Posts filed under 'General News'

Election 2007 – 7:28pm

Labor: 27
Coalition: 20

Labor are doing extremely well in New South Wales. However with this margin it could come down to the votes from WA, which will mean a very very long night indeed.

November 24th, 2007 at 07:29pm

Election 2007 – 7:24pm

I’ve added a five minute refresh to the blog for the night. If you leave your browser on the front page of the blog you’ll get updates every five minutes.


November 24th, 2007 at 07:25pm

Election 2007 – 7:23pm

Eden Monaro is looking like it will go down to the wire.

Liberal: 5242
Labor: 5075

November 24th, 2007 at 07:22pm

Election 2007 – 7:20pm

Interesting changes

Maxine McKew leads John Howard 1,723-1,368

Nationally Labor have struck back with a few New South Wales seats. It’s now
Liberal: 12
Nationals: 6
Independent: 1

November 24th, 2007 at 07:20pm

Election 2007 – 7:05pm

Liberal: 7
Nationals: 4
Labor: 4
Independent: 1

Queensland is the bogey state. If things continue at this rate then Labor will need to win the majority of seats in Queensland to win the election. Otherwise, unless WA swings heavily, things look good for the coalition.

November 24th, 2007 at 07:08pm

Election 2007 – 7:00pm

The Liberals are leading Labor in Canberra 43-36 votes.
Labor are leading the Liberals in Fraser 341-242
The Liberals now lead Eden Monaro by 1914-1593. If the gap keeps up at this rate this good be a good bel–whether omen for the Liberals.
The Liberals lead Hume 2293-1652
No votes currently counted in the ACT senate

The only states yet to close their polls are the Northern Territory and Western Australia.


November 24th, 2007 at 07:03pm

Election 2007 – 6:50pm

No votes counted in Canberra or Fraser yet, but Eden Monaro is showing a swing to Labor of 6%, but the Liberals are leading by 42 votes.

Hume is showing a 4% swing to Labor, but the Liberals have nearly double the votes of Labor.

My point here is that the swing is not going to mean a thing for at least another hour when we actually have a reasonable percentage of votes counted…unless the swing is at least ten percent.


November 24th, 2007 at 06:49pm

Election 2007 – 6:30pm

With 0.1% of the vote counted, and only in Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and the ACT, Labor have a 1.68% swing towards them.

Exit polls predict a Labor win in the seat of Eden Monaro.

However with only a Newspoll or thereabouts of votes counted, there really isn’t enough to go on.

More updates to follow.


November 24th, 2007 at 06:35pm

Election 2007

Welcome to the Samuel’s Blog Election 2007 coverage of overall results, and the results from the seats of Fraser, Canberra, Eden-Monaro and Hume, plus ACT senate seats.

Due to not having enough available disk space on my streaming computer to record the election coverage, I am unable to provide a webstream of this election. That being said, if you’re in Canberra, the best place for election coverage in my view is 2CC (1206 on the AM dial).

We won’t start to see results until about 6:30, but I will strive to keep you updated through the night.


November 24th, 2007 at 06:09pm

Final words on the election until 6PM

As it is now after 1pm and I have to start my afternoon newsreading duties for AIR News shortly, I am not going to have time to have an episode of Editorial Echoes today. The planned episode is probably a tad out of date by now anyway as it was really a Saturday morning script (not that I finished the script, it’s just notes at this stage).

Suffice to say I have cast my vote. I doubt many people here will be surprised to hear that I have voted for the Liberal party in the House of Representatives and the Senate. I have a number of reasons for deciding to do that, and I have to admit that the smear tactics used by certain members of the Liberal party during the week nearly made me change my vote, but I was satisfied that it had backfired badly enough for them and they had taken action against a certain group of people, so they managed to hang on to my vote, as I see other issues as being far more important right now.

I’m sticking to my earlier prediction of the Coalition by two seats, even though the polls are against me. I was pleased to hear a commentator who I have a lot of respect for, 2GB current affairs director Jason Morrison, reach the same conclusion as me yesterday on the 2CC breakfast show…seeing as mine is a hunch and his is the result of careful analysis, I think that’s a good sign…or at least I hope it is.

That being said, I am but one in a poll of millions, and whilst I have cast my vote, every vote counts. Please, if you have not already voted, fill out the form properly, cast a vote based on what you believe in your head, not your heart, and may the most favoured candidates win!

I’ll be back from 6pm or thereabouts with half hourly updates. I’m also going to see about getting a webstream of 2CC’s election coverage online. Capital Radio can sue me if they want…but the Canberrans who are not in Canberra deserve better than a webstream from 666 ABC Canberra in my view…or at the very least, deserve a choice. I more or less have everything ready at this end…I’ll just have to double check everything. If it does happen, the webstream will be online from 6pm to midnight only.


November 24th, 2007 at 01:22pm

Election Coverage from 6pm on 2UE, 2CC and Samuel’s Blog

I will get the results of the weekly poll online shortly.

Tonight I will providing half hourly or thereabouts updated on the election, and in particular, the results of Fraser, Canberra, Eden Monaro and Hume, and the overall result in the House of Representatives. I will also be providing updates on the ACT senate election.

I have decided not to rely on the commentary of the ABC, Nine or Seven, and instead will probably have Nine’s coverage muted, and be listening to 2CC all night. 2CC will be using 2UE’s coverage which will be anchored by people I can actually put up with for an entire night, namely Steve Price and John Stanley in the national tally room, and Stuart Bocking in the Sydney studio.

Naturally they will be joined by various political figures, and will have reporters in key locations.

2CC will be running their own half-hourly local updates from the tally room. From what I can gather, they will have their full contingent on news and current affairs staff on hand and in various locations to cover the local seats.

I believe that this coverage will be far better than any other broadcast coverage.


November 24th, 2007 at 12:03pm

It’s Over!

Finally…no more “They’re coming back”, no more “Nurse….Nurse”, and no more of the “Green action, Green action, Green action” jingle.

Political advertising is over for the 2007 election campaign, and what a relief that is.

Please note, I don’t have direct control over the Google Ads. I am manually blocking political ads as soon as I see them, but such changes take Google a few hours to process.


1 comment November 22nd, 2007 at 12:01am

John Howard in Sydney

Apparently John Howard will be in Sydney today. Hopefully this means he will be campaigning in Bennelong as I would like to meet him while I am in Sydney.

John Howard was in Perth at 8:15 last night, so I would imagine that he is staying there overnight and will arrive in Sydney at some stage today. If I can’t find him today, perhaps he will stay in Sydney overnight, and I could make my way to Kirribilli (which, incidentally, Firefox’s spell checker wants to change to “Billionaires” and a few derivatives thereof, as well as Irritability and Billiards) early tomorrow morning and meet Mr. Howard on his morning walk.
Firefox tries to turn Kirribilli in to Billionaires

In slightly related news, It is almost impossible to walk through a few streets in Canberra at the moment without spotting a house with a “Your rights at work” signs in the front yard. Sydney has its fair share of those signs, but I was very surprised when I saw the following sign in the front yard of a house on the corner of Bellevue Avenue and Sarner Road in Greenwich, just a couple streets away from the 2UE studios.
Vote 1 Joe Hockey sign on a house in Greenwich

And in true political style, one helping of positive publicity is never enough.
Vote 1 Joe Hockey sign on a house in Greenwich

(Still on leave in Sydney)

October 26th, 2007 at 03:21am

Happy Birthday Marcella Zemanek

Today is the birthday of Marcella Zemanek, wife of the late Stan Zemanek.

Marcella has a weekly movie review segment on Glenn Wheeler’s weekend afternoon show on 2UE, and Glenn has turned it in to a birthday party.

Happy Birthday Marcella!


3 comments October 20th, 2007 at 03:53pm

November 24!

In case you don’t already know, Prime Minister John Howard announced at midday that the election will be held on November 24.

Photos and videos coming shortly.

Update 1:21pm: I went down to Government House around 8:30. On my way I spotted a journalist camped outside The Lodge so I stopped to talk to her and she said that she had no idea when the PM was going to make his move, so I continued on to Government House. When I got there and setup I realised I had left part of my tripod at home, so I dashed back home, picked that up, and setup between Sky News and 2UE just after 9am. The Governor General got back from church around the time I arrived.

The crowd grew slowly throughout the morning, but to start with it was mostly media.
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Kieran Gilbert from Sky News did a bunch of live crosses. Between 9am and 11am he almost spent more time on the air than off the air.
Sky News' Kieran Gilbert outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

As the public turned out for the event, so did the enthusiastic pets.
Dog outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Most of the public stood right next to the gates. The Greens picked up the position directly beside the gate.
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

It was a reasonable turnout.
Crowd outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Channel Seven were setup with live broadcast facilities, and one of their staff members was wearing a jacket with the old Seven Sport logo on it.
Channel Seven outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
Channel Seven outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

The ABC were there too. Jim Middleton was their television correspondent.
ABC's Jim Middleton outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

Protective Services did a number of circuits of the area, and a police wagon parked nearby for John Howard’s arrival.
Protective Services outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

And then it was on. A bit before 11am the media started getting excited as they were all informed that John Howard was on his way, then the gates of Government House opened, and then at almost right on the dot of 11am John Howard arrived.

And just as quickly as he arrived, he left again. 2UE’s Adam Sims received a phone call just as John Howard was leaving, and therefore managed to provide commentary for this video.

And from there it was a rush up to parliament house. The front desk had Sky News on their television waiting for the press conference, and whilst they weren’t going to let any of the public in to the press conference, the four interested people (myself included) were told that they might be able to get a peak at the conference, or at least the media attending it, through a gate at the other end of Parliament House.
Protective Services outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007

And then the protective services staff were told to move everyone away from the area, and we didn’t get to see anything at all.

I did enjoy telling 2UE’s Glenn Wheeler about my experiences just after 12:15 though.

And with that, the important dates are as follows:

Monday, October 15: Scheduled Parliament sitting suspended from midday.
Wednesday, October 17: House of Representatives to be dissolved at midday.
Issue of writs, commanding the Australian Electoral Commission to conduct the election.
Monday, October 22: Close of electoral rolls.
Tuesday, October 23: Close of electoral rolls. (Somehow the Australian Electoral Commission told John Howard the wrong date and have since corrected it)
Thursday, November 1: Close of candidate nominations.
Saturday, November 24: Election day.

May the most favoured candidates win!

End Update

Further update 2:32pm: Friend and 1WAY FM employee Tim Malone was there with me. Tim has written his account of the morning on his blog, and seemingly went to a lot more effort with his video coverage than I did.

Those of you who were watching Kieran Gilbert’s marathon coverage of the morning on Sky News, or watched the videos on may have spotted Tim crossing the road. In case you missed it, here it is again.
Tim Malone on Sky News outside Government House, Canberra. October 14 2007
End Update


3 comments October 14th, 2007 at 12:36pm

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