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Obama spurs international confidence in the US

July 24th, 2009 at 04:30am

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore

G’day Andrew,

President Obama causes eastern western Europe and Canada to view America more favourably…why am I not surprised when his political views are in line with their leftist leanings. It’s the people who are actually affected by his domestic policies who are the ones who are slowly but surely starting to dislike him.

As an Aussie, I have great confidence in the US, just not in Mr. Obama…but that could have something to do with the fact that I pay attention to US media reports and not just the reports which filter through to the media over here.

I’m enjoying your new show. Have a great weekend…looking forward to your call of Dogs V Eels on Saturday.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Oops, I accidentally wrote “eastern Europe” in that email when I meant to write “western Europe”. As for the story in question, it comes from the Pew Research Center (complete with American spelling)

The image of the United States has improved markedly in most parts of the world, reflecting global confidence in Barack Obama. In many countries opinions of the United States are now about as positive as they were at the beginning of the decade before George W. Bush took office. Improvements in the U.S. image have been most pronounced in Western Europe, where favorable ratings for both the nation and the American people have soared. But opinions of America have also become more positive in key countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia, as well.
opinions of the U.S. among Muslims in the Middle East remain largely unfavorable, despite some positive movement in the numbers in Jordan and Egypt. Animosity toward the U.S., however, continues to run deep and unabated in Turkey, the Palestinian territories and Pakistan.

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