Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

Facebook/other online publishing and the employer/employee relationship

My response to Sheridan Voysey’s question “Is it ok for employers to check what their workers are saying online?”, which was posed in regards to Facebook in particular on Open House on Canberra’s 1WAY FM.

Yes, and if you don’t want them to see what you’re saying, use the privacy controls to prevent them from seeing it. If it’s publicly viewable, it’s fair game in my books.

And it’s not just Facebook. I have no issue with an employer or a potential employer checking up on what I say on this website, or on the radio, or anywhere else that is public.

There is a vast difference between what is said publicly online, and what is said privately between friends. For example, if I say “the company I work for will go broke in two weeks if they keep spending money like this” publicly, it could have an adverse effect on the company, whereas if I say it privately to a friend, it’s not likely to have any impact on the company.

In this example, the comment is almost certainly tongue-in-cheek, and most people reading the text version would not understand that because, as I’ve said many times, text is not particularly good at carrying subtle humour.

I’d be interested in hearing what you think about this, but I will ask you to refrain from calling this “Facebook bashing” because I’m close to signing up again at the request and suggestion of a few people who I will not name here.


2 comments April 5th, 2009 at 08:37pm

That’s one large pothole!

An email to 2GB’s Jason Morrison:

G’day Jason,

Did I hear that properly? Did Warren just say in the traffic report that a “large pothole” has taken out two lanes of a road?

That’s more like a crater than a pothole! Perhaps if we make enough noise about it we’ll see Nathan Rees or Barry O’Farrell out there with a shovel showing us just how wonderful and responsive they are.

By the way, another great ratings result. Congratulations Jason.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Update: Yep, the 5:36pm traffic report has the same pothole. Two lanes affected on the Pacific Highway at Atarmon:
End Update

March 31st, 2009 at 05:26pm

An email to 3AW’s Neil Mitchell

Good morning Neil,

I have to disagree with you about a “one strike” policy for learner drivers. Learner drivers are learning, and are expected to make mistakes, which is why they have a higher demerit point allowance than provisional drivers.

All you would achieve by banning learners as soon as they make a mistake, is a surge in the number of unlicenced drivers, which means less insured drivers and higher costs to the community from collisions.

The current system isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty darn good.

Have a great day.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

March 11th, 2009 at 09:36am


An email to KXNT’s Morning Source Alan Stock:

Hi Alan,

I went in to the whole facebook thing, and all of my friends are on there, but I’m like you, I don’t get it.

The damn thing drove me completely nuts with all of these people that I barely knew from school bothering me with all sorts of useless information and invitations. I hated the whole thing, and I deleted my facebook account as a new year’s resolution last year, and I’ve kept it…I ain’t going back.

I’m much happier with my small group of physical friends who I can keep in touch with by phone, email and in person.

And I’m a bit like you in so far as I am too busy with my life, my blog and following the news cycle and my personal interests to be bothered with facebook.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Canberra, Australia

“Samuel is waiting desperately for the morning flip so he can make an international phone call”.

Update: I did manage to get through to the morning flip, twice in fact. The first time Telstra managed to provide me with a bizarre scratchy connection which Alan described as sounding like an old 78 record. He couldn’t hear me, but I could almost hear him.

When I got through the second time it was actually physically possible (thank you Telstra, pity I don’t get a refund on the unintelligible connection) I was able to quickly flip off Barack Obama for his salary limiting legislation, and flip up Kevin Rudd for ruling out similar legislation here despite pressure from Bob Brown.

Hopefully KXNT podcast today’s “flip” segment because it was quite amusing. It’s really a bit of fun with a few people throwing serious stuff in. They seem to have some serial pests who must rack up some hefty phone bills dialling the KXNT phone number constantly for ten minutes every morning just to make a fool of themselves. End Update

February 6th, 2009 at 02:52am

Tennis + Heat = Whinge

I knew this would happen…I said as much a week ago. None the less, an email to 2UE’s Steve Price:

G’day Steve,

I heard you talking to Mark Parton about the heat at the tennis on 2CC this morning.

I have a simple solution to the problem…move the tennis to winter. It rains less on average in winter, so you’d have less rain delays, and it’s colder in winter so you wouldn’t have to worry about heat stress…and if it was really cold, the players could keep warm simply by playing!

Enjoy your day.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

January 28th, 2009 at 09:24am

52 sitting days for the senate

An email to 2GB’s Jason Morrison:

Good afternoon Jason,

Welcome to the drive show.

I’m in awe at the arrogance of this government in having such a low number of sitting days for the senate. As far as I can see, with the ETS and other complicated and convoluted legislation set to go through this year, plus the usual lengthy process of approving the budget, it looks to me as if the Rudd government either want to turn the senate in to the house of the rubber stamp by rushing them through all of the legislation, or they’re trying to trigger a double-dissolution.

Perhaps a double-dissolution isn’t such a bad thing…although I’m not convinced that the current opposition would do a better job, not until Julie Bishop and Joe Hockey are the leadership team anyway.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

3 comments January 19th, 2009 at 05:02pm

New York Weather

An email to 2UE’s Steve Price, who is broadcasting from New York this week.

G’day Steve,

I was just looking at New York’s weather on the New York Times and Weather Underground websites, and I noticed something on Weather Underground that the Aussie weather bureau never do. A “100% chance of precipitation”.

The Aussie bureau never go to zero or 100%, they settle for 1% or 99% just in case…still with 33 degrees expected almost all week here in Canberra, I think I’d prefer New York…I hate the heat!

Enjoy your week over there.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments January 19th, 2009 at 10:44am

An email to 2GB’s Chris Smith

Morning Chris,

Joe Hockey for premier? What a waste…we need Joe in the federal parliament. Barry for Premier, Joe for PM!

Was listening to you on my way home from Sydney until I lost you just after Lake George…compelling listening, keep up the good work.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

January 16th, 2009 at 11:00am

It sounds like you have my cold!

Good afternoon Stuart,
It sounds like you caught my cold. I promise that the Christmas card was sent before I caught the cold.
I also didn't taste Christmas lunch on Christmas day…but for a different reason. I was feeling rather lousy with my cold so I went to bed at 1pm and didn't wake up until about 5am on Boxing Day! Just like you though, I've been battling through, working despite the cold.
On the topic of random breath testing, I had my breath tested yesterday morning in Holbrook. I was asked the same question as you, gave the same answer as you, and my breath test confirmed my answer, and I was sent on my way…however to answer your question, you're asked if you've been drinking because your breath test will produce a higher result than your true blood alcohol level for a period of time after your last drink.
Have a great afternoon.
Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Currently in Deniliquin

December 29th, 2008 at 03:35pm


Good evening Stuart,

I listened with some interest to your story about your little one's current aversion to baths. I used to like baths and would want to stay in the bath for as long as possible, but these days I don't really like them. I think it has something to do with me being taller than the bath, and the fact that I don't really like being immersed in water. Showers are OK, but baths are just lengthy boring pointless ordeals for me.

I've never really been a huge fan of swimming either. I can doggle paddle to stay afloat if necessary, but I can't think of a worse way to spend a hot summer day than swimming…actually, scratch that, watching tennis all day, that would be much worse. Thank goodness that they don't play tennis in pools!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

December 11th, 2008 at 09:30pm

Driver Training In Schools

Good evening Stuart,

I see that we're having the "driver training should be compulsory in schools" debate again. I have no problem with the idea of driver training in schools, but I think the idea of making it compulsory is a mistake. If it is to be practical training, then I also fail to see how insurance and other costs could feasibly fit within the already stretched education budget.

Personally I quite like the ACT system where a "road ready" course must be undertaken prior to one obtaining a learner licence. This course, whilst available directly from the government, has been made a part of the year ten curriculum. I personally opted out of doing this course as, at the age of 15, the idea of driving and being responsible for a motor vehicle came fairly close to scaring me. I would imagine that I was not alone in this, and it is for this reason that I think making such courses compulsory is a mistake, even more so if the idea is for practical training.

Enjoy your night.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

November 17th, 2008 at 09:30pm

Fuel Watch

Good evening Stuart,

One watch down, how many more to go? I'm pleased to see that the Senate have killed off Petrol watch…it proves that there is still some sanity in parliament after all. Not that it lasted for long, apparently the Senate Standing Committee on Economics want us to launch a space program.

As for the soccer, can you explain to me why Adelaide United even bothered? I've watched half of both games and I can't see why they bothered. They're not good enough to defeat Gamba Osaka, they're not even close to being good enough. Stick to the A-League for now would be my advice, perhaps give the Asian Champions League another go in a few years when they're a bit more experienced.

And I could tell you a fishing joke, but I think they've all reeled you in so far, so I'll avoid it.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments November 12th, 2008 at 10:00pm

An email to 2GB’s Continuous Call Team

G’day Ray, Andrew, Blocker, Daryl, et al,

Thanks for another great entertaining year of rugby league…I know it’s a bit late to organise, but I would love to have both Ray and Andrew commentating the big match. Perhaps an early request for next year?

Anyway, go the Sea Eagles, the Broncos (I’m still after some revenge for the Raiders defeating the doggies in Round 26) and the Jets.

And I’m willing to put money on Melbourne Bellamy declaring that the referees cheated after the match.

Enjoy your summer and catch you next year.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

I did, quite unsuccessfully, attempt to leave the “N” out of Melbourne in an effort to refer to Melbourne Storm coach Craig Bellamy as “Melboure Bellamy” as per the “Big League” spelling of Melbourne. Still, he’s being sued by the NRL judiciary for his comments the other week, so I’ll leave it at that.


October 5th, 2008 at 11:21am

Multiple Votes Per Election

Good evening Stuart,

For the last week or so I've been considering the rather naughty possibility of voting multiple times at the upcoming ACT election to help ensure my desired outcome, however as I like to be informed of the potential consequences of my actions, I decided to find out what the penalty for this could be. According to the ACT Electoral Act 1992, Section 130, the maximum penalty for this is $5000 or six months imprisonment. This is in stark contrast to the fine for failing to turn up at a polling place to get your name ticked off, which is $20 according to the electoral commission or $50 according to the act.

Needless to say, I have decided that spending my whole day voting as many times as humanly possible just isn't worth the trouble…although I have to admit that I find it amusing that the commission will take people to court who fail to pay the $20 fine for not voting…the court costs on that must be astronomical.

Enjoy your night.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

1 comment September 17th, 2008 at 10:23pm

The Hadron Collider

This email was sent at 9:46pm. I’m not sure why it didn’t appear automatically at 10pm

Hi Stuart,

When the planet and the universe aren't destroyed by the recreation of The Big Bang in the giant hadron collider, do you think the scientific community will accept that Intelligent Design is more likely to be an accurate theory than The Big Bang theory? Or will they just claim that they either found something wonderful or didn't quite calibrate the machinery correctly, and then deviate on to a "by the way, did we tell you that the planet is warming and it's all our fault" tangent?

Just to be fair, if they do manage to destroy the planet and the universe, I'll be more than happy to admit that they were right. If only they would extend the same courtesy to me and my fellow Intelligent Design believers.

If the experiment is successful and detsorys everything, can you imagine the scientists in fifty billion years time when they discover that a previous group of scientists created their universe in an underground tunnel?

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

2 comments September 11th, 2008 at 04:19am

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