Posts filed under 'TV/Radio/Media'

Persiflage Curse?

It just occurred to me…Samuel’s Persiflage has a strange track record when it comes to people and the jobs they have.

In May (well it was actually April when I recorded the interview) on Samuel’s Persiflage I interviewed the National Library’s Director of Digital Archiving, Margaret Phillips. By the time July rolled around Margaret had retired.

Last month, November, on Samuel’s Persiflage the first guest was Paul Blunt, co-host of 2CA’s breakfast show. As speculated a couple days ago, and now confirmed, Paul will be leaving 2CA on December 22 and will be moving to the Gold Coast.

I do hope this is just a mere coincidence and not a Persiflage Curse…although if it is the latter, I think it can be explained by John Stanley’s curse losing it’s effect…it must be transferring to me.

For those of you who don’t listen to John Stanley on 2UE and 2CC, people interviewed on John’s show, particularly in the entertainment industry, seem to be involved in “flops” shortly after appearing. Television shows have been known to be cancelled shortly after the ratings plummet after being on John’s show. People often get voted off reality television programs after John interviews them. It’s a long-running joke, and recently the “curse” hasn’t been having its usual effect.

Of course, now that John’s away, his curse has struck his fill-in presenter…


2 comments December 11th, 2006 at 11:50am


Just to recap the current weekday 2CC schedule after 2UE lost their marbles

Midnight-6am: New Day with Stuart Bocking
6am-10am: Breakfast with Mike Jeffreys
10am-2pm: Tim Webster filling in for John Laws
2pm-6pm: Drive with Mike Welsh
6pm-8pm: Sports Today
8pm-Midnight: Nights with Stan Zemanek

It will be strange having my lunch break and hearing Mike Welsh on the radio…it was strange enough having John Kerr filling in for Stuart Bocking and going through until 6am on a weekday, I’m glad I’ll be at work when Tim Webster cops all of the confused people at 10am.


December 11th, 2006 at 09:37am

Stan Zemanek Retires

Can somebody slow down the newsmill please? I’m having trouble keeping up.

Stan Zemanek has announced that he will retire from radio (and possibly television, althought that’s a tad less clear) at the end of the year to focus on beating his brain tumour and spend more time with his family. The news came as a surprise when John Kerr anounced it earlier this morning, but it was hardly a shock as it is quite clear that Stan is still unwell.

I’ll miss Stan, his unique radio show, and his loopy callers, but I get the feeling that with Stan’s fighting spirit, and his passion for radio, he’ll be back in a year or so.

But until then, best of luck Stan…perhaps I should ring you before you go.

From the Townsville Bulletin (republished from The Sunday Telegraph):

‘Mellower’ Stan Zemanek to quit radio
By Sandra Lee

A SELF-confessed “mellower” Stan Zemanek is turning off his 2UE microphone after 17 years of “shock jock” radio to spend more time with his family as he fights a debilitating form of brain cancer.

“I decided that I have had enough of night-time radio and I am going to concentrate on getting my health back in order and fight this dreadful disease,” Zemanek, 59, told The Sunday Telegraph in an exclusive interview yesterday.

“My health comes first and so does my family and I want to give them every opportunity to see me around for the next 20 years.”

Zemanek was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour in May and within days underwent radical surgery by neurosurgeon Dr Charlie Teo. He was released from hospital three days after the operation, survived a subsequent three-week course of radiation therapy and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

“It knocks me about a bit,” he says. “I’m not out of the woods yet. I am a long way from out of the woods but my doctor and oncologist have given me the best advice on what to do and how to do things and I’m pleased with that.”

Zemanek’s radio career will end when he broadcasts his final show on December 22.

He said he was pleased to leave 2UE as the presenter with the biggest audience increase in the final ratings survey of the year.

Zemanek’s decision was based on his love for his wife, Marcella, with whom he has two daughters, Gabriele, 33 and Melissa, 30.

“It’s easier on the patient than it is on the carer and my wife, Marcella, who has done a sterling job in keeping me on the right track,” he said. “She is the one who dishes out the pills, makes all the medical appointments and talks to the doctors.

“I really think I need to give her a little bit more time at home, helping her. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here today. She has been a rock to my whole being, and so have my two daughters.”

Zemanek built his radio career as a pugnacious personality who savaged his interview guests and listeners with a lacerating tongue.

But he admits battling an aggressive form of cancer for the past seven months has mellowed him – “a bit”.

“I have become more reasoned but I am still the bad boy of television and radio and still won’t take a backward step if I believe I am right and people want to argue with me,” he says.

“I still enjoy an argument with people but maybe not as much as before.”

Zemanek has not lost his sense of humour, either.

“The other day I said to one listener, ‘Please don’t yell at me, don’t you know I am sick?’ I played my sympathy card,” he joked.

However, Zemanek is not quitting professional life totally. Tomorrow he will film three more episodes of Foxtel’s Beauty And The Beast, and he has just done a deal to sell the film rights of the Warren Fellows book, The Damage Done – 12 Years Of Hell In A Bangkok Prison.

And he has firm plans for the future. “One of my aspirations of getting through this is that I want to dance with Marcella at my grandson Hamish’s 21st birthday. That’s in 19 years.

“That’s the main aim in life now. I want to be dancing with Marcella in my old age.”


2 comments December 10th, 2006 at 07:48am

Meanwhile at 2CA…

Another shakeup is in progress.

Simon Pulis, Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer

Morning presenter Simon Pulis (holding the camera to the left of the photo above) is entering his final week with the station, he will be replaced next year by ex Mix 104.9 Darwin announcer/music director Gerry Nyein (don’t ask me how to pronounce it…I think voiceover man Ron E. Sparks will also need guidance on that one). Oddly enough, Mix 104.9 is a John Laws network station, and Gerry will be competing with Laws as 2CA’s morning presenter.

Apparently, Simon Pulis is moving back to Sydney, he isn’t the first person from Capital Radio to do that this year, as newsreader James Creegan did the same thing.

The rest of the movements involve breakfast boys Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer.

Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer

Leighton (on the right) has taken over as 2CA’s program director from Drive presenter and music director Gregg Easton. For Capital Radio, PD and MD have both been juggled positions…in other words, you juggle your on-air and off-air roles, so the following job advertisement should make it pretty clear what else is happening.

Breakfast Co-Host
07 Dec 2006
Canberra’s 1053 2CA is looking for a new Breakfast Co-Host.

If You

# Don’t mind early starts and can target a 40+ audience.
# Have a bubbly, positive personality and are passionate about making great radio.
# Are a team player and have great research skills.
# Can come up with creative ideas and content for the show every day.
# Don’t mind living in a great city with more restaurants per capita than any other…

Then We

# Will pay you very well
# Give you a great Co-Host in return
# Create fantastic promotions for you to work with.
# And supply you with an endless supply of coffee. (We do brewed here)

2CA has a new boss, a new PD and an exciting new direction!
If you’re keen to join a fresh team that will make great radio in 2007 and beyond, then don’t waste any time, just send your resume and an air-check ASAP using the link below or post it to;

Leighton Archer
Program Director
P O Box 1053
Mitchell ACT 2911

Apply for this job via email now

Applications close 05 Jan 2007

I think it’s pretty clear that Paul Blunt is leaving the station…I don’t know where he’s going, but I’ll miss him. Best of luck Paul!


1 comment December 9th, 2006 at 11:20pm

2UE’s Voice Of Reason Goes On Vacation (he may have jumped out the window)

It’s rapidly becoming an annual annoyance, and this year is bound to annoy more people than usual, as the bean counters at Macquarie Bank who recently purchased part of 2UE’s parent company have waved their magic wand and the afternoon show has disappeared into a timewarp.

Apparently it will return when “Voice of reason” John Stanley comes back from holidays (happy honeymoon John), although I think we can all be forgiven if we don’t hold our collective breaths on that one.

Unfortunately, to make the afternoon show disappear, you have to fiddle with the rest of the schedule, and as such the weekday schedule has changed, and forced a lot of network stations to re-record their promos, and assign staff new shifts at very short notice.

The new weekday schedule looks like this:

New Day Australia: previously midnight-5:30am, now midnight-6am (*)
Breakfast: previously 5:30am-9am, now 6am-10am
John Laws “morning show” (or Tim Webster): previously 9am-midday, now 10am-2pm (*)
Afternoons: previously midday-3pm, now non-existent (*)
Drive: previously 3pm-6pm, now 2pm-6pm
Sports Today: previously and now 6pm-8pm (*)
Nights: previously and now 8pm-midnight (*)
(*) denotes syndicated (networked) programmes.

I can’t say that I’m surprised that this kind of thing can happen at 2UE, they have managed a couple similar minimisations of staff numbers in the last 12 months or so, firstly with a weekend schedule change which went from a multitude of programmes to a mere 4 programmes of six hours each, and then with a mass sacking of producers, newsreaders and others.

Although I’m not surprised that it can happen, I was a bit surprised that it did happen, mainly because less than ten days ago I was informed who would be filling in for John Stanley until he comes back from holidays.

The last week has been an “experiment” on 2UE, with a one week presenter shuffle while Mike Carlton and Peter Fitzsimons went on holidays a week earlier than everyone else, and 2UE tried things just in case Fitz didn’t re-sign with them for next year. The change saw John Stanley and Steve Price co-hosting the breakfast show, Glenn Wheeler filling John Stanley’s shoes on the afternoon show, and Murray Olds holding the Drive Show fort for Steve Price, it looks like Stuart Bocking has been allowed to test the daytime waters, filling in for Glenn Wheeler this weekend (a job which is supposed to be done by John Mangos…perhaps he is another victim of the cost cutting).

Before John Stanley went on breakfast duties I sent him an email wishing him all the best for breakfast and his holiday, in which I said something about hoping that Steve Liebmann would be filling in for him. I promptly received a reply from his executive producer, Kate (sorry, I don’t have the email in front of me, and therefore I don’t have her full name), informing me that Glenn would fill in for a week, and then Murray Olds would fill in until John gets back. I then replied to Kate wishing her all the best for her holidays if she was having any, informed her that I was looking forward to having Glenn on for a week, and that I don’t get along with Murray all that much, but I will get used to him after a little while. I also asked Kate to say hello or woof to her three-legged dog Flash for me.

On reflection, I can only hope that the schedule change is not designed to help me avoid Murray during my lunch breaks…don’t get me wrong, he irritates me and I have been known to send long angry emails to him arguing against things he says, but I still like him for one reason or another, and I can’t help but feel sorry for him as he has just lost a six weeks or thereabouts hosting position.

I suppose I should be happy that 2CC’s daily dose of local content just jumped from 6.5 hours to 8 hours, but it is going to be very strange having Mike Jeffreys on until 10am, and Mike Welsh starting at 2pm…I’m almost certain that I’m going to forget the schedule has changed and assume that they have satellite issues at least once.

Actually I thought I was hearing things when I heard a Drive Show promo during John Kerr’s New Day Australia on Saturday morning which said that the drive show runs from 2pm-6pm. I ruled out “hearing things” and the promo being incorrect when I heard it the second time, I instead thought that I must be going mad…but as a source said to me “So no, your (sic) not going crazy. 2UE is.”

Of course, the “Tim Webster, weekdays from 10am-2pm” promo proved beyond all reasonable doubt that 2UE are nuts, you would have to be nuts to move your most sought after network programme. Somewhere in the order of 65 stations have just had to rearrange their schedules and staff, and are probably seriously reconsidering their contract with Southern Cross Syndication…I bet the advertisers aren’t pleased that the ads they booked for the first hour of John Laws/Tim Webster are now in the final hour of the preceding show. Advertisers between midday and 2pm will either be incredibly pleased at the larger audience, or bitterly annoyed that they are being associated with the Laws brand.

In some ways it is quite funny that this schedule change will take effect when Mike Jeffreys returns on Monday, I hope he has been informed that he won’t be required on-air until 6am, and will have to stay on-air until 10am. Mike, in my experience, can use a nap by about 9:30 so it will be an interesting show.

Apparently it will all go back to normal when the voice of reason returns and waves his reasonable wand…I can only hope that Southern Cross don’t pay out his “end of 2008” contract before he gets back from holidays.


8 comments December 9th, 2006 at 10:46pm

Happy 80th Birthday Bob Rogers!

Congratulations today go to Australian radio stalwart and legend Bob Rogers, who is 80 years old (young?) today. Bob can still be heard six days per week on Sydney’s Easy Listening station 2CH, weekdays from 9am-midday, and Saturdays from 6pm-midnight.

Bob Rogers, August 2006
(Bob Rogers in August)

Bob is still in good health, although he did admit to “senior moments” in a recent interview with The Sydney Morning Hearald’s Sue Javes:

I have to work harder than I used to. I need to prepare more material because I have more senior moments, but I’m lucky to be still doing something I love.

Bob will most likely continue doing something he loves until at least the end of 2009 when his current contract with 2CH expires…but as radio historian Wayne Mac said to me in a conversation earlier this year, Bob Rogers and the others who have been in radio for decades upon decades will never quit, the only things that will stop them is poor health or worse…but with Bob being in the form he is, he could still be behind the microphone in 2020, and if that’s what he wants to do, then more power to him.

Congratulations Bob, have a great birthday, and don’t eat too much cake (or at the very least eat it in moderation…I bet you’ll receive enough to last weeks!).


December 3rd, 2006 at 12:32am

John Kerr’s Terrigal Luncheon

Long-term readers would remember that last year I attended John Kerr’s Christmas Cruise. Well I’m not entirely sure if John is having a Christmas function this year, but I do know that tomorrow he is having a luncheon at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Terrigal, on the New South Wales Central Coast.

I arranged my attendance for this event many weeks ago, and I must have snuck in just in the nick of time as the lunch sold out in two days flat. John has two coaches booked to take people from Sydney to Terrigal and back. At $50 for the coach trip and the lunch, this is extremely good value, and I am looking forward to it immensely.

Here is the information which was faxed to me along with the booking form by the good people at the Crowne Plaza Terrigal.

(Click to enlarge)

Running Sheet
(Click to enlarge)

Unlike last year, I will be staying in Sydney overnight (thanks to Sydney correspondent and Friday Funnies contributor Charity for recommending a hotel) and will not be revealing my itinerary. I will, however, say that I am looking forward to exploring Chatswood on Tuesday morning, hopefully meeting Charity on Wednesday morning, and visiting 2UE at some stage during my journey. I may decide to (once again) visit the Channel Seven News Studios in Martin Place, although I haven’t made up my mind yet.

I’ll be returning to Canberra on Wednesday afternoon, and should have plenty of photos to share.

While I’m away the blog will be in Automation mode, and you can look forward to the return of a regular feature on Wednesday morning. If you think you will have a need to be in contact with me during the time I am away, please email me before 2am Tuesday so that I can email some contact details to you.


1 comment November 27th, 2006 at 01:07am

This time last year…

Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? Last year, on this day, at about the time this post is appearing, I was chatting with John Laws about convicted drug smuggler Nguyen Tuong Van.

It was a busy time of year for me, and there are a number of things which I find hard to believe happened almost a year ago…the Dickson College Year 12 Breakfast, the Retirement Expo, John Kerr’s Christmas Cruise…this year has gone rather quickly.


2 comments November 21st, 2006 at 11:07am

2GB’s plan for Sydney Cyber Domination

Hot on the heels of Southern Cross Broadcasting’s launch of “mytalk“, the central hub for all of their radio and television stations (a curious name considering the number of music stations they operate), plus discussion of news, current affairs and programming, 2GB have started the first phase of their plans to run a similar service.

The following job advertisement appeared on Radioinfo on November 15

Level 1, Building C 33-35 Saunders Street
NSW 2009

15 Nov 2006
The Macquarie Radio Network (MRN) is looking for an experienced WEB PRODUCER/MODERATOR to fill a casual position.

Moderating content for MRN’s online assets will require an understanding of Talk Radio, as well as a keen interest in news and current affairs.

The successful applicant will possess excellent writing and editing skills, strong attention to detail and an ability to think on your feet.

If you’re interested, send a cover letter, as well as your resume to:

Trevor Long, Assistant Programme Director of Radio 2GB using the link below

Apply for this job via email now

It’s been a very long time since 2GB have had to do anything online to stay ahead of 2UE, who have up until now specialised in poorly maintained websites. The SCB Mytalk website has suddenly jolted 2UE’s online presence into the 21st century, and despite a few teething problems (including the still existing problem where none of the links to regional bulletins on the “news” page are links, and you have to go through “listen live” to watch the news) and a bunch of presenters finding out about the new site from listeners, it seems to be off to a pretty good start.

2GB are obviously putting a fair bit of thought and effort into their offering, hopefully it will turn out well…and if it does, it will be very interesting to see the two stations extend their intense rivalry to the Internet.

It is interesting to note that 2GB started offering video news bulletins and a few video podcasts a while back, and Southern Cross have decided to rehash their regional television news updates on Mytalk, and a few days ago Macquarie Radio Network (owners of 2GB and 2CH…and not part of a bank of a similar name) bought digital video and film production company, PixelMill Films. Admittedly it is part of a plan which started in September, but it is interesting to see all of this action in the couple weeks after SCB’s Mytalk was launched…interesting coincidence? Or “hurry up and get this online before they [SCB] get too far ahead”?


2 comments November 21st, 2006 at 06:20am

Francis Keany

As this post appears, Capital Radio newsreader Francis Keany should be presenting his first news bulletin after returning from leave.

Welcome back Francis!

(Oh, and thank you to the credible source who corrected my multiple feeble attempts at spelling Francis’ last name).


10 comments November 20th, 2006 at 01:00pm

2UE Rumour File

It’s getting closer to the end of the year, and that means the rumours start flying…and there are quite a few.

First up, the rumour I’m hearing the loudest and clearest is that 2UE “Sports Today” co-host Greg “Brandy” Alexander is looking for work outside radio, preferably a sport coaching role, as the radio work is apparently tying him down too much. The timing of this rumour couldn’t be more perfect, as it coincides with rumours that weekday midnight-to-dawn announcer Stuart Bocking is looking for a permanent sport reporting role, a rumour backed up by his recent stints away from the “New Day” program on reporting duties for the Melbourne Cup and most recently the Australian Open Golf. The conclusion is obvious, but would be a bit of a blow to 2UE who have seen Stuart Bocking deliver strong overnight ratings.

If the rumour is true, it is hard to say who could possibly take over midnight-to-dawn. John Kerr seems happy on the weekends, Clinton Maynard doesn’t seem to be overly interested in those hours as long as he can keep his News Director position, and Clive Robertson is unlike any other overnight presenter.
I suppose John Kerr could return to weekdays, but I would be very very surprised if that were to happen…and I don’t think George Gibson is on speaking terms with 2UE management after being unceremoniously dumped last year. It’s a case of more questions, less answers.

There are strange rumours that Stan Zemanek will not renew his contract (I don’t know when it is due to expire) for health reasons. Stan has certainly made a bit of noise about his health problems on-air, but the rumour directly contradicts the Daily Telegraph’s rumour column “Sydney Confidential” who reported that a Southern Cross Broadcasting internal email stated that both Stan Zemanek and Deryn Hinch were on the path to a full recovery.

If true, I would almost expect Clive Robertson to take over the show…different arguments, but a similar style of caller-host interaction.

Of course now that Macquarie bank own a significant chunk of Southern Cross Broadcasting, absolutely anything could happen…perhaps 2UE will become the first Australian radio station to broadcast from studios in India…goodness gracious me, you cannot be doing that!


1 comment November 20th, 2006 at 08:14am

James Goodwin Heads Back To Radio

WIN News lose a great reporter today, because James Goodwin is heading back to the Parliament House Press Gallery.

James is moving to 2GB where he will fill a similar role to the one he filled with 2UE, of national political correspondent. James has apparently been recruited specifically to cover the upcoming federal election (my first vote…yay!) but I wouldn’t be surprised if 2GB have spotted some talent and their Current Affairs Director, Jason Morrison, has earmarked James for some fill-in work over the Christmas/New Year period…in fact, 2GB’s middawn fill-in George Gibson has recently had a heart operation and is (supposedly) taking it easy for a while…I wonder if James would be willing to try the middawn shift?

Anyway, I digress, James has been recruited for the election, and obviously for other federal political reporting activities. James has done an excellent job for WIN News, and I will miss seeing him on the TV each night…but the media is a game of random shuffles and people move an awful lot…in James’ case, I suspect it is for the better.

James will still fill-in on Capital Radio News (2CA/2CC) when he is required, and will in fact be filling in tomorrow morning, which reminds me that Capital Radio News should be back to normal on Monday with Jane Turner and Francis Keeny (I just get the feeling there’s a “H” in that name somewhere…and probably another “E”…and perhaps an “IE” instead of the “Y”…this will drive me nuts until I find out the correct spelling) back on deck in their normal roles.

Best of luck with the move James…I probably won’t hear much of you, but I’ll have to keep an ear out…maybe 2GB will get you to present one of their podcasts…if they setup a federal election podcast then I’m almost certain you’ll be hosting it!


17 comments November 17th, 2006 at 06:20am

2CA’s 75th Birthday: Photos and Video

As you probably know by now, it’s 75 years since Jack Ryan started Canberra’s first radio station, 1053 2CA…and also from the “as you know” files, 2CA’s breakfast show had an outside brodcast from their original location (well, a few metres away…but close enough) at 42 Giles Street in Kingston.

I had planned to stay up all night finishing off the Persiflage and all of the processes that go with it (still not quite finished) and then head off early so that I could be in Kingston just before 6am…well it didn’t quite happen, I went to bed at 2am while the Persiflage was uploading and decided to get up at 4am which would have given me plenty of time…but I forgot to set the alarm and as such it went off at 5:30, at which time I got up, updated the Persiflage RSS feed, rushed the show notes and burnt an Audio CD of the show for 2CA Breakfast Boy Paul Blunt…only to end up with two coasters before getting a useful CD…effectively meaning that I didn’t have the time or a spare CD for either Leighton or 2CA manager Doug Bell.

This debacle prevented me from having any time to address an envelope for my booking from for John Kerr’s Terrigal lunch…so I just threw it in my bag and decided to deal with it at a post office later in the day…somehow I managed to get to the Outside Broadcast sometime around 6:30 (probably closer to 6:45).

When I got there the crowd was small, but the sausage sizzle was underway, which was a good thing as I needed some breakfast. I met 2CA’s Breakfast Boys Paul Blunt & Leighton Archer…and from there the day went more or less according to plan.

I don’t recall every event in order, and I spent most of the time chatting with various people and observing events…so I’ll just let the photos and video tell the tale. As per usual, clicking on a photo should take you to a large version of it.

Breakfast Boys Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Breakfast Boys Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer

Paul receives 2CA t-shirts and a new toy (2CA’s old xylophone) from former staff member Cheryl McKay. Also in this photo is the sign of the store occupying 2CA’s old spot, the Hungry Chino coffee shop…and I still can’t find it in the phone book.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Cheryl McKay gives Paul Blunt t-shirts and a xylophone

Paul instantly falls in love with his new toy, and makes sure that the listeners do too.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt plays the xylophone

Plenty of former (and current) staff turned up, including erstwhile Breakfast host (now Win News Newsreader) Peter Leonard, 2CA’s first employee (now aged 91) George Barlin, and former admin lady (and probably much more…but my mind had drawn a blank) Cheryl McKay.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Peter Leonard, George Barlin and Cheryl McKay

He just can’t help himself…he even has to entertain the former staff with his new toy!
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt still playing the xylophone, plus Cheryl McKay and Leighton Archer

Here’s a photo of Cheryl McKay when she was working for 2CA.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Cheryl McKay in years gone by

There was a bit of a crowd too!
2CA's 75th Birthday: The crowd is building

The sausage sizzle continued for quite a while. To the far right of this photo is 2CA manager Doug Bell.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Sausage Sizzle and manager Doug Bell

BWS bottle shop were quite happy for 2CA to cover their window for the morning, and 2CA did so with a stage and a lot of old logos and photos…and even Paul and Leighton, who are discussing things during a song.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer on the 2CA memories stage

One thing I found very difficult during the morning was finding a suitable moment to take photos of people, as everyone was very busy and constantly doing this, that or the other…as such, I took advantage of other people’s photo opportunities. This one of Paul Blunt, Peter Leonard and Leighton Archer was taken at the same time as 2CA’s official photographer took photos.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt, Peter Leonard and Leighton Archer

2CA night host, ex-breakfast host, and current Prime Television weatherman Daniel Gibson turned up…everytime I see him in person I am reminded of just how tall he really is.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Daniel Gibson

At about 7:50 the cake arrived, Paul Blunt interrupted the 2CA loudspeaker feed to make an announcement, and unfortunately the 2CA feed was turned up a tad louder afterwards, which reintroduced the feedback issue they had resolved earlier in the morning. In this photo, Paul Blunt is holding the “announcement microphone”, 2CA manager Doug Bell is adjusting the cake and Leighton is probably listening to cues from Gregg Easton, who was the studio panel operator for the morning.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt, 2CA Birthday Cake, Doug Bell and Leighton Archer

It doesn’t look like 75 candles…but it was enough to nearly set the cake on fire!
2CA's 75th Birthday: 2CA Birthday Cake

Here comes the (really) interesting part…I captured video footage of the cake being prepared, the crowd singing “Happy Birthday” and George Barlin proving his fitness beyond all reasonable doubt by blowing out the candles…YouTube has managed to desynchronise the audio and video slightly, but not enough to be an issue, and the video can be seen by clicking play below. Alternatively, you can see the slightly higher quality original video by clicking here (12.7MB).

Here is a view of part of the crowd as seen from the stage just after the birthday cake event. As you can see, the Hungry Chino coffee shop sold quite a few cups of coffee…I’m not entirely sure if 2CA intended on paying for coffee for everyone, but I think it turned out that way…I know they didn’t ask me to pay for my coffee and I heard the same from others…although the phrase “make sure the station pays for it” being said to a member of staff (who I won’t name, but is in this photo) as they went to get coffee for some of the special guests does have me a bit confused.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Part of the crowd

More of the crowd.
2CA's 75th Birthday: More of the crowd

Another one of those photo opportunities that I couldn’t resist…as you probably know by now, Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer

Same people, different angle (and once again I’ve drawn a blank on the name of the photographer…it’s late, I haven’t had much sleep in the last 48 hours, and it’ll come to me while I’m busy working on something completely different tomorrow).
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer

More from the 2CA memories stage
2CA's 75th Birthday: 2CA memories stage

The cake while Doug Bell was cutting it…I think it originally said “2CA 75 YRS BIRTHDAY”…it was a delicious cake (I’m hungry just thinking about it).
2CA's 75th Birthday: 2CA Birthday Cake

The 2CA website lists Leighton’s job as “make sure Paul behaves himself”. There was little chance of that once Paul started with the xylophone…and Leighton was either excited or cold or both (it was 3.4-9.5 degrees between 6am and 9am), so eventually Peter Leonard had to step in and add some sense to the show…that didn’t work though, and Peter ended up giving Paul a lesson in “playing the xylophone correctly”.
2CA's 75th Birthday: Paul Blunt, Peter Leonard and Leighton Archer

During the course of the morning, 2CA regular caller “Edward” turned up, and it was nice to be able to put a face to a name…for the benefit of 2CC and 2UE listeners, Edward is kind of like 2CA’s version of Lon (aka Latrine), just more musical and probably a bit closer to the planet…and he doesn’t ride a bicycle with a yellow helmet as far as I know.

Unfortunately I had to leave just after the 8am news so that I could get to work, and as such I missed the unveiling of the 75 years plaque…Win News arrived not long after I left and captured the plaque amongst other things. I did offer James Goodwin at WIN News my footage, but Win don’t currently have the facilities to easily transfer video from a memory card to a broadcast ready format. I have recorded the Win story and will endeavour to do something with it in the coming days…I’m too tired right now though.

I really should thank James for the tour of the Win facilities…I went into Win Television at lunch time as I couldn’t quite work out on the phone whether or not James was interested in, or could use my footage (and I will have to write a review on the excellent cafe around the corner), so I went in and met James…we quickly established that my footage wasn’t really useful due to the media format (memory card), but James didn’t turn my visit into a waste of time…he first showed me the footage Win had captured, and then gave me a quick tour of the building…oh, and hello to reporter/weathergirl Jessica Good and Peter Leonard (who wasn’t in the building at the time, but I did have a chat with at the 2CA birthday).

I had a wonderful time at the 2CA birthday, and I think everyone else did too…it was also good to be able to meet a few new faces, and catch up with some familiar ones.

I’m now going to try and catch up on some sleep…which is probably easier said than done…so much for my early night! (Apologies for my typing tonight…I’ve corrected as much as possible, but I’ll proofread it when I’m awake and not battling to keep my eyes open…Leighton was right, I do put a lot of effort into this site.)

Happy 75th Birthday 2CA!


30 comments November 15th, 2006 at 12:01am

Happy Birthday 2CA

It’s 2CA’s 75th Birthday, and they are holding an outside broadcast (and breakfast) from their original location on Giles Street in Kingston until 9am this morning…plenty of fun, prizes and interesting people…I’m about to head down there, and more details can be found in Samuel’s Persiflage #10.


November 14th, 2006 at 06:14am

Capital Radio News Holiday?

That was a tad odd…the 2CA/2CC newsroom had both the morning and afternoon newsreaders missing in action today…firstly Jane Turner wasn’t there, and Kris McKenzie was filling in (no complaints from me…I think Kris does a great job), and then Francis Keeny (or however his name is spelled) was absent, with panel operator and other jobs extraordinaire Duncan McRae filling in.

I suspect that Jane and Francis have taken leave at the same time…and that would explain why WIN News’ James Creegan Goodwin (Creegan left for Sydney a long time ago…don’t know why I thought of his name instead of James Goodwin) was presenting Sunday morning news on 2CC and 2CA…but it just seems a bit odd that both people would disappear at the same time.

I wonder how long it will be until we hear from Jane or Francis again?


8 comments November 13th, 2006 at 07:38pm

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