Walking On The Left
Good evening Stuart
I thought it was just me…but your caller Tony has confirmed that I'm not nuts. I personally try to apply the basic road rules to the footpath and where possible walk on the left, and overtake on the right. I'm generally a quick walker so I often have to overtake herds of slow walking people who are either spread out across the entire footpath, or just can't make up their mind which part of the footpath they want to use. It is all very frustrating and I would be much happier if people could just keep to the left!
Another pet peeve of mine is people who insist on crossing against the lights…oddly I didn't notice much of this behaviour the last time I was in Sydney…possibly because there is more traffic and a greater risk of being run over if your cross against the lights in Sydney when compared to Canberra. But that's a story for another day.
Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
4 comments August 15th, 2007 at 08:54pm