Posts filed under 'Talkback Emails'

An email to 2GB’s C Team

G’day C Team.

Just on the subject of the talking clock. George doesn’t always tick over properly at the time when daylight saving starts or ends. I sat up one night a few years ago and listened to George as daylight saving ended and he didn’t change to the correct hour. The next morning he was engaged for an hour or so while Telstra wound him back a bit.

I hope you guys get to enjoy the extra hour of sleep.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

They think it’s a bit sad that I’d sit up for changes in the talking clock. They’re probably right.

On that note, I’ve been thinking for some time of doing an hour as a talking clock myself just to see if I’d last. It might be worth a shot on Tuesday afternoon if I don’t get distracted by other things. If and when I do it, I’ll stream it live for the fun of it.

Videos of the talking clock have previously been posted here.


2 comments April 2nd, 2010 at 07:58pm

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore and the Continuous Call Team

G’day Andrew,

Well tonight’s the night…the start of Bulldogs Victory 2010 a week late…or if not, hopefully we can kick at least one goal tonight. Last week was humiliating but was all made better by the other Bulldogs winning the NAB Cup Grand Final.

Have a great night, and thanks for your great work filling in for Alan during the week.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

March 19th, 2010 at 07:20pm

Cashless society

An email to 2UE’s Andrew Daddo

Hi Andrew,

I personally doubt that we are even close to people considering that we're becoming a cashless society. I prefer to pay for almost all of my "over the counter" purchases in cash unless it's more than about $50 when I will generally whip out my Visa Debit card.

I am more conscious of how much cash I carry on me since I was robbed last year, and will generally withdraw cash at an ATM in a shopping centre before I make a purchase, however I would much rather have cash on me just in case I am robbed again in the future as I figure that a would-be robber is not going to take kindly to a "I don't use cash, I use plastic" response to their "hand over all your money" demand.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

January 4th, 2010 at 12:19pm

Happy New Year John!

An email to 2UE’s John Kerr

Good morning and felicitations to you John,

I was planning on sleeping through the start of the new year as the changeover from one year to the next doesn't really phase me, however the fireworks at midnight woke me with a decent bit of rattling of the walls. Nattie (the lovely little dog in residence) was quite concerned by the fireworks and insisted on a cuddle and shelter in my room…sadly I have been unable to get her to stay in her own bed since then, and she has taken up residence on my bed, as you can see in the attached photo. I might try to coax her back to her own bed later.

By the way, I would be interested in your thoughts on whether this year is the first or last year of the decade. I have had this debate with myself and with a friend…in one way it's not the start of the decade as there was no year "zero", making years ending in "one" the first year and years ending in "zero" the last year of any decade, but to the same extent we name decades such as the "eighties", "nineties", "noughties" etc. I suppose it could be argued that every year starts a new decade, depending on how you measure decades.

It could also be argued that I give these things too much consideration.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Nattie dozing

Update: Just fixed the image…no idea why it didn’t work properly to begin with. End Update

1 comment January 1st, 2010 at 02:10am

KXNT Jerk Of The Week nomination for November 6

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
The Maritime Union of Australia and the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
For giving $10,000 to 78 illegal immigrants who have refused to leave an Australian Customs ship despite being offered “rapid resettlement” in Australia.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

The usual stuff: Casey and Heather’s Jerk Of The Week airs at 6:09pm Thursday on Newsradio 840 KXNT in Las Vegas, which is (and will be for the next many months) 1:09pm Fridays in Canberra. Nominations can be submitted via the KXNT website.

Update: The segment has been moved for this week to 6:39pm/1:39pm, and is moving to a new time of 5:30ish/12:30ish next week

Update: Due to the breaking news of the Fort Hood shooter being confirmed as being alive and in a stable condition, and not dead as had been reported for hours and hours, Jerk Of The Week has been held over until tomorrow’s show.


1 comment November 6th, 2009 at 07:31am

KXNT Jerk Of The Week nomination for October 30

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Bollywood film producers

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
Creating films of people dancing and singing for no explainable reason which run for over three hours, and for making all Hollywood musicals look like masterpieces in the process.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Jerk Of The Week with Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd airs at 6:09pm on Thursdays on NewsRadio 840 KXNT in Las Vegas. This equates to 12:09pm Friday in Canberra, however it will be 1:09pm next week as the US comes out of daylight saving time on Sunday morning.


October 30th, 2009 at 10:12am

Jerk Of The Week nomination for October 23

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
People who think it’s OK to assault and rob people

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
Because they’re either out in public being a menace, or in jail wasting taxpayer funds by being fed.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

For those of you who are wondering, I am feeling better. The facial pain is almost gone, however the concussion and headache are on to day five, and are much less severe than they were.

Jerk Of The Week airs at 6:09pm Thursdays in Las Vegas (12:09pm Fridays in Canberra) on Newsradio 840 KXNT.


October 23rd, 2009 at 08:37am

Random Breath Testing at school dances

An email to 2UE’s Stuart Bocking

Good evening Stuart,

Random breath testing isn't anything new at school dances. Whilst I avoided the dances like the plague during high school, I remember students being warned very clearly about the presence of breathalysers prior to many of the dances.

I think it's a good idea. Under-18s shouldn't be drinking anyway, and I would hate to think of the potential repercussions for teachers who could be held legally responsible for drunk teenagers. It's a sensible precaution to my mind.

Have a great night.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 15th, 2009 at 08:15pm

Bankstown Bulls win the New South Wales Cup

An email to the Continuous Call Team who are calling all three rugby league grand finals today on 2GB, 2CC, a heap of other radio stations, and streaming live at

G’day Ray, Andrew and the team.

One very happy Dogs supporter down here in Canberra, with the 32-nil win by the Bulls over the Tigers.

Some great up-and-coming talent in that side, including the goalkicker, 300-pointer Brent Crisp who went to my College down here in the ACT!

Thanks for another great year of NRL calling. Enjoy the off-season for those of you who get one.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

October 4th, 2009 at 01:59pm

KXNT Jerk Of The Week nomination for October 2, 2009

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Malkin Holdings (the people in charge of the Empire State Building)

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
For celebrating the 60th anniversary of China’s communist revolution, and the subsequent deaths of millions and millions of people, by bathing the Empire State Building in red and yellow light.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd’s Jerk Of The Week airs at 6:09pm Thursdays on Newsradio 840 KXNT in Las Vegas. As Canberra will enter daylight saving on Sunday, today is the last time that Jerk Of The Week will air at 11:09am Friday for a few months. Next week it will air at 12:09pm on Friday.

As usual, you can nominate your Jerk Of The Week via the KXNT website.


October 2nd, 2009 at 03:26am

Jarryd Hayne etc

An email to 2GB’s Andrew Moore and the rest of the Continuous Call Team

G’day Andrew,

I’m shattered about last night, but about the Jarryd Hayne incident…even as a die-hard Dogs fan, I don’t see any problem with it, there was no malice, and I’ll be ropeable if he gets suspended.

Have a great night guys. I’m not overly fussed about the season now, but I reckon the Broncos will be premiers, although if it’s Eels V Storm next week then it’ll be an Eels premiership.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Footnote: An article about the Jarryd Hayne incident can be found here.

4 comments September 26th, 2009 at 07:38pm

KXNT Jerk Of The Week submission for September 25

Your “Jerk of the Week” submission
Channels Seven and Nine in Sydney

Why should this person be the “Jerk of the Week”?
Channel Seven for their detailed report about what Aussie Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Bill Clinton had for breakfast when they met. Channel Nine for dedicating a whole 30 minutes of their nightly news to a dust storm on the day Rudd addressed the UN, and his failed immigration policies delivered another boatload of illegals to Australian shores, putting our detention centres at breaking point.

Your Name (Optional)
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Jerk Of The Week airs at 6:09pm Thursdays on Newsradio 840 KXNT in Las Vegas, which this week and next week equates to 10am Friday in Canberra. It will be pushed back an hour in Canberra due to daylight saving after this, and a further hour a few weeks later when the US come out of daylight saving. You can nominate somebody, anybody, for Jerk Of The Week via the KXNT website.


September 25th, 2009 at 01:29am

Teaching multiple languages in schools

An email to KXNT’s Alan Stock

G’day Alan,

I was most interested by your story about Californian students performing better when they were only taught English.

I’m not sure about the rest of the country, but here in Canberra our primary schools (K-6) have a bilingual program with a second language being taught for about an hour a week. At my primary school we were taught Japanese. From seven years of Japanese I learned how to count to ten, how to say “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, “yes”, “away” and “welcome” and make the noise of a few characters of one of their alphabets.

I continued Japanese in the first year of high school because the education system forced me to. I did no work and got 100% on the first test based on my primary school knowledge, and failed every other test, except for the one where the teacher didn’t notice that the test I handed in was full of her own handwriting…she had given me the answer sheet by accident and I just put my name at the top.

Basically, eight years of my education was wasted on bilingual education, most of which consisted of the class sidetracking the teacher who could waffle on for hours about Japan if prompted, instead of presenting the planned lesson.

English should be the only language mandatorily taught in public schools both here in Australia, and over there in the US. Other languages should either be an optional extra for students old enough to make that decision for themself, or taught outside of school if the parents so desire.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart
Canberra, Australia

4 comments September 24th, 2009 at 02:02am

NRL and AFL Finals

Good evening Stuart,

I just heard your conversation about the finals systems used by the various codes, and it's one of my hobby-horses so I just have to jump in. The McIntyre system is better without a shadow of a doubt in my mind as it correctly gives the higher ranked teams a deserved advantage in the first week. I think it is completely reasonable to force sudden death on the bottom two teams, and give only the top two teams a guarantee of a second week.

The unpredictability of the McIntyre system is also much more interesting for the fans than the AFL's system.

Ultimately though, as you said, if you win your games, you will progress.

Best wishes,
Samuel Gordon-Stewart

September 21st, 2009 at 11:39pm

Murray-Darling communities ravaged by water buybacks

Hi Jim,

Re: your recent story about Murray-Darling communities suffering due to water buybacks…it's great to see the national media taking an interest in the story at long last. Communities in the Murray-Darling region have been complaining about this for a long time without getting much coverage.

I was in Deniliquin recently working as a journalist for radio 2QN and a couple stories from my fortnight there are related. Firstly, you mentioned areas which are heavily reliant on agriculture. Conargo shire, near Deniliquin, has the highest concentration of employment in a single industry in the country according to a recent Bankwest study, with 81.4 per cent of people in the area employed in agriculture, far exceeding the next highest concentration which is 31% in Holroyd, Sydney, working in manufacturing. The same study found that the Goulburn Ovens Murray region is one of the hardest hit by the financial crisis, with employment levels dropping by ten percent since November 2007. The study is available from

Also during my recent fortnight there, Penny Wong had a publicity stunt of a flying visit to the region, in which she spoke to almost nobody and avoided answering media questions, preferring to waffle on about her peculiar announcements. Dr. Sharman Stone MP, Federal member for Murray, made a very interesting statement to me about how farmers need better policies than the whole "waving dollars in front of desperate farmers" water buyback scheme. I have the audio of her statement around here somewhere, and I'll send it through to you shortly.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

September 21st, 2009 at 02:55am

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