New Year’s Day
Good morning Canberra, Samuel Gordon-Stewart back from Deniliquin and with you again…and it looks like I scared the news team away…I’ll try to coax them back in for tomorrow morning.
According to the calendar, today is part of a different year to yesterday…so how did you spend New Year’s Eve? How did you sleep? Have you slept?
I was up at about 4:30 yesterday morning to prepare the news at 2QN in Deniliquin, and I stayed there until 1pm, at which time I drove to Echuca and caught up with the staff at the 2QN and Classic Rock Echuca outpost, before driving home via the scenic route through Albury.
I got home at some stage around 10pm and, understandably, wanted to go to bed, which I did not long after.
When it comes down to it, I don’t care much about the new year. For me, and this may seem a tad selfish, I celebrate a new year on the second of June, when my birthday rolls around. It has more meaning to me than an arbitrary day on which the calendar starts all over again.
My plan was always to be in bed by midnight, the theory being that, if I got to sleep, I could sleep right through the fireworks and be ready to wake up nice and refreshed at 4:30 this morning. No such luck unfortunately.
For some reason, people kept sending me text messages all night. I was asleep by 11 o’clock, but I was woken by the arrival of a text message at 11:58, which meant that I couldn’t get back to sleep before the fireworks started, which meant I was stuck lieing there waiting for the noise to stop. I was tired so I think I partially drifted off to sleep despite the noise, and considering that I live only a short distance from the fireworks, that’s no mean feat.
I was then woken again at about 2am, and again at 4:28, a mere two minutes before my alarm went off. That last text message was from a friend who was attending the “Sensation” dance event in Melbourne which has been the news a bit this week…and whilst it could be argued that he didn’t know what time it was, it prompted a mildly annoyed response from me, sarcastically thanking him for waking me two minutes before I employ an alarm clock to do so.
You might be wondering why I didn’t just silence my phone…well it’s my failsafe alarm clock. My main alarm clock beeps, and my phone has an annoying voice saying that it’s time to get up and constantly rambling about what time it is. If mobile phones were allowed in the studio I’d give you a demonstration.
I had an awful night of sleep, and I fully expect to collapse back in to bed when I get home this morning.
I’m glad that people enjoy themself on New Year’s Eve, it’s just a pity that they forget that not everyone cares what they’re doing…and I’m not the only one who likes to sleep.
All that said, I hope that you have a good new year.
This was the script for my morning editorial this morning on 1WAY FM, although I did deviate from, and expand on, it a bit while I was reading it. I think it works quite well as a blog post, so here it is.
I re-used my blog-based editorial about the new punishment for using fake IDs in New South Wales as my other radio editorial for the morning. The re-use of editorials is a wonderful thing.
January 1st, 2009 at 09:25am