Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

An email to 2GB’s Continuous Call Team

G’day Andrew,

I’m going to make a grand final prediction…it’ll be Dogs V Broncos, and there will be at least 46 points scored.

Great call of the Yow Yeh try!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

September 19th, 2009 at 09:17pm

KXNT Jerk Of The Week submission for September 11, 2009

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
The idiot who parked behind me at the motel yesterday

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
When I am leaving for work at 4am, I really don’t want to spend three minutes doing the “reverse a bit, forward a bit, reverse a bit” shuffle just to get out. Go and park in a parking space you jerk!

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Alan Stock is on jury duty, so Casey Hendrickson is filling in for Alan on The Morning Source which probably leaves Heather Kydd on her own for today’s show…and as the KXNT website emails the Jerk Of The Week nominations to Casey, you should probably submit yours sooner rather than later. Jerk Of The Week airs shortly after 6pm Thursday in Las Vegas (11am Friday in Canberra) on Newsradio 840 KXNT.


September 11th, 2009 at 01:40am

KXNT Jerk Of The Week sumbission for September 3

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Senator Penny Wong, the Australian minister for Climate Change and Water

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
For going on a surprise two day tour of five towns which have been very critical of her policies, so she can “hear from a range of people” only to not actually talk to the people who really wanted to talk to her, and instead make announcements. She’s the Harry Reid of the Australian Senate.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

As you probably know by now, Jerk Of The Week with Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd airs shortly after 6pm Thursday Las Vegas time, which currently equates to shortly after 11am Friday Canberra time, on Newsradio 840 KXNT in Las Vegas and their webstream, and is podcasted a short time after that. Submissions are welcome by clicking on the large yellow “Jerk Of The Week” image on


September 4th, 2009 at 10:23am

Last minute Jerk Of The Week submission 28 August

I was going to skip Jerk Of The Week this week as I’ve been sick in bed for much of it, but a visit to my post office box gave me something to whinge about at the last moment.

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Organisations that want me to receive their newsletter by email so that they can “go green”

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
I’m quite happy to receive their newsletters by email as it makes it easier to ignore them, but I will not switch to email delivery to boost their green credentials.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd’s Jerk Of The Week airs on Newsradio 840 KXNT in a few minutes. The webstream didn’t go nuts last week during the segment, so hopefully that means it’s fixed.


August 28th, 2009 at 11:05am

Television Rugby League Coverage

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore, who will be busy calling the Tigers V Eels clash on 2GB and network stations (including 2CC) tonight. If you want live coverage of the match…you won’t get it on TV, so 2GB is the way to go. Find your local relay station or listen live here.

G’day Andrew,

Just thought you’d like to know that that Live NRL game in Sydney is not the live game on WIN TV across regional New South Wales tonight.

WIN, being a Wollongong based organisation, have decided to run the Dragons game live across NSW. They’re effectively running the Queensland feed through New South Wales.

I, however, will be engrossed in the Dogs V Cats AFL game tonight. I’ll catch you later in the weekend.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

August 21st, 2009 at 04:04pm

KXNT Jerk Of The Week submission 20/8/2009

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
Deleting the Obama Socialism image from Flickr, and deleting Flickr accounts belonging to people who post anti-Obama comments.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Nominate your jerk of the week here.


August 20th, 2009 at 11:38pm

James Hardie fines

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore:

G’day Andrew,

Re: the James Hardie fines. I think we need to keep in mind that today’s fines relate to an administrative deception, and not directly to compensation to James Hardie victims. For the items which they have been charged, I think the fines are acceptable.

What I think needs to happen though is that separate action needs to be brought against the directors for causing difficulties with paying compensation, and then they should, if found guilty, be forced to pay the unpaid compensation out of their own pockets.

Enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

August 20th, 2009 at 05:21pm

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore and the Continuous Call Team

G’day Andrew,

Well I have to disagree with you. No way that I can tip the Cowboys. Dogs by 11.

As for Elvis songs, my favourite is Moody Blue.

Have a great call, and may you be wrong about a Cowboy victory!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

August 14th, 2009 at 07:43pm

KXNT Jerk Of The Week Submission August 14, 2009

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Andrew Demetriou (CEO of the Australian Football League)

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
For having a “green round” to save the AFL from climate change, on the weekend after the Australian Senate voted against the Emissions Trading Scheme (cap and trade).

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Jerk Of The Week airs shortly after 11am Canberra time, 6pm Vegas time today on Newsradio 840 KXNT in Las Vegas, and (if the webstream ads don’t get confused and block out the segment). It is also podcasted at a short time after the segment airs.


August 14th, 2009 at 10:01am

Jerk of the Week submission 7/August

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
The people on The View

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
Trying to discredit Michelle Malkin’s book about all of the corruption in Obama’s White House by inventing quotes, and then attacking Michelle again after she left the set.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Jerk of the Week with Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd airs on Newsradio 840 KXNT Las Vegas (and shortly after 11am Friday Canberra time (6pm Thursday Vegas time), and is podcasted at shortly thereafter.


August 7th, 2009 at 10:33am

Andrew Robb

An email to 2GB’s Jason Morrison:

G’day Jason,

I did the same as you when Andrew Robb’s name was floated as a replacement for Malcolm Turnbull. I laughed. Who knows, this may still be a joke…one can only hope.

Enjoy your morning in a cold tent, and be thankful that you’re not in a tent in a five degree Canberra.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

August 6th, 2009 at 05:51am

Jerk Of The Week 31/7

This week’s nomination:

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
For nagging in me for weeks to download Windows Live Messenger, and when I finally cave in and download it, it crashes every time I try to log in.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Casey and Heather’s “Jerk Of The Week” usually airs shortly after 6pm Thursday (Vegas time), 11am Friday (Canberra time) on Newsradio 840 KXNT.


July 31st, 2009 at 09:45am

The Internet’s down at 2GB

G’day Andrew,

The internet’s down…well that would explain why the main Windows Media webstream is down. The RealPlayer one is working fine though. Just thought you’d like to know.

Boy oh boy did I have a shocker of a night on Saturday night. That knock-on try I emailed you about was the highlight as my beloved doggies got thrashed in both the AFL and NRL. It’s a good thing The Bill was on to give me some respite!

I hope Archie gets better soon.

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

And as soon as I hit “send”, the Real Player stream dies. I’m gonna hold on to this one for the next time I’m told not to mention on-air that the Internet had gone down at radio stations I’m working at, because “it makes them sound really small”. If anything, I think it adds to the listeners’ experience and makes the whole thing just that bit more entertaining.

July 27th, 2009 at 03:41am

An email to 2GB’s Continuous Call Team

G’day Andrew,

Double Movement?? I’m with you…if you can get there, it should be a try…unless the Eels do it, in which case it’s NO TRY!

Go the Doggies and 10-4 Big Buddy!

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

July 25th, 2009 at 06:11pm

Jerk Of The Week nomination

My nomination for Casey and Heather’s “Jerk Of The Week” on KXNT.

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Comrade Barry Bamster

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
For lying about saving jobs (amongst other things) in his hilarious news conference last night. The unemployment rate is rising, not falling Comrade!

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Jerk Of The Week airs on KXNT Las Vegas shortly after 6pm Thursday (11am Friday Canberra time). Update: Now delayed until tomorrow for various reasons. End Update

And if you missed the Bamster’s press conference…here it is. This is the speech component, not the 11 questions “answered” in an hour bit.


July 24th, 2009 at 08:51am

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