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Two new Monckton lecture dates: Perth and Sydney

February 4th, 2010 at 06:30pm

Due to popular demand, two new lectures have been added to Lord Monckton’s Australian tour.

Perth – February 9
Venue: Wesfarmers Lecture Theatre, Business School, University of Western Australia
Address: Hackett Drive (off Stirling Highway at Matilda Bay) Crawley Perth WA
Parking: Car Parks 6 & 9, Hackett Drive
Time: 6pm – 8pm [Doors open at 5pm for 6pm start]
Cost: $20 per person. No bookings. Cash payment on entry. [Please bring a $20 note]
Note: Charge is for admission only. No provision of food/drinks.

Sydney – February 12
Master of Ceremonies: Alan Jones
Venue: Hilton Hotel
Address: 488 George Street, Sydney, Australia 2000
Time: 12:30 – 2:30pm
Cost: $20 per person. No bookings. Cash payment on entry. [Please bring a $20 note]
Note: Charge is for admission only. No provision of food/drinks.

As I understand it (and event organisers, please correct me if I’m wrong), all of Lord Monckton’s other lectures have now sold out.

Based on the television footage that I have seen so far, it would appear that Lord Monckton’s presentation was, as expected, almost the same at each venue. To that end, I’m excited to say that a DVD of his Brisbane lecture is apparently in production so there is no need for everyone who missed out, to miss out. I’m going to seek some more details about the DVD and get back to you about it.


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