Posts filed under 'Canberra Stories'

Lord Monckton’s Australian lecture tour dates

Lord Christopher Monckton’s people have been kind enough to provide some more information about his upcoming lecture tour. The exact schedule is still subject to change, but as of this moment the following is known:

Wednesday 27.1.10 – 5.30pm – Sydney – Grand Ballroom, The Sheraton on The Park, Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Thursday 28.1.10 – 12.30pm – Newcastle – Banquette Hall, Newcastle City Hall, King Street Newcastle.
Friday 29.1.10 – 12.30 Lunch – Brisbane – Grand ballroom, Hilton Hotel, Queen Street, Brisbane
Saturday 30.1.10 – 2pm – Noosa – The J at Noosa Junction
Monday 1.2.10 – 12.30pm – Melbourne TBA
Tuesday 2.2.10 – 2pm – Melbourne – Grand Ballroom, Sofitel Hotel
Wednesday 3.2.10 Canberra
Thursday 4.2.10 – 2pm – Adelaide – Venue TBA
Monday 8.2.10 – 2pm – Perth – Venue TBA

I’m informed that details which are a bit more concrete should be available in a week or so.

In the meantime, I have been asked to pass on the following letter about Lord Monckton’s tour. It is available here in its original form.

Lord Monckton in Australia
(Please spread this message widely) 21 Dec. 2009

Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (Christopher Lord Monckton) has agreed to come on a lecture tour in Australia in late January 2010. Professor Ian Plimer will accompany Christopher Monckton on a whirlwind tour of the mainland capital cities starting in Sydney on January 26th and finishing in Perth on February 8th. Unfortunately we cannot fit in Tasmania and the Northern Territory. Lady Juliet Monckton will come as well, in part to monitor Lord Monckton’s health.

Prof. Plimer says the following of Lord Monckton: “although I modestly state that I am a good performer, he is superb and I have seen him fielding a very hostile BBC and other networks. He has the ability to change thinking……”.

Given the now generally-acknowledged lack of understanding among the Australian general public of the underlying reasons for a “Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme” and the likely effects thereof, it is critical that the public gets a chance to hear a globally-recognised presenter to explain the rational understanding of the whole issue. Lord Monckton is the ideal person to carry out this task and to also put it to the mass media.

[Tour date details removed – see details above or download the PDF]

As you can understand, the cost of this exercise will be very substantial as we have to fly Lord and Lady Monkton to and from Australia, all his domestic travel and accommodation plus a “stipend” of $20,000. Our aim is to cover these costs from donations from individuals, appropriate associations and corporations; we expect the required total to be of the order of $100,000. We would like to keep the cost of admission to Monckton’s lectures at around $20 so as to maximise the number of people that will come to hear him.

We have had a number of donations already of $1,000 (and higher) and would prefer donations to be of that order, but of course any amount is very welcome. Should there be a surplus, this, depending on the amount, will be given to Lord Monckton and/or the Climate Sceptics Party which is assisting with this project.

Your donations should be directed to:
Westpac Bank – Lord Monckton Tour account
Bank BSB: 035612
Account: 253068

Thank you in advance for your support of this nationally important project.

Case Smit BSc CIH(ret) CP(Env) FAusIMM
Noosaville Qld. 4566
07 5473 0475

John Smeed D.MechE FIEAust CPEng RPEQ
Noosa Heads, Qld. 4567
07 5474 8928

As promised, I will continue to keep you updated.


6 comments January 8th, 2010 at 10:22am

The Rush Limbaugh Gym of Weston?

I’ve been meaning to write this article for many months but have struggled to find a decent quality copy of the EIB Network logo and as a result, kept putting it off. This changed this morning when The Rush Limbaugh Show upgraded their “dittocam” (webcam) stream to an “HD” stream. Personally I don’t think it qualifies as “high definition” at a 640×480 resolution…but it’s a vast improvement over the tiny old Windows Media and Real Player webcam streams, so I’ll let it pass…especially seeing as I can see things clearly enough in his studio now to work out that his web/email computer is a Mac.

DittocamHD screenshot

You can see the EIB logo in a few places in that image. The EIB logo has been around for years.

In late 2008, after having driven past it on an almost daily basis for months, I noticed the remarkable similarity between the EIB logo, and the logo of the Edge Health Club in Weston. Edge opened in early 2008 and have therefore not been around for anywhere near as long as the EIB logo.

Edge Health Club Weston

Pretty similar…especially when you look at the two side-by-side.

EIB Network logoEdge Health Club logo

Could it be that the owners of the Edge Health Club are Rush Limbaugh fans and are subtly promoting Rush with their logo?


January 8th, 2010 at 07:48am

It must be Summernats again

And it’s not as if you even need to check the news or Exhibition Park to know it. It may be under new management, but it hasn’t attracted a less hoonish crowd. (As in previous years, I am not implying that all attendees are hoons or acting like idiots, so don’t even go there.)

The increase in buffoonery on the roads of Canberra…well the inner north at least, is quite noticeable. Dickson around lunchtime was pretty bizarre from what I saw, and when I took Nattie for a walk this evening, Ainslie Avenue and surrounds weren’t an awful lot better. Notably, the majority of people that I noticed doing bizarre and stupid things had interstate number plates.

A word to the foolish (because the wise don’t need words): the police have the power to confiscate vehicles and it really is a long walk back to pretty much anywhere from Canberra. I should know, given that I walked and hitch-hiked back to Canberra from Sydney in March last year.


January 7th, 2010 at 06:56pm

2CC is expanding?

I caught the tail end of a promo on 2CC earlier this morning while I was between rooms. Apparently they are “expanding” and will have an exciting addition to their on-air staff…the announcement will be made by Mark Parton at 7:45am on Monday (Mark returns from holidays on Monday).

I’ll chuck a disclaimer in here and say that I know absolutely nothing about what the changes are…but if I had to make a wish, it would be that Mike Frame is getting a weekday slot replacing one of the 2UE shows. With any luck it would be Tim Webster’s show (oh what I would give to have Andrew Daddo take over that shift permanently).

I would also rate 2CC dumping the 2UE Steve Liebmann show in favour of the 2GB Ray Hadley show to be an outside chance.

And, just for the fun of it…wild and bizarre speculation time. Perhaps the rumours about John Laws returning to radio are true and he will be joining 2CC on Monday.

Regardless…announcement at 7:45am on Monday. Hand me a survey book because 2CC will easily win me in that quarter hour.

Update: I just had another thought which I had dismissed earlier…but the word “expanding” just keeps bringing me back to it. Perhaps 2CC will steal my idea (and guys, feel free to do so) and launch their own syndicated morning show hosted by either Mike Welsh or Mike Frame, initially networked to 2GN and 2XL, with the other Mike hosting the Drive show. That sort of morning show could be more relevant to the local region than either Sydney show is. End Update

Another update: One wonders if Steve Liebmann’s noticeable absence from 2CC’s presenters list and the (more comprehensive) “Presenters & Shows” menu means anything? One also wonders if the fact that, right now during the Mike Welsh Drive Show, the listen live box isn’t showing the name and photo of the current presenter means anything? End update


9 comments January 7th, 2010 at 11:27am

The Guardian Angels are coming to Canberra

As The Canberra Times noted this morning (albeit in an alarmist manner), the Guardian Angels are setting up a chapter here in Canberra. This is fantastic news and should be invaluable in making Canberra and safer and more friendly place.

Despite the Canberra Times and, more concerningly, police minister Simon Corbell’s pronouncements, the Guardian Angels is not a vigilante group. The Guardian Angels is not about taking the law into their own hands, but is instead all about conflict resolution and deterrent, both through street patrols and education programs.

I’ll forgive the CT angle on the story as they were really just repeating the whining of Simon Corbell which is, for a newspaper, understandable. The really sad thing here is that Simon Corbell seems to be incapable of doing even the most basic little bit of research and is instead focussing on the political views of the Guardian Angels’ founder Curtis Sliwa, tarnishing a valid and valuable group in the process, and ignoring the fact that the local chapter of the Guardian Angels have already started talking with the police to make it clear what their aims are.

From the above-linked CT article:

Police Minister Simon Corbell said Canberra usually ranked as one of Australia’s two safest cities and there was no pressing crime problem.

He questioned why there was the need for such a group. ”There is no room for vigilante or paramilitary-type groups in community safety,” he said.

Mr Corbell described Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa as a right-wing conservative commentator and encouraged those involved to give their time to existing organisations working to minimise crime, drug and alcohol problems.

I agree with Simon on one point. Other places are worse. As I mentioned to 2CC’s Mike Welsh this afternoon, a place like Melbourne with its highly-publicised attacks on Indians would, on the face of it, appear to be a more likely candidate for this type of group, however that does not mean that such a group is without merit in Canberra. Canberra has a problem with crime, mostly of the assault and assault plus robbery type, and unfortunately there is only one deterrent to that which Simon seems interested in pursuing, and that is a greater police presence. A good idea for sure, but not one which is practical for any number of economic reasons which Simon would be sure to rattle off if pressed about why police aren’t standing on every street corner at every given moment.

The bottom line is that these types of offences are usually done without witnesses. They are, by their nature, opportunistic, and having people around (be it police, security guards or Guardian Angels) acts as a significant deterrent.

As I said to Mike Welsh this afternoon, and as the founder of the local chapter Damian Heffernan also went to great lengths to emphasise, the Guardian Angels is a peaceful organisation with a mission to prevent violence. As Damian pointed out in the CT article and to Mike Welsh this afternoon:

the worst case scenario is to ever have violence occur or an arrest that’s basically considered as a failure

It should also be noted that the Guardian Angels is a citizen volunteer organisation. They have no special powers and are not under the misapprehension that they do. They are fully aware of the fact that their only power of arrest is the power of citizen arrest, however unlike the vast majority of us ordinary everyday people, they have studied the subject of citizens arrest and understand what that entails. They will also call the police, just like you and I would, if a situation warrants their attention (such as an assault occurring). They are not out to take over from the police but, as Damian said, they are out to hopefully reduce the police’s workload by taking lawful means to stop things happening before they start.

The Guardian Angels have a long track record of successful peace-keeping operations (for lack of a better term), starting with their great work in cleaning up the New York subway. It is a proven success story, so it is beyond me why Simon Corbell is so opposed to it except for political reasons.

This theory is solidified by the fact that the vast majority of the Guardian Angels’ planned work in Canberra will be in education, including working with local schools on anti-bullying programs. This is clearly not an extremist vigilante group, and one look at the organisation’s website would have shown Simon Corbell that. Instead, Simon chooses to be of the belief that anything related to a conservative talk radio host (Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels, is a conservative New York talk radio host, formerly on WABC with a nationally syndicated program, and now on New York’s AM 970 The Apple) must be bad despite his own police being more than willing to work with the Guardian Angels.

I’ll just be glad that Simon isn’t the police commissioner and doesn’t have any real authority over them.

In the meantime, I fully support the Guardian Angels opening a Canberra branch and applaud Damian Heffernan’s initiative in contacting the Guardian Angels so that he can open a branch here. I also look forward to Curtis Sliwa visiting Canberra to launch the chapter next month…if that is indeed what the Canberra Times meant when they wrote:

Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa and the group’s founder in Japan, ”Duke” are expected to launch the Canberra chapter next month.

A visit from Curtis would be absolutely wonderful. I have a lot of respect for him and it would be an absolute privilege to shake his hand if he does come to town.

The Guardian Angels is a great organisation, and I look forward to seeing them out and about in Canberra.

Update: Mike Welsh’s interview of Damian Heffernan is up on 2CC’s website. End Update


1 comment January 4th, 2010 at 07:21pm

Farewell and good luck to Michael Watson

2CC/2CA’s production guru Michael Watson is leaving the stations after having worked there for 14 years, according to Jock’s Journal.

Michael has done a lot of great work for 2CC and 2CA over the years, although if I have to pick one particular thing which I have the fondest memory of…it would probably be the old Sgt. Pepper competitions on 2CA. I was also particularly fond of the piece he put together (OK, I’m 99% sure it was him…somebody please correct me if I’m wrong) after I announced my (later aborted) run for federal parliament on 2007. Just looking around for that now, I realise that I didn’t ever post it online…so here it is:
Download MP3

And of course, there was that brilliant remix of my original Samuel’s Persiflage intro
Download MP3

That anybody could make something good out of that ghastly (albeit fun) original intro is quite an achievement.

Best of luck for the future Michael!


December 11th, 2009 at 05:42pm

Thursday bits, bobs and errata

And with that, I’m back. The whole catching up on sleep and getting my energy back thing has been a limited success, but I am now back to being able to put my thoughts in to writing without having to spend a week working out how to word it, so we’ll call it a success.

I’ve got a lot to get through, and seeing as blog posts with multiple short stories in them seem to be the flavour of the trimester on about half the blogs I read, and it’s convenient in this case, I’ll bite and run such a post here.


Sleep? Hmmm, well it’s 3:32am as I type this and I last finished sleeping at 8am yesterday. You do the math. That said, in the last few nights I have had dreams where I:
1. Was in a repeat episode of Third Watch. Nobody could be bothered attending to the emergencies as they all knew that the people survived the episode, so why bother risking injury doing the stunts again?
2. I plunged to my death in a taxi, on a wet night where the left half of the road had been washed away. A very vivid and disturbing dream.
3. KXNT’s Alan Stock was elected as Chairman of the Nevada Action Committee, although what this actually achieved is beyond me, because the only thing he was required to do as part of this job was take five minutes out of his show each morning to read the KXNT phone number over and over and over and over and over (we’ll come back to this in five minutes when he’s done with the phone number)


Speaking of KXNT, their traffic bed (the music they play under their traffic reports) is one of the bits of music which I managed to get stuck in my head this week. I also managed to get the First Option Mortgage jingle stuck in my head for three excruciating hours, and get it stuck in somebody else’s head simply by mentioning it on Facebook. Apparently it’s called “ear worm”. I also had another song stuck in my head, but I dare not try to remember what it was lest it happen again.


Frasier and Seinfeld repeats at 7:30pm and 8pm weeknights respectively on Go! Channel Nine receive my perpetual thanks for this.


There was some Bollywood movie on SBS Two the other night. I watched ten minutes of it near the beginning during which time the married couple managed to patch up their differences, and the wife declared that she didn’t really care about her husband’s flaws anyway. How they could drag that about the next three hours is beyond me, and I’m glad that I didn’t stick around to find out. The ten minutes was good for a laugh though.


Cisco have calculated (which is probably code for “guessed”) that the average broadband Internet user downloads 11.4 gigabytes per month. I average 20-25GB per month and will probably start doubling that in the not-to-distant future if one of my household projects gets off the ground.


Facebook have decided to preserve the accounts of deceased members, minus status updates and other “sensitive data”. This intrigues me as I have often thought about what would happen to this site and my other online data if I were to cease existing for whatever reason. I would like to keep it all online permanently, but am yet to find a viable solution. The National Library’s PANDORA project archives the essence of this site, but seems to have a lot of broken links and missing data, which is hardly surprising given the sheer size of this site (6.97GB and growing). Preserving this site is a work in progress…I suppose I’ll just have to stick around for long enough to ensure that it happens.

Anyway, if and when I shuffle off this mortal coil, I’m happy for my Facebook account to be preserved as some sort of shrine, but I don’t want anything to be removed from it. How does one go about sharing this wish with Facebook. One’s will?


Speaking of the dead, Yahoo have finally killed off Geocities. I’m glad that I was reminded of this imminent death the other day, as I had one page on there which I needed to save. I’ll republish it on here at some stage.


Monash Drive has been removed the ACT “National Capital Plan”. The proposed road had been slated to run along the foot of Mount Ainslie behind Hackett, Ainslie and Campbell, roughly in-line with the already cleared sections which the high voltage power lines use. Politically, the road was never going to happen, which is a pity because it could have reduced a lot of congestion, especially in the years ahead.


We’ve been following Barack Obama’s approval ratings here for some months now using the figures from Rasmussen, who had the polling figures closest to the outcome of last year’s election. That said, the other polls are interesting as well, especially when you consider that in the Gallup poll, Obama has recorded the worst third quarter of an elected president in recorded history. A nine point drop in his approval rating in the space of three months.


The White House have declared war on FOX News, claiming that they’re not a news organisation. The White House clearly can’t tell the difference between news programming and opinion programming, even when it’s pointed out to them. Funnily enough though, the other networks have defended FOX. Late last week, White House officials tried to ban FOX from a White House Press Pool interview session, but the other networks wouldn’t have a bar of it, quite clearly telling the White House that “if Fox can’t be a part of this, then none of us will interview your chap”. It worked, and the White House backed down, for now.

Here’s the point. FOX out-rate every other cable news network consistently, partially because of their news programming, and partially because of their opinion programming. People want to watch it. The White House don’t like the opinion programming as it is often critical of the Obama administration, unlike others such as MSNBC whose opinion programming often favours the Obama administration. The other networks know that if they let the White House exclude FOX, then they are all trapped in an unwritten “do as we say, or we cut your access” agreement. It is an attack not only on FOX, but on every other network, on freedom of the press, and on freedom of speech.

Glenn Beck, on one of FOX’s opinion shows, put together a rather amusing piece on the War On FOX which had me in hysterics when I first watched it.

One wonders if people would have voted for Obama’s “new era of bi-partisanship” if they had known that “bi-partisan” is defined as “the other side will do as we say, therefore we all agree”.


The ANZ LogosThe ANZ Bank have a new logo, and a TV ad which looks strangely familiar…I’ve seen the whole “life juggled above head, but we can make it easier” ad before, I just can’t remember where. Anyway, the logo, is it just me, or does it look like somebody chucking a tantrum after being kept in line for an hour?


Channel Seven have announced their new digital channel, to be called “7TWO”, on (you guessed it) channel 72. I’m not in the least bit surprised that regional affiliate Prime aren’t putting it to air straight away, I mean Prime own the “6” channels in digital TV land, and it would look rather silly have 7TWO on channel 62. I suspect that Prime are working on their own branding of the new station…PRIMExtra perhaps?


RIP Don Lane, one of the great entertainers, who passed away at the age of 75.


Remember when the Large Hadron Collider was about to be turned on for the first time and people were afraid the world was going to end? It amazed me how many people who believed that, were subsequently placated when it was turned on, broke down, and the world didn’t end. The whole cause for concern was for when it would finally reach the actual colliding stage, which it never did.

Well, without wanting to alarm you, the LHC boffins are ready to start it up again. Perhaps now would be a good time to book a flight on NASA’s newly-tested-to-be-successful space vehicle.


733-KXNT, 733-5968, 733-KXNT, 733-5968 (Alan’s still going…)


Clive Robertson filled in for Tim Webster on 2UE and 2CC’s afternoon show yesterday. What a relief! Tim Webster, as much as like him personally, has bored me to death of late…I can not listen to his show any more, I just can’t. Tim is much better suited to a news-based show than the lifestyle-amalgam show that he is now presenting. Clive, however, suits the format perfectly, and is brilliant afternoon entertainment.

Memo to 2UE for next year’s lineup: Breakfast with Mike Jeffreys, Mornings with Stuart Bocking, Afternoons with Clive Robertson, Drive with John Stanley, Nights with The Two Murrays, Overnights with Jim Ball.


And now at 6:18 it’s time for KXNT’s traffic and weather together on the eights, here’s Tate South (finally, Alan’s morning Chairman task is finished, which means that I can wrap up this blog post).


There was an ad on TV last night for that boat from Victoria to Tasmania and back, in which they advertised the rate for taking your car with you as being an “each way” rate (eg. “x dollars each way”). Sorry, but does that mean it’s the return rate (you can travel each way for this amount) or the one way rate (each way costs x dollars)?


Congratulations to Chris Matlock, KXNT’s Radiostar competition winner for this year. I listened to the entries of the 20 finalists when I was last in Deniliquin, and Chris was my favourite from the start, so I was very pleased to see him win. Chris will have his own show soon, apparently, and will start off co-hosting with Ciara Turns on “Sundays with Ciara” on Sunday, November 8 between 10am and 1pm. That will either be 4am-7am or 5am-8am Monday, November 9 in Canberra, depending on whether daylight saving has ended in the US by then.


And finally, Lord Christopher Monckton spent much of the latter part of last week and the start of this week outlining the issues with the proposed Copenhagen climate change treaty which, don’t forget, is designed to stop a warming which hasn’t happened in about the last decade. The main points:
1. The setting up of a world government, with binding power over all countries.
2. Some peculiar scheme to send all the money from the western countries to the developing countries, to pay for some supposed “climate debt”.

Glenn Beck interviewed his lordship last week, which makes for very interesting and enlightening listening.
Part one:

Part two:

(thanks to Padders for the link to those videos)

If you ever needed proof that the whole global warming thing has everything to do with social change, and nothing to do with climate change, you now have it.


3 comments October 29th, 2009 at 04:47am

Daylight Saving

And so it begins again, Daylight Saving starts at 2am and will be with us until the other end of April…a whole seven months of adjusted clocks. Personally I don’t see why we can’t just have Daylight Saving for the whole year rather than slowly increasing the number of months we have it for.

Amusingly the ABC have managed to push their digital television electronic programme guides in to daylight saving time early, although it’s not amusing for me as I relied on their programme guide to schedule a recording of The Bill. My recording started an hour late at 9:30pm (10:30am GMT +11) instead of 8:30pm (10:30am GMT +10), meaning that I will have to wait for somebody at the ABC to upload The Bill to iView.

This may interest you, but it’s more for my reference. The updated KXNT schedule for programs of interest in Canberra’s daylight saving time.

4am-7am: Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd weekend edition

4am-7am: Sundays with Ciara
11pm-Midnight: The Morning Source with Alan Stock

Tuesday to Saturday
Midnight-3am: The Morning Source with Alan Stock
3am-6am: Rush Limbaugh
6am-9am: Sean Hannity
9am-11am: Mark Levin
11am-1pm: Casey Hendrickson and Heather Kydd (includes Jerk Of The Week at 12:09pm Friday)

During the night I will have the fun job of setting all of the clocks in my house to daylight saving time, which doubles as my twice-yearly “make sure every clock is in sync” session. I can’t stand having clocks that have the wrong time, especially when they’re out by a minute or two. It drives me nuts.

So happy daylight saving to you. If your sleep cycle is similar to mine, you will welcome the extra hour of darkness in the morning. It will make getting to sleep at 5:30am much easier.


October 3rd, 2009 at 11:50pm

REDEX reduced to slightly more sane level

Back in April, Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope was very excited about his announcement of a new “express” bus which would go from Gungahlin to Tuggeranong via a convoluted and slow route encompassing many parts of Canberra. The idea was to get people in far out places to the employment hubs of Mitchell, Russell and the Parliamentary Triangle quickly…something which didn’t seem overly likely based on the planned routes.

This week Jon Stanhope announced an “improved” version of the REDEX express bus, although I have to dispute the appropriateness of using the word “improved” to describe something which hasn’t started. REDEX is no longer the express bus for Belconnen, Dickson, Woden, Erindale and Tuggeranong residents, as “improved” is Turnip-code for “reduced” and the bus will now only travel to Mitchell, Russell and the Parliamentary Triangle from Gungahlin.

The trial will now operate between Gungahlin to Canberra Railway Station, Kingston, travelling via Mitchell, the City, Russell and the Parliamentary Triangle.

The new service, REDEX – Rapid Express Direct – will operate on weekdays with an improved service frequency of 15 minutes from 7 am to 7 pm. To improve travel times it will stop only at specially marked stops.

The trial, which will cost $1 million, will commence on Monday 16 November and continue until the end of June 2010.

This bus makes more sense than the previous idea of sending it halfway around the world on its way to anywhere, but it also means that even more places miss out on an express bus to the employment hubs. Sure, we have the Xpresso buses, but they only operate during peak times. I fail to see why Gungahlin should get a 15-minutely 12-hour-a-day bus service to the employment hubs if everyone else has to miss out.

Admittedly, this is a trial, and Gungahlin is probably a good place to conduct a trial, so if it lives up to expectations, perhaps then we will see similar services replace the existing Xpresso services for the rest of Canberra.

The one other downside to the reduction of this service is that Gungahlin loses the psuedo-interchange bus it never had. REDEX would have provided Gungahlinites with a through-connection to every other major town centre in Canberra. In lieu of that, perhaps it is time that ACTION extended the interchange service from Belconnen to Gungahlin…I don’t understand why it didn’t happen years ago.

The most disappointing thing of all though, is that I won’t get the opportunity to drive from Gungahlin to Tuggeranong and back to Gungahlin and on to Tuggeranong again in the time it takes the bus to travel from Gungahlin to Tuggeranong via the rest of Canberra.

It is good to see the bus being cut down to a more sane length. Hopefully it will be replicated in other town centres soon. It could replace a lot of existing bus services quite easily, and be much more useful than many of them.


1 comment October 2nd, 2009 at 01:03pm

Canberra drivers can’t drive in the wet

I can not believe how many car accidents I saw over the weekend, especially considering the fact that I only spent about four hours on the road in that time.

I passed three crashes which were being attended by the police, two of them were single vehicle accidents, the other looked like it should have been a single vehicle accident and the other driver found themself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Add to that the four or five abandoned wrecks I drove past and the person who nearly flew out of their lane in to my rear right quarter, and I’m left wondering what caused the carnage.

It really wasn’t that wet over the weekend. We had muddy rain on Friday night which limited my visibility because I couldn’t be bothered washing the car…but the vast majority of crashes occurred last night, by which time more, mostly light rain had washed away the mud. It probably comes down to a combination of people underestimating how wet the roads are after the rain stops, and Saturday nights probably having a higher number of drink-drivers.

In many ways I think Canberra’s roads are more dangerous after the rain than during it…the weekend that just passed seems to lend credence to that theory.


September 28th, 2009 at 05:43am

Canberra Radio Ratings #2, 2009

Originally filed at 12:13am, September 24
Updates are now complete. All ratings data is below.

Nielsen will release the 2nd and last Canberra radio ratings for 2009 later today and, as usual, I’ll post the results here when they come in.

The figures were sent to radio stations yesterday and some details have leaked. According to Jock’s Journal, 104.7 leads the pack on 18.3% and Mix 106.3 is in 2nd place on 18%. This means that 104.7 have retained first place, but lost audience share, dropping from 20.5%. 666 ABC Canberra have been bumped from 2nd place and have lost audience share, they were on 19%. Mix have climbed from 3rd to 2nd and gained audience, jumping from 16% to 18%.

Unlike the ratings for “metropolitan markets”, the publicly released ratings for Canberra are only overall figures and not shift-by-shift and age group figures, which means those figures get selectively released in the press releases from the stations…and in leaks. So far all that I have heard is a figure which relates to 2CC…apparently the Mark Parton breakfast show, the Steve Price morning show and weekends all increased their audience share, while the Mike Welsh drive show lost audience share. I’m awaiting confirmation of this. (Update: Breakfast audience share didn’t move but the number of listeners went up, and evenings went up as well)

More details to follow.

Update: The ratings are in, and we have shift-by-shift figures as well.

1st: FM 104.7 18.3% (down from 20.5%)
2nd: Mix 106.3 18.0% (up from 16.0%)
3rd: 666 ABC Canberra 16.1% (down from 19.0%)
4th: JJJ 13.5% (up from 8.8%)
5th: ABC Radio National 7.5% (up from 6.9%)
6th: ABC Classic FM 7.4% (down from 7.7%)
7th: 2CC 6.3% (up from 5.6%)
8th: Combined unlisted 5.4% (down from 5.5%)
9th: 2CA 4.1% (down from 5.9%)
10th: ABC NewsRadio 3.4% (down from 4.1%)

Summary graph

Summary since Survey 1, 2005
Summary Historic graph

Gains and losses this survey
JJJ +4.7
Mix 106.3 +2.0
2CC +0.7
ABC Radio National +0.6
Combined Unlisted -0.1
ABC Classic FM -0.3
ABC NewsRadio -0.7
2CA -1.8
FM 104.7 -2.2
666 ABC Canberra -2.9
Gains and losses graph

Gains and losses since Survey 1, 2005
Gains and losses Historic graph

Leaderboard positions since Survey 1, 2005
Leaderboard graph

Click here to download the full Nielsen summary including shift-by-shift and demographic data. (link fixed…my usual trick of uploading to the wrong folder, sorry)

I’ll come back and update this with further details, including a summary of shifts later on. Unfortunately I don’t have any time to do so right now.

Update 3:23pm: OK, back again, and time to go in to detail about the ratings, and as I’m in the unusual position of having a metro-market style report in my possession, I might as well cover the shift-by-shift and demographic figures, albeit without graphs as I’m not going to drastically alter my spreadsheet for what is probably a once off occurrence. This will take a little while so I’ll update the page every few minutes as I go.

Incidentally, I see that the less detailed public report is now online as well.

Weekdays 5:30am-Midnight
1st: FM 104.7 (19.7%)
2nd: Mix 106.3 (18.3%)
3rd: 666 ABC Canberra (16.2%)
4th: JJJ (13%)
5th: ABC Radio National (7.6%)
6th: ABC Classic FM (7.0%)
7th: 2CC (5.9%)
8th: 2CA (3.9%)
9th: ABC NewsRadio (3.4%)
Unlisted: 5%

Weekday Breakfast 5:30am-9am
1st: 666 ABC Canberra (21.0%)
2nd: FM 104.7 (18.8%)
3rd: Mix 106.3 (17.1%)
4th: ABC Radio National (11.5%)
5th: JJJ (9.2%)
Equal 6th: NewsRadio (4.9%)
Equal 6th: 2CC (4.9%)
8th: ABC Classic FM (4.7%)
9th: 2CA (4%)
Unlisted: 3.9%

Weekday Mornings 9am-Midday
1st: Mix 106.3 (21.2%)
2nd: FM 104.7 (16.5%)
3rd: JJJ (14.3%)
4th: 666 ABC Canberra (14.0%)
5th: ABC Classic FM (9.0%)
6th: 2CC (8.5%)
7th: 2CA (5.1%)
8th: ABC Radio National (4.8%)
9th: NewsRadio (2.2%)
Unlisted: 4.4%

Weekday Afternoons Midday-4pm
1st: Mix 106.3 (22.5%)
2nd: FM 104.7 (19.3%)
3rd: JJJ (16%)
4th: 666 ABC Canberra (12.8%)
5th: ABC Classic FM (8.3%)
6th: 2CC (6.0%)
7th: 2CA (4%)
8th: ABC Radio National (3.9%)
9th: NewsRadio (1.7%)
Unlisted: 5.5%

Weekday Drive 4pm-7pm
1st: FM 104.7 (27.1%)
2nd: Mix 106.3 (16.5%)
3rd: 666 ABC Canberra (13.5%)
4th: JJJ (12.4%)
5th: ABC Radio National (7.9%)
6th: ABC Classic FM (7.7%)
7th: NewsRadio (3.5%)
8th: 2CA (3.4%)
9th: 2CC (3.2%)
Unlisted: 4.8%

Weekday Evenings 7pm-Midnight
1st: 666 ABC Canberra (18%)
2nd: JJJ (17.6%)
3rd: FM 104.7 (15.8%)
4th: 2CC (9.7%)
5th: Mix 106.3 (9.4%)
6th: ABC Radio National (8.5%)
Equal 7th: ABC Classic FM (5.5%)
Equal 7th: NewsRadio (5.5%)
9th: 2CA (1.7%)
Unlisted: 8.3%

Weekends 5:30am-Midnight
1st: Mix 106.3 (16.9%)
2nd: 666 ABC Canberra (15.7%)
3rd: JJJ (15.1%)
4th: FM 104.7 (13.6%)
5th: ABC Classic FM (8.9%)
6th: 2CC (7.6%)
7th: ABC Radio National (7.1%)
8th: 2CA (5%)
9th: NewsRadio (3.1%)
Unlisted: 7%

Demographics (age groups), 5:30-Midnight every day
1st: FM 104.7 (47.1%)
2nd: Mix 106.3 (27.2%)
3rd: JJJ (13.8%)
4th: 666 ABC Canberra (3.3%)
5th: 2CA (2.4%)
6th: ABC Radio National (1.8%)
7th: NewsRadio (1.5%)
8th: ABC Classic FM (0.4%)
9th: 2CC (0.3%)
Unlisted: 2.2%

1st: JJJ (40.7%)
2nd: FM 104.7 (37.5%)
3nd: Mix 106.3 (10.2%)
4th: 666 ABC Canberra (2.4%)
5th: 2CC (2.3%)
6th: NewsRadio (1.3%)
7th: ABC Radio National (0.7%)
8th: ABC Classic FM (0.3%)
9th: 2CA (0%)
Unlisted: 4.6%

1st: FM 104.7 (29.6%)
2nd: Mix 106.3 (23.5%)
3rd: JJJ (22.8%)
4th: 666 ABC Canberra (8.6%)
5th: NewsRadio (3.5%)
6th: 2CC (2.7%)
7th: ABC Radio National (2.5%)
8th: 2CA (1.6%)
9th: ABC Classic FM (1.4%)
Unlisted: 3.8%

1st: Mix 106.3 (29.1%)
2nd: 666 ABC Canberra (18.9%)
3rd: FM 104.7 (13.4%)
4th: ABC Radio National (8.3%)
5th: 2CA (6.6%)
6rd: JJJ (6.2%)
7th: 2CC (5.5%)
8th: ABC Classic FM (3.7%)
9th: NewsRadio (3.4%)
Unlisted: 4.9%

1sy: 666 ABC Canberra (27.2%)
2nd: ABC Classic FM (18.9%)
3rd: ABC Radio National (14.3%)
4th: 2CC (12.4%)
5th: Mix 106.3 (6.3%)
6th: 2CA (6.1%)
7th: NewsRadio (4.4%)
8th: JJJ (1.6%)
9th: FM 104.7 (1%)
Unlisted: 7.8%

Music Vs Talk
Music 61.3% (up from 58.9%)
Talk 33.3% (down from 35.6%)
Combined Unlisted 5.4% (down from 5.5%)
Markets Survey 2 2009

Music Vs Talk since survey 1 2005
Markets History

Music Vs Talk: Average per station
Music 12.26% (up from 11.78%)
Talk 8.325% (down from 8.90%)

ABC Vs Commercial
ABC 47.9% (up from 46.5%)
Commercial 46.7% (down from 48.0%)
Combined Unlisted 5.4% (down from 5.5%)
Type Survey 2 2009

ABC Vs Commercial since survey 1 2005
Type History

ABC Vs Commercial average per station
ABC 9.58% (up from 9.30%)
Commercial 11.675% (down from 12.00%)

AM 34.0% (down from 37.4%)
FM 60.6% (up from 57.1%)
Combined Unlisted 5.4% (down from 5.5%)
AM Vs FM Survey 2 2009

AM Vs FM since survey 1 2005
AM Vs FM History

AM Vs FM average per station
AM 8.50% (down from 9.35%)
FM 12.12% (up from 11.42%)

Company Results
This is a new rating which I have introduced for this survey and produced backdata for, comparing the audience share of the companies who own the radio stations. Participating in the Canberra Ratings are:
Canberra FM Radio (Mix 106.3 and FM 104.7)
Capital Radio (2CC and 2CA)
ABC (666, Radio National, NewsRadio, Classic FM)

ABC 47.9% (up from 46.5%)
Canberra FM Radio 36.3% (down from 36.5%)
Capital Radio Network 10.4% (down from 11.5%)
Combined Unlisted 5.4% (down from 5.5%)
Companies Survey 2 2009

Company Results since survey 1 2005
Companies History

Compan Results average per station
ABC 9.58% (up from 9.30%)
Canberra FM Radio 18.15% (down from 18.25%)
Capital Radio Network 5.20% (down from 5.75%)


2 comments September 24th, 2009 at 11:48am

Canberra Hail Alert

It’s hailing in Reid at the moment and it’s heavy.


September 23rd, 2009 at 12:37am

No Geraldine, I think not

Geraldine Nordfeldt has written a short story on page 18 of today’s The Canberra Times about the Mike Welsh/Michael Thompson documentary All Talk which was launched on Tuesday. The article is rather good for a game of “spot the errors”.

All Talk article from page 18 of The Canberra Times, Saturday, September 19, 2009

OK, from the top.

spent three years interviewing five of their most passionate and quirkiest listeners.

It was probably three years or more from the time the idea was conceived to the final product, but filming started in 2007, not 2006.

Lon Morgan [..] spends many hours riding his bike with his radio strapped to the handlebars in Dickson, where he made a special crossing for his cat.

I’m pretty sure that you’d be more likely to find Lon’s radio dangling from his neck…but I’ll have to watch the video again to confirm it.

Lon’s cat crossing is on his driveway, not in some random part of the Dickson shops as implied by the article.

Former school teacher Betty Gill is not very tolerant of the current generation

When did she say that Geraldine? I don’t recall that being in the documentary, or being her general demeanour at the launch. She’s not afraid to use her sharp tongue on people who cross her, but that’s not the same thing.

while local blogger Samuel Gordon Stuart spends many hours recording radio and making news tapes.

Ummm, what? Firstly, you got my name wrong Geraldine. Blogger’s name + Google = Accuracy. Gordon hyphen ess tee eee double-you ‘ey are tee.

Secondly, if only I had the time and storage space of Media Monitors…I’d love to record hours of radio. I record it occasionally Geraldine, very occasionally.

And what in seventy-three types of manufactured magnetic audio cassettes are “news tapes”? Are you perhaps referring to the brief bit of footage from a couple years ago where I was reading the news for Australian Independent Radio News?

Unfortunately Bruce “The Goose” died during filming

The late Bruce “The Goose” Bennett sadly passed away on the afternoon of the 25th of June, 2007, a couple months before filming. (I sent an email to Stuart Bocking about it, which is why I can be sure of the date).

I suppose this all just gives me more reason to write about the documentary…and an angle to work with, as I’ve been struggling to decide how to approach it given that I don’t think I can write a review due to my involvement.


4 comments September 19th, 2009 at 02:41pm

Jane Turner’s final day

Whilst Jane presented her final news bulletin for 2CC and 2CA a few days ago, she is still working there. Today is Jane’s final day with Capital Radio. Susie Thompson takes her place on Monday.

Jane is heading back to Tasmania, and I, for one, wish her all the best. Her dulcet tones will be missed in Canberra.


4 comments September 18th, 2009 at 06:01am

Braddon is not Reid

This irritates me every time they do it…which seems to be every time they talk about the area. ACT Police seem to not understand that Ainslie Avenue is the border between Reid and Braddon, and that the Allawah and Currong flats are in Braddon.

ACT Policing is seeking witnesses to a weekend assault and robbery involving multiple offenders and victims that occurred near the Allawah Flats in Reid on Saturday night (29 August).

I’m sick of ACT Policing tarnishing my suburb with the deeds which occur in Braddon. If it happens again, I’m writing to them, and to every editor of a newspaper (or publication which pretends to be a newspaper) in Canberra.


8 comments September 1st, 2009 at 08:13am

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