Archive for June 25th, 2006

Samuel’s Musician Of The Week

This week the award is going to Jimmy Little, and the feature song is the one that I always think of when I think of Jimmy Little, and that is “Royal Telephone”.

Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Made by God the Father for his very own,
You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone.

Central’s never busy, always on the line;
You may hear from heaven almost any time;
’Tis a royal service, built for one and all;
When you get in trouble, give this royal line a call.

Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Made by God the Father for his very own,
You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone.

There will be no charges, telephone is free,
It is built for service, just for you and me;
There will be no waiting on this royal line,
Telephone to glory always answers just in time.

Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Made by God the Father for his very own,
You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone.

Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Made by God the Father for his very own,
You may talk to Jesus on this royal telephone.


June 25th, 2006 at 07:46pm


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