Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Obama spurs international confidence in the US

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore

G’day Andrew,

President Obama causes eastern western Europe and Canada to view America more favourably…why am I not surprised when his political views are in line with their leftist leanings. It’s the people who are actually affected by his domestic policies who are the ones who are slowly but surely starting to dislike him.

As an Aussie, I have great confidence in the US, just not in Mr. Obama…but that could have something to do with the fact that I pay attention to US media reports and not just the reports which filter through to the media over here.

I’m enjoying your new show. Have a great weekend…looking forward to your call of Dogs V Eels on Saturday.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Oops, I accidentally wrote “eastern Europe” in that email when I meant to write “western Europe”. As for the story in question, it comes from the Pew Research Center (complete with American spelling)

The image of the United States has improved markedly in most parts of the world, reflecting global confidence in Barack Obama. In many countries opinions of the United States are now about as positive as they were at the beginning of the decade before George W. Bush took office. Improvements in the U.S. image have been most pronounced in Western Europe, where favorable ratings for both the nation and the American people have soared. But opinions of America have also become more positive in key countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, as well.
opinions of the U.S. among Muslims in the Middle East remain largely unfavorable, despite some positive movement in the numbers in Jordan and Egypt. Animosity toward the U.S., however, continues to run deep and unabated in Turkey, the Palestinian territories and Pakistan.

July 24th, 2009 at 04:30am

Bizarre news stories: an email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore

G’day Andrew,

I take all peculiar stories[1] from China with a grain of salt as I figure that they are just a result of the state-run media’s propaganda machine.

As for the underwear thief[2]…I’m assuming that I don’t want to know how he smuggled them out of the store?

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

The stories referred to in this email had been mentioned by Andrew’s producer a few minutes before I wrote the email. For your amusement, I’ve tracked down the stories and included them below.

Boy drank gasoline to copy his TV heroes

A 14-YEAR-OLD boy drank gasoline for five years to obtain “energy” – just as his idols “Bumble Bee” or “Optimus Prime” do in “Transformers,” the Sichuan-based West China Metropolis Daily reported yesterday.

After the boy, in Yibin City, southwest Sichuan Province, had watched the animated TV series, he began to drink gasoline to become a “valiant fighter” like “Optimus Prime,” his father told the newspaper.

“He began to drink gasoline five years ago, when we found he liked smelling lighter fuel,” he said.

The boy’s mother owned a grocery stall, selling small goods such as lighters.

In 2004, she often found lighters missing two or three days after she’d bought them. She later found that her son had been stealing them.

The parents talked to their son and asked him not to do it again. “But afterwards we found our motorcycle’s gasoline was always disappearing, and one day when we found the boy had drunk a half bottle of gasoline stolen from the motorcycle, we were too shocked to say anything,” the father said.

Police catch underwear thief

German police uncovered over 1,000 pairs of underpants and more than 100 pairs of swimming trunks after catching a thief nabbing another three pairs for his collection.

The 46-year-old man was caught Sunday pinching three pairs of pants from a sports hall in the western town of Gelnhausen. Police then came across the enormous collection of underwear while searching his flat.

July 22nd, 2009 at 04:51am

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore

G’day Andrew,

Daryl must be shattered that the Brahmans went down this afternoon.

Congratulations on your new overnight show. When does it start?

Have a great call (as you always do).

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: It’s starting this Monday at 3:30am, and I’ve been issued a directive to be awake…I’ll be up, directive or no directive. End Update

July 18th, 2009 at 05:09pm

Medical treatment against parental wishes

An email to KXNT’s Alan Stock

G'day Alan,

Seeing as you're going to be talking about the medical treatment of children when it is against the wishes of the parents, I thought you might be interested in the Australian perspective on the issue.

Down Under, the laws vary from state to state, but most states have laws which allow doctors to override the religious beliefs of parents if they believe it is in the interests of the child, such as to prevent serious injury or death. Such things as blood transfusions, which are prohibited by some religions, can be performed regardless of the wishes of the patient or their parents, and court orders (from judges) can be used to remove interfering parties from the hospital.

As for cases where the patient is never taken to a hospital, I'm not sure what the law is on those…but I do believe that there are child endangerment laws which can be invoked, giving authorities the ability to remove the child from the custody of the parents…not sure what happens if the child dies before this happens, but I agree with you, parents have a responsibility to seek medical treatment.

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Canberra, Australia

The story which sparked this discussion is the story of Carl and Raylene Worthington in Oregon…to quote from the article:
“Carl and Raylene Worthington, members of the Followers of Christ church in Oregon City, are accused of manslaughter and criminal mistreatment in the death of their 15-month-old daughter. Ava Worthington died in March 2008 from complications from pneumonia and a blood infection, both treatable conditions. The Worthington case will be the first test of a 1999 Oregon law that removed legal protections for parents who withhold medical treatment on religious grounds.”

The jury is out at the moment.

July 18th, 2009 at 12:51am

An email to 2GB’s Continuous Call Team

G’day Andrew and Joel,

It’s good to know that you’re there covering both matches live, even if Channel Nine think that A Current Affair and Two And A Half Men are more important. I will cut nine a small break for allowing you to cover both matches rather than just one though.

Go the doggies!

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

And what’s this that Andrew mentioned two seconds after I hit “send”, that he is going to be doing the 3:30am-5am shift? At least he’s used to the early start seeing as he already presents sport during the breakfast news on 2GB.

UpdateEnd Update

4 comments July 17th, 2009 at 06:29pm

An email to 2GB’s Jason Morrison

G’day Jason,

Just in relation to your use of the word “hacker” in relation to amateur photographers, your use of the word is 100% correct. “Hacking” in real programming terms is the art of playing with code until it does what you want it to do…it’s effectively amateur programming.

The use of “hacking” as a term for breaking in to computer systems is technically incorrect, but I suppose the language has evolved to the point that we just accept that the word means both things.

And in reply to “Peter”…I couldn’t agree more…I won’t be watching the bloke eating berries on 60 Minutes either! Who comes out of the bush as clean as that??

Have a great weekend,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

And now I wait for the pedants to decide that they’re not happy with the above definition and to start sending dictionary definitions to me.

July 17th, 2009 at 05:07pm

Jerk Of The Week sumbission

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Gerard Ramalho

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
Getting Casey’s name wrong on Channel 3 news.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

KXNT’s Casey Hendrickson was interviewed by Channel 3 news about funding for the Springs Preserve park. They called him “Casey Hendrix”.

The great thing about the internet is that I’m able to see this for myself on the Channel 3 news website. It’s the video titled “Addressing operating costs for Springs Preserve” under the “Featured Videos” heading.

Update: Casey has forgiven Gerard because “Gerard is awesome”. End Update


4 comments July 2nd, 2009 at 07:30pm

Good first show (email to Nine’s “This Afternoon”)

G'day Guys, and a special hello to Andrew,

It's great to see you back on the tele Andrew.

This has been a good first show, although perhaps a bit over the top with the orange.

Good luck for the future.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: Actually, Andrew seemed a bit clunky to start with today but got better as the show went on. I was amused by the sign off though…Andrew being drowned out by music, Katrina saying “good night” followed by Andrew saying “good afternoon” and then before the microphones were muted, Mark Ferguson having a go at them for it.

If the show can pick up a bit in the coming weeks, I’d like to see it extended to 6pm, and Millionaire Hot Seat bumped to an evening timeslot. 7pm (the old Sale Of The Century/Temptation timeslot) would be good, but only if WIN will replace one of those infernal 7:30pm screenings of “Two And A Half Men” with Hot Seat. Seriously, Two And A Half Men has become the Nine version of The Simpsons on Ten…”We have nothing to show…quick, find a tape of Two and a half men!”. It’s an entertaining show, but it’s on far too often.

End Update

June 29th, 2009 at 05:17pm

Jerk of the week nomination

My nomination for Casey and Heather’s “Jerk Of The Week”. Segment should air on just after 11am Canberra time.
Update: Segment delayed to tomorrow due to coverage of the death of Michael Jackson. End Update

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Drivers who don’t stop at pedestrian crossings

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
Especially when said people are driving a bus!

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 26th, 2009 at 10:55am

An email to 2GB’s Continuous Call Team

G’day Ray,

Another great state of origin result.

New South Wales needed to make some radical changes to that lineup, but they didn’t so the result was inevitable.

Thanks for another great call!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

June 24th, 2009 at 10:08pm

My submission to Casey and Heather’s “Jerk of the week” segment on KXNT

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission

People who give me weird looks and go “eww yuck” when I drink cold coffee

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?

Coffee tastes better cold, period! And if I want to drink my cup of coffee over the course of four hours without running to the microwave to heat it up constantly, then deal with it…it’s not like I’m making you drink it.

Your Name (Optional)

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

I should probably also nominate myself for forgetting to post Tim Tams to KXNT‘s program director Jack Landreth after promising to post them. They’re coming Jack, but I’ll nominate myself next week anyway.


June 17th, 2009 at 11:24pm

An email to 2GB’s Continuous Call Team

G’day Andrew and Blocker,

I’m glad to hear that you managed to find Etihad Stadium. I hope that the Melbournites find the place as well.

I’m tipping Queensland by 6.

Have a great call (as you always do),

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

4 comments June 3rd, 2009 at 07:16pm

Chat with Michael Parkinson

G'day Mark,

Just a quick note to let you know that I enjoyed your chat with Michael Parkinson this morning, and his views on various world leaders.

I only managed to catch about half of the conversation, so I hope that it will be podcasted as I would love to hear the rest of it.

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: It has been podcasted. See here and here. End Update

May 28th, 2009 at 09:00am

A brief email to 2GB’s Alan Jones

Welcome back Alan, it’s great to have you back on the airwaves and in good health. You’re sounding great.

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update 8:43am: Expect to see Alan on the TV news bulletins tonight. The studio has been filled with cameras and boom microphones all morning:
Alan Jones in the 2GB Studio with a lot of cameras
End Update

2 comments May 4th, 2009 at 07:02am

Free Public Transport

Good evening Stuart,

When I heard the idea of making public transport "free" in Sydney, I couldn't stop laughing. The whole idea is just nuts.

The trains are practically full as it is, so I don't know how the MP who came up with the plan expects to be able to carry the extra passengers who would be attracted by the plan, especially when the government would not only lose the billion dollars or thereabouts of revenue from the public transport fares, but also any money they might have otherwise received from drivers paying tolls etc, who would be paying nothing for public transport under the plan.

And if a train breaks down and has to be replaced…which department's budget has to cover that cost? Education? Health? The Premier's limousine service? Probably not the latter.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

April 20th, 2009 at 10:00pm

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