Posts filed under 'Canberra Stories'

Canberra Storm Update

It would appear that the Bureau Of Meteorology aren’t overly fussed about the chance of storms in the next few days:

Current Weather Situation and Future Developments
A high pressure ridge in the Tasman Sea combined with a low pressure trough over NSW is resulting in a moist east to northeast airstream and unstable conditions with showers and isolated thunderstorms forecast over the local area. This moist airflow and instability is forecast to persist for the next few days with continued shower and isolated thunderstorm activity through to the middle of the week. A ridge of high pressure should bring a return to fine weather towards the end of the week.

Forecast for Monday
A few showers and the chance of a thunderstorm. Mild and partly cloudy with moderate east to northeast winds.

Forecast for Tuesday
A few showers and the chance of a thunderstorm, mainly during the afternoon. Mild and mostly cloudy with moderate east to northeast winds.

Hopefully they are right.


January 1st, 2007 at 01:34pm

Rain, Hail, Blue and Orange Alerts

Living in reid, and receiving some mild showers with a nice lightning show, it is hard to believe that only a few kilometres away in the Tuggeranong area there has been a huge hail storm, causing plenty of property (mainly roof) damage, and even a mudslide which has closed the Monaro Highway.

Whilst I have been keeping an eye on the storm situation (this was the third storm in as many days), I was powerless to do anything about reporting on it as I was offline for most of the day.

An “orange alert” was issued by the Emergency Services Authority, and in theory this should have prompted the broadcast of the Standard Emergency Warning Signal (all to familiar from the 2003 bushfire), I didn’t hear it anywhere…I did hear and see the warning being broadcast, but as far as I can tell the SEWS was not used, which should be enough to prompt a reprimand from the Emergency Services Authority.

I unfortunately need to signal out 2CC for a reprimand here, as they haven’t even bothered to update their weather reports to reflect the storm warning. The warning was cancelled at 11:10pm by the Bureau of Meteorology, however a blue warning is still in place from the ESA. Whilst 2UE did their best to keep 2CC listeners informed, 2CC should really have, at the very least, broadcast the warnings with a local presenter or newsreader. They have done well on the other storm days, but the latest effort was shocking and non-existent.

This website does not come under the provisions of broadcast media regulations, and as such I am not required to publish storm warnings, however I do aim to do so when possible. I do, in fact, have the SEWS on standby, and if I had been online I would have recorded the warning and embedded it on the page, along with a transcript of the warning. Whilst I hope to never actually have to publish an orange or red level emergency warning, inevitably it will happen, and I will do my best to bring the information to you. I apoligise for not being able to do so in the latest storm.

As for 2CC, as it was late in the afternoon on new year’s eve when the storm struck, I can understand why they may have had trouble getting someone in to handle the situation. That being said, they have a responsibility as a broadcaster, and I hope they seriously evaluate their response to the storm.

The ABC had a couple interesting updates on the storm, at 8:04pm they wrote:

Emergency service crews have been inundated with calls for help this afternoon as the ACT is pounded by a third severe thunderstorm in as many days.

Police say several houses have been affected by flash flooding in Tuggeranong and there are reports of motorists trapped in their cars by rising flood waters in Belconnen.

A mudslide has blocked the Monaro Highway between Calwell and Royalla.

At 12:18am they wrote:

Canberra’s storm warning has been revised down to a “blue” alert, with emergency services believing the worst of the hail storms that hit the city overnight are behind them.

Emergency services were inundated with calls for help this afternoon as the ACT was pounded by a third severe thunderstorm in as many days.

A mudslide has blocked the Monaro Highway between Calwell and Royalla in New South Wales.

Many of Canberra’s suburban streets were flooded, but the water has since receded.

Tony Graham from the ACT State Emergency Service says they have received more than 140 calls for help.

“The rain was so heavy and some areas, particularly the southern suburbs of Canberra, had a fair amount of hail,” he said.

“It hit so heavily that there was a fair amount of roof damage and then following on from the was some localised flooding.”


12 comments January 1st, 2007 at 02:55am

Astrologer Milton Black predicts a tough year for ACT Chief Turnip Jon Stanhope

Just before 3am this morning, 2UE’s John Kerr chatted with Canberra based astrologer Milton Black, one of the most notable astrologers in the world, about the year ahead. During the conversation they discussed the year ahead for ACT Chief Turnip, and it is with great personal pleasure that I can announce that Milton did not like Mr. Stanhope’s prospects.

John Kerr: What about the man…you’re in Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory, Mr. Stanhope the Chief Administrator of the ACT…good year for him in ’07?

Milton Black: Uh no, not a particularly good one, and I think a lot of this would be basically because of the findings in the report over the Canberra fire three or four years ago, and also the fact that Canberra seems to be running out of money and it seems to be running out of a lot of water, now it’s not his problem with the water but they are blaming it on the Chief Minister for not preparing dams and using other means of conserving water in the past. But I do feel that’s completely out of his hands too, but his popularity is dropping.

I would say Mr. Stanhope will find it very difficult to maintain his premiership or leadership as the Chief Minister in the next election.

Among Milton’s other predictions on John’s show this morning:

On the international front:

  • Very extreme and unusual aspects in the astrological calendar for 2007 causing a rather difficult year globally, including dramatic political changes.
  • Governments around the world making more of an effort to exist peacefully.
    More pressure for governments to provide more aid to underpriviliged parts of the world, to little success.
  • Global stock markets will be very volatile.
  • Kyoto protocol to lose a lot global popularity.
  • Much more rain (hooray!), amazing rain and snow storms, and plenty more cyclones, typhoons etc.
  • An increase in air disasters.
  • Oil prices to rise in February, but mostly stable for the rest of the year.

On the national front:

  • Major political and economic events to be influenced by solar and lunar eclipses on the 4th and 19th of March, 8th of August, 11th of September.
  • John Howard to have a good year, but June and July could be bad months for him.
  • Kevin Rudd to have a slow and frustrating year, and move into a very bad time in 2009-2011.
  • The federal election to occur in September or October, with John Howard winning.
  • A generally good year for the Australian economy.
  • Inflation will increase in January and February.
  • Interest rate rise in March to be one of up to three rises in 2007, with general acceptance from the public.
  • Real Estate prices to level out, and drop slightly.
  • A year of major corporate takeovers.
  • Peter Costello to have a hard year, and will not be the next coalition Prime Minister.


2 comments December 31st, 2006 at 05:07am

Rain again!

There has been more rain in Canberra today, but thankfully it appeared to be void of strong winds and hail.

Today I’ve recorded another rain video, I’m going to see if Google Video can handle it properly.


Update 6:20pm: I had a nap and came back to the computer to find my face staring at me from a Google Video upload successful screen!

The rain is now gone and there is a bit of blue sky. The rain is good, but we, along with many other parts of the nation, need more.

End Update

Update 6:44pm: And for those who prefer the original video, click here. (One reason that I place the original video online is that it is otherwise impossible for the video to be preserved by the National Library’s PANDORA Archive, as Google and YouTube videos are not “on site”).
End Update

Update 7:54pm: ABC’s Television news had pictures of hail in southern Canberra…it looks like the hail situtation was reversed today. Yesterday the hail was up my end of town, with virtually no rain or hail in southern Canberra, today it was hailing in southern Canberra, and merely raining in northern Canberra. Incidentally the rain started again while I was taking Nattie for her evening walk, we enjoyed it, although I didn’t start “singing in the rain”! End Update

6 comments December 30th, 2006 at 05:17pm

Here We Go Again

The Burea Of Meteorology has just issued a storm warning eerily similar to the one they issued yesterday.

The Bureau says the storm may produce large hailstones, very heavy rainfall and flash flooding over the next several hours.
Residents are advised to put cars undercover, secure loose items, move indoors and shelter any pets or animals.

As per usual if you require assistance from the ACT State Emergency Service they can be contacted on 6207 8444, but for life threatening ememgencies please contact 000.


December 30th, 2006 at 02:17pm

National Museum Declared Safe, But More Storms To Follow

AAP have announced that the National Museum did not sustain structural damage during yesterday’s hailstorm.

The National Museum of Australia has no major structural damage .. despite a ceiling collapse during a freak hailstorm yesterday.
Museum spokesman .. DENNIS GRANT .. says a structural engineer had assessed the damage and says it can be repaired without any major affect to the structure of the building.
During the storm yesterday the ceiling collapsed on an administrative block .. with some paintings on temporary display soaked.
The Museum is still assessing the exact cost of the damage.
The popular tourist destination will be closed for the day as clean up operations continue.

However the Bureau Of Meteorology have an ominous forecast on offer.

A high pressure ridge in the Tasman Sea combined with a low pressure trough over central NSW is resulting in a moist east to northeast airstream and unstable conditions over the region. Showers and isolated thunderstorms are forecast over the south coast and local area today. It is possible that any thunderstorms that develop may become severe this afternoon and evening. This moist airflow and instability is forecast to persist for several days with continued shower and isolated thunderstorm activity into the New Year.

No warnings are currently in place, and we can only hope that no warnings will need to be put in place.


December 30th, 2006 at 11:56am

Blue Warning For ACT and Surrounds

The ACT Emergency Services Authroity has issued a “Blue Warning” in response to storms which have swept through Canberra and surrounds. 2CC is reporting that a section of roof at the National Museum has collapsed and that there is localised flooding in sections of Canberra. The SES have received 10 calls for assistance.

If you require assistance from the ACT State Emergency Service they can be contacted on 6207 8444, but for life threatening ememgencies please contact 000.

The storm caused heavy rain, some wind, some hail and plenty of thunderstorm activity in my area. I captured the action on video. At the time of writing this article the video was still being processed by YouTube and should be available in a couple minutes.

(Broken YouTube video removed and Google Video added–12:08am December 31)

Update 5:34pm: The number of calls for assistance to the SES has now jumped to 22. The damage to the roof at the National Museum isn’t too bad, emergency services are currently assessing the situation. Still waiting for YouTube to catch up!End Update

Update 6:48pm: Well YouTube is taking an awfully long time to process the video, so I’ve uploaded it here. It can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here. End Update


10 comments December 29th, 2006 at 05:19pm

Festively Missing Newsreaders

It looks like 2CC and 2CA’s weekend newsreaders are missing in a suspected case of festively-induced absences.

Yesterday, weekday morning newsreader Jane Turner was reading the news, and as such her pre-recorded weather forecasts have been playing overnight as per standard procedure, it is unusual to have the weekday morning newsreader reading the Saturday news.

This morning we have had two scheduled local bulletins turn into 2UE feed bulletins. Laura Tunstall and the team at 2UE are doing a great job, but I have to wonder how long it will be until a newsreader takes over at 2CC. As unusual as it is for the weekday morning newsreader to read Saturday news, it is even more unusual for 2CC to not have a local newsreader (either scheduled or fill-in) by the 6:30 bulletin.

I can only hope they have one by 7am, as Jane’s weather is now a tad long in the tooth as it refers to last night as “tonight” and it is now daylight outside.

That being said, all is forgiven as it is the festive season and radio stations do strange things around the festive season!

Update shortly after 7am: Welcome to 2CC’s newest weather reporter, Mike Frame! Still waiting for a newsreader. End Update

Update 7:30: Still a 2UE feed…I’m starting to wonder if this was an unusual Christmas Eve way of handling the news. End Update

Update 9:05am: Regardless of what happened (and I think it was a newsreader not turning up) 2CC have clearly decided to just use the 2UE feed and have Mike Frame do the weather. It will be interesting to see how Mike goes at fitting the weather in the allocated timeslots for the automation this afternoon and tonight. End Update

Update 12:10pm: I nearly fell over when I heard Francis Keany presenting the weather after a 2UE-feed news bulletin. I was looking forward to hearing Mike’s voice reading the pre-recorded weather for the next 18 hours, but alas he has just disappeared on holidays after a sterling effort as the fill-in weatherman, and Francis will be the first local voice on Christmas day at 12:04:40 after the 2CC weather intro. I’ll run through a list of lineup changes on Boxing Day once I get my head around them.End Update


9 comments December 24th, 2006 at 06:43am


The sky is blue, water is blue, water is falling from above, the sky is above, therefore the sky is falling and made out of water.

It’s nice to see a good few drops and then some of drenching rain here in Canberra.


December 23rd, 2006 at 03:55pm

16 Schools Saved, 23 To Close

The ACT Government’s school closure announcement has been made. Of the 39 originally planned for closure, 23 will close and 16 will remain open.

11 preschools, 11 primary schools and one high school will close.

Schools to stay open:
Chifley preschool
Dickson College
Flynn preschool
Gilmore preschool
Gilmore primary
Giralang primary
Hackett preschool
Hall preschool
Isabella Plains primary
Melba preschool
Mt Neighbour preschool
Mt Rogers primary
Reid preschool
South Curtin preschool
Tharwa preschool
Weston Creek preschool

School to close at the end of next week:
Causeway preschool
Flynn primary
Hall primary
McKellar preschool
Melrose primary
Mt Neighbour primary
Rivett preschool
Rivett primary
Tharwa primary
Weston Creek primary

Schools to close at the end of 2007:
Cook preschool
Cook primary
Giralang preschool
Kambah High
Macarthur preschool
Page preschool
Village Creek primary

Schools to close at the end of 2008:
Higgins preschool
Higgins primary
Holt preschool
Holt primary
Isabella Plains preschool

Schools to close at the end of 2010:
Village Creek preschool

Change in 2007:
Stromlo High School changes from years 7-10 to years 6-10

Changes in 2008:
All preschools to amalgamate with primary schools (forming schools Preschool to Year 2, Preschool to Year 6 and Preschool to Year 10)

Chishom Preschool, Chisholm Primary and Caroline Chisholm High become Chisholm Community School (Preschool to Year 10)

Harrison school accepts Preschool to Year 6 enrolments eventually to be Preschool to Year 10)

Hawker Preschool, Hawker Primary School, Belconnen High and Hawker College establish closer links and become Hawker Collegiate.

Melba High School and Copland College become Melba Copland Secondary School (two campuses, one administration)

Changes in 2009:
Isabella Plains Primary Preschool to Year 6 reduced to Preschool to Year 2

Lyons Primary Preschool to Year 6 reduced to Preschool to Year 2

Narrabundah Primary Preschool to Year 6 reduced to Preschool to Year 2

Southern Cross Primary P-6 reduced to Preschool to Year 2

West Belconnen School established (Preschool to 10)

Change in 2010:
Gungahlin Secondary College established (Year 11-12)

Change in 2011:
Tuggeranong School established (Pre-school to Year 10)

Thanks to the ABC for the written information on school changes.


2 comments December 13th, 2006 at 04:02pm

Autocue fails on Win News

I was just watching the first few stories on Win News Late Edition and it looks like the autocue has failed at Win Television’s Kingston studios. From the moment the bulletin started, Peter leonard was constantly switching between looking at the camera and reading from the desk. To Peter’s credit, he clearly pre-read the bulletin and had memorised a fair bit of it. Well done Peter.

Hopefully Win get the autocue fixed soon.


2 comments December 12th, 2006 at 11:44pm

Never let a bolted horse get in the way of a loopy protest

I thought Save The Ridge were dead and buried…I was wrong. I thought that having Gungahlin Drive near completion would spell the end of anti-Gungahlin Drive protests…I was wrong. People against Gungahlin Drive will not use it when it opens…just wait, I’ll be wrong.

Today the ACT Government is holding a public walking tour of part of Gungahlin Drive, Save The Ridge are going to “peacefully” gatecrash the event, presumably with megaphones and banners.

Save The Ridge are a cunning mob, they know they no longer have the numbers to mount any sort of protest, so they “urgently” enlist the help of various “Save xyz School” groups, claiming that the money being spent on the Gungahlin Drive Extension is being diverted away from schools, buses etc. They forget a couple important points:

  1. Budget: It may have been a bad one, but Gungahlin Drive was in there
  2. Those peksy court costs: Those agonising years of stalling in the courts by STR cost an awful lot of money…and helped to blow out the cost of the road

I don’t know what they expect the government to do…unbuilding the road would cost more money so that doesn’t help, cancelling the road would be an utter waste and leave a large mess…but might provide a poorly placed dragway (could offset aeroplane noise if the Tralee development goes ahead).

The horse has bolted, it’s won the race, and is about to receive the trophy, but for what it’s worth, Save The Ridge are having an encore comedy performance. Enjoy the press release (emphasis as per the press release).

WHAT: Community Rally to Protest the Opening of the First Stage of the Gungahlin Drive Extension and the Negative Impact the Massive Cost Overruns have had on the Public Transport, Education and Community Sector

TIME AND DATE: 10am, Sunday 10 December

WHERE: Gungahlin Drive Extension junction with Ginninderra Drive
(parking at the GDE site office, off Masterman St, Bruce. Transport is being provided between there and the start of a community walk)

ASSISTANCE: STR needs the URGENT community support to assist with leafleting, letterboxing and postering. Please email or call Paul Oboohov on 0417 048 217 to volunteer some time.


ABOUT: The first section of the Gungahlin Drive Extension (GDE), between Ginninderra Drive and the Barton Highway, will be officially opened by the ACT government on Sunday 10 December. The ACT government has scheduled a community walk / cycle at 10am on the GDE between Ginninderra Drive and Ellenborough St to “celebrate the opening”, see

The Save the Ridge Committee invites you to attend a peaceful protest at this event, to make the following points:

* The cost of the 9km GDE, one of the most expensive non tunnelled single lane roads in Australia’s history, is being recouped partly through the closure of 39 schools in the ACT, as well as a raft of cutbacks including scaled back ACTION bus services, library closures, social programs cut, reducing ACT Government employee superannuation entitlements from 15.4% to 9% and significant increases of government taxes and charges;

* The GDE is being built at a time of trend petrol price rises not seen since the early 1980’s. With massive increases in petrol demand in some of the world’s most populous developing nations, cheap oil is a thing of the past and nationally climate change issues are now near the top of the community’s concerns. Like the Australian Government, the ACT Government has taken almost no action on the issue. An important first step would be a significant investment in an electrified rapid transit system with a commitment to power it through green energy purchases. With no carbon emissions, this would make significant progress on improving the Territory’s per capita greenhouse gas emission profile;

* According to Canberra Times reports (Canberra Times, Dec 2), until recently the GDE construction has used almost 0.5 (approx. 0.41)% of Canberra’s potable water supply at a time of unprecedented water restrictions. It will continue to require water, but from a new greywater source. The cost of this appears to be the Government reneging on the promise to rehabilitate 20 sportgrounds for community use due to their being insufficient available water because of the drought;

* The GDE has come at an incalculable environmental cost with the destruction of significant linkages in Canberra’s high conservation value urban bush. The ACT Government’s rhetoric of suggesting it will become the first capital city in the world to achieve environmental status under UNESCO (Canberra Sunday Times, 3 December 2006) is farcical with the wholesale vandalism of Kaleen Grasslands, Bruce/O’Connor Ridges and Black Mountain Reserve. Numerous studies by university researchers have found Black Mountain Reserve to be a world class area for biodiversity, the position advocated by STR and supported by world class members of the broader scientific community since the 1990’s;

* Community members and experts recognise that bush regions ACT Government have preserved are so small and fragmented, that the richness of their ecology is not likely to be sustainable in the long term. This is largely due to the threat to fauna when migrating between areas and from domestic animals. The Government’s proposal for the fossil fuel based Belconnen to Civic busway is another example of how little value these pockets of bush have to the ACT Government and how they are only perceived to have value if they can encourage further construction activity along the corridors; and

* The ACT Arboretum site will now be the final home for almost 200,000 cubic metres of unnecessary GDE fill that was trucked in from various construction sites around Canberra to build the GDE. After it has already arrived, it was determined that there was already a surplus of fill on site and this fill was not necessary. In addition, 170,000 cubic metres of soil from the site will also be sent to the Arboretum to permit further construction of the road. Almost 400,000 cubic metres of soil will now be relocated to the Arboretum site. This farce is characteristic of the repeated failures throughout the entire GDE planning, approvals and construction process.

Placards will be available, but if you wish, please bring one of your own. A placard and banner making workshop will be held at 2pm on Saturday 9 December in the Rocks meeting hall. Please come along and help create a range of interesting statements.

Speakers include, but are not limited to:

* Alex Pollard, ACT Peak Oil;
* Meredith Hunter, ACT Greens candidate for the seat of Fraser; and
* Allan Lohe, former Save the Ridge Chairperson

If you can suggest any additional speakers, please contact Paul Oboohov on ph 0417 048 217.

More information may be found on the STR website,

We hope to see you on Sunday.

The Save the Ridge Committee

Blast…I should have saved that one for Friday…would have made a good Friday Funny.


4 comments December 10th, 2006 at 06:11am

Meanwhile at 2CA…

Another shakeup is in progress.

Simon Pulis, Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer

Morning presenter Simon Pulis (holding the camera to the left of the photo above) is entering his final week with the station, he will be replaced next year by ex Mix 104.9 Darwin announcer/music director Gerry Nyein (don’t ask me how to pronounce it…I think voiceover man Ron E. Sparks will also need guidance on that one). Oddly enough, Mix 104.9 is a John Laws network station, and Gerry will be competing with Laws as 2CA’s morning presenter.

Apparently, Simon Pulis is moving back to Sydney, he isn’t the first person from Capital Radio to do that this year, as newsreader James Creegan did the same thing.

The rest of the movements involve breakfast boys Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer.

Paul Blunt and Leighton Archer

Leighton (on the right) has taken over as 2CA’s program director from Drive presenter and music director Gregg Easton. For Capital Radio, PD and MD have both been juggled positions…in other words, you juggle your on-air and off-air roles, so the following job advertisement should make it pretty clear what else is happening.

Breakfast Co-Host
07 Dec 2006
Canberra’s 1053 2CA is looking for a new Breakfast Co-Host.

If You

# Don’t mind early starts and can target a 40+ audience.
# Have a bubbly, positive personality and are passionate about making great radio.
# Are a team player and have great research skills.
# Can come up with creative ideas and content for the show every day.
# Don’t mind living in a great city with more restaurants per capita than any other…

Then We

# Will pay you very well
# Give you a great Co-Host in return
# Create fantastic promotions for you to work with.
# And supply you with an endless supply of coffee. (We do brewed here)

2CA has a new boss, a new PD and an exciting new direction!
If you’re keen to join a fresh team that will make great radio in 2007 and beyond, then don’t waste any time, just send your resume and an air-check ASAP using the link below or post it to;

Leighton Archer
Program Director
P O Box 1053
Mitchell ACT 2911

Apply for this job via email now

Applications close 05 Jan 2007

I think it’s pretty clear that Paul Blunt is leaving the station…I don’t know where he’s going, but I’ll miss him. Best of luck Paul!


1 comment December 9th, 2006 at 11:20pm

Dickson College’s 30 Year Celebrations

As Jey correctly guessed the other day, I attended Dickson College’s 30 year celebrations on Friday afternoon.

I must admit that I was a bit underwhelmed by the whole thing…between the fashion parade, the various musical acts scattered through the buildings, the even more scattered food and drink, and the display of memorabilia in the library, I just thought the whole thing seemed very scattered and disjointed.

In isolation, the individual events were good, some mildly deafening, but good none-the-less, and the highlight of the event was almost certainly the sheer number of people who turned up, and the sheer number of Department of Education officials who were there to witness support the college has.

In fact, I think that was the whole point…have enough people turn up and appear interested in the college to show the Stanhope government that Dickson shouldn’t be closed.

It was also good to catch up with a few people I haven’t seen for a while (including an ex-Dickson student who was one of my high school teachers), and even revisit the Majura Cafe (wonderful coffee and carrot cake…and no noticeable yell-a-thons!).

The speeches were quite clearly politically motivated, and I didn’t expect anything else, but I just got the impression that the whole event was less of a “remember the last 30 years” event, and more of a “Save Dickson College” event…I think a better balance could have been acheived with a larger emphasis on the last 30 years, which would have in turn emphasised the reasons for keeping Dickson open, just without the overtly noticeable grandstanding (selling “Save Dickson” t-shirts for example).

Admittedly I do think the event had an impact on the Department Officials…but I’m not in the least bit surprised that the media seemed completely uninterested in the event. I did notice an ABC News and Current Affairs car parked at the college, and I’m certain they were looking to cover a birthday celebration…and then gave up once they looked around for a little while.

I do think that the rumoured plan of closing Copland College and keeping Dickson open is the likely plan, and I think the event on Friday helped the “Save Dickson” cause…but it really didn’t feel like a birthday…perhaps that was just the general mood of the people intent on saving the college…but I do have to hope that if, as Dickson College Board Chair Sally Rose suggested in her speech, these birthday celebrations become a five-yearly occurence, the furture events are a tad more jubilant and “birthdayish”.


7 comments November 21st, 2006 at 01:37pm

James Goodwin Heads Back To Radio

WIN News lose a great reporter today, because James Goodwin is heading back to the Parliament House Press Gallery.

James is moving to 2GB where he will fill a similar role to the one he filled with 2UE, of national political correspondent. James has apparently been recruited specifically to cover the upcoming federal election (my first vote…yay!) but I wouldn’t be surprised if 2GB have spotted some talent and their Current Affairs Director, Jason Morrison, has earmarked James for some fill-in work over the Christmas/New Year period…in fact, 2GB’s middawn fill-in George Gibson has recently had a heart operation and is (supposedly) taking it easy for a while…I wonder if James would be willing to try the middawn shift?

Anyway, I digress, James has been recruited for the election, and obviously for other federal political reporting activities. James has done an excellent job for WIN News, and I will miss seeing him on the TV each night…but the media is a game of random shuffles and people move an awful lot…in James’ case, I suspect it is for the better.

James will still fill-in on Capital Radio News (2CA/2CC) when he is required, and will in fact be filling in tomorrow morning, which reminds me that Capital Radio News should be back to normal on Monday with Jane Turner and Francis Keeny (I just get the feeling there’s a “H” in that name somewhere…and probably another “E”…and perhaps an “IE” instead of the “Y”…this will drive me nuts until I find out the correct spelling) back on deck in their normal roles.

Best of luck with the move James…I probably won’t hear much of you, but I’ll have to keep an ear out…maybe 2GB will get you to present one of their podcasts…if they setup a federal election podcast then I’m almost certain you’ll be hosting it!


17 comments November 17th, 2006 at 06:20am

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