More on Monckton
February 3rd, 2010 at 06:15pm
I have been up for all but about three of the last 34 hours, so I’ll make this brief and deal with the details later.
Lord Monckton was rather rushed and didn’t have time for an interview but was kind enough to stop for a few seconds for a photo. I’ll be sleeping when the local ABC TV News bulletin goes to air tonight, but I expect to see bits of Lord Monckton’s excellent lecture on there and am recording to see which snippet they decide to run with. Lord Monckton is also, according to Andrew Bolt’s blog, on The 7:30 Report tonight with Kerry O’Brien…it will be interesting to see if Lord Monckton is able to finish many of his sentences in that stage-managed environment.
More later, but for now I need sleep.
Entry Filed under: Global Warming