Archive for February 13th, 2011

Canberra’s overnight excitement

Canberra seems to have been a busy little place overnight.

I’m hearing unconfirmed reports of an explosion in a toilet in one of the nightclubs (Update: I’m now hearing that it was inside Meche Nightclub) on Northbourne Avenue injuring one person. My sources say it was a small bomb. There are multiple fire brigade units including Hazmat on the scene.

Up on Antill Street in Dickson there were two single vehicle accidents within the last couple of hours, both of which happened around the same time. Firstly, a car took out one of the traffic lights at the corner of Cowper Street, and then up the road near the Phillip Avenue roundabout another car took out a tree (or part thereof, it’s hard to tell). Both cars had to be towed. I have no information on the state of the occupants.

There was also an explosion in a house in Isabella Plains around 7pm. An aerosol can exploded when it was left near a stove. Two men were taken to hospital, one with burns and the other for smoke inhalation.

Update: The police have issued a press release saying that they shot a man who tried to attack them with a knife and a meat cleaver in Wanniassa around 5am. It certainly was a busy night last night. End Update


February 13th, 2011 at 05:29am

School lunches

An email to 2UE’s John Kerr

Good morning John,

Two assistants this morning! You are lucky John.

I remember my canteen lunches very well. They were very systematic. Usually the way it would work is that I would have a home-made lunch one day and a canteen lunch on the next day, and it would continue to alternate in this way. My lunch order would be placed on the front of a brown paper bag and the money for the lunch would be in the bag, and I would fold the bag in to thirds both lengthways and sideways so that it could be folded and taped up securely, and the lunch that I was ordering would be readable on the front of the bag without needing to unfold it.

During primary school, the menu was a selection of rolls and sandwiches, with certain hot foods being available depending on the day of the week, and I printed up a set of labels for my selections for various days so that I didn’t have to write out my order each day. I remember that on Fridays in my final year the hot food of the day was crumbed fish with potato gems and tomato sauce. My favourite hot food from the canteen during high school was baked potato with sour cream, cheese, chives and bolognese sauce. It was delicious, but sadly it wasn’t very popular so it was only available for a little while.

And during college, the canteen was run by two of your listeners who made lovely coffees. If I got to college early enough in the morning, I’d get a coffee and a donut from the canteen and listen to Mike Jeffreys or Lawsie for a while. The names of the manager and manageress escape me, and I’m sorry for that, but if I may, could I please say hello to the now retired manager and manageress of the Dickson College canteen. They are lovely people.

Have a wonderful morning John.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

February 13th, 2011 at 12:35am


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