Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Poker Machines and Harry’s Cafe

Good morning Lawsie,

This idea about the poker machines in schools has some merit, rig the machines to eat the kids' money and give it back to them later on…if that doesn't stop the kids from playing with the machines later in life, at least they won't expect to have any money at the end of the night.

By the way I saw Harry's Cafe De Wheels on Saturday whilst on tourist duties in Sydney, I wasn't hungry enough to stop there for something to eat, but I'm glad it's staying, I would hate to think that I was the last person to ever take a photo of it, or that I missed out on its famous cuisine.

Have a great day Lawsie (and I hope you liked the chocolates).

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments October 30th, 2007 at 11:00am


Good evening Stuart,

Well all I can say is that I am pleased that the polls are swinging back to the coalition…the longer this election campaign has gone on, the less I trusted or agreed with Kevin Rudd and his colleagues, in fact I received one of the "blue moon" mailings from my local member Bob McMullan in the post today and I will be hand delivering it back to his office in the morning and requesting that he doesn't send any more to me as he is only wasting tax payer's money by sending stuff to me that I don't want to see.

My local liberal candidate Troy Williams is paying $15 to win on Centrebet…and the coalition are paying $3.40 to win overall…I think I might put a few dollars on them.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

4 comments October 29th, 2007 at 10:00pm


Good afternoon John,

I was just listening to you playing bits of "music" from the ARIA awards, including that awful tin bashing and caterwauling from the group of school kids, and then Mark Holden waxing lyrical about how awful it is that people don't pay for music any more…well here's a thought, perhaps if the "music" was semi-decent, people might be willing to pay for it. I don't blame people for downloading this stuff for free, I certainly wouldn't pay for the awful noise you played earlier.

Have a great afternoon,

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
(Back in Canberra).

P.S. Is the lolly jar empty yet?

3 comments October 29th, 2007 at 02:30pm

The 2UE signal is loud and clear in Canberra

Good morning once again John,

I just picked up my battery powered radio for the first time since getting back from Sydney, and noticed that the signal had a bit more static than usual, and then realised that it was still tuned to 2UE. Usually I can faintly hear the 2UE signal fading in and out from Canberra at night, but it is very clear tonight…a bit of static but very clear and not fading at all.

You might be interested to know that 2UE's signal is a good half a second ahead of 2CC.

Welcome to daylight saving!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments October 28th, 2007 at 03:00am

Calling the RTA

Good morning Lawsie,

I enjoyed your call to the RTA this morning. I rang them yesterday to ask them a question and ended up listening to a three minute recorded lecture about the toll roads of Sydney, and then had to mutter at the hold music for a while.

As per your experience though, the staff were helpful…I bet the bloke you first spoke to got a shock when you mentioned your name!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Canberran on leave in Sydney

October 26th, 2007 at 09:30am

Friday News Review

Good morning Mike and Fitz,

Congratulations on a fantastic Friday News Review this week. I could barely stop laughing all the way through it, well done.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Canberran on leave in Sydney

October 26th, 2007 at 07:30am

It’s almost a full moon…if you hadn’t already noticed

Good evening Stuart,

Goodness…what a nightmare that bloke who claimed you're a clone of Stan was…and Norman had another appearance ranting and raving on the John Laws show this morning…if this is what we're getting before the full moon, imagine what we'll get when it's completely full.

Of course we could just put it down to the rain…I remember a relief teacher saying to me once when I was in primary school that she dreaded being asked to work on a rainy or windy day, as classes were usually restless and uncontrollable on such days. I also had another elderly relief teacher who seemed to bring the rain with her…every time she came to the school, it rained.

P.S. I hope you're enjoying the chocolates…and that there are still a few in the box.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
On my second last night in Sydney

October 25th, 2007 at 09:30pm


Good evening Stuart,

It's very nice to see the rain, although I am a tad disappointed that it is expected to stay in town until I leave Sydney on Saturday. I do hope that tomorrow's thunderstorm turns up as I have never seen a coastal thunderstorm…it will probably be much the same as an inland thunderstorm, but it would be nice to see anyway.

Incidentally, do you mind if I take the rain with me to Canberra on the weekend?

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
On leave in Sydney

October 24th, 2007 at 11:00pm

30km/h Speed Limits

Good evening Stuart,

I think this idea of turning residential streets in to 30km/h speed zones is a bit silly. Perhaps there might be some merit in doing that to some of the busier school zones, but I can't see any point in doing it to residential zones.

Mind you, some car parks have some very odd speed limits…I saw one today that had an 8km/h limit. How do they expect anyone to measure 8km/h accurately on a car speedometer? Surely 5 or 10 km/h would be more logical.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
On leave in Sydney

2 comments October 22nd, 2007 at 10:00pm

Favourite Police Shows

Good afternoon Glenn,

My favourite police drama is Water Rats which channel Nine screened a few years back. I am also a fan of The Bill, especially now that it has mostly done away with the soap opera storylines and returned to solving crimes.

And unlike Domenic, I can't stand CSI. As far as I'm concerned it's an annoying waste of an hour of air-time…although I could say that about most of the shows on television these days.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

5 comments October 20th, 2007 at 01:00pm

Pizza and Senator Penny Wong

Good evening Stuart,

Your situation of being able to smell the pizza but not eat any of it It sounds quite arduous…and being left with half an anchovy. Perhaps I'll have to bring you something edible during my stay in Sydney next week.

Also, did you hear Steve Price talking to Senator Penny Wong this afternoon? I can't believe that the Labor party made her their campaign spokesperson. The way she kept avoiding the question about whether or not Kevin Rudd will turn up to the debate on Sunday was like listening to an answering machine. If the best they can do for a spokesperson is someone who repeats, word-for-word, their attempts at not answering questions, then I have to wonder why they even bother having a spokesperson.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments October 18th, 2007 at 11:00pm

Time Pips

Good afternoon Glenn,

To answer the question about the time pips, I asked the staff at 2CC this question a couple years ago and the answer was that the six pips start at 5 seconds to the hour, and the final pip is right on the hour.

As 2CC get their time pips from 2UE, the answer is valid for you as well.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 13th, 2007 at 01:00pm

Bogong Moths

Good morning Mike,

I don't think I'll be visiting the restaurant which is serving a moth frittata as a lunch item. The moths might be slightly annoying, and I don't enjoy being attacked by them every time I open a door at work, but I certainly don't want to eat flamed moth.

I do have to wonder if there are any issues with hygiene in catching moths and then cooking them like that. Would the net have to be sterilised? And how are they killing the moths? I find it hard to believe that a moth could be easily caught in a net for any length of time without some sort of poison being used.

My dog likes the moths though. She chases them around, catches them, and then spits them out because they are furry and fluttery and ticklish.

As for the cows on Pialligo Avenue…at least they're on the moove…

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment October 11th, 2007 at 07:30am

Death Penalty

Good evening Stuart,

It sounds like I disagree with you about the death penalty. I support the death penalty in cases where the offender has been convicted of extremely serious offences (such as multiple murders, serial rapists, repeat paedophiles etc) and a period of at least five years has passed since the conviction. It is my view that such people are not able to be rehabilitated, and there is no point in keeping them alive, or spending taxpayer funds on keeping them alive when such funds could be better utilised maintaining the law abiding community's services.

I also have no problem with Australians being given the death sentence in foreign countries if they have been found guilty of a serious offence by a fair judicial system. I do not see it as our place to tell foreign countries how to run their legal systems, especially when we would be less than receptive of their advice on running our legal system.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments October 9th, 2007 at 11:00pm

Daylight Saving

Good afternoon Glenn,

I'm looking forward to the start of daylight saving as I am regularly either waking up or going back to sleep around 5am, and the sunlight is driving me nuts at that hour. Another hour of darkness in the morning will be very welcome when it arrives.

By the way, welcome back to Canberra's weekends, it's great to have you back.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 6th, 2007 at 03:00pm

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