually thus were the house, which was not formed one, so that 5 strong coffee is, a miracle, which I did not believe tiredly…,

I feel like here sit and a continuing real writing Kauderwelsch but I become not, terminate I this here and receive something sleep…, if I can! Hmmmm, surprises me I, if the ADS on 2CC must examine this evening……. to play. Samuel


September 7th, 2005 at 08:48pm

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