Archive for July 18th, 2005
I got a rather nasty shock today when I read a story about a blogger who makes $10000-$20000 per month from google ads on his blog. I have been trying to convince myself that it simply isn’t possible to make money from blogs, my ads have netted me a grand total of $0.98 in a month and a half….some people are just plain lucky I guess.
July 18th, 2005 at 11:46pm
I’m pleased to be able to announce that Mozilla Firefox had another increase in users during June.
It seems that the educated group of web surfers has increased to 8.71%, up from 8.00% in May. Microsoft’s poor excuse for a browser dropped from 87.23% in May to 86.56 in June.
That means that Firefox is up 0.71% and Internet Explorer is down 0.67%, which probably means that it isn’t just IE users switching to Firefox, but users of other browsers (Mozilla Suite, Netscape, Opera, etc) as well.
Since the start of Webstat monitoring for this blog, we have recorded:
Mozilla Firefox 56.42%
Internet Explorer 42.23%
Apple Safari 0.68%
Netscape 0.68%
At the end of each month I will bring you Webstat reports for the month, but if you can’t wait, you can always view the stats by clicking on the link on the right hand side of the page.
July 18th, 2005 at 11:27pm
I’ll kick off this new feature by reposting an image you have seen before (saves me digging through files!).

This is a picture of me holding a cup of coffee in a room where Schnappi the little crocodile is singing (Prior to me coming to the realisation that there is a “c” in Schnappi).
Also in this room is a clock chiming at 10am, a radio and photos of Telstra Tower, Parliament House, my house and Nattie.
Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.
More of Samuel’s Artwork coming soon.
July 18th, 2005 at 11:19pm
2CC’s Mike Welsh had an interview with someone from the Museum of Particularly Bad Art about their Itchyball Prize, which seemed so interesting that I thought I would mention it.
Basically, all you have to do is send them your bad artwork and the one they judge as the worst wins $2000. I have plenty of pictures I have drawn over the years that I could enter, but they require the original, and I don’t like to part with my art.
None the less, it is rather interesting and the end result should also be interesting.
I doubt that I will submit any of my artwork, but I might run a series of “Samuel’s Art” specials right here on my blog.
July 18th, 2005 at 11:00pm
The Canberra Theatre Centre and Hutchison Entertainment (advertising at 7:30pm on Prime TV) are bringing Romeo & Juliet to Canberra…but there is an interesting twist to this version….I’ll let the Canberra Theatre Company say it: “featuring the most captivating and sensual nude scenes ever presented on a ballet stage.”
It must be the night of the nudists because SBS World News had some “lots of naked people running” thing as their top story, and then had an encore performance at the end of the news while they filled the remaining 30 seconds or so. I suppose that it is SBS, and nudity is no stranger to SBS, but Prime running an ad for nudity at 7:30?
The Canberra Theatre Company have some interesting seating arrangements for this nude play
Babies under 3 years of age can sit on their parent’s lap
GROUPS 10+ $69.90
I would have expected this to be in Fyshwick or Mitchell, but alas, it isn’t….not that it matters.
July 18th, 2005 at 08:17pm