Shock! Horror! The Canberra Times lies and misrepresents!
February 4th, 2010 at 03:14pm
Not in a million years would I have ever guessed that The Canberra Times, noble kitty litter liner that it is, could contain deliberate lies and misrepresentations, but it’s true, it does.
The CT has sadly gained money from me today so that I could see the extent of their utter misrepresentation of Lord Monckton’s lecture at the National Press Club yesterday. To set the record straight is going to take me more than the few minutes that I can spare right now, so I’ll do it tonight instead.
I suppose I could write a letter to the editor as well, but I don’t really see the point as:
1. Most of the people who read today’s article will not read tomorrow’s letters about it
2. I do not intend on further propping up the bottom line of The Fyshwick Guardian, err, The Canberra Little Red Broadsheet by buying a copy of their squalid rag tomorrow just to check if they publish my letter.
More to follow tonight when I have enough time to actually sit down and write details.
Entry Filed under: Canberra Stories,Samuel's Editorials,TV/Radio/Media
1. davky | February 5th, 2010 at 5:02 am
No, Samuel, your letter was not printed today. The only letter on Monckton was one written by P Pollard, O’Connor who concludes:
‘Monckton’s hero at Copenhagen was the communist leadership of China who [obstructed democracy]…. A high degree of scepticism (even denialism) about Monckton is warranted.’
2. davky | February 5th, 2010 at 9:11 am
Hey Samuel, do you ever telephone talkback and use a different name?
There was a bloke on Parton this morning who had a remarkably similar timbre and rhythm to his voice that you do; I actually thought it was you until Parton called him Stuart.
** cue twilight zone music **
3. Samuel | February 5th, 2010 at 9:35 am
Hi Davky,
No…no pseudonyms for me. I doubt that many, if any, of the talkback hosts who recognise me voice (of which Parton is one) would let me get away with it anyway.
And thanks for saving me the hassle of buying another copy of that paper. I never got around to writing a letter anyway (waste of electricity). That is one thing that I would consider doing under a pseudonym as well as my real name to see which is more likely to be published.