Archive for January 8th, 2009

The Waterbed Scandal?

The story which seems to have captured the imagination of the newspapers this morning is this story from the US about president-elect Barack Obama and his family being forced to stay in a hotel rather than Blair House, the massive mansion-esque guest house across the road from the White House, in mid-January because the place is already booked.

Apparently The Obamas wanted to move into the 119-room mansion across the street from the White House so that their daughters could start school in Washington, but when they were informed that it was booked, they took a suite at the exclusive Hay-Adams hotel instead.

So, why is the Obama family being forced in to a luxury hotel instead of a luxury guest house…it’s because our former prime minister John Howard and his wife are booked in to the guest house, for the night before Mr. Howard, along with former British prime minister Tony Blair and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe are to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by outgoing US President George Bush.

It could be my imagination, but the last time I checked, neither John Howard and his family, or Barack Obama and his family, take up 119 rooms on their own, or come close to it, so it’s interesting that they’re not able to share the guest house.

That said, it doesn’t matter where the Obamas stay, they’re going to have to move in to the White House a couple days later anyway.

As far as I can see, normal protocol has been followed. Barack Obama will not be president at that time, and the Howards are the guest of the president. Whilst the newspapers might not like it, there really isn’t a problem here…so can they please get back tocovering some real news?


1 comment January 8th, 2009 at 12:47pm


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