Posts filed under 'TV/Radio/Media'

Crocmedia “AFL Live” webstreams

Update April 1, 2013: It seems that Google is still directing people to this page after all this time, despite it being very out-of-date now. Under the current radio rights agreement, Crocmedia’s AFL Live is streamed via and the AFL app. Depending on the day it is either listed as “AFL Live”, “CROC” or “Crocmedia”. On a normal weekend they are calling the Friday night match, the Saturday 1:30pm match, the Saturday 7:30pm match, and the Sunday 3pm match (or on occasion the 1pm match). Additionally they are relaying SEN’s call of the Saturday and Sunday twilight (4:30pm) match, which is interesting as SEN are not taking their first quarter of the Saturday twilight match due to a scheduling conflict, and AFL Live is only taking the 2nd half of the Sunday twilight match due to a scheduling conflict. They also share an AFL post-match show after the Friday and Saturday matches. It’s a surprisingly complicated agreement between AFL Live and SEN, but it is producing fantastic coverage and they should be congratulated.

Long story short. If you’ve landed here looking for the AFL Live webstream, please visit or open the official AFL app. End Update

I’m hesitant to post this because I’m not convinced that the stations are supposed to be streaming, and I might be shooting myself in the foot by posting this, however…

Both Edge FM and 2AY are streaming Crocmedia’s AFL Live with chief callers Sandy Roberts and Rex Hunt.
Edge FM:

The Edge FM webstream is of a higher quality, but won’t play in Windows Media Player, whereas 2AY’s webstream will. Try both, see which one works for you. Other stations may be streaming this but I haven’t checked others at this time.

I must say that seeing as I was assured a while back that 2CA would be taking the AFL coverage and I was then corrected by Capital Radio, I am pleased to be able to find this AFL coverage online. If anybody knows of any other stations which are streaming “AFL Live” online, please let me know and I’ll add them to the list.


11 comments March 25th, 2010 at 07:24pm

Official confirmation: Mike Jeffreys on 2UE

Mike JeffreysI missed it myself as I’ve been listening to 5AA’s state election coverage, but I’ve been informed that John Kerr officially announced at 12:20am what we’ve known here since Thursday, that Mike Jeffreys will be taking the reins of 2UE’s weekday New Day Australia program tomorrow. Thanks to Steady Eddie for the tipoff.

I’ll tune in to 4BC for the delayed-by-one-hour-thanks-to-daylight-saving version of the announcement.

Update: And here it is. John Kerr was chatting with regular caller “Sam The Cabbie” when the subject of how many nights per week John Kerr is on the radio came up:
Download MP3

Not a big announcement, but it’s great to finally have something official, and even better to know for sure and certain that after 11 months off the air, Mike is coming back to radio. End Update

Meanwhile over at 2GB there is still no official confirmation of Jim Ball’s move to the weekday overnight show. On Friday morning current overnight host David Oldfield was strongly denying the change. My information still suggests that Jim will start tomorrow or (alternative information suggests) by March 29. I’m starting to lean towards March 29 due to the lack of any official confirmation.


1 comment March 21st, 2010 at 12:42am

Sydney’s overnight talk radio changes: Jim Ball to 2GB and Mike Jeffreys to 2UE

As has been reported in a number of places, Jim Ball is moving to 2GB, having quit 2UE rather suddenly last week. He is expected to start on Monday and will be networked to Macquarie’s new Melbourne station 3MTR as of mid-May if all goes to plan. Jock’s Journal are claiming that Jim will be on air from 12am to 3am, and Andrew Moore’s Wake Up Sydney (which has been curiously referred to as Wake Up Australia on-air) will be extended by half an hour, starting at 3am instead of 3:30 and will finish at its normal time of 5am. This runs counter to what I am hearing, that Andrew’s show will not change length, but may be networked to Melbourne along with Jim’s show.

Taking Jim’s place on 2UE according to my information will be Mike Jeffreys, former 2CC Breakfast host. He will be on-air from Midnight to 5:30am daily, and ironically will be heard on 2CC for longer than his old breakfast show each day. I have no idea if he’ll take Iggy Pop’s Lust For Life with him as his theme music (although I hope he does) and I also don’t know if any of his old regular correspondents will resurface on his new show, although again, I hope that they do. Trudy Thiele and Donna Stanley were highlights of the week for me and would be good to hear them again.

This does all pose a very serious problem for me though as I now have three different stations to potentially listen to at this time of the night. 2GB’s webstream for Jim Ball, 2CC taking Mike Jeffreys’ show and KXNT with Alan Stock and Rush Limbaugh. There is such a thing as too much choice after all.


2 comments March 18th, 2010 at 05:02pm

This might be taking “take your kid to work day” a bit too far

I’m not a big fan of air travel. I’m not what you would call a “nervous flyer” but I’m not really at ease on aeroplanes either. I just don’t like the idea of having that much distance between myself and the ground, and the air pressure changes annoy me along with the bits of turbulence…flying through cloud bothers me because it removes my ability to check that we’re still a reasonable distance off the ground, and then, well this will sound nuts, but there are no signposts at 40,000 feet, and so the lack of noticeable direction bothers me.

Anyway, with that in mind, you can probably understand how something like this disturbs me in more ways than I dare to count.

An investigation is underway after a child was heard giving instructions to a pilot from the air-traffic control tower at one of America’s busiest airports.

In a recording that has been confirmed as genuine by the Federal Aviation Administration, the child makes five transmissions from John F Kennedy International Airport — with the pilots in each case all responding enthusiastically to him.

The child is clearly under supervision and being fed lines, but even so, should not be in that position. Whilst the fact that a child was in a position to give orders to pilots is a concern unto itself, the fact that the child speaks, like most children, in a not-entirely-clear voice, is a bigger concern to me due to the increased likelihood of a misunderstanding.

This disturbs me too much to think about, so I’ll turn my attention to something more palatable: the TV news set in the video.

Set of FOX25 News Boston

Admittedly at this size it doesn’t come up all that brilliantly, but it’s an interesting set due to the way that it’s designed to have many different angles which all look vastly different, unlike many news sets which are designed to look like you’re stuck in one corner of a room.

Set of FOX25 News Boston

I’ve highlighted the important bits here. The Red box shows the female anchor who is presenting to the camera in front of her. The view has changed changed from the camera in front of her to this overview camera, and in a moment it will zoom in on the green box where a reporter is standing in front of another camera and is about to present to it. In the yellow box, a male anchor is standing by for his next appearance.

Given the shape of the set, it wouldn’t surprise me if off-screen there is another part of the set which is used as a backdrop for some other locally-produced program. It’s not uncommon for sets to be used for multiple shows, but it is fascinating to see a single set used for the one program but with a completely different “look” depending on the angle, and especially fascinating to see the overview of the set.

Or maybe I’m just easily distracted in an effort to not be disturbed by the news story.


March 4th, 2010 at 02:29am

Welcome to commercial reality SBS

SBS are crying poor, and blaming Channel Nine for their woes.

SBS’s director of television and online content Matt Campbell has painted a grim picture of the broadcaster’s operating situation, blasting the Nine Network’s deal to secure the popular Top Gear programme and saying that the coffers are near-empty.
A $4 million increase in funding from the Federal Government would be insufficient to cover the decline in advertising revenue, leaving the corporation “in the s**t”, he told the conference. Depicting the situation as “dire”, he said that “we have no money for online; we have no money for SBS TWO”.

Well SBS, welcome to commercial reality, welcome to the real world. Whose fault is it that you didn’t build any exclusivity in to your Top Gear contract? Yes, that’s right…yours.

Putting that to one side, you are a commercial operation, and your advertising revenue reflects your ratings. You are airing hour after hour after hour of programming which almost nobody wants to watch…we have a World Movies Channel on pay television which does pretty well for itself covering much of the same ground as you…the difference is that the people who want to see it, pay to see it.

So here’s a novel idea, rather than asking for more money from the government, why not do what PBS do (yes, PBS, the people from whom you buy the Jim Leher show) and ask for donations? This has a number of benefits, the biggest of which being that people will feel more involved in the station and will be more likely to provide you with feedback as to what they actually want to watch. You can then, in turn, use that information to sell more targeted advertising.

I, for one, would be willing to pay for a 112 Emergency marathon. I’m probably the only person in the country with an interest in that, but you would make money out of it…and best of all for us out here in taxpayer land, you wouldn’t be draining our taxes just so that you can show us stuff that we quite simply don’t want to see.

To the same extent, I’d like to see the ABC become commercial and sever ties with the government, although I suspect that with their higher ratings and a massive radio network which is actually broadcast in English, they might have a better chance than SBS of being commercially viable with their current programming.

SBS, in the real world, you have to adapt to changes. If people aren’t watching, and you’re having trouble attracting advertisers because of it, adding additional channels of the same junk won’t fix the problem…you need to adapt to suit what the people want to see. Or you could just hand in your broadcast licence so that we can sell if off to somebody who can actually broadcast something of interest…perhaps an Australian FOX News clone (Sky News, despite being run by similar people, does not count for a number of reasons which I’ll outline in a future post) to balance out the ABC’s impending 24/7 news channel?


March 1st, 2010 at 03:17pm

Rex Hunt and Sandy Roberts to head Crocmedia regional AFL radio coverage — 2CA relaying in Canberra

Update: I’m being told by somebody else now that 2CA are not covering the AFL. I can’t think of a good reason for either party to lie to me, so I’m more than a tad confused by the whole thing. I’ll update this again if and when more details come to hand. End Update

I can’t remember if I wrote anything about 3AW dropping Rex Hunt from their AFL commentary team. I remember writing that I would not be listening to 3AW if they went ahead with it, but I can’t find any proof that I ever wrote anything after they announced that they would actually be dropping Rex.

At the same time, 3AW and Triple M swapped commentators. Rex will be calling football for Triple M on Saturday afternoons, and Brian Taylor will be going to 3AW (eep, they can keep him). Taylor will be joined by Tim Lane, further cementing my decision to steer clear of 3AW this year.

Sandy Roberts and Rex Hunt. Image courtesy CrocmediaI was pleased to see Rex sign with Triple M…but I’m even more pleased to see him sign with Crocmedia who, along with 3AW, have the commercial radio relay rights for the AFL. Crocmedia, who will be basing their operation in the studios of 3BA Ballarat, have signed both Rex Hunt and Sandy Roberts.

One of things which disappointed me when Seven regained the TV rights was that they didn’t bring Sandy Roberts back to the commentary box despite Sandy being their prominent sport presenter on Seven News Melbourne and presenter of various highlights programs. This sense of frustration has been increased of late due to the fact that I have enjoyed Sandy’s commentary on the overnight AFL replays on 7Two.

Needless to say, I was therefore absolutely delighted when I found out that Sandy Roberts had signed with Crocmedia along with Rex Hunt. Sandy will call Friday night and Saturday afternoon matches, while Rex will lead the commentary on Sunday afternoons.

Alas, I’m informed that Crocmedia will not be able to stream their coverage online, however they do have a growing network of relay stations which will be taking their coverage. The great news for those of us here in Canberra is that 1053 2CA will be taking the Crocmedia coverage, although I’m not sure at this stage which matches they will be covering. I’m hopeful that they will cover it as much as they did back when they relayed 3AW a few years ago…Friday night, Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. I’ll let you know when I find out more.

(A side note to Capital Radio management: this information was not obtained at the Ray Hadley OB on Friday, which can be confirmed by a quick look back through my Facebook status updates. You will see that I first learned of this mid-last week. I won’t reveal how I came by this information though.)

Image courtesy of Crocmedia


March 1st, 2010 at 03:00pm

Shock! Horror! The Canberra Times lies and misrepresents!

Not in a million years would I have ever guessed that The Canberra Times, noble kitty litter liner that it is, could contain deliberate lies and misrepresentations, but it’s true, it does.

The CT has sadly gained money from me today so that I could see the extent of their utter misrepresentation of Lord Monckton’s lecture at the National Press Club yesterday. To set the record straight is going to take me more than the few minutes that I can spare right now, so I’ll do it tonight instead.

I suppose I could write a letter to the editor as well, but I don’t really see the point as:
1. Most of the people who read today’s article will not read tomorrow’s letters about it
2. I do not intend on further propping up the bottom line of The Fyshwick Guardian, err, The Canberra Little Red Broadsheet by buying a copy of their squalid rag tomorrow just to check if they publish my letter.

More to follow tonight when I have enough time to actually sit down and write details.


3 comments February 4th, 2010 at 03:14pm

Lord Monckton running rings around 666 ABC Canberra’s Ross Solly

Lord Monckton appeared on 666 ABC Canberra’s breakfast show with Ross Solly after 8:30 this morning and I thought Lord Monckton ran rings around Ross. Ross was mostly fair in the interview but it was pretty clear who had a better grasp of the facts. I did feel sorry for Ross a couple times when he struggled to get words in at points where I thought Lord Monckton’s answers were already sufficient, but that was balanced by my annoyance at Ross’ obsession with who Lord Monckton is meeting, which I feel cost the audience some participation time.

The interview is up on the new 666 ABC Canberra website or can be downloaded directly by clicking here. I’m not going to embed the audio in this page as I intend on being fair to the ABC.

I didn’t hear it yesterday as I was engrossed in work at the time, but Lord Monckton apparently appeared on 2CC’s Mike Welsh Drive Show. If and when that audio appears on their website (and when I notice it, considering that I’ll be out for much of the afternoon) I’ll post a link to that interview as well.


1 comment February 3rd, 2010 at 12:14pm

2CC taking Jones, Hadley from January 18

As expected from 2XL’s early announcement of their plans, 2CC have now confirmed that they are dropping Steve Liebmann’s show on January 18 in favour of Ray Hadley from 9am to 11am and Alan Jones Highlights from 11am until Midday.

According to 2CC’s Program Director Peter Davidson, this is in response to a large number of listeners asking “Why can’t we hear him [Ray Hadley] on weekdays?” when he can be heard on the weekend. Mr. Davidson also referred to Alan Jones’ return to 2CC as a homecoming of the “king of breakfast radio of the last 20 years or so”, referring to the old Alan Jones Highlights show which aired between 8:30am and 9:00am on weekdays in the early days of 2CC’s life as a talk station.

The station is expecting a lot of feedback today. I’m just glad that it’s not me that’s dealing with the correspondence.

Update: I’ll clarify that last line. I’m glad it’s not me dealing with the correspondence due to the volume…not the content. I’d love it if people flooded me with positive feedback, but I’d probably hate replying to it all because I wouldn’t want to use a form reply.

Anyway, 2CC’s press release follows:

January 7, 2010

1206 2CC announced this morning to it’s listeners that two of Australia’s most popular broadcasters will join the weekday lineup from Monday January 18.

Ray Hadley’s top rating Sydney morning show will be broadcast in Canberra on 1206 2CC.

Already familiar to Canberran’s through the Continuous Call in NRL season, Ray Hadley presents a morning show that is entertaining and informative. He often puts politicians on the spot to answer the questions his listeners want to know.

The Ray Hadley Morning Show will be broadcast on 1206 2CC Monday to Friday between 9am and 11am.

Alan Jones returns to the 2CC line up with a daily one hour highlights program of his highly successful Sydney breakfast show.

Alan Jones is one of Australia’s most popular and successful broadcasters. With the mind and capacity to make complex issues understandable, Alan Jones sets the agenda with the day’s newsmakers.

The Best Of Alan Jones will be broadcast on 1206 2CC Monday to Friday 11am till midday.

For further information contact:

Peter Davidson
Program Director
Talking Canberra 1206 2CC
Phone: (02) 6241 1911

End Update


7 comments January 11th, 2010 at 07:53am

Steve Price heading to Macquarie/3MP

I noted earlier that I had some not particularly Earth shattering information about Macquarie’s (owner of 2GB and 2CH in Sydney) venture in to Melbourne.

Some information which has come my way from within the Macquarie bunker at Pyrmont says that Steve Price has signed with Macquarie and will take up a spot on their new talk station. The story goes that Price has moved back to Melbourne. No word yet on whether he will take up Breakfast or not. Also no word on when said station will launch or whether it will bump SEN from 1116AM over to 3MP’s existing 1377AM.

Personally, I’d be confused by having a News/Talk station on 1116 in Melbourne. 4BC have that frequency in Brisbane…and I’d be even more confused if the new station were to steal the 4BC ID and call themself “Melbourne’s News/Talk Eleven Sixteen Three Emm Pee”.

This has been rumoured since before Price left 2UE, so it’s not a shock by any means, but it is nice to have some confirmation.


3 comments January 10th, 2010 at 03:04am

2XL taking Alan Jones and Ray Hadley from January 18 — 2CC and 2GN to follow?

2XL may have just the cat out of the bag on the big 2CC announcement on Monday morning. From 2XL’s website:

Hadley and Jones on 2XL

2CC and 2GN‘s websites are both promoting the “big announcement” on Monday at 7:45am and don’t show any sign of Hadley or Jones, and 2XL’s site doesn’t contain any more details (Update: See update below). 2GN does at least say that there will be “two big additions”.

It’s obvious what they’re doing with Hadley. That will be 9am to midday. It couldn’t possibly be anything else. Alan Jones on the other hand is interesting. Many moons ago 2CC took Alan Jones’ 2UE breakfast show between 8:30am and 9am but that doesn’t seem like a sensible use of funds to me. I would say that it’s more likely that we will either see a relay of the “Alan Jones Highlights” show between 5am and 5:30am, or the nightly “Alan Jones and Ray Hadley Highlights” show (assuming that said show returns to 2GB’s lineup once they get the summer holidays out of their system).

Update: OK, I might be wrong about how they’re handling Hadley’s show, and also Alan Jones. 2XL, according to their on-air schedule, are taking Ray Hadley from 9am to 11am, and Alan Jones from 11am to midday. The Jones show will probably be a highlights show from that morning…it wouldn’t make much sense to replay a particular hour.

I’m not sure that 2CC will follow this model though. 2XL and 2GN are music stations outside of 9am-midday, whereas 2CC is 24/7 talk and could easily get away with running the full three hours of Hadley and putting the Jones highlights show elsewhere (dump an hour of Webster, please!).
End Update

If it is the evening highlights show, then this will also lend credence to the theory that Macquarie, when they take over 3MP in Melbourne, will relay evening highlights to Melbourne. It will also lend credence to what I have heard today and will share with you later this evening…nothing ground breaking, as it’s already been the subject of heavy speculation, but important for 3MP all the same.

Incidentally, 2GB’s website has not added any of the Capital Radio Network stations to the list on Ray Hadley’s page as yet.

The 2CC press release
I promised 2CC that I would run their existing press release. Originally I was going to do this tomorrow night as a teaser for Monday’s announcement…but I can’t see any point in waiting any more. As such, here’s the press release (original available by clicking here).

January 6, 2010

Canberra’s commercial talk back station 1206 2CC has been telling listeners to tune in this Monday morning for a ‘big announcement’.

2CC has been quietly expanding its operations with the recent launch of Hot Country 97.5FM.

It’s expected that 2CC will announce extra additions to its 2010 lineup.

For the full details you will have to tune into 1206 2CC this Monday morning at 7.45 when breakfast host Mark Parton reveals all the details.

For further information contact:
Peter Davidson
Program Director
Talking Canberra 1206 2CC
Phone: (02) 6241 1911


7 comments January 9th, 2010 at 07:40pm

A proposed 2UE schedule

Andrew Coster writes in with his proposed on-air schedule for 2UE

Breakfast: John Stanley and Sandy Aloisi
Mornings: Steve Liebmann and Ken Sutcliffe
Afternoons: Tim Webster and Dawn Rawlings
Drive: Murray Wilton and Liz Ellis
Sports Today: John Gibbs and Greg Alexander
Nights: Stuart Bocking and Tracey Spicer
Overnights: Jim Ball and John Kerr

Weekend Breakfast: George Moore and Paul B Kidd
Weekend Mornings: Andrew Daddo and Don Burke
Weekend Afternoons: Clive Robertson and Chris Kearns
Weekend Drive: Ed Phillips and Ken Sparkes
Saturday Night: Dr Ross Walker and Pete Graham
Sunday Early Night: Dale Sinden and Simon Foster
Sunday Late Night: Spencer Kirk and Sharina
Weekend Overnight: Clinton Maynard and Rachel Friend

Scott Cam and Dr Vivienne Miller
Mike Carlton and Matt De Groot
Bill Woods and Deborah Knight
David Prior and Judy Horton
Tim Gilbert and Murray Olds
Rowan Barker and Susie Yates
Andrew Voss and Ian MacRae
Mike Munro and Julie Singleton

Possible additions
Ben Fordham
Chris Smith

Thanks for sending that in Andrew. That lineup is probably more useful than what 2UE currently put to air. It might just make their apparent current aim of being the softer, less abrasive alternative to 2GB, work.

Pairing Steve Liebmann and Ken Sutcliffe is, I think, a stroke of genius. Steve Liebmann desperately needs a co-host to help keep him focussed, and Ken is likely to sound good next to Steve.

There is no way in the world that I could listen to Tim Webster and Dawn Rawlings. It’s funny though in a way, as I was, just yesterday, joking about a possible daily Sharina show for stations which hate ratings…putting Dawn on daily would be close enough.

Stuart and Tracey have done a great job on breakfast over summer. Personally I’d keep them there, but it’s probably easier to put them on nights…no need to find somebody else suitable for the timeslot that way.

I’m not sure that Jim Ball and John Kerr would be compatible. Their approaches are worlds apart and I think we’d end up with a power struggle.

I like the idea of pairing Clive Robertson with Chris Kearns again. I’m fairly sure that Chris had to retire from the show on medical grounds…but it would be great to hear them together again.

I also quite like the idea of moving Burke’s Backyard out of the breakfast slot. Syndication would probably have a fit…but I like it, and replacing half of “The Two Murrays” at Drive is a good idea…that show currently has no flow.

On the “possibles”. Ben has done well for himself over at 2GB and I doubt that they’ll let him go, especially seeing as the other on-air talent and John Singleton have defended him after the PD pulled the plug on his John Laws interview. I won’t be surprised if Ben surfaces doing a national show from 3MP in Melbourne.

Chris is, apparently, all but gone from 2GB. He is still suspended, but he doesn’t exist on their website now and Luke Bona has apparently been told to get ready to take over the afternoon show permanently (big mistake…give it to Ben. Ben is more engaging when he tries than Luke is in my opinion). Chris might end up at 2UE after a while…it certainly seems to be the way that fired 2GB people go, and vice versa.

The soft talk format that 2UE are trying at the moment is very hard to get right. The current line-up needs work, and I think Andrew is very close to something which could hold a decent, steady share of the ratings.

Thoughts anybody?


8 comments January 9th, 2010 at 01:50pm

The Rush Limbaugh Gym of Weston?

I’ve been meaning to write this article for many months but have struggled to find a decent quality copy of the EIB Network logo and as a result, kept putting it off. This changed this morning when The Rush Limbaugh Show upgraded their “dittocam” (webcam) stream to an “HD” stream. Personally I don’t think it qualifies as “high definition” at a 640×480 resolution…but it’s a vast improvement over the tiny old Windows Media and Real Player webcam streams, so I’ll let it pass…especially seeing as I can see things clearly enough in his studio now to work out that his web/email computer is a Mac.

DittocamHD screenshot

You can see the EIB logo in a few places in that image. The EIB logo has been around for years.

In late 2008, after having driven past it on an almost daily basis for months, I noticed the remarkable similarity between the EIB logo, and the logo of the Edge Health Club in Weston. Edge opened in early 2008 and have therefore not been around for anywhere near as long as the EIB logo.

Edge Health Club Weston

Pretty similar…especially when you look at the two side-by-side.

EIB Network logoEdge Health Club logo

Could it be that the owners of the Edge Health Club are Rush Limbaugh fans and are subtly promoting Rush with their logo?


January 8th, 2010 at 07:48am

More proof that I really can’t sing!

Anybody who has been reading this blog for long enough knows that my singing is, to say the least, disturbing. The original intro for Samuel’s Persiflage is a good indication of that…but every now and then an invitation comes along to prove it all over again. Today is one of those days.

It’s KXNT’s Morning Source host Alan Stock’s birthday today and I was always intending on calling in to “The Flip” segment to wish him a happy birthday, but at the beginning of The Flip, Boss (KXNT Program Director Jack Landreth) issued a directive that everybody who called the flip had to wish Alan a happy birthday in song…it was also discussed that Sue Lowden, candidate for the Nevada Republican ticket in the 2010 senate election, who popped in earlier in the morning to wish Alan a happy birthday, had brought in a cake (I mention this to provide context to what follows). I managed to get through as the last caller of the morning…

Download MP3

My singing might be awful, but the wish is the same. Happy Birthday Alan!


January 8th, 2010 at 03:59am

2CC is expanding?

I caught the tail end of a promo on 2CC earlier this morning while I was between rooms. Apparently they are “expanding” and will have an exciting addition to their on-air staff…the announcement will be made by Mark Parton at 7:45am on Monday (Mark returns from holidays on Monday).

I’ll chuck a disclaimer in here and say that I know absolutely nothing about what the changes are…but if I had to make a wish, it would be that Mike Frame is getting a weekday slot replacing one of the 2UE shows. With any luck it would be Tim Webster’s show (oh what I would give to have Andrew Daddo take over that shift permanently).

I would also rate 2CC dumping the 2UE Steve Liebmann show in favour of the 2GB Ray Hadley show to be an outside chance.

And, just for the fun of it…wild and bizarre speculation time. Perhaps the rumours about John Laws returning to radio are true and he will be joining 2CC on Monday.

Regardless…announcement at 7:45am on Monday. Hand me a survey book because 2CC will easily win me in that quarter hour.

Update: I just had another thought which I had dismissed earlier…but the word “expanding” just keeps bringing me back to it. Perhaps 2CC will steal my idea (and guys, feel free to do so) and launch their own syndicated morning show hosted by either Mike Welsh or Mike Frame, initially networked to 2GN and 2XL, with the other Mike hosting the Drive show. That sort of morning show could be more relevant to the local region than either Sydney show is. End Update

Another update: One wonders if Steve Liebmann’s noticeable absence from 2CC’s presenters list and the (more comprehensive) “Presenters & Shows” menu means anything? One also wonders if the fact that, right now during the Mike Welsh Drive Show, the listen live box isn’t showing the name and photo of the current presenter means anything? End update


9 comments January 7th, 2010 at 11:27am

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