Posts filed under 'Samuel’s Artwork'

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Before I get angry emails asking me why I haven’t produced today’s episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot, here it is.
In today’s episode, Samuel gets harrassed by about five troopers all asking for the same documentation.

As part of the gold game, a certain number of people chose to be troopers instead of gold diggers for half of the time, they had the job of going around and asking to see certain documents which showed if you had been shopping or kept your digging licence up-to-date, or been cheating.

On this particular day, five troopers visited Samuel (and most of the other gold diggers) to check their shopping documents, this sparked a number of complaints by the gold diggers about the troopers.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 7th, 2005 at 07:57pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Roughly four hours later than usual, here is today’s Samuel In Dolgnwot

Samuel has a rather rigid feeding routine, and on this particular day, he is enjoying his morning tea, which is 1 Litre of Corn Soup, he will probably have a cup of coffee when he is done.

The feeding routine is another bit of paper I should dig out of the archive boxes.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 6th, 2005 at 10:22pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

And here we have another one of those irresistible episodes of Samuel In Dolgnwot.

In today’s episode you can see Samuel enduring another one of those days where he isn’t able to search for gold. He does appear to be making the most of a bad situation by watching TV & listening to the radio simultaneously.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 5th, 2005 at 07:31pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Time for another episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot
Samuel has had another big gold find today, and has decided to call the animals at his house to tell them about it.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 4th, 2005 at 07:18pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

More Samuel In Dolgnwot! Yay!
Today you can see Samuel having fun with his lights and fans in his futuristic truck.

Turning them on and off constantly is obviously quite a good quality source of enjoyment for Samuel, and he is the only person on the goldfields in 1857 with the ability to do it.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 3rd, 2005 at 07:09pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Another episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot!
Today you can see Samuel doing his weekly shopping.

This was a requirement of the Gold Game and cost some trivial amount of money (I must remember to find that bit of paper that has all the transactions from the Gold Game on it).

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 2nd, 2005 at 11:03pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

And now… A double image specila of Samuel In Dolgnwot
Today’s first image shows Samuel in his gold digging truck (another futuristicness for 1857) where he can see that he has found 36oz of gold for the day.

There are three buttons in front of Samuel which control various functions of the gold digger, thankfully, the process of searching for gold is automated, but can be customised if that is what is desired.

Samuel is obviously quite pleased at his find, which is hardly suprising.

The second image today is another note from the teacher, Mrs. Brophy, who is writing in reference to her previous comment about captions.

She writes “This is an improvement thanks Samuel. Now I know what each pages is telling me. Do you reall think you could watch T.V and listen to 2CA on the goldfields in 1857 though?”

I, upon reading this, went to see her with an explanation about the “Futuristic Technology.”

Clicking on the pictures will show larger versions, you can also find them on the photo gallery.


Add comment August 1st, 2005 at 07:10pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Time for another episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot.
Today we can see Samuel listening to the radio, in fact, 1053 2CA. He must be listening to a future broadcast as that station didn’t exist in 1857!

This would probably have been during a time that Samuel wasn’t searching for gold…he can’t possibly search 24 hours a day can he?

Tommorow we have another double image special of Samuel In Dolgnwot.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment July 31st, 2005 at 07:17pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Time for another daily installment of Samuel In Dolgnwot.
Here we see another one of those futuristic truck scenes, in this case we have Samuel watching TV. It would appear that there is an opera or something like that on the TV, as the quote from it is “Laaa”

On this particular day, Samuel is unable to search for gold.

The gold game was really a game of chance in which we the teachers walked around handing out cards at random, most of them were blank, although some doubled gold finds, or said we couldn’t search for gold that day, etc.

After this initial round of card giving, we had to decide what to do that day (unless the card had done that for us), the day was split into two halves, and we had three options, we could either search for gold, do our grocery shopping, or visit the assay office (which is where our gold was turned into money). For the most part, people went searching for gold all day, although we did have to do our grocery shopping each week.

After we had decided what to do for the day, a second round of cards were handed out saying how much gold we could find for the whole day, and then the gold exchange rate was chosen out of a hat.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment July 30th, 2005 at 07:29pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Here we have yet another episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot, and possibly the first inconsitency in the series.
As you can see, the truck has changed, the first section is the drivers cabin, the second section is the gold storing trailer, the third section is the gold pickup and sort device and cabin, whilst the last section is the living quarters, with an open roof this time.

As you can see, Samuel is having lunch.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment July 29th, 2005 at 07:26pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Today we have a special double image special of Samuel In Dolgnwot.
The first image sees Samuel using his somewhat futuristic (for the mid 1800s) gold digging truck.
The first Item on the left is the house cabin where Samuel lives when he is on the goldfields. The next item is the trailer that holds all the gold that is found and the other item picks up soil, analyzes and sorts it, drops the gold in the trailer and places the soil back on the ground.
If you look closely, the teacher has placed another tick in the bottom right orange square, which, just like yesterday, is suprising.

Why is it suprising? Well, lets take a look at part two of today’s double image special.
This is the comment that year six teacher, Mrs. Brophy left on the page.
“You need to use some sentences to help make your entries make sense Samuel.”
Maybe she just like the colours…
I suppose that in all fairness, the actual aim of the Gold Game was to make us write sustained pieces of writing on a particular topic, and whilst this didn’t happen in my case (which is a good thing, we wouldn’t have these lovely images if I had followed the task completely) I did still create some intriguing entries none-the-less.

The upshot of all this is that, starting tommorow, the pictures will have captions on them.

Clicking on the pictures will show larger versions, you can also find them on the photo gallery.


Add comment July 28th, 2005 at 06:37pm

Tutorial: Creating Patchwork Art

Last night I explained how Patchwork Art works, and said I should create a diagram, well, I have. Firstly a warning, this is a very long and colourful post, the blog continues if you scroll past it. This post renders with large gaps in Internet Explorer, use Firefox instead.

Step One: Drawing A Picture In Pen
This is possibly the most important step as it lays out the framework for the picture.

Step Two: Having A Colour Draw
This step places the colours in the order which you will use them. In my case it is a matter of randomising twelve colour pencils.
The order that the example Colour Draw produced is:
Light Green
Light Blue
Dark Green
Dark Blue

Step Three: Drawing Vertical Lines
It is up to you how many lines there are and how you space them, I recommend having at least four vertical and four horizontal lines. It is preferable that they are not evenly spaced and that you have a different number of vertical and horizontal lines. The lines must be drawn in the Colour Draw order.

Step Four: Drawing Horizontal Lines
This continues the Colour Draw order of colours.

Step Five: Filling in the grid squares
Again we continue with the Colour Draw order of colours. Filling the grid squares (even though they aren’t square) is done clockwise.

The black has intercepted a line of its own colour and is allowed to cross the line, this is called a spread.

The light blue has also intercepted a line of its own colour, and we have another spread.

Step Six: Colouring The Objects

Now it is time to colour in the objects. With larger objects such as tables you should follow steps Three, Four & Five on the objects, but with smaller objects, or in places where it doesn’t seem appropriate, you may choose to draw a single colour or do some kind of pattern. Whatever you do, you must continue to follow the order of colours from the Colour Draw.

Once you have done that you will have a completed piece of Patchwork Art.

As per usual, clicking on the picture will show a larger version. These pictures are not on the Photo Gallery.


Add comment July 27th, 2005 at 09:07pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

And now for today’s episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot.
Samuel doing his shoppingIn this Episode you can see Samuel doing his shopping.

It was a requirement of the Gold Game that we spent half a day, once a week, shopping. In this picture it is quite clear that the pencil lines were drawn before they people were. If you look closely you can see the teacher has left a tick on the page, which is actually a bit suprising considering what happens in tommorow’s double image special of Samuel In Dolgnwot.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment July 27th, 2005 at 07:11pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

In today’s episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot, you can see Samuel writing or drawing in his diary.
Samuel writing or drawing in his diary
It might be worthwhile explaining how the Patchwork Art actually works.

Basically, I had 12 colour pencils and a pen. Firstly I drew the objects with a pen, in this case it was the person, the chair, the table & the window. Then I had a “Colour Draw” where the colour the colour pencils were arranged in a random order, then I coloured in the background with the pencils in the order that they were drawn. Firstly I drew a set of vertical lines with the colour pencils and then a set of horizontal lines with the pencils. For this picture it appears that the colour draw was “Yellow, Light Blue, Cream, Dark Blue, Purple, Pink, Black, Red, Dark Green, Brown, Orange, Light Green” Then the resulting grid was filled in with the colours in a clockwise direction, if the line between the current grid square and the next grid square was the same colour as the one I was using then it got to “spread” into the next square. The objects were usually coloured in after this using the same method (The pencils were not reordered however) and in this case it would appear that I decided to make the window light blue.

I should probably make an animation of this system to make it a bit clearer.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment July 26th, 2005 at 06:21pm

Samuel’s Artwork: Samuel In Dolgnwot

Samuel arriving in DolgnwotToday’s episode of Samuel In Dolgnwot sees Samuel arriving in Dolgnwot on his horse who is saying “Neigh”, Samuel is pleased to arrive as well, saying “Ah good”.

Interestingly, this picture was actually the first picture drawn and was the original start of the series, however the pilot episode’s plot was created and a picture needed to be drawn for it.

The origin of the name Dolgnwot is an interesting story. At the beginning of the “Gold Game” unit of work, the class was asked for suggestion for the name of the town, one of the suggestions was “Gold Town” backwards, which was taken as “Town Gold” and then the letters were reversed as well, but the teacher made a mistake that nobody realised and so “Dolgnwot” (aka, “Town Glod” backwards) became the name of the town in which the unit of work was to take place.

Clicking on the picture will show a larger version, you can also find it on the photo gallery.


Add comment July 25th, 2005 at 02:53pm

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