Posts filed under 'Twitter posts'

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-24

September 24th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-23

  • One very happy @NRL_Bulldogs fan here. Well, three actually when I count the two dogs…and they must be counted. Bring on the grand final! #
  • @TimGossage It's a shame that over here in the east, ABC are showing a doco about Russia instead of @wafl grand final. I'd gladly watch WAFL in reply to TimGossage #
  • @TimGossage Thanks Tim 🙂 I shall listen to @wafl on @6pr as soon as NSW Cup NRL finishes. Looking forward to it. in reply to TimGossage #

September 23rd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-22

  • @talkthetolldown Hard to believe this is your 2nd last match of the year. Next week, any chance of hearing the Fat Lady's greatest hits? #

September 22nd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-21

  • @mrpford Welcome to Canberra Peter. What brings you to this neck of the woods? (p.s. thanks for bringing nice weather) in reply to mrpford #
  • From 2009 it seems RT @theblaze You know that picture you’re seeing today of Obama with a pirate? It’s not new #
  • Could Nevada finally be ousting Shelley Berkley? Hope so RT @RasmussenPoll Nevada Senate Heller (R) 42% Berkley (D) 41% #
  • @mrpford Floriade certainly is. Always looks great. Also always triggers my hayfever, but it does look great. in reply to mrpford #
  • My footy tips for this weekend. NRL: Storm & Bulldogs. AFL: Collingwood & Hawthorn. #

September 21st, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-20

  • There will be an anti-Israel protest outside Max Brenner in Parramatta tomorrow. I'll visit Max Brenner in Belconnen in support of Israel. #
  • @Mel_TurnerAU You make a very good point Mel. I have no intention of making an overt political gesture. Rather, I will just buy from there in reply to Mel_TurnerAU #
  • Gmail is down for me, home and mobile. Hangs at trying to connect to IMAP works though, so iPhone can still connect. #
  • @NRLgameplan I was hoping for a Dogs V Rabbits grand final, but this week will do. Go Dogs! (and go Dogs in NSW Cup too!) #

September 20th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-18

September 18th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-17

  • RT @2CC: #ACT Liberals's Zed Seselja promises to inject an extra $1 million into Canberra's street sweeping program #
  • If you want to better justify the $1m street sweeper increase @ZedMLA have the sweepers look out for & report damaged roads & potholes @2CC in reply to 2CC #
  • @Joe_Hildebrand Nice job on TT tonight calling BS on the claims that the violence was somehow justified. Good work Joe. #
  • @Joe_Hildebrand I'd call BS on the claim by that the mother of the sign-holding kid couldn't read English. She took the photo for a reason. #
  • @TodayTonight If Muslims or anyone else can not accept freedom of speech, then they are incompatible with our society. #TodayTonight in reply to TodayTonight #
  • @TodayTonight The appropriate response to free speech is more free speech, not violence. Violent protestors are not welcome. #TodayTonight in reply to TodayTonight #
  • @St_KiKi @joe_hildebrand Haha, not today, but I think there was one some time ago. in reply to St_KiKi #
  • It really doesn't matter what my excuse is; it doesn't change the fact that I am sitting here watching Home & Away 🙁 #
  • @JodieMarq Of course I should change channel, but it's so appalling that it's compelling. One can't help but see how much worse it can get. in reply to JodieMarq #
  • @JodieMarq Yep, and the characters seem to have such a lack of mental aptitude that I bet they'd all vote for Gillard and Milne. in reply to JodieMarq #
  • @JodieMarq Come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised to find them fraudulently on an electoral roll somewhere… in reply to JodieMarq #
  • Not unless they want to. RT @2CC: Should YouTube remove the anti-Islam video? Vote in the 2CC poll #canberra #2cc #
  • @2cc I do not believe that YouTube should be forced to remove the video by law or force. They should choose as it's their website. #
  • @2cc If I was in charge of YouTube, I would not remove the video, but I would add a note that I believe it to be part of an Al Qaeda plot. #

September 17th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-14

  • While Obama does nothing, US sovereignty dwindles. Now the US Embassy in Yemen is being stormed. This is war and Obama doesn't realise it. #
  • RT @gretawire: New claims for unemployment benefits jumped to 382,000 last week, prev week upwardly revised to 367,000 #
  • Is it any wonder @gretawire that Romney has regained the lead in the Rasmussen poll when the economy is bleeding jobs like this? in reply to gretawire #
  • @timwilsoncomau From now on Tim, you should celebrate your birthday with the largest sugary drink you can find, and send video to Bloomberg. in reply to timwilsoncomau #

September 14th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-12

September 12th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-11

  • The super trawler that was banned was fishing sustainably, so if it wasn't banned for environmental reasons, then why? #
  • @grathom Hi Graeme. Tim has been replaced with the 3AW overnight show & longer commercial breaks. I'd suggest it's cost-cutting at Fairfax. in reply to grathom #
  • @grathom I don't think they ever gave an official reason though. in reply to grathom #
  • @grathom I haven't listened since the announcement was made, so I'm not sure if John Cadogan is still on. If so, the change is taking time. in reply to grathom #
  • @grathom I do agree. I was going to call it "that drivel from Melbourne" but I had to rephrase to fit in the Twitter character limit. in reply to grathom #
  • @grathom @2ue yes I miss Clive too. I quite enjoyed it when he would drop in on Mike Jeffreys. Now though, I'm streaming US radio overnight. in reply to grathom #

September 11th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-09

  • This afternoon in the AFL, I'm supporting the Kangaroos, and in the NRL the Sharks…may the latter trounce the Raiders by 40 points! #
  • My unblemished tipping record remains intact. As usual, the teams I tipped lost, although today they got thrashed, both of them. #

September 9th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-08

September 8th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-07

  • @auspost I sent a parcel by Express Post International on Friday. The tracking website hasn't updated since. Is this normal? #
  • @auspost Hi Alice. The number is EP001636685AU. Thanks. in reply to auspost #
  • @auspost That's great Alice, thanks. Any reason why the website can't say that though? It would keep curious customers like me off your back in reply to auspost #
  • RT @theblaze Brit hume on Obama Speech ‘Significant Number of Straw Men and Criticisms of Proposals Nobody’s Making’ jh #
  • Eek, I agree with Wolf! RT @newsbusters Wolf Blitzer 'I didn’t hear any specific new initiative the President unveiled' #
  • In what way? RT @newsbusters NPR Political Director: Clinton speech as 'robust and effective' as he could imagine #
  • RT @theblaze: Krauthammer hammers Obama: ‘One of the emptiest speeches I have ever heard on a national stage’ #
  • US political convention time is quite amusing really. In many ways I think the partisan divide is wider now than at election time. #
  • @myfortdodge Expired? I've never heard anyone refer to a storm warning as "expired" before, but I like it. in reply to myfortdodge #
  • @myfortdodge Tim Tams, that was the national currency the last time I checked 🙂 in reply to myfortdodge #
  • @auspost Alice, thank you, I will be sure to check USPS. I did read your earlier message; I'm trying to provide a helpful suggestion… in reply to auspost #
  • @auspost I understand that not all scans are uploaded to website. Probably sensible. But they all go to the computer system, so one scan… in reply to auspost #
  • @auspost being uploaded every day or two (automatically perhaps) would make the "tracking" page more useful. Just trying to be helpful 🙂 in reply to auspost #
  • @auspost While I have your attention, I would like to offer my sincere condolences for the postie who died yesterday here in Canberra. in reply to auspost #
  • Yes, they did RT @newsbusters Piers Morgan "Both Presidential candidates’ wives made better speeches than they did"” #
  • @auspost Great. I appreciate your time. Have a wonderful weekend Alice. in reply to auspost #
  • RT @JodieMarq: “@livefromDarwin: Oh f*** this s***. Where's Monday? #hateweekends Really?? Are you sure???” #
  • @JodieMarq @livefromdarwin I can understand it. In my line of work, my weekend often falls on Tue/Wed, with really busy Sat/Sun. Mon is Fri! in reply to JodieMarq #

September 7th, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-09-02

  • @trevorlong The Shark Portable vacuum by any chance? The 28 minute version is much more irritating, and I've had to sit through it a lot. in reply to trevorlong #
  • RT @7netsport: AFL Finals wk 1 – Fri: Haw V Coll @ MCG Sat Arvo: Adel V Syd @ AAMI Sat Night: Gee V Freo @ MCG Sun: WCE V North @ Patersons #

September 2nd, 2012 at 09:00pm

Twitter Updates for 2012-08-29

  • I'm not a fan of over-regulation, but there should be a law against store staff talking over good songs on the P.A. "Billie Jean" especially #
  • @trentg85 That's exactly what 'Frog' from Songland told John Kerr on Sunday morning. I was never a fan, but you're right, she is worse now. in reply to trentg85 #
  • One can only assume that the Martians will take us inflicting Will I Am on them as an act of war. Prepare for Martian invasion! #

August 29th, 2012 at 09:00pm

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