Car Goes Bang!
If you’re driving home at 4:20am, what’s something that you wouldn’t want to happen?
How about your car making a loud banging noise and stopping working? That was on your list? Good, because that’s what happened to me.
Car is driving along (albeit making an awful racket which will be checked out on Monday when it gets serviced) and then “bang…clunk” it sounds like something has either blown up or fallen out or both. The battery warning light flickers, then the car stalls and just keeps rolling, and there’s the battery warning light as well as some other warning lights.
I slowed down and moved the car on to the nature strip…its inertia just managed to carry it up on to the nature strip. I got out and walked back down the road to see if something had actually fallen out…no sign of anything, so I returned to the car. Hmmm, strong burning smell, get out and take a quick look around…that looks like smoke, “wonderful, just what I need”. Rush back to the cabin and collect the handful of personal belongings which are there, move to a safe distance and call the fire brigade and accidentally give them the wrong street name.
Fire brigade turn up quite rapidly, obviously they worked out that the cross street which I mentioned doesn’t actually intersect with the street that I claimed to be on. They investigate and find that, whilst there isn’t a fire, something definitely burnt and caused some smoke…the spark plug wiring has had it.
They disconnect the battery, advise me to lock up the car, take down my name and I get a lift home from a friend who shall remain anonymous for now.
On the plus side, the car is about two blocks away from the mechanic that it has an appointment with on Monday. Logistically that will be interesting, but it’s better than halfway between Canberra and Deniliquin. It’s probably also a good thing that it happened when I wasn’t in a hurry to get somewhere.
I’ll deal with the “now what…” questions after I’ve had some sleep. Good night everybody.
9 comments January 3rd, 2009 at 05:27am