Rather Heavy Rain
If you thought the rain over Canberra and surrounds in the last little while was quite heavy and an awful lot of rain…well, you’d be correct.
(Click image to enlarge).
Nattie and I were having one of our walks when the heavy rain hit rather suddenly after we had been enjoying a bit of light rain. We’re both a bit wet, but it was certainly an interesting bit of rain and storm activity. We found some cover a short distance from home for the majority of the really heavy rain, and then made a run for it when the rain eased off a bit (and one of the nearby trees started to look a bit unstable, to the best of my knowledge it is still standing minus a branch or two, but we would have had to wait another ten to fifteen minutes if we hadn’t made a move at that time).
Update: The weather radar also indicates that inland Australia is getting a decent share of the rain…of course it needs more, but it’s a good start, especially when you consider that much of New South Wales is not covered by a weather radar (see http://www.bom.gov.au/weather/radar/ is you don’t believe me).
(Click image to enlarge).
End Update
2 comments November 3rd, 2007 at 07:50pm