Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Local Polls

Hi Stuart,

It's a good point you make about the political polls usually not taking individual seats in to account. This is a particular nuisance for me as I am running as an independent candidate in the upcoming federal election, and I am not represented in these polls! The fact that my seat is considered a safe Labor seat makes it even harder as it is only marginal seats that ever seem to get any attention from these polls.

Also I think the Democrats are on to something with their suggestion today that we should have fixed four year terms for federal parliament. I agree with their sentiments about fixed terms because this stupid guessing game we are forced to endure every election about the election date is very annoying. That being said, I would much rather have three year terms than four year terms as I think four years is just a bit too long between elections.

And I will also be putting a few dollars on Bruce The Goose at Port Macquarie tomorrow. I reckon Stan and Bruce will be having a flutter on it up in heaven as well.

Have a great weekend Stuart.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 5th, 2007 at 10:30pm

Pulling The Studio Apart?

Hello there Stuart,

Have you been pulling the studio apart tonight? I saw you moving microphones about! I'm sure you're behaving yourself, I don't think your producers would let you be too naughty…

Anyway, following on from Charity's email about messy rooms, I have papers scattered all over the place, but, much like Charity, I know exactly where things are when I need them. Other people tell me I should tidy up and have a logical filing system…but I've tried that, it doesn't work! So if they want the papers sorted out, they have to sign on as my permanent secretary.

I'm also a bit worried about these callers…the moon isn't even full and they're still coming out of the woodwork.

Have a great night,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment October 2nd, 2007 at 10:00pm

Waiting on hold

Good evening Stuart,

It's good to hear that your voice has returned. Did it enjoy its holidays? Next time it decides to have a holiday you should ask it if you can go too.

You were just talking about waiting on hold…well you're that popular Stuart that I have to settle for emailing you most nights. Whenever I ring, the queue is too long for me to have time to wait on hold!

I will persevere one of these nights, I'll ring at 4pm and wait on hold, maybe that's the trick to getting through. Either that or you could fill in for Clive one night, I never had any problems getting through to you on that shift.

Have a great night.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

5 comments October 1st, 2007 at 10:30pm

Welcome Back to Canberra

Good afternoon Glenn and, now that the football season is over, welcome back to Canberra,

I actually slept through all of the NRL grand final, and the team I was backing lost. I had the radio on so I woke up briefly during half time and heard bits of the Frank Hyde tribute. I didn't hear enough of it to pass judgement, but I heard a very good tribute on the radio during the afternoon.

I, much like you, am working this afternoon, and if it's not too busy at work I'll have you on in the background.

By the way, any word on Stuart Bocking? Has his voice recovered over the weekend?

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment October 1st, 2007 at 12:30pm

The four letters you put money in to and take money out of

Good evening Stuart,

Maybe the four letter thing you put money in to when you work, and take money out of when you retire, is a "Bank", although that's not something Peter Costello introduced.

Based on the speech, of the caller who posed the question, I'd hazard a guess at "beer".

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

September 27th, 2007 at 10:00pm

Rain in Canberra

Good evening Stuart,

I just stepped out of the office for a minute, only to discover that it's raining. The air smells wonderful out there at the moment, and it was nice to be rained on ever so lightly for a little while.

The more of this nice rain we have, the better!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments September 26th, 2007 at 09:30pm


Good evening Stuart,

I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to Floraide on the weekend. Sadly Floriade is one of the delights I simply can not enjoy due to my hayfever. I have been to Floriade on a number of occasions, but the aftermath doesn't justify the pretty flowers for me.

As for people who spend their entire life in the right-hand lane, please take them off the road. I really can't understand why people insist on travelling ten kilometres per hour or further below the speed limit in the right-hand lane. I would submit them as my entry in John Stanley's "What Drives You Nuts" segment on Thursday, but I have another gripe already lined up for him. Maybe you could ring him up on Thursday.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments September 24th, 2007 at 08:30pm

Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

Good evening Stuart,

Just a note about what Eric was saying about the compact fluorescent lightbulbs interfering with AM radio signals to the extent that if you have one light on in the house, you have no radio…well I had three on during his call, including one about a metre and a half from the radio, and I could not hear any interference. I then picked up the radio to test his theory, and I had to bring the radio within five centimetres of the bulb to get a minor buzz.

If his bulbs are knocking out his radio, then his bulbs are faulty and should be replaced.

I love these lightbulbs, mainly because I prefer the light they produce to the light a traditional incandescent bulb produces. The fact that they cost less to run and last a lot longer than the average bulb is a bonus. And as for the dimmers, there are a handful of CFLs that work with dimmers, they aren't very common yet, but they will be (not that I'm a huge fan of dimmers anyway).

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

P.S. Congratulations on your new 2UE promo…it's almost funny to think that you've had a promo on 2CC for months and you've only just got one on 2UE!

5 comments September 19th, 2007 at 11:27pm

Good Morning John Stanley!

Good morning Mr. Stanley,

Ever since the time you did that marathon shift where you filled in for John Laws and then ran your own show as well, I have considered you to be a very likely candidate to take over Lawsie's job when he retires, and this morning you have proven it by being the first 2UE presenter to run in to the studio when he was confirmed as running late.

The last time I recall hearing anything like this was when the late Stan Zemanek was running late and somebody filled in for him for a while…and if I remember correctly Stan hosted some of the show from a mobile phone.

And don't be so sure about there being no spelling tests for radio announcers. I clearly remember you putting your listeners through that torture earlier this year with that agonising spelling competition where you had a whole of heap of illiterate callers ring in and try to spell words. The success rate was about 5%!

Have a great day John. Hopefully today isn't another double shift for you.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments September 17th, 2007 at 09:27am


Good morning John,

This morning I find myself mildly annoyed by noise…noise which is emanating from the general direction of Civic and floating over to my house. It sounds like some sort of dance party, and I have had the misfortune of being able to hear it quite clearly for the majority of the night. It is certainly not loud enough to stop me from going to sleep, but it is an incredibly annoying noise none-the-less, and the fact that I can hear it in the background whilst trying to listen to you driving me up the wall.

The fact that I would have to completely close my bedroom window and effectively restrict the airflow of the room in order to get some peace and quiet is irritating.

I am feeling a bit better today, however I am very tired and will be going to sleep shortly.

Have a great day.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

5 comments September 16th, 2007 at 12:28am


Good morning John,

I'm having an absolute shocker of a year…this time around I've managed to catch a gastric flu. In the last day or so I had a really awful 28 hour period where I felt awful and couldn't keep any food or drink down. In fact since lunch time on Thursday the only food I've been able to successfully eat is a bowl of tinned peaches and a croissant with cheese…and those were a few hours ago due to cravings.

I still feel pretty awful but at least the sore throat is gone…I can put up with headaches and the various other mildly disgusting symptoms…but I can not stand having a sore throat.

By the way, did you see any of the AFL final last night. It was an absolute thriller, the first AFL final to go to extra time in years. Collingwood ended up defeating West Coast by 19 points, but without a doubt it was one of the best matches of the year.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

5 comments September 15th, 2007 at 01:28am

What Drives Me Nuts

Good afternoon John,

What drives me nuts is cafe staff who insist on gossiping instead of serving customers while I'm waiting in line during a half-hour lunch break.

And the person last week who complained about toast gave me a good laugh.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments September 13th, 2007 at 02:28pm

Donating Blood

Good evening Stuart,

I listened with some interest to the interview you had with the lady from the red cross. I can only hope that the red cross people are a bit more precise than the woman who took a sample of my blood for medical purposes a couple years ago. It was bad enough that I had to provide blood when I'm not keen on needles, but the first time she tried nothing came out, then the second time the blood stopped half way through, the third time time she couldn't get any blood, and the fourth time she finally got the whole amount she needed, and I fainted while she was doing it!

Incidentally, you can add me to the list of people who have never voted for the Labor Party, and also to the list of people who have never voted for the Liberals. That being said, as this coming election will be my first vote, adding me to those lists probably doesn't say much.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

5 comments September 11th, 2007 at 09:29pm


Good morning John,

I wouldn't be so sure about Rhonda being asleep…I have a sneaking suspicion that she may have stayed up to see if you were behaving yourself and wishing her a happy birthday…and if not, you can always get a copy off the log and play it to her later!

I hope she has a great birthday, and I'm sure that you'll do your best to ensure it.

As for some of the other birthdays today, It is interesting that you were watching Ryan Phillippe in a movie yesterday, because I was watching Jay Laga'aia in Australia's best police drama, Water Rats, last night. I'm glad that Channel Nine and the other producers decided to release it on DVD as they haven't even shown the repeats in the wee hours of the morning for a few years now. It's amazing that they spent so much money on the show and yet they won't re-screen it…it would be an awful lot better than a lot of the other shows on television.

I also learnt something interesting from your birthday list this morning, Geoff Jansz was born in Sri Lanka. According to Wikipedia he graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Pharmacy qualification in 1984. There would appear to be quite a bit I don't know about this rather inconspicuous television chef.

Have a great week!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

7 comments September 10th, 2007 at 12:59am

Chaser’s APEC Stunt

Good evening Stuart,

I'm sure you will receive plenty of comments about the stunt at APEC by the team from "The Chaser's War On Everything". All I can say is that we are lucky it was them and not somebody more sinister. They exposed a gaping hole in the expensive security in place at APEC and I congratulate them for that. I don't agree with the politicians who have made statements in recent hours that the Chaser team were being irresponsible, in fact I think they would have expected to to be turned away at the first checkpoint…once they got in, it was their duty as journalists (update: oops, wrong words…not entirely sure which words I was looking for) to continue through as far as possible.

The footage indicates that they followed the directions of police, so I think they have been very responsible.

And I would like to nominate Alexander Downer's statement that "the security works" as the stupidest statement of the week. If the security worked, the checkpoints would have known that the Canadians weren't due, and the Chasers would not have managed to get within ten metres of the Intercontinental Hotel.

Have a great night.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

9 comments September 6th, 2007 at 07:30pm

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