Archive for December 8th, 2009

Lessons were of the good

I am did do the well in lesson learnings of the Englishes tonight and did do receive of the special sticker of happy face of the smiling which is of lovely as I was much able to use word Violin in sentence with word of Frank and name of Mushroom.

I am much happy and proud and must be do to ring of Mother of Russia on the tephelphone shortly to be doing tell of the good newses.

From Maritz
Ms. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly

1 comment December 8th, 2009 at 09:14pm

The English Learnings

Dear for day hello is still much hot and I am now back from work of gradrens where it was too much of hot for doing many of the works and I did do come home to be with nice cat Slavcatchski who is also not much of the heatings for hotness as he does have much coat of lovely the fur which is doing capture and holding of heating and is like doing the wear of coat and jumper of at same time in summer which is not much good and does do many lots of the drinking and is also for good to be in the water but is not of partial to nice cat Slavcatchski who is not the good for being water which is not favourting activities.

Tonight in time I am to be go to the studys of the Englishes with Mrs Porrit who I have been doing the learns from for of time of the two years and maybe the more and am soon to be getting second cerfiticatct of the Englishes for the good learns and better of the English. I am think English is much lovely language but it to be hard as at times for the letterings are of the different noises to what I am do see in of the Russian and Mrs. Porrit is finding amusement in letters of the backward Ns of my pronouncing in confusions of times which is much the hardest and Mrs. Porrit is doing many times of sing to me of alphabet song of A B C D E F G but I am often do confuse of N and W which I am do think are better if having the swappery.

I am to be do special story of the verbs tonight which are the words of doing and many actions for much and many and I am doing look forward to this and the many more study before the tests of next week for certificafte which I am nearly of to be get of from say Mrs. Porrit who is the teacher of much lovely.

I am do hope that the lovely is to be happen for you.

From Maritz
Ms. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly

December 8th, 2009 at 03:05pm

Heatings temperetueures

Dear and goodly mornings today on day of today

Mr. Samuel has done do of writeings to me of to be say that he is not having time to be doing write to you before doing going away time and will be doing write to you of for when he does return which will be in tomorrow.

I am today writing os of the heats which are happening in hotly today as I am to be doing the work of Graderens for nice Mr. Boss in outside and also in of greenhouse which is much hot as temperature doings are for high of the 40 today in some of places which is much hot but also especially for me as I am from the Russia where it is usually often almost usually much of the colder in temperature doings as it does do have snow. I am of quite fascinating how the plantings do the grow in temperatures of the heat and am doing many of the learnings of Gradren from the doing work of gardens for Mr. Boss.

Also of good for the learnings os Mr. Don of the morning radio on weekends who does many good talkings of garden which is of good but is not for doing the good talkings of the singings to gradren which I am do think is much important for all of time growing in gardern as the plantings are much happier if having done the sing of to them do to them.

Please to be keeping the heats of away for good temperatures for you today.

From Maritz
Ms. Maritzkrozlavsky Throrglasnishozly

December 8th, 2009 at 07:59am


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