Archive for July 22nd, 2012

In case you missed it: Tony Abbott’s address to The Heritage Foundation

As you may have worked out from the lack of activity on this blog in recent weeks, things have been a tad busy at my end, and this last week was no exception. It has, unfortunately, not become uncommon of late for me to miss a story of great interest to me during the week and then find out about it on the weekend through a snippet of footage on The Bolt Report. This says something about how much news I am missing during the week due to my own busy schedule, and also says something about the types of stories which much of the media ignores (against my better judgement, I am sometimes forced to rely on the mainstream media for days on end for a glimpse of what is happening in the world…so I know what stories they think are important, but I miss the bigger picture).

The example this weekend is that during the week Tony Abbott was in Washington D.C. and met with the excellent people at The Heritage Foundation. He was their keynote speaker. The speech itself was quite exemplary in demonstrating Tony Abbott’s quite thorough understanding of the goings-ons in the relationship between Australia and the United States, and his vision for how we, as a nation, will interact with the world in the coming years. Yet this, as far as I can tell, was not what received media attention over here, but rather an observation which Tony made about Australia’s defence spending and the unfortunate cuts which the federal Labor government is making to the defence budget…an observation which Tony made in response to a media question, an observation which was entirely factual and in thorough support of our armed services, and yet an observation which was seemingly reported on through the prism of Julia Gillard’s spin about it being “negativity” or some such nonsense.

I can understand to an extent why most of what Tony Abbott had to say went unreported as it doesn’t play in to the mainstream media’s narrative about Tony Abbott being dumb. To the contrary, the entire speech and his answers to questions showed the truth of the matter…that Tony is in fact very intelligent and has a solid grasp on matters both domestically and internationally.

If you haven’t already seen it (and let’s face it, the vast majority of Australians have not seen it, which is a shame), then I would urge you to watch this video of Tony Abbott’s address to The Heritage Foundation on the relationship between Australia and the United States of America, as well as the following questions on matters such as impending elections in the Asia-Pacific region, the Arab Spring, and Australian matters including defence spending, the carbon dioxide tax and Tony Abbott’s alternative policy.

If you don’t have time for the full 43 minute video, then I would at least recommend watching the question and answer section of the video which runs for about 14 minutes, starting at the 29 minute mark of the video. The text of Tony’s speech (but not the question and answer section of the day) can be found on Tony’s website at

It goes without saying that it disturbs me greatly that many Australians are not often provided with the opportunity by much of the media to see that Tony Abbott is in fact a very intelligent man and has a great understanding of domestic and global affairs. This is one of the main reasons why I am taking the time tonight to post this video, as I hope that it will ensure that a few more people will see Tony Abbott for the man he really is, and will help to dispel the myth of Tony being an unacceptable proposition as Prime Minister. Whether people vote for him or not, it is important that they do at least understand and acknowledge that he is by far a more sensible person than most of the senior members of the federal Labor party, and any claims by the media to the contrary are pure fantasy.


July 22nd, 2012 at 11:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-07-22

  • How did I miss @TonyAbbottMHR's visit to The @Heritage Foundation last week? Good to see Tony meeting such a great group of people. #

July 22nd, 2012 at 09:00pm


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