Archive for April 18th, 2005


Well, the coments for this blog (there were none, so I created one) weren’t appearing on the main page…there wasn’t even anything to tell you if there were any comments…pathetic template I guess.
Anyway, I decided to update the template…this *should* have been a longish process, choose a new template, add all my links back in, decide I don’t like the template and start all over again. Instead I just copied the comments code from the permalink section on to the main page section of the template and added a few line breaks.

To be honest, I like this template, I like the colour scheme, it is just has some painful default settings. Oh well, I feel like I’ve acomplished something 🙂

Samuel Gordon-Stewart reporting for Samuel’s lcaLIVE

Add comment April 18th, 2005 at 10:25pm

And so ends the first day

Well, all in all, an interesting day, no hassles (except for working out where I was on the blasted map…it does help when you remember the correct building number…"That creek shouldn’t be there!"). Found a nice coffee place 30 seconds from the LCA venue (out the *other* door) that filled my LCA mug for $2.80…a whole 30c better than the other place that is a lot further away.

The automatic doors are odd, simply wouldn’t open for me from inside…they opened for everybody else, but not for me. Ended up using the other *other* door (that is not a typo).

During a pyFlag seminar I had an idea for my own seminar, only minor, but perhaps even a potential mod for SmoothWall.

This is Samuel’s lcaLIVE, and I should be updating it more often during the day, but at the moment I don’t have the facilities. I should be borrowing a laptop tommorow, which should be useful and help make this a bit more "LIVE".

SELinux is very interesting, and possibly one of the more useful things you could use, as I discovered today, and OWASP is also quite interesting…not overly applicable to me, but certainly a very good guide to securing stuff.

Ever since setting up a personal webserver I have been driven insane by the over simplicity of awstats, it is functional, but it has no real power. pyFlag on the other hand, would do a much better job of web server log analysis (or other log analysis or hdd forensics), and it prodcues pie graphs as well, which are much better for representing proprotions of totals than those bar graphs used by awstats.

Tonight I have to finish preparing my LCA seminar for tommorow.

It appears that there will not be a live video stream tommorow, however things later in the week probably will be. I guess I could try twisting somebodies arm over it, but it’s not that big a deal, they are all being filmed and should be available online later in the week, and I’ll have my own video of my seminar online ASAP.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart reporting for Samuel’s lcaLIVE

1 comment April 18th, 2005 at 05:32pm

The morning of the first day of the LCA

To the tune of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas"
"Twas the morning of the first day of the LCA
And Samuel is happy today.
The days of the Linux conference are here
And I live rather near…"
OK OK I’ll stop singing…but it is official, I live 20 minutes away from LCA by foot.
Today I plan on spening most of my day at the Security Miniconf which should be quite good, I might also try and meet up with an old work colleague who is running one of the other miniconfs.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart reporting for Samuel’s lcaLIVE

Add comment April 18th, 2005 at 08:19am

Seminar speech ready, presentation still to come.

Well, it is 1:20am and I’ve cut down the speech to something more useable, and I’ll adapt it depending on timing (that could be fun with the OOo presentation).
Anyways, my “I work better in a slightly sleep deprived state” mood is now disappearing and bed looks nice, I was hoping to have the OOo presentation done tonight, looks like I’ll have to do it after the days proceedings at LCA. Stay tuned for more news and info.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart reporting for Samuel’s lcaLIVE

Add comment April 18th, 2005 at 01:23am

Seminar is too long

Michael was right, I’m going to have to shorten it. My talking went for an hour, I need to get it down to about 45 minutes to allow time for the Q&A session. There is some stuff I can delete, so we’ll see how we go.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart reporting for Samuel’s lcaLIVE

Add comment April 18th, 2005 at 12:53am


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